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工作报告词汇 中英对照.docx

1、工作报告词汇 中英对照2012年政府工作报告词汇摘编2012年3月一、2011年工作回顾把握好政策实施的重点、力度和节奏Implement policies with the proper focus, force, and pace努力做到调控审慎灵活、适时适度Conduct prudent and flexible macro-control on a moderate scale and in a timely fashion提高政策的针对性、灵活性和前瞻性Make our polices more targeted, flexible, and forward-looking要素成本C

2、osts of factors of production综合施策Pursue policies in an integrated way搞活流通Boost distribution工业生产者出厂价格指数Producer Price Index (PPI)预调微调Anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning小微企业Small and micro businesses(政府债务是)可控的、安全的at a controllable and secure level.提高发展的协调性和产业的竞争力Make development more coordinated

3、and industries more competitive强农惠农富农Strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and enrich rural areas 有扶有控Support development in some areas while limiting growth in others增强发展后劲Increase sustainability of development 农村土地整治Improve rural land 农村危房改造Renovate dilapidated houses三网融合Integrate the telecommu

4、nications network, the radio and television broadcasting network, and the Internet云计算Cloud computing物联网The Internet of Things“十二五节能减排综合性工作方案”The Comprehensive Work Plan for Conserving Energy and Reducing Emissions“控制温室气体排放工作方案”The Work Plan for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions 解决饮水困难Provide acce

5、ss to potable water“加强环境保护重点工作的意见”The Guidelines on Strengthening Key Environmental Protection Tasks污水日处理能力Daily sewage treatment capacity脱硫设施Desulphurization systems天然林Virgin forest总体战略Master strategy 主体功能区Functional areas兴边富农Bring prosperity to border areas and the people there天宫一号目标飞行器Tiangong-1

6、space module 神舟八号飞船Shenzhou-8 spacecraft交会对接Dock with教育改革和发展规划纲要The Plan for Education Reform and Development“两基目标”The goals of making nine-year compulsory education universally available and basically eliminating illiteracy among young and middle-aged adults寄宿制学生Boarding school students生活补助Living a

7、llowances教师职称制度The system of conferring professional titles on teachers公益性文化事业Nonprofit cultural programs改革文化体制Reform the cultural system全民医保体系A medical insurance system that covers the whole population 政策范围内住院费用报销比例The reimbursement rate for hospitalization expenses covered by relevant policies重大疾病

8、医疗保障病种Major diseases for which medical treatment is insured新农合The new type of rural cooperative medical care system国家基本药物制度The national medical system for basic drugs政府办基层医疗卫生机构Community-level medical and health care institutions以创业带动就业Expand job opportunities through the creation of new businesses

9、低保补助Subsistence allowances一次性(的)Lump-sum农村五保户Childless and infirm rural residents who are entitled to five forms of support (food, clothing, medical care, housing, and burial expenses)社会救助和保障标准与物价上涨挂钩的联动机制A mechanism to increase social aid and social security benefits when consumer prices rise城镇基本养老

10、保险Basic old-age insurance for urban residents失业保险unemployment insurance工伤保险workers compensation insurance生育保险maternity insurance“老工伤”人员Persons who suffer from past work-related injuries工亡职工供养亲属Dependents of employees who lost their lives in work-related accidents养老保险跨地区转移接续Transfer pension accounts

11、between localities保障房退出Recall low-income housing加大安全生产监管,做好重特大安全事故的处置、调查、问责工作Intensify oversight and supervision of workplace safety and ensure that major accidents were fully investigated and those responsible were held accountable 非法添加物Illegal additives公共财政体系Public finance system预算外资金Extrabudgetar

12、y funds扩大国有资本经营预算实施范围Expand the scope of budgets for the use of state capital “三公经费”Spending on official overseas trips, official vehicles and official hospitality 原油、天然气资源税从价计征改革Price-based reform of resource taxes on crude oil and natural gas 营业税Business tax跨境贸易人民币结算The use of RMB in cross-border

13、trade settlement境外(外商)直接投资人民币结算Settle overseas (foreign) direct investment accounts in RMB集体林权改革Reform of tenure in collective forests国有林场改革Reform of state forestry farms 电网主辅分离改革重组Restructure power grids by separating their main business from auxiliary services上网电价和非居民用电价格调整Adjust the prices of on-

14、grid electricity and non-household electricity市场多元化战略The strategy of diversifying markets 征地拆迁Land expropriation and housing demolition二、2012年工作总体部署城镇登记失业率Registered urban unemployment与“十二五”规划目标逐步衔接Make it fit with targets in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan实现更长时期、更高水平、更好质量发展Achieve higher-level, higher-q

15、uality development over a longer period of time稳中求进Make progress while maintaining stability按照分类管理、区别对待、逐步化解的原则,继续妥善处理存量债务Deal with outstanding debts properly by classifying them into different categories and managing them accordingly, dealing with different situations differently, and resolving pro

16、blems gradually(实施稳健货币政策)按照总量适度、审慎灵活的原则Keep the total money and credit supply at an appropriate level and take a cautious yet flexible approach广义货币Broad money 市场主体Market participants汇率避险工具Tools to hedge foreign exchange risks跨境资本流动Cross-border flows of capital及时解决苗头性、倾向性问题Promptly resolve emerging i

17、ssues that signal unfavorable trends防止局部性问题变成全局性问题Prevent isolated problems from growing into major ones三、2012年主要任务物业、家政服务Property management and domestic services带薪休假制度System of paid vacations节水洁具Water-saving sanitation products节能汽车Energy-efficient vehicles城乡流通体系Urban-rural logistics system国务院关于鼓励引

18、导民间投资新36条The State Councils 36 new guidelines on encouraging and guiding non-governmental investment在建、续建项目Projects that are under construction or expansion社会总供求基本平衡Basic equilibrium in aggregate supply and demand落实好“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制Carry out the practice of holding provincial governors responsi

19、ble for the rice bag(grain supply) and city mayors for the Vegetable basket(non-grain food supply)重要商品产运销衔接Coordination of the production, transportation and the sale of important commodities主要农产品收储和投放Purchasing, storing, and marketing major agricultural products农产品批发市场Wholesale agricultural product

20、 markets 集贸市场Market fairs社区平价菜店Community-based, low-priced vegetable stores对接To establish direct supply contacts农产品流通企业Farm product distributors专业合作社Specialized farmer cooperatives种养大户Large family farms减少流通环节Reduce distribution links增加零售网点Increase retail outlets扩大物流企业营业税差额纳税试点范围Expand trials of a ta

21、x on the income of logistic enterprises after deductions推动流通标准化、信息化建设Promote standardized and information-based distributions乱收费乱罚款Unauthorized collection of charges and fines囤积居奇Hoarding and profiteering恶意炒作speculation把握舆论导向Lead public opinion稳定粮食种植面积Keep the area of land sown to grain crops stable

22、提高单产Increase per-unit yields提高粮食最低收购价Raise the minimum purchase price for grain/ floor price主产区利益补偿机制Mechanism for subsidizing major growing areas 新10年农村扶贫开发纲要The 2011-2020 rural poverty alleviation and development program农业科技创新Innovations in agro-science良种繁育Cultivating superior varieties and breeds

23、疫病防控Preventing and controlling animal and plant epidemics进基层农技推广服务体系The service system for spreading agricultural technology in villages灌区配套改造Upgrade water-saving facilities in irrigated areas土地开发整理复垦Develop, improve, and reclaim rural land 旱涝保收高标准基本农田Basic farmland that meets high drought and flood

24、 resistance standards山洪地质灾害综合防治Take comprehensive measures to prevent and mitigate geological disasters caused by mountain torrents土地确权登记颁证Determine, register and certify land ownership土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权Rights to the land they contract to work on, to the land on which their houses sit, and to pr

25、oceeds from collective undertakings农村集体土地征收补偿条例Regulations concerning compensation for the expropriation of rural collective land承包经营权流转Transfer of contracted land-use rights智能电网Smart power grids页岩气Shale gas能源通道建设The construction of energy transportation routes节能认证Certification of energy-efficient p

26、roducts能效标识Energy efficiency labeling细颗粒物Fine particulate matter退耕还林还草Turn vulnerable farmland into forests and grasslands石漠化Stony desert坡耕地Terraced farmland生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路Taking a path of civilized development which ensures that production increases, peoples living standards rise, and we live

27、 in a good ecological environment放宽中小城市落户条件Relax eligibility for registering as urban households in small and medium-sized cities留守儿童、留守妇女、留守老人Children, women, and old people who are left behind by rural migrant workers who work in the cities择校Paying to enroll their children in better schools学前教育、继续

28、教育、特殊教育Preschool, continuing and special education办好民族教育Do a good job educating ethnic minority students营造人才辈出、人尽其才、才尽其用的良好社会环境Create a favorable social environment for talented personnel to come to the fore in large numbers and tap their full potential全国统一的社会保障卡All-in-one national social security c

29、ards尿毒症Uraemia医药分开Medical care is separated from pharmacy operations管办分开Government management is separated form hospital operations城乡低保Urban and rural subsistence allowances以药补医The practice of using pharmacy profits to subsidize medical services对外开放的多元办医格局A system of hospitals with diversified owner

30、ship that is open to foreign participation民族医药事业The medical practices of ethnic minorities职业病Occupational disease提高人口出生质量Improve the health of infants流动人口Floating population宫颈癌Cervical cancer乳腺癌Breast cancer促进房价合理回归Bring property prices down to a reasonable level保障性住房建设、分配、管理、推出制度System for construc

31、ting, allocating, managing, and recalling low-income housing units普通商品房Regular commodity housing公正廉洁执法Enforce the law impartially and with integrity城乡基层群众性自治组织Rural and urban community self-governing organizations户籍管理制度改革The reform of the household registration system居住证制度The residence permit system国家电子政务网N

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