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1、大学英语四级完形填空练习doc大学英语四级完形填空练习(1)完形填空练习(1)Though the number of the upper class is a mere one third of the population, they make up at least 25 percent of the nations wealth. This class has two parts: upper-upper and lower-upper.J_, the upper-upper class is the uold rich”一families that have been wealthy

2、 for several generationsa nobility of 2 and wealth. A few are known across the nation, such as the Rockefellers, and the Vanderbilts. Most are not 3 to the general public. They have no 4 to the rest of the comm un ity, 5 their income from the in vestment of their inherited wealth.By 6 , the lower-up

3、per class is the unew rich”. J_ they may be wealthier than some of the old rich, the new rich have been_8_to make their money like 9_else beneath their class, 10 their status is gen erally 11 than that of the old rich, who have not found it necessary to lift a finger to make their money, and who 12

4、to look down upon the new rich. However its wealth is 13 , the upper class is very rich They have eno ugh money and leisure time to 14 an interest in the arts and to 1 5 rare books and pain tings They gen erally live in exclusive areas, belong to exclusive social clubs, communicate with each other,

5、and marry their own kind, all of which keeps them so 16 from the masses that they have been called theout-of-sight class. More than any other class, they tend to be 1 7 of being members of a class They also 18 an enormous amount of power and influence here and abroad, as they 1 9 many top government

6、 positions. Their actions 20 the lives of millions.2. A begiriningB birthC infancyD foundation3. A visibleB noticeableC obviousD apparent4. A contactB associationC communicationD relation5. A pullingB abstractingC drawingD making6. A comparisonB contrastC contraryD difference7. A AlthoughB BecauseC

7、ThereforeD However8. A greedyB indifferentC sympatheticD depressed9. A nobodyB everybodyC somebodyD anybody10.A ThenB ButC ThusD Whereas11 .A superiorB inferiorC higherD lower1 2.A wantB selectC hateD tend13.A retainedB benefitedC acquiredD rewarded14.A reproduceB yieldC cultivateD rear15.A collectB

8、 gatherC assembleD accumulate1 6.A distantB farC separateD remote17.A doubtfulB consciousC sensitiveD sensible1 8.A demandB controlC directD comma nd1. A Consequently B Accordingly C RegularlyD Basically大学英语四级完形填空练习(1 )【译文】 尽管人数只占人口的百分Z到百分Z三,但上层阶级占据了国家总财富的至少百分Z二十 五。这个阶层可以分为两部分:上上层和下层。上上阶层主要是富起来很久的人,

9、一些好儿 代都富裕的家庭,家族很富冇,出身很高贵。冇儿个家族在全国厚冇盛泮,例如Rockefellers 家族和Vanderbilts家族。这些富有的家族公众般看不到,少社区屮其他人没什么联系, 他们主要从他们所继承遗产的投资中得到收入。和比之下,下层富有的人是一些新富起來的 人。虽然这些新富起來的人比一些早就富起來的人更富冇,但是他们阶层的人更热衷于挣钱。 但是新富裕起来的人比早富裕起来的人地位耍低,这些早富裕起来的人没有必耍再左挣钱, 并且他们通常看不起新富起来的人。然而,上层阶级获得了人竝财富,他们非常富有。他们 冇足够的钱来培养在艺术品方面的兴趣、收集古书和占画。他们通常住在一个专冇的

10、地区, 加入专门的俱乐部,和专门的人士交谈,娶口己圈内的人士。所有的这一切止他们远离大众, 因此他们被称为隐性人。相比于其他的阶级,他们更倾向于把白己认同于某一个阶级。他们 掌握权力,在国内外具有影响力。他们占据着政府中的显赫职位。他们的决定对大众产生深 刻影响。【解析】1.D语境词汇题。上上阶层主要是很久就富起来的人,一些好几代都富余的家庭,因此答案选D Basically基本上,主要地% A Consequently“因此,所以BAccordingly4*因此,从而”。C Regularly有规律地,有规则地,整齐地,匀称地”。2.B语境词汇题。家族很富有,因此出牛:很高贵,答案选B bi

11、rth“出身,出牛:”。3.A语境词汇题。这些富有的家族公众一般是看不到的,因此答案选A visible*1看得见 的”。B noticeable*显而易见的,值得注意的”。C obvious“明显的”。D apparent*显 然的,外观上的”。4.D固定搭配题。have no relation to为惯用表达,意为“与.毫无关系”。从上题的 分析可以看出这些富冇的人公众一般看不到,与社区中英他人没什么联系。5.C语境词汇题。从投资小得到收入,因此,答案选C drawing“赢得,获得”。A pulling“掏出,拔出(武器)”。B abstracting“提取,抽取”。6.B语境词汇题。前

12、文讲述的是upper-upper class,下文是对比讲述lower-upperclass,因此答案选B o by contrast为固定短语,指“对比Z下”。7.A逻辑推理题。虽然这些新富起来的人比一些早就富起来的人更富有,但是他们更贪 婪地挣钱,两个分句之间是转折让步的关系,因此答案选A o D However表转折之意 时只能做副词,不能做连词连接两个分句。8.A语境词汇题。富有的人还像没有他们富裕的人那样挣钱,这可用greedy形容。B indifferent“漠不关心的”,后接介词to。其他两项一般也不与不定式连用。9.B语境词汇题。从句了的含义来看此处盂填一表示肯定的代词,C s

13、omebody含冇 特指的意思,故排除,因此答案选B。由此也可突出新富裕起来的人对挣钱的贪婪。10.C语境词汇题。新富裕起来的人和比他们阶层低的所有人一样热衷挣钱,而早富裕起 來的人不們于挣钱,由此可见两者地位的不同,因此答案选C。11.D语境词汇题。根据上题的分析可以判断新富裕起來的人比早富裕起來的人地位要 低。12.D固定搭配题。地位高的人一般容易歧视地位比他低的人,因此答案选D otendto do sth.指“趋向做某事”。13.C语境词汇题。wealth为所填词的逻辑宾语,因此答案选C acquired44得到”。A retained4*保持,保留”。B benefited*受益”。

14、D rewarded*酬劳,奖赏”。14.C语境词汇题。cultivate an interest on指“培养对的兴趣”。C cultivate培 养,养成”。A reproduce繁殖”。B yield“出产,生长,生产”。D rear“培养,饲 养”,指养育孩了或者饲养家畜。15.A语境词汇题。收藏某物用动词collect, A collect表示的是把零散的东西收拾放 在一起。B gather指经过努力把事物或人集中。C assemble指人员或零部件的集中。D accumulate*累积,积聚”。16.A语境词汇题。从out of sight可以推断上层阶层所从事的这些事情会使得他们

15、 远离大众,因此答案选A distant“疏远的,冷漠的”。C separate“分开的,分离的”。D remote*1遥远的,偏僻的”。17.B固定搭配题。be conscious of sth.指“意识到.:。A doubtful”怀疑的”。C sensitive“敏感的”,和介词to搭配。D sensible“明智的”。18.D语境词汇题。作为一个富有的上层阶级,他们在国内外拥有很大的权力和影响,因 此答案选D command*掌握,控制,支配”。19.C语境词汇题。positions为所填词的宾语,因此答案选C hold“占据,拥有”。A seize“抓住”。B abuse“滥用”。D

16、 sustain“维持,持续”。20.B语境词汇题。上层阶级在国内外拥冇很多的权力和影响,占据着政府很多高级职位, 控制着许多跨国公司,由此可见他们的行动会影响许多人的生活,因此答案选B affect“影 响% A attract0吸引”。C effect“招致,实现,达到% D incline“倾向”。英语四级完形填空试题及答案解释(8) 英 语文章阅读Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. 1 the turn of the century when jazz was bom, America

17、 had no prominent 2 ofits own.No one knows exactly when jazz was 3 ,or by whom.But it began to be 4 in the early 1900s.Jazz is America?s contribution to 5 music.In contrast to classical music, which 6 formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free?form.It bubbles with energy, 7 the moods,

18、interests, and emotions of the people.In the 1920s jazz 8 like America, and 9 it does today.The 10 of this music are as interesting as the music 11 .American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz 12 They were brought to Southern States 13 slaves.They were sold to plantation own

19、ers and forced to work long 14 .When a Negro died his friend and relatives 15 a procession to carry the body to the cemetery.In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the 16 On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. 17 on the way home the mood changed.Spiri

20、ts lifted.Death had removed one of their 18 ,but the living were glad to bealive.The band played 19 music, improvising(艮卩兴表演)on both the harmony andthe melody of the tunes 20 at the funeral.This music made everyone want to was an early form of jazzl.A.By B.At C.In C.mel

21、ody D.style3.A.discovered B.acted C.invented D.designed4.A.noticed B.found C.listened D.heard5.A.classical B.sacred C.popular D.light6.A.forms B.follows C.approaches D.introduces7.A.expressing B.explaining C.exposing D.illustrating8.A.appeared B.felt C.seemed C.either D.neither1

22、 B.originals C.discoveries D.resources11 .A.concerned B.itself C.available D.oneself12.A.players B.followers D.pioneers13.A.for C.with D.by14.A.months B.weeks C.hours D.times15.A.demonstrated B.composedC.hosted D.formed16.A.demonstration B.processionC.body D.march17.A.Even B.T

23、herefore C.Furthermore D.But18.A.number B.members C.body D.relations19.A.sad B.solemn C.happy D.funeral2O.A.whistled B.sung C.presented D.showedCloze Test 151.【答案】B【解析】这里at the turn of the century表示的是“在木世纪初”这一具体时间,只有at可 以用在这里。2.【答案】D【解析】根据上文所说的人多数国家都冇自己的音乐风格(style),而美国却没冇自己突出的,后面也应该是风格,故选style。3.【答案

24、】C【解析】本句意为没有人知道爵士乐是什么吋候发明的,山谁发明的。discover意为“发现”,ac(意为行动,扮演”,invent意为“发明,design意为设计”。故选invent04.【答案】D【解析】这里是说爵士乐被听到,所以用heardo Listen的意思是“听”,而FI句末须接 介词to, A),B)两项意思不符。5.【答案】C【解析】popular music是指“流行音乐,与classical music(古典咅乐)相对。爵士乐(jazz) 是流行音乐的一种,故选popularo6.【答案】B【解析】此句意为古典音乐遵循正规的欧洲传统。form意为“形成”,follow意为“

25、遵循”,approach意为“接近,靠近, introduce意为引进,介绍”。7.【答案】A【解析lexpress意为表达,与后面的宾语moods(情绪)、interests(兴趣)、以及emotions(感 情)相搭配。explain意为解释,说明”,expose意为揭露,使暴露”,illustrate意为阐明”。8.【答案】D【解析】木句意为“在20世纪20年代,阱士乐听起来象是美国风格”。只冇sound冇“听 起来”的意思。其他三个词都无此意。9.【答案】A【解析】本句意为“就象爵士乐今天的样子”,as意为“正如,就象”,后而接一个句子。10.【答案】A【解析origins意为起源,起

26、始”,originals意为原作,原物”,discoveries意为发现”, resources意为“资源豊此处旬意为“阱士乐的起源S故选A。11.【答案】B【解析】木句意为“音乐的起源和音乐本身一样有趣。故此处应选择反身代词itselfo12.【答案】D【解析】本句意为“美国的黑奴是爵士乐的先锋”。players意为“演奏者followers意为 “追随者”,fans意为“(爵士乐)迷”,pioneers意为“先锋,开拓者”。13.【答案】B【解析】木句意为,他们被作为奴隶带到南部各州”。只有as, S为“作为”,介词,符合 此意。14.【答案】C【解析】本句意为“黑奴们被卖给南方种植园主们

27、1何口被迫在地里长时间地劳动。long 一般不-W months和weeks搭配,hours指工作时间,times指次数或倍数,当一段时间讲时是 不可数名词,故只可选hourso15.【答案】D【解析】dcmonsti沁意为“论证,说明,示威”,compose后接介词of,意为“组成”,host 意为款待,作乐,form与procession搭配,意为形成队列故选D。16.【答案】B【解析】上句提到形成队列,木句意为这样的队列经常伴随冇一支乐队,故选上文提到 的 procession o17.【答案】D【解析】上句说:在去墓地的路上,乐队演奏缓慢的、庄重的音乐以便和悲痛的场合相 祀合。而木句说

28、:在回来的路上,情绪变化了。所以这两句Z间应该是转折的关系。因此选 择 buto18.【答案】D【解析】木句意为“死神夺去了他们的一个亲人,但活着的人高兴他们还活着”。relations 意为“亲戚。故选D。19.【答案】C【解析】这里选择happy,以便和上句中提到的slow和solemn相对应。20.【答案】C【解析Iwhistled意为“吹口哨”,sung意为“唱”,presented意为“表演二showed意为“展示”, 只有presented才能和improvising相搭配。-英语四级完形填空试题及答案解释(10)英语文章阅读Today the car is the most po

29、pular sort of transportation in all of the United has completely 1 the horse as a 2 of everyday transportation. Americans use their car for 3 90% of all 4 business.Most Americans are able to 5 cars.The average price of a 6 made car was ,050 in 1950, ,470 in 1960 and up to ,750 7 1975.Durin

30、g this period American car manufacturers set about 8 their products and work efficiency.As aresult, the yearly income of the 9 family increased from 1950 to 1975 10 than the price of cars.For this reason 11 a new car takes a smaller 12 of a family?s total earnings today.In 1951 13 it took 8months of

31、 an average family?s 14 to buy a new ca匚In 1962 a new car 15 8.3 of a family?s annual earnings, by 1975 it only took 4.75 16 income.In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 17 to models from previous years.The 18 of automobile extends throughout the economy 19 the car is so important to American.Americans spen

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