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初三超神秘籍 1T版.docx

1、初三超神秘籍 1T版精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号:年级:初三课时数:3学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:王兴玲授课类型C 语法易错题A阅读T 作文授课日期及时段教学内容1、首字母填空高频释义1. a_ v. get; gain2. a_ adj. (be) always ready to do things3. a_ adv. Once more4. a_adv. In all5. a_n. (strong)wish6. a_ adj. very old7. a_ v. say sorry to8. a_ v. come into view9. a_ v. say things that

2、show you disagree with sb10. a_ v. be present; go to11. a_ adj. good to look at12. w_ .adj made of wood 13. b_adj. dull, not interesting14. c_v. hold festivals; express happiness about sth.15. c_n. a person, animal in a book , play film, etc.16. c_adj. most important17. c_n. a person who lies in a t

3、own or in a city18. c_v. bring together19. c_v. give and receive information / message20. c_v. say that one is not satisfied about sth21. c_adj. having all its parts; whole v. finish; end22.c_v. join together23.c_v. go on; keep doing24.c_adj. right25.c_n. customs, arts, traditions, etc. of a group o

4、f peopleKeys:1. Achieve 3.again 4.altogether 5. Ambition 6.anciient 7.apologize 8.appear 9.argue 10.attend 11.attractive 12.Wooden 13.boring 14. Celebrate 15.character 16.chief17.citizen plainplete22.connect23.continue 24.correct25.culture2、易错题训练1、单选易错题【主要考点】情态动词1. - I think we need to sit

5、down and have a talk. - I _ agree more. Lets take the bench over there.A.could B.couldnt C.should D.shouldnt【正确答案】 B【解析】此为关于情态动词could的固定搭配, 即 “I couldnt agree (any) more” 表示 “ 非常赞同”.【主要考点】连词2. _Switzerland is very small, _it is the land of watch and it is very rich.A.Though; but B.Because; so C.beca

6、use; / D.Though; /【正确答案】 D【解析】此题受汉语思维影响, 学生容易选择A. because表示因果关系, though表示转折关系,根据前后两种情景的比较,应该属于转折关系, 需要注意的是though不与but连用.【主要考点】连词3. Study hard, _you will fall behind.A.and B.but D.or【正确答案】 D【解析】学生容易粗心不把题目看完, 导致误选A. 但仔细看完题目, 应该是 “努力学习, 不然/否则你会落后于别人的”, 因此应该选择D, 表示转折关系.【主要考点】词义辨析4. We should _rubbi

7、sh into different groups so that it can be recycled.A.divide B.cut C.separate D.throw【正确答案】 C【解析】 divide into “均分为”, cut into “切成.”, separate into “分成.”(不是均分), throw into “扔进”【主要考点】介词5. Thanks _ our teacher, we solve the problem _ her help.A.for; without; with C.for; with; without【正确答案】 B【

8、解析】此题考查thanks to 表示“多亏了.”, 不是 “向某人表示感谢”【主要考点】代词1. A latest English newspaper, please!Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir?A. one B. this C. that D. It【正确答案】D【解析】给我有一张最新的英语报纸。只剩一份了,你想要这份吗?it,指代上文出现的同一事物,one,指代上文出现的同类事物中的一个。根据句意,故选D。【主要考点】代词 2. -Is there_ coffee in your cup? -No, there is

9、_.A. any, none B. any, nothing C. some, nothing D. any, any【正确答案】A【解析】此题容易误选B。学生出错的原因可能弄不清none和nothing 的区别。“杯子里还有咖啡吗?不,没有了。”none是指数量上没有了,常用来回答how many/ much的提问;nothing是指什么都没有,常用来回答what 的提问。所以准确答案为A。【主要考点】代词3. He is taller than _ girl in his class. A. any B. other C. any other D. Another【正确答案】A【解析】此题

10、容易误选C。其实,到底要不要other, 关键是看主语是否也在比较的范围之内;如果在范围之内,就必须用other, 以此来避免与自身进行比较;如果不在范围之内,则不能用other, 因为没有必要把自身排除。这里主语he不属于girl in his class之列,不能用other,正确答案A。【主要考点】形副等级比较4. Johnny doesnt sing quite _the other boys and girls in his well as good like well like good as【正确答案】A【解析】考查形容词副词的等

11、级比较。此题易误选C和D。错误的原因可能没有注意到not as/so+ adj. / adv.原形+ as 表“不及,比不上”这一结构。BC选项是完全不存在的,首先排除。然后修饰sing 唱歌这一行为动词应该用副词正确答案为A。【主要考点】名词作定语5. Which is the way to the _?A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoes factory D. shoes factory【正确答案】A【解析】考查名词作定语。此题有多种误解。在初中阶段,做定语的一般都是形容词或介词短语或定语从句,但这里是用名词作定语表示某事物的功能,用途及性质。

12、类似的形式还有: coffee cup, apple tree正确答案为A.。【主要考点】动词短语辨析1. In the case that_yesterday huge amounts of money was _the bank.A.happened, stolen from B. took place,robbed of C. was taken place,robbed from D. was happened,stolen from 【正确答案】【解析】发生无法用被动,stolen from从中偷。【主要考点】时态2. How nice to see you here again!

13、I _you_still sick in bed .A.thought,were B. think,are C. think were D. thought had 【正确答案】【解析】 thought表示原以为,用相应的过去时态。【主要考点】副词的比较级3. He has much experience to help us understand the course_than before.A. clear B. cleare r C. clearly D. more clearly【正确答案】D【解析】由题干中than可知道本题的考点是比较级,但有些学生会误选B。需要给学生总结一下部分常

14、考的特殊的比较级变化。【主要考点】live的用法4. Her friend told me she had gone to live abroad B.overseas C.across the sea an island【正确答案】B【解析】由题干中live可知道本题的考点是live的用法,即为不及物动词。但有些学生会误选D。需要给学生讲一下have gone to是去哪里小住的意思。【主要考点】单词辨析5. Sports event across the _ have been canceled because of the weather.A.part B.cou

15、ntry C.field D.area【正确答案】D【解析】 D.区域,地区,面积,范围 A.部分 B.国家 C.田野【主要考点】时态1.().He hasnt heard from his friend _ last month.A. since B. by the end of C. for D. until. 【正确答案】A【解析】此题学生容易受思维定势not until的影响误选D。since用于现在完成时,如果此题是一般过去时就选择D.【主要考点】时态2.()The train _ for twenty minutes.A. left B. has left C. is leavin

16、g D. has been away【正确答案】D【解析】此题形式会误选B. 但瞬间性动词不能与一段时间for twenty minutes连用。【主要考点】时态3.()In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown.(兰州10)A. have been B.were C.had been D. are【正确答案】 A【解析】此题容易误选B.一般情况下In the past few years用于现在完成时,In the past用于一般过去时。【主要考点】代词4.()His work is better than _.A.

17、 anyone B. anyone else C. anyone elses D. anyones else【正确答案】C【解析】此题容易误选B. 比较级中,比较的对象应该前后一致。His work 应该与anyone elses work相比较。【主要考点】介词5.()A man of words and not of deeds _a garden full of weed.A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like【正确答案】C【解析】句子主语是aman. 句意是:注重语言而缺少行动的人犹如一个长满草的花园。2、词转易错题【主要考点】词转 1. She

18、 is a _ woman. She often takes part in different kinds of activities. (live)【正确答案】lively 【解析】lively为活泼的。【主要考点】词转 2. As a matter of fact, _ always disobey the traffic rules like some of us. (France)【正确答案】Frenchmen【解析】这里指法国人。【主要考点】词转 3. I guess they work as _.(hair)【正确答案】hairdressers 【解析】 hairdressers

19、 理发师。【主要考点】词转 4. Most of the water in the world is not _.(drink)【正确答案】drinkable 【解析】 drinkable 可以饮用的。【主要考点】词转 5. We are all surprised at his amazing _. (create)【正确答案】creativity【解析】creativity 创造力。【主要考点】词转 6. Lots of homeless children die in _(lonely) and _ every year in Africa.(poor)【正确答案】lonelinessp

20、overty【解析】loneliness 孤单;poverty 贫穷。【主要考点】词转 7. My watch is about two minutes _. (slow)【正确答案】slow【解析】two minutes slow表示慢了两分钟。【主要考点】词转 8. Children can always get_ from watching cartoons.(please)【正确答案】pleasure【解析】get后应加个名词,please的名词是pleasure。3、句转易错题【主要考点】合并句子1. I think that it is great fun to go on an

21、outgoing with friends. (合并为一句) I think _ great fun _ _ on an outgoing with friends.【正确答案】it to go【主要考点】同义句2. There was little time left. She went to the bus stop in a hurry.(保持原句意思) There was little time left. Shethe bus stop in a hurry.【正确答案】hurried to【主要考点】特殊疑问句3. I threw away the rotten eggs yest

22、erday.(划线提问) _ _ you deal with the rotten eggs yesterday?【正确答案】How did【主要考点】反义疑问句4. Mrs. Wang could hardly believe her son was able to design a smart phone.(反义疑问句) Mrs. Wang could hardly believe her son was able to design a smart phone, _ _?【正确答案】could she【主要考点】连词成句5. unusual, after the storm, Tom,

23、happened to, something. (连词成句)【正确答案】After the storm, something unusual happened to Tom.1、专题知识梳理考点易考点冠词a与an的区别;the +adj.表示一类人;固定搭配如go to church 介词时间前,介词短语(be angry with; be busy with; do harm to; stop.from )名词可数名词和不可数名词;单数和复数的变换;名词所有格;代词不定代词的区别(another, other, others, the others,人称代词和反身代词;冠词汇编1. The

24、wonderful concert didnt come to end until midnight. (虹口)A.a B. an C. the D. /2. Learning from successful people is _good way to gain wisdom. (奉贤)A. a C. the D. /3. _man with black glasses is my host father in Britain.(宝山)A. An B.A C. The D./4. Last week I bought _USB flash disk to store my read

25、ing materials. (静安)A. a C. the D./5.Every child should go to _ school at the age of six in China. (黄浦)A. a B. an C. the D. /6.Have you found _detective book they talked about yesterday? (闵行)A. / B. a D.the7.Last night, a man sat at a metro station and started to play_violin. (浦东)A. a B. /

26、C. the D. an8. In order to keep fit, Simon goes for_swim after work every day. (普陀)A./ B.a D.the9.It is said that _new amusement park will be built in the west of Shanghai in the future. (青浦)A. a C. the D. /10.Our students had a lot of fun on_day of their New Years Concert. (徐汇)A. a C

27、.the D./11. the red cross said that many of _ wounded were not receiving needed care.(杨浦)A. a B. an C. the D. /12. Tony is my best friend, who is_honest boy. (长宁)A.a B.the D./13.David was in such_hurry that he went to school without breakfast this morning.(崇明)A. a B. an C. the D. /KEYS;BACAD ACBAC CCA介词汇编:1.Dont stay inside _such a sunny morning. Lets go for a walk.A.on B. in C. from D. at2.The students put _a short play in English on Christmas B. up C. on D. away3.People in the western country often sing Christmas chorals_Christmas Eve.A. in

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