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1、参考中考英语基础语法八+动词的分类含答案参考-中考英语基础语法八+动词的分类(含答案)01 命题趋势 考标导向化近年来对动词的考查主要是动词的种类及各类动词的基本区别,动词的基本变化形式,常见的动词的词义辨析及短语动词的辨析,其中,动词和短语动词的辨析以及动词的基本变化形式是考查的重点和热点。预计2015年动词考查的趋势将是:在具体的语言环境中考查基础动词及其短语动词的辨析。02 定义 概念清晰化动词是表示人或事物动作和状态的词。按照其语法功能,动词分为行为动词、系动词、助动词及情态动词四类。行为动词又叫实义动词,分为及物动词(后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的动词),不及物动词(本身意义不完整,其后

2、不能接宾语的动词);系动词(不能独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语);助动词(本身没有词义,不能独立作谓语,只能和别的动词一起构成谓语的词,这类词表示时态、语态、语气等特征,帮助构成否定、疑问等);情态动词(本身有一定意义,但没有人称和数的变化,不能单独使用,必须和实义动词一起构成句子的谓语,表示说话者的情感、态度和语气)。03 知识归类 知识网络化动词的种类分类图解类别功能及用法例子行为动词及物动词vt.本身含有实在意义,表示动作或状态,在句中能独立作谓语。可以接宾语afford,buy,enjoy,keep不及物动词vi.不可以直接接宾语arrive,cry,die,fall连系动词本身有

3、一定的词义,但词义不完整,不能单独作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语。be,smell,look,taste助动词本身没有词义,不能独立作谓语,只能和实义动词一起构成谓语,表示时态、语态、否定、疑问等。do,does,will,shall情态动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,只能和实义动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情态,没有人称和数的变化。may, must,can, need特例清单1.不及物动词要想接宾语,必须在不及物动词后加上适当的介词。如:The baby is smiling at us.小孩正对着我们笑呢。He died of hunger.他死于饥饿。Please lis

4、ten to the teacher carefully.请仔细听老师讲课。2.双宾语动词后面跟两个宾语,直接宾语为动词直接涉及的事物;间接宾语往往指涉及的人。间接宾语有时可放到后面去,由介词to或for引导,变成介词短语。能接以to引导的间接宾语的动词常见的有:bring,give,leave,lend,offer,pass,play,read,send,show,take,teach,tell,write等。如:Could you lend your dictionary to me?请你把你的字典借我用用好吗?She passed the salt to him.她把盐递给了他。能接以f

5、or引导的间接宾语的动词常见的有:bring,build,buy,cook,cut,fetch,find,get,keep,make,order,save,pick,play,sing,take,win,write等。如:Mother cooks breakfast for us every day.母亲每天都为我们做早饭。Ill fetch a chair for you.我去给你拿一个凳子。【题组训练】( )1.(2014眉山)Who _ the tennis game yesterday?Jack,he _ all the others.A.beat;won B.won;wonC.bea

6、t;beat D.won;beat( )2.(2014河南)Choosing the right circle of friends will _ us a lot of troubles,heartaches and possibly a life of deep B.share C.keep D.bring( )3.(2014十堰)Smart phones are more and more popular now.So they are.But they still _ too B .cost C.take D.spend( )4.(20

7、14山西)During the World Cup,a large number of soccer fans fly to Brazil.It has _ a great place for fans to have fun.( )5.(2014宿迁)Tom is an honest boy,_ he?Yes.We trust him all the time.A.isnt C.does D.doesnt常见连系动词的用法分类图解常用连系动词词义例句be是Im a girl with short hair.成为,变得turn 变得Mr. Whites face turned red

8、.get变得The weather is getting bad.smell闻起来The flowers smell nice.sound听起来The plan sounds good.taste尝起来The soup tastes delicious.stay保持The shop stays open till 8 pm.grow成长,变得Her hair is growing white.keep保持The girl keeps silent all the time.feel感到,摸起来The coat feels very softlook看起来My mother looks very

9、 young.注意1.连系动词不能单独作谓语,其后必须接形容词、名词或介词短语作表语。2.含连系动词(be除外)的句子变疑问句时一定要借助助动词do,does,did等。【题组训练】( )6.(2014眉山)Shall we go for a walk? _great.A.Feels B.Sounds C.Turns D.Looks( )7.(2014荆州)Do you like swimming in winter?Of course.The water _ a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy.A.feels B

10、.tastes C.smells D.looks( )8.(2014河北)Mom is making dinner. It_ so nice!A.smells B.tastes C.feels D.sounds( )9.(2014宿迁)Your trainers _ colourful.Yes.And they are popular among young people.A.feel B.smell C.taste D.look( )10.(2014乐山)I cant stand the smell of the stinking tofu.Would you like to have a

11、try? It _ quite delicious!A.looks B.sounds C.tastes情态动词的用法分类图解情态动词意义及用法例句may表示“请求许可”,意思是“可以,可能”,其一般疑问句的否定回答为mustnt。May I go out and play football?No,you mustnt.表推测,意思是“可能”。Mr.Li may be at home.can(could)表示“能力”,意思是“能,会”,否定形式为cant,couldnt。Mike can speak a little Chinese.I could ride the bike when I wa

12、s 6 years old.用在疑问句中,表示“征求意见”,could比can的语气更委婉、客气。Could you tell me something about your school?表推测,常用在否定句和疑问句中。He cant be at home. He has gone to Japan.can用于一般现在时及一般过去时两种时态,be able to可以用于各种时态。He can spell these words.He has been able to draw pictures already.must表示义务、命令或要求,意思是“必须,应该”,否定形式为mustnt,意思是

13、“不应该,不允许”,表示警告。You must be careful next time.You mustnt take photos here.表示推测,意为“必定”。He must be in the room.表示说话人的主观看法。I must go home now.must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答时用must,have to;否定回答时用neednt或dont have to。Must I finish the homework today?No,you neednt/you dont have to.need表示“需要”,多用于否定句。He neednt worry about

14、it.作实义动词,后接动词不定式。Im very tired and I need to have a rest.【题组训练】( )11.(2014台州)Are you interested in shopping online?Not so much. We_see real products but pictures.A.shouldnt B.cantC.mustnt D.neednt( )12.(2014威海)Bob,Where is Linda?She _ be in the library.But I am not sure.A.must B.may C.need D.has to(

15、 )13.(2014菏泽)Look,someone left a book.Oh,yeahThis book_ be Kittys. Only she likes to read this kind of books.A.can B.must C.may D.mightOh,no. We _ cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.A.mustnt B.neednt C.should( )15.(2014江西)Last year I _ drive.I used to take the bus.A.could B.couldnt

16、C.should D.shouldnt短语动词分类图解类别实例汉义动词+副词add up 加起来break out 爆发carry on坚持下去;继续下去change into转换成;变成clean up清除;收拾干净clear up整理,收拾;(天气)放晴回来;想起来落下来进入,进来cut down砍倒cut off切断cut up切碎eat up吃光,吃完fall behind落在后面;输给别人find out发现;查明get along取得进展get together聚会,联欢get up起床give away分发;赠送give back归还,送回give in屈服give out分发;

17、用完,耗尽give up放弃go ahead继续go away走开,离去go on继续grow up长大成人,成长hand in上交;交纳hand out分发hold on坚持;(打电话)别挂断keep on继续(进行)let in让进来,放进look ahead向前看look up查找pay back偿还(借款等)pick up拾起,捡起;开车接;学会point out指出,标明put off推迟put on穿;戴上;上演put up举起;张贴start off出发stay up熬夜take off脱下;起飞turn down声音调小turn in上交turn off关闭wake up唤醒,

18、醒来watch out当心work out计算出动词+介词agree with赞同,同意(某人的看法)arrive at/in到达ask for请求;询问base on以为依据belong to属于break into破门而入call for需要;呼吁care for在乎,关心来自deal with处理;对付depend on/upon依靠;相信;依赖get over克服get to到达go by走过,经过go over仔细检查;复习knock at敲laugh at嘲笑learn from向学习look after照顾look at看,观看look for寻找look like看起来像pas

19、s by经过point to指向quarrel with (和某人)争吵stand for代表(某事物);支持stick to坚持talk about谈论,议论think about考虑think of想起,想出;认为wait for等待动词+副词+介词add up to加起来总计catch up with赶上想出get along with相处go on with继续进行keep away from远离keep up with跟上;和保持联系look down on/upon看不起look forward to盼望look out of朝外看make up of由组成,构成run out o

20、f耗尽注意:对于动词+副词类的短语,如果是名词作宾语,那么这个名词既可以放在短语之间也可以放在短语的后面,但是如果是代词作宾语,则代词一定要放在短语之间。如:He turned off all the lights when he left.当他离开时,他关上了所有的灯。He picked it up and gave it to me.他捡起它,然后把它交给了我。【题组训练】( )16.(2014咸宁)When will your new book _?It has not been decided yet.C.look up D.set up( )17.(2014山西)Mum.I did

21、best in our group discussion today.Well done! I _ mad at patient proud of( )18.(2014河南)This bus doesnt go to the train station.Im afraid youll have to _ at the library and take the A52.A.take off B.put offC.get off D.turn off( )19.(2014十堰)The song Where did the time go _ the o

22、ld days and the love of family.Sure.Its my favorite song.A.helps us out B.reminds us ofC.lets us down D.regards us asA.goes by B.runs outC.takes off D.turns up04 整合集训 反馈层级化( )1.Can I borrow your English book,please?Sure.But you must _ it to me soon.A.keep B.buyC.return D.hold( )2.Have you ever liste

23、ned to the song Baby?Yes,it _ wonderful.All of us like it very much.A.smells B.sounds C.looks D.tastes( )3.How about the silk skirt?It _ soft!Ill take it.A.tastes B.sounds C.smells D.feels( )4.After the serious illness,he finally _ how important health is.A.realized B.meantC.added D.impressed( )5.Th

24、e old mans eyesight isnt very good.He often _ Tim for Jim.A.regards B.treatsC.mistakes D.thinks( )6.Why is Lily so popular among the students?Because she often_us with help and B.offersC.provides D.supports( )7.Do you think Houston Rockets will beat Lakers?Yes.They have better players,s

25、o I _ them to win.A.hope B.think C.depend D.expect( )8.How long do you think the terrible weather will_?Why not listen to the weather report?A.appear B.last C.change )9.Listen! The whole class is quiet now. It _ that everyone falls asleep.A.seems B.looks C.sounds D.gets( )10.The children

26、 are making too much noise.I cant _ it.A.stand B.hear C.consider D.know( )11.Wow,the dish _ delicious. Could you please tell me how to cook it?A.keeps B.tastes C.sounds D.feels( )12.Why does Zhang Lei look unhappy?Because her best friend didnt _ her to go on a picnic.A.make B.letC.invite D.refuse( )

27、13.David _ his friends invitation to the picnic in order to stay at home and have a good rest.A.expected B.refusedC.received D.told( )14.Whos that boy in the red coat?He is my new friend.Let me _him to you.A.introduce B.tellC.promise D.say( )15.What about the picture over there?It _ nice.A.tastes B.gets C.looks D.sounds( )16.May I go to the cinema,Mum?Certainly.But you _ be back by 11 oclock.A.can B.may C.must D.need( )17. _I speak to May,please?A.Might;wont B.Can;mustntC.May;cant D.Could;shouldnt( )18.I want to know if I _ smoke here.No,you_ .Could you see the sign “NO SMOKING” t

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