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1、高中英语必修1Units34综合练习人教新课标必修1 Units 3-4 综合练习(人教新课标)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分70分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题; 满分30分)1.The library from _we borrow books will be rebuilt next year.A. that B. which C. where D. whom2.The number of workers _2000.A. has reached B. have reached C. is reached D. has reached to3.In our town, chicke

2、n is _in a very special way and it is very delicious.A. shipped B. offered C. prepared D. discovered4. With the electricity _,all the machines stopped.A. cut off B. cut down C. was cut off D. was out down5. I want to see and thank the woman _ helped me.A. when B. what C. which D. whose son6. Mrs Tho

3、mpson? She lives in that _ house over there. Does she live _ or with her children?A. lonely; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; lonely D. alone; alone7. She is the only classmate who _ my opinions. Weve become good friends now. A. shares B. finds C. gains D. agrees8. The shop_ open till seven oclock.

4、 A. is staying B. stays C. is keeping D. keep9 .Is the radio useful for your English study?No. I dont think that _.A. had helped me B. can use C. would help D. does good10. Why not _ to the new teacher?Sure.A. to give some advices B. give some advicesC. to give some advices D. give some advice11.My

5、father told us that he didnt stay here _.A. no more B. any more C. any longer D. not longer12. Miss Yang will teach us Chinese today _ Mr Zhang. A. instead B. instead of C. to D. of13. We havent heard from Jane for a long time. What do you suppose _ to her?A. was happening B. to happen C. has happen

6、ed D. having happened14. After the class , the students went out of the classroom one by one , but only Mary_.Aleft B. had left C. was leaving D. was left 15. Unfortunately when I arrived she _ , so we only had time for a few words .Ajust left B. has just left C. was just leaving D. had just left 第二

7、节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I made a promise to myself on the drive down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I 16 try to be a loving husband and father. Totally devoted. No ifs, ands or buts.The 17 had come to me as I listened to a broadcaster 18 m

8、y cars tape player. He was 19 a passage about husbands being 20 to their wives. 21 he went on to say, “Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to 22 that I had been such a selfish husband 23 our love had been dulled by my own insensitivity (感觉迟钝) . In unimportant ways,

9、 really; scolding Evelyn for her tardiness (拖拉); 24 on the TV channel I wanted to watch; throwing 25 dayold newspapers that I knew Evelyn still wanted to read. Well, for two weeks all that would 26 . And it 27 . Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater loo

10、ks 28 on you.” “Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, surprised and 29 , maybe a little puzzled.After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn 30 a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyns been alone here with the children 31 week and now she wants to be alone with me.

11、” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street investment (投资) firm 32 I am director; a visit to the shell museum, 33 I usually hate museums (and I enjoyed it); 34 silent while Evelyns getting ready for a late dinner for us. Relaxed

12、(轻松) and happy, thats how the whole vacation passed. I made a new promise to keep on 35 to choose love.16. A. used to B. would C. should D. could17. A. idea B. advice C. love D. trip 18. A. at B. with C. on D. in 19. A. thinking B. writing C. believing D. reading20. A. bad B. useful C. kind D. hard2

13、1. A. Instead B. Then C. Or D. So22. A. say B. determine C. tell D. speak23. A. that B. but C. when D. if24. A. insisting B. hanging C. sticking D. advising25. A. about B. up C. away D. in26. A. happen B. change C. develop D. keep27. A. would B. had C. did D. was28. A. great B. big C. sorry D. tight

14、29. A. frightened B. shocked C. angry D. pleased30. A. asked B. suggested C. took D. began31. A. all of B. all C. all of a D. all a 32. A. which B. what C. where D. that33. A. if B. but C. as D. though34. A. stopping B. preventing C. keeping D. holding35. A. doing B. liking C. asking D. remembering第

15、二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHONG KONGNine out of ten Singapore citizens returned dropped wallets with money in them, but in Hong Kong only three out of 10 wallets were returned in an honesty test carried out in Asian cities by Readers Digest(读者文摘).Larger cities di

16、d worse while in general people in smaller places returned secretly planted wallets, results from the experiment showed.Readers Digest secretly scattered 140 wallets all over Asia, each with a name, address and phone number, family pictures, notes and money in it.The magazine workers then watched to

17、 see what happened.South Koreans in Seoul returned six out of the ten dropped wallets, while those in Inchon returned eight.50 per cent of the dropped wallets were returned in Bombay, Bangkok, Taipei and Kajang in Malaysia, with most people saying they would not keep what was not rightfully theirs.H

18、onesty had little relation to wealth or status(地位),as several well-dressed people in a number of cities were observed to walk away without doing anything to get in touch with the rightful owners.About 57 per cent of the wallets were returned, compared with 28 per cent in Europe in a similar experime

19、nt and 67 per cent in the United States.36.The newspaper report is mainly about_.A. how the honesty test was carried outB. where the honesty test was carried outC. the results of the honesty test in AsiaD. the results of the honesty tests in the world37.It can be learned from the newspaper report th

20、at Bombay is a city in _.A. Europe B. Asia C. the United States D. Malaysia38.How many of the wallets dropped in Asian cities were taken away without being returned?A. About 60. B. About 80. C. About 56. D. About 42.39.Which people did best in the honesty tests?A. People in Hong Kong. B. People in t

21、he United States.C. People in Inchon. D.People in Singapore. B There was one thing that I found rather strange on my first day to work at Monks House. The floors in the house were very thin. The bathroom was directly above the kitchen, and when Mrs. Woolf was having her bath before breakfast, I coul

22、d hear her talking to herself. On and on she went, talk, talk, talk, asking questions and giving herself the answers. I thought there must have been two or three people up there with her. Later Mr. Woolf explained that Mrs. Woolf always said out loud what she had written during the night. She needed

23、 to know if they sounded right and the bath was a good place for trying them out. I was not allowed to make coffee at Monks House Mr. and Mrs. Woolf came into thekitchen at eight oclock every morning to make it. When we carried the breakfast trays to Mrs. Woolfs room I noticed that there were pencil

24、s and paper beside her bed so that when she woke up she could work, and sometimes it seemed as though she had had very little sleep. Mrs. Woolfs bedroom was outside the house in the garden. I used to think how incon-Venient(不方便) it must be to have to go out in rain to go to bed. Her bedroom had been

25、 added to the back of the house; the door faced the garden and a window opened out onto a field. Becausethe writing-room was small, Mr. Woolf had had a larger one built for her at the end of the garden against the church wall. I can always remember her coming out of her writing-room only for lunch e

26、ach day: sheused to walk down through the garden smoking one of her favourite cigarettes. She was tall and thin and very graceful, with large, deep-set eyes. She wore long skirts in the fashion of the day, and silk jackets of the same colour, which suited her well. I pressed her clothes and did any

27、sewing that was necessary. Her cigarettes were made from a special tobacco called My Mixture. Mr. Woolf boughtit for her in London, and, in the evenings , they used to sit by the fire and make these cigarettes themselves.40 . At the time of this passage, the writer might have been_.A. a friend of Mr

28、s. Woolf B. the assistant of Mr. WoolfC. a reporter who was writing about Mrs. Woolfs life. D. the housekeeper at Monks House41. What was particularly unusual about Monks House?A. The floors were very thin.B. The bathroom was directly above the kitchen.C. Mrs. Woolfs bedroom was outside the house in

29、 the garden.D. The house was next to a church.42. What can we learn about Mrs. Woolfs writing habits from this passage?A. She wrote while having a bath in the morning.B. She often did a lot of writing at night.C. She worked in the garden so that she could smoke.D. She stayed in bed all day writing w

30、ith pencils.43. What was Mr. Woolfs attitude towards his wife according to this passage?A. He lived a separate life from his wife.B. He found her strange and difficult to get along with.C. He helped with her writing although he didnt understand much.D. He tried his best to satisfy her needs.44. Acco

31、rding to this passage, Mrs. Woolf _. A. spent most of her time on her own workB. didnt have a good taste of clothesC. didnt do any housework herselfD. was attractive but cold to others C A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave baskets, watch birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, raise flowers, fish,

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