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Unit 7 Art Lesson 2 Beijing opera考点解析 学案.docx

1、Unit 7 Art Lesson 2 Beijing opera考点解析 学案Unit 7 Art-Lesson 2 Beijing opera核心考点解析【核心词汇】.she said with a broad smile.(Page 15)她笑着说。【词汇精讲】broad用作形容词,意为“宽阔的;广博的”。There is broad support for the governments policies.政府的政策得到了广泛的支持。Our teacher is a man of broad experience.我们的老师是个经验丰富的人。He has a broad mind in

2、 these matters.在这些问题方面他见多识广。【词汇拓展】(1)a broad street/river宽广的街道/河流broad shoulders宽肩a broad smile开怀大笑in broad daylight大白天;光天化日He greeted them with a wave and a broad smile.他咧嘴笑着挥手和他们打招呼。(2)broaden vt.使增加;使心胸开阔Travel broadens our mind.旅游使人心胸开阔。(3)近义词:wide(4)形近词:路(road)是宽广(broad)的登记(aboard)出国(abroad)让你的

3、眼界更开阔(broad)。 The one person in the room who didnt hear the symphony and never would was the very man who composed it.(Page 15)房间里那个没有听到,并且永远也不会听到这首交响乐的人竟然是它的创作者。【词汇精讲】compose用作动词,意为“作(曲);构成;写作”,还可以表示“组成”。Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos.维瓦尔第创作了大量非常优美的协奏曲。He started at once to

4、compose a reply to Anna.他立刻开始给安娜写回信。Ten men compose the committee.委员会由十人组成。【词汇拓展】be composed of由组成(be made up of;consist of)composer n.作曲家 The theatres musical director,Michael Umlauf,joined him and together the two men took charge of the orchestra.(Page 15)剧院的音乐总监迈克尔乌姆劳夫也加入了他的行列,两人一起负责乐团的工作。【词汇精讲】c

5、harge在本句中用作名词,意为“主管;负责”,常用于词组take charge (of)中,意为“负责,掌管”;还可作为动词,意为“收费”。As group leader,you should take charge.身为组长,你应当负起责任来。Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?你知道琳达愿不愿意负责这个项目吗?It doesnt hurt to ask,does it?问一问没有关系吧?【词汇拓展】in charge (of)负责;掌管in the charge of/in ones charge由负

6、责free of charge免费charge sb for sth因某事向某人收费He asked to speak to the person in charge of the project.他要求和负责该项目的人谈谈。This program is in his charge/in the charge of him.这个项目由他负责。The books will be given to the students free of charge.学生们将会免费收到书。He charged me 20 yuan for repairing my bike.他给我修自行车,收费20元。 Th

7、e audience did not hesitate to applaud loudly as the famous composer walked out onto the stage for the first time in 12 years.(Page 15)12年来,当这位著名的作曲家第一次走上舞台时,观众们毫不犹豫地热烈鼓掌。【词汇精讲】 hesitate用作动词,意为“犹豫;踌躇”,常用于not hesitate to do sth“毫不犹豫做某事,尽管做某事”结构中,意为“毫不犹豫做某事,尽管做某事”。She hesitated before replying.她犹豫了一下才

8、回答。Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.如果有疑问请尽管问我。【词汇拓展】(1)hesitate about doing sth对于做感到犹豫hesitate to do sth不情愿做某事(2)hesitation n.犹豫without hesitation毫不犹豫地I didnt hesitate for a moment about taking the job.我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。A few students hesitated to start.有几个学生犹豫要不要开始。She agreed

9、 without hesitation.她毫不犹豫地同意了。 Otherwise,it would have been difficult to attract the audiences attention.(Page 105)否则,它很难吸引观众的注意力。【词汇精讲】otherwise用作副词,意为“否则,不然”。Do some exercise as a preparation before you swim.Otherwise,you may hurt yourself.开始游泳前做一些准备性的训练。否则,你可能会伤到自己。Do it now.Otherwise,it will be

10、too late.现在就开始吧。要不然就太迟了。Seize the chance;otherwise youll regret.抓住这个机会吧,否则你会后悔的。You have failed two tests.Youd better start working hard.Otherwise,you wont pass the course.你已经两次测验都不及格了,最好开始努力学习了,否则你这门课程会通不过。【词汇拓展】(1)otherwise还可以表示“在其他方面”。I want to see him but he is otherwise busy.我想见他,但他正忙着其他的事。The

11、rent is a little high,but otherwise the house is satisfactory.房租有点高,但是在其他方面房子很令人满意。(2)近义词or This is because in the early days,Beijing Opera was usually performed on open-air stages.(Page 105)这是因为早期的京剧通常在露天舞台演出。【教材精讲】perform用作动词,意为“表演;演出”,还可表示“表现;做;执行;履行”。He performed a dance for them.他为他们表演了一段舞蹈。Too

12、ls can perform the complex work for us.这些工具可以为我们完成复杂工作。【词汇拓展】(1)perform vt.表演;演出;表现;做;执行;履行perform magic tricks表演魔术perform well表现好perform badly表现差perform an experiment/a ceremony做实验/举行仪式perform an operation做手术perform a task执行任务perform an important role in在发挥重要作用(2)performance n.表演;演出performer n.表演者

13、He proceeded with the composition until his death in 1827,writing more than 130 musical works,including his Symphony No.9 in D minor.(Page 14)他继续创作直到1827年去世,创作了130多部音乐作品,包括他的D小调第九交响曲。【词汇精讲】proceed用作动词,意为“继续;进行”。Work is proceeding slowly.工作进展缓慢。【词汇拓展】proceed with继续某事proceed to do sth继续做某事proceed to前去

14、Were not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale.我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。He outlined his plans and then proceeded to explain them in more detail.他简单介绍了他的计划,接着又进行了更详细的解释。Passengers for Rome should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding.前往罗马的旅客,请到32号登机口登机。 I think youre referring to the fact that perform

15、ers often sing with very high voices.(Page 105)我想你指的是表演者经常高声歌唱的事实。【词汇精讲】refer用作动词,意为“提到;谈到”,往往和介词to连用,还可表示“指的是;参考;查阅”。Her mother never referred to him again.她的母亲再也没有提起过他。You know who Im referring to.你知道我指的是谁。You may refer to your notes if necessary.如果有必要的话你可以查阅笔记。【词汇拓展】(1)refer to指的是;描述;提到;查询refer t

16、把称作refer的过去式、过去分词均为referred。(2)reference n.提到;参考;查阅;查询reference books参考书make reference to提及Winston made no reference to what had happened.温斯顿没有提及发生的事。 As he proudly signed his name at the bottom of the page,Beethoven tried to imagine how people would respond when they heard it for the first tim

17、e.(Page 14)当他骄傲地在这张纸的底部签名时,贝多芬试图想象人们第一次听到这首曲子时会有什么反应。【词汇精讲】在本句中respond用作动词,意为“回应,回复”,往往和介词to搭配。When asked about the companys future,the director responded that he remained optimistic.问到公司的未来时经理回答说他依然乐观。I asked him his name,but he didnt respond.我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。She never responded to my letter.她从来没给我回过

18、信。【词汇拓展】respond to回答;回应response n.回答;回应make a response to.对做出回应in response to.对做出回应I asked him his name,but he didnt make a response to my question.我问他他的名字,但他没有回答我的问题。The product was developed in response to the customers demands.该产品是根据客户需求开发的。 As the final,joyous note signalled the end of the symph

19、ony,the audience jumped to their feet,clapping,cheering and waving their hats.(Page 15)最后,交响乐在欢快的音符中结束,观众们跳起来,鼓掌、欢呼、挥舞帽子。【词汇精讲】signal用作动词时意为“标志着;预示”,用作名词时意为“标识;信号”。In order not to be heard,she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs.为了不被听到,她手指向上指,示意有人正在楼上走动。The te

20、acher signalled for quietness.老师示意大家安静。He signalled (to) the waiter for the bill.他示意服务员结账。She signalled (to) the car to stop by raising her hand.她举手示意车停下。The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than that on the small ones.主干道上的交通比小街道的交通拥有更长时间的绿灯信号。【词汇拓展】(1)give/send out a signal发出信

21、号the signal for help求救信号danger/warning signal危险信号/警示信号(2)signal to sb 向某人发出信号signal (to) sb to do sth用信号指示某人做某事;示意某人做某事(3)signal的过去式、过去分词用signalled或signaled都可以。 Inspired by his struggles with deafness,the composer produced some amazing pieces,including nine symphonies,five piano pieces,and an opera!

22、(Page 14)这位作曲家受到与失聪作斗争的启发,创作了一些令人惊奇的作品,包括九首交响乐,五首钢琴曲和一部歌剧!【词汇精讲】struggle用作名词意为“奋斗”;用作动词意为“奋斗,拼搏”。It is a struggle for him to remember the new words.对他来说记住生词并非易事。【词汇拓展】a struggle一件困难的事struggle to do sth努力做某事struggle for为而奋斗struggle with/against与抗争He is struggling to learn English well.他正在努力学好英语。The c

23、ountry is struggling for independence.那个国家正在为了独立而斗争。He has been struggling with/against cancer for two years.他已经同癌症斗争两年了。【核心句式】It was not until Caroline Unger,one of the singers,took his arm and turned him to face the audience that the great man realised his symphony was a success.(Page 15)直到其中一个歌手卡

24、洛琳昂格尔挽起他的手臂,转过身来面对观众,这位伟人才意识到他的交响曲成功了。【句式剖析】本句为强调句型,被强调的部分是时间状语until Caroline Unger,one of the singers,took his arm and turned him to face the audience,原句可变为:The great man didnt realise his symphony was a success until Caroline Unger,one of the singers,took his arm and turned him to face the audienc

25、e。It was not until the next day that I knew the truth.直到第二天,我才知道事情的真相。【句式拓展】强调句的结构是“It is/was.that.”,通常强调主语、宾语、状语,可以强调单个词、短语或从句。it本身没有实义。not.until结构用于强调句中其结构为“It was not until. that. 直到才”。We didnt leave until the rain stopped. It was not until the rain stopped that we left.直到雨停了我们才离开。 But Beethoven

26、continued conducting,his head buried in the score.(Page 15)但是贝多芬继续指挥,头埋在乐谱里。【句式剖析】在本句中,“his head buried in the score”是独立主格结构,用作伴随状语,转换成句子应为“and his head was buried in the score”。The task well finished,we were given a prize.任务圆满完成,我们被嘉奖。【句式拓展】动词-ing形式作状语,有时它也可以有自己独立的主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构,通常用来表示伴随的动作或情况,也可以

27、表示时间、原因或条件。独立主格结构通常由“名词/代词+现在分词/过去分词/不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语”构成。现在分词表示主动意义;过去分词表示被动意义或动作已完成;不定式表示尚未发生或将要发生的动作。Time permitting,we can wander around the park.如果时间允许,我们可以去公园漫步。The trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.那些树非常高,其中一些高达90多米。The problem solved,the governor felt relaxed.问题解决了,州长感觉轻松了

28、。So much baggage to carry,I had to take a taxi.有那么多行李要拿,我不得不乘出租车。He came into the classroom,book in hand.他进了教室,手里拿着一本书。 Thats why its one of Chinas national treasures.(Page 105)这就是它成为中国的国宝的原因之一。【句式剖析】That is why.是一个常用句型,是一个由why引导的表语从句,意为“这/那就是的原因”。That was why he had bought the papers with all his m

29、oney.那就是他用所有的钱买了报纸的原因。That is why we decided to put the meeting off.那就是我们决定推迟会议的原因。He didnt go over his lessons;thats why he didnt pass the exam.他没有复习;那就是他考试不及格的原因。【句式拓展】The reason that.的原因是It/This/That is because.这是因为The reason why Tom looked angry is that he quarreled with his sister this morning.汤姆看起来生气的原因是他今天早晨和妹妹吵架了。Jim missed the bus.That was because he got up late.吉姆错过公交车,原因是他起床晚了。He failed the exam.That was because he didnt work hard enough.他考试不及格。那是因为他学习不刻苦。

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