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1、新起点英语二年级上册主要句型新起点英语二年级上册主要句型1. This is my family.这是我的家庭。2. I have a happy family.我有一个快乐的家。3. Whos he (she)?他(她)是谁?4. Hes my dad. (grandpa/ brother)他是我的爸爸。(爷爷/兄弟)5. Shes my mom. (grandma/ sister)她是我的妈妈。(奶奶/姐妹)6. Where is your sister?你的妹妹在哪里?7. Shes at home.她在家里。8. This is my grandma.这是我的奶奶。9. My mom

2、is an engineer.我的妈妈是一位工程师。10. My dad is a doctor.我的爸爸是医生。11. I have a new classmate.我有一个新同学。12. Whats he like?他长什么样?13. Hes tall. (short/thin/big/pretty/ugly)他很高。(矮/瘦/胖/漂亮/丑)14. Im from China. (Canada/America/Britain)我来自中国。(加拿大/美国/英国)15. Im sorry.对不起。16. Thats OK.没关系。17. There is a lake in the park.

3、公园里有条湖。18. What do you see?你看见什么了?19. I see a tree.我看见了一棵树。20. Lets take a picture.让我们来照张相吧。21. Is Yaoyao pretty today? Yes, she is.瑶瑶今天漂亮吗?是的。22. Where is the rabbit?兔子在哪里?23. It is in the grass.它在草丛里。24. Where are you going?你计划要去哪里?25. Im going to the supermarket.我要去超市。26. By taxi?打出租车去吗?27. No, b

4、y bus.不,坐公车去。28. Have you been to the SummerPalace?你去过颐和园吗?29. Yes, I have.是的,我去过。30. I like Beijing Duck.我喜欢北京烤鸭。31. Me too. Its delicious.我也喜欢。它好吃极了。32. Here is a present for you.这是送你的礼物。33. Merry Christmas.圣诞节快乐。34. Happy Spring Festival.春节快乐。35. The same to you.同样祝福你。一课时:be 动词主讲与人称代词的搭配1、基本形式:am

5、、are、is(1) am第一人称I+am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)例:I am a beautiful girl. I am twenty.(2) are第二人称you+are; 一人称复数we+are; 三人称复数they+are 其他复数名词+are (注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you) 例:You are my good friend. We are in the same class.They are on the road. The books are on the desk. (3 is第三人称he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(

6、不是人)+is;其他单数名词+is例:HeShe is a good student. It is a white cat.A dog is on that street.2、肯定、否定、疑问(等于号后是简写)肯定否定be动词后加not一般疑问be动词移到主语前一般疑问否定一般疑问回答 肯定和否定I am =Im .I am not=Im not .Am I?Am not I?Yes,Im.No,Im not.You are= youreYou are not=You arentAre you?Are not you. .? =Arent you?Yes,you are.No,you are

7、not.SheHeIt is=SheHeIt is not =SheHeIt isntIs sheheit?Is not sheheit? =Isnt sheheit?Yes,sheheIt is.No,sheheIt is not.We are=WereWe are not=We arentAre we?Are not we?=Arent we?Yes,we are.No,we are not.They are=TheyreThey are not=They arentAre they?Are not they?=Arent they?Yes,they are.No,they are not

8、.例:I am(not) from London.My eyes are(not) small.My hair is(not) long.Am I a Chniese? 回答: 肯定:Yes, you are. 否定: No, you arent.Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it is. 否定: No, it isnt.注意:在一般疑问回答中,肯定回答除Im不可简写,否定回答均可简写。另:特殊疑问句中:wherehowwhowhatwhy+be动词+人称代词或名词?例:What is your name? My name is GaoBuHan. Where are

9、you? Im in the classroom.3总结:Be的用法口诀 I用am;you、we、they 都 用are;is连着he,she,it;单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 。新起点英语二年级上册Unit 1单词:family家庭,grandpa爷爷(口语),grandma奶奶(口语),dad爸爸(口语),mom妈妈(口语),aunt姑姑,uncle叔叔,sister姐妹,brother兄弟,policeman警察,doctor医生,teacher老师,engineer工程师句

10、型:1 Who is she?她是谁?She is my grandma.她是我的奶奶。2. My dad is a teacher.我爸爸是位教师。Unit 2单词:classmate同学,friend朋友,big大的,thin瘦的,pretty漂亮的,ugly丑的,tall高的,short矮的,from从来,China中国,America美国,Canada加拿大,Britain英国句型:1 What is he like?他长得什么样?He is tall.他个子高。2 Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you too.见到你也很高兴!Unit 3单

11、词:park公园,hill小山,lake湖,bridge桥,tree树,flower花,bee蜜蜂,butterfly蝴蝶,picture图画,图片,beautiful美丽的句型:1 What can you see?你能看见什么?I can see ducks and boats.我能看见鸭子和小船。2Where is the rabbit?兔子在哪里? It is in the grass.兔子在草丛里。Unit 5单词:street街道,van客货车,taxi出租车,bicycle自行车,subway地铁,subway station地铁站,traffic light交通灯,bus st

12、op公共汽车站,supermarket超级市场,book store书店,school学校,hospital医院,zoo动物园,stop停下来,wait等候,go 走句型:Where are you going?你要去哪里?Im going to the park.我要去公园。By taxi?乘出租车去吗?No, By bus.不,乘公共汽车。Unit 6单词:Tiananmen Square天安门广场,the Great Wall长城,the summer palace颐和园,the Forbidden City 紫禁城,Beihai Park北海公园,Beijing Zoo北京动物园,Be

13、ijing Duck北京烤鸭,Beijing opera京剧,great伟大的句型: Have you been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗? Yes, I have. 是的,我曾经去过。Unit 7单词:festival节日,merry 愉快的,Christmas圣诞节,Christmas tree圣诞树,bell铃,present礼物,card明信片,stocking长袜,happy快乐的,Spring Festival春节,Hong Kong香港,Toronto多伦多,Sydney悉尼,snake蛇,horse马,sheep羊,pig猪句型:1 Here is a present for you.这有个礼物送给你。Thank you.谢谢你!2 Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!You,too.你也是。3 Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!The same to you. 同样的祝福送给你。

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