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1、EarthquakesEarthquakes - A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep阅读课教学设计及反思一、 学情分析 本节课的教学对象高一学生,由于高一学生的词汇量不够,而且部分学生还不能通过上下文排除部分生单词的造成的阅读障碍,对生单词的容忍度很小,这在一定程度上影响了阅读速度。另外,阅读过程中过分注重细节,推理能力差,不关注文章的整体框架结构。二、教材分析本单元以地震为中心话题,介绍地震这一自然现象,使学生对地震的起因、前兆、危害以及如何在地震中进行自救等知识有一定的初步了解,并能通过语言表述出来。通过本单元的学习,使学生了解到地震的造成的灾难是多么可怕,怎样避免

2、和减少由地震引发的损失,让学生思考如何有效地预防地震,进行自救、逃生,从而避免过大的损失。1976年的唐山大地震的前兆、经过、危害以及灾后援救工作。文章语言简练生动,描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地,让人感受到地震的可怕,体现人类在自然灾害前的脆弱;同时也表现出震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。三、教学目标分析知识与技能:1. 通过快速阅读,学生能够总结文章大意、分析篇章框架结构及各个部分的段落大意。2. 通过查找细节,学生能够掌握、理解部分新词及初步认识定语从句。3. 学生能够利用在文章中所学语言知识,对唐山大地震

3、做出简要叙述(描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救)。过程与方法:通过个人活动和小组活动培养学生的阅读策略,提高阅读技能以及用英语进行思维、推理、判断的能力。情感态度价值观:1. 培养学生对灾难的正确认识,要以积极的态度来对待灾难。学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神;在教学活动中培养学生的合作精神和互助精神。2. 使学生能够将所学有关地震的知识,运用到日常生活中,体会到学习的成就感。四、教学策略采用多媒体的教学手段,使教学生动活泼,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能提高教学效果;通过任务型教学和合作交流的学习方式,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。课前需准备一些汶川地震灾后图片和日本地震后引发的

4、海啸简短视频。五、教学过程Steps Teachers activitiesStudents activities Aims Time Step 1Lead-inThere are many natural disasters happening in the world. Can you name some of them?Pair work: make a list of the names of natural disasters.To arouse students background knowledge.2 minsStep 2Warming-upShow pictures and

5、 a short video of the great damage after earthquakes with brief introduction.Look at them carefully and think about how terrific it is.To introduce the topic.2 minsStep 3 Pre-readingHow terrible it is.Does an earthquake usually come unexpectedly?Group work: Discussion.The strange things before an ea

6、rthquakeTo arouse students background knowledge and learning interest3 minsStep 4Fast-reading1. Ask the students to skim the title and the picture to grasp the main idea. 2. Ask the students to read the text fast to summarize the general idea of each part.Individual work: Skim the text to finish Tas

7、k 1: the main idea of the text.Pair work: Task 2: divide the text into three parts and find out the general idea of each part.To help the students to get the main idea of the text and learn to analyze the structure.5 minsStep 5Careful-readingAsk the students to fill in the given table and blanks thr

8、ough individual work. Individual work: Scan the text, find the detail information and finish the task 3, 4 and 5.To help the students to get the detail information of the strange signs before earthquakes, the great damage caused by earthquakes and the recovery after earthquake.10 minsStep 6Post-read

9、ingAssign the students to translate 4 sentences. Pair work: Try to translate the 4 sentences. Discover the useful structures.To introduce the useful structures and help the students to deepen their understanding.5 minsStep 7SummaryAsk the students to fill in the blanks according to the text.Individu

10、al work: finish the summary.To review the words & expressions learned in the text and try to paraphrase the text.4 minsStep 8Discussion Ask the students to discuss what we can do to reduce the damage.Group work: what can we do to reduce the damage?To train the students oral English.8 minsStep 9 Home

11、work1. Finish Ex.2 on P28.2. Underline the sentences you dont understand.Be able to use some new words and expressions in their output.1 min六、课后反思 根据英语课程标准和教材要求,本课的重点应放在培养学生的阅读策略和语言理解能力,同时培养学生用英语进行表达的实际语言运用能力。通过本节课的教学,学生们不但对地震有了一定的了解,而且能用英语进行简单的描述,我认为本节课的教学目标基本达成,教学效果良好。通过导入问题,学生能够迅速进入话题。在阅读教学过程中,充分

12、发挥学生的自主能动性,让学生通过对标题和图片的分析,快速推理出文章话题;让学生通过快速阅读解决问题并分析文章框架结构,找主题句或关键词并概括段落大意。利用所设置的题目引导学生, 在阅读中既解决问题,又能掌握阅读技巧和阅读策略。通过课后的总结和讨论,能够让学生将课堂上所学的语言知识运用于实际,同时学生能够拓展思维,用英语进行表达,学以致用。但是由于时间限制,在上课时让学生最后进行讨论的时间不是很充足,很多方面都是点到即止,不可能让所有组都有机会进行口头汇报。 最后,教师的总结和评价时间有限,尤其是总结在地震中如何进行逃生、自救等实用知识。附录A Night the Earth Didnt Sle

13、ep. Fast readingTask 1. What does the passage mainly talk about? When and where did it happen? _Task 2. Read the passage, and try to divide the passage into several parts and summarize the main idea of each part (you can use a word/a phrase or find out the topic sentences).PartParagraphMain idea123.

14、 Careful readingTask 3. Read the passage carefully and try to find out the detail information about it.What happened before the earthquake?The water in the wellThe well wallsA smelly gasThe pigs and the chickensmice and fishIn the skyThe water pipeTask 4. Find out the detail information of damage an

15、d fill in the blanks:1. At _ am, the _ earthquake of the 20th century began. 2. A huge crack _ houses, roads and canals.3. Steam _ holes in the ground.4. Hard hills of the rock became rivers of _. And _ covered the ground like red autumn leaves. 5. Two _ and most of the bridges fell.6. The railway t

16、racks were now _pieces of _. _ now filled the wells instead of water.7. Water, food, and _ were hard to get. 8. The suffering of the people was_. _ of families were killed and many children were _.9. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were _ under the ruins.The data mentioned in the passage:1. _

17、of the nation felt the earthquake.2. A huge crack that was _ kilometers long and _meters wide cut across houses.3. In _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 4. _of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.5. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than_.6. Al

18、l of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and _of its homes were gone.Task 5. Recovery after the earthquakeAfter the earthquake, the Army sent _ to dig out those who were trapped and to _ the dead. Workers _ for survivors and fresh water _ to the city. So not all hope was _. Transla

19、te the following sentences into Chinese.1. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night._2. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000._3. Then, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one

20、 shook Tang Shan._4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead._. Summary Several days before July 28, 1976, many s_ things happened in Tang Shan. They were signs for the e_. But people in the city of Tang Shan didnt think m_ of these. At 3:42am that day, the ea

21、rth began to s_, which d_ the city. Many people including workers and doctors came to r_ those t_ under the ruins. Later that afternoon another big earthquake struck Tang Shan. More people were killed or i_ and more buildings f_ down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to _ _ the trapped and b_ the dead.

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