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1、商务英语翻译资料组织机构名称翻译法1) 政府官方机构包括中央政府部门与各级地方政府部门。国务院以下各级国家机构由委 (Commission),部 (ministry),司 (department),局 (bureau),处 (division),所 (institute),科 (section),中心 (centre),室 (office) 等组成。各机构部门职责分工不同,历史沿革不同,因而机构名称不尽相同,其英译也有差异。有些政府部门有约定俗成的简略语,如国家教委(国家教育委员会)、国家计委 (国家计划委员会)。翻译这些简略语需将其全称意译成英语,例如: 全国人民代表大会 the Natio

2、nal Peoples Congress 常设委员会the Standing Committee 中国人民政治协商会议 the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference 国务院 the State Council 国家计委 the State Planning Commission 国家教委the State Educational Commission 外交部 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;the Foreign Ministry 财政部the Ministry of Finance 文化部the M

3、inistry of Culture 商业部the Ministry of Commerce 外事局the Bureau of Foreign Affairs 行政处 the Division of Administration ; the Administrative Division 秘书处the Secretariat 人事处 the Division of Personnel;the Personnel Division 2) 地方政府机构包括省、地、市、县等各级政府及其下属机构部门,有委 (commission),厅 (department),局 (bureau),公司 (compa

4、ny)等,其名称采用意译方法,例如: 省教委 the Provincial Educational Commission 省民政厅 the Provincial Department of Civil,Administration 省监察局 the Provincial Supervisory Bureau 省审计局 the Provincial Auditing Bureau 省进出口公司 the Provincial Import and Export Company 地农业局 the Prefectural Agricultural Bureau 地税务局 the Prefectural

5、 Tax Bureau 市体委 the CityMunicipal Physical Culture and Sports Commission 市文委 the CityMunicipal Cultural Commission 市公用局 the CityMunicipal Public Utility Bureau 市商品检验局 the CityMunicipal Commodity Inspection Bureau 市邮政总局the CityMunicipal General Post Office 市保险公司 the CityMunicipal Insurance Company 县工

6、业局the County Industrial Bureau 县林业局 the County Forestry Bureau 3) 社会团体单位 (如工厂、商店、医院、公司、大学、中小学、出版社等),其名称一般采取意译方法,例如: 南京大学 Nanjing University 北京四中 Beijing No4 (number four) Middle School 北京第一实验小学 Beijing NoI (number one) Experimental Primary Elementary School 武汉钢铁公司 Wuhan Iron and Steel Company 杭州万向节厂

7、 Hangzhou Universal Joints Factory 北京301医院 Beijing No301 (number three 0 one) Hospital 北京动物园 Beijing Zoo 4)专业组织和民间组织名称,一般也采用意译方法,例如: 市消费者协会the Municipal Consumers Association5)国际主要经济贸易组织协会名称翻译 National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会Association for the Pro

8、motion of International Trade, Japan 日本国际贸易促进会British Council for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会International Union of Marine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会International Alumina Association 国际铝矾土协会Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟Customs Co-operation Co

9、uncil, CCC 关税合作理事会United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易区Council for

10、 Mutual Economic Aid, CMEA 经济互助委员会Eurogroup 欧洲集团Group of Ten 十国集团Committee of Twenty(Paris Club) 二十国委员会Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association, CARIFTA加勒比共同市场(加勒比自由贸易同盟)Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场Lat

11、in American Free Trade Association, LAFTA 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟Central American Common Market, CACM 中美洲共同市场African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场Central African Customs and Economic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟West African Economic Community, WAEC 西非经济共同体Orga

12、nization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Common wealth Preference Area 英联邦特惠区Centre National du Commerce Exterior, National Center of External Trade法国对外贸易中心International Bank for Reconstruction and development, IBR

13、D 国际复兴开发银行World Bank 世界银行International Development association, IDA 国际开发协会International Monetary Found Agreement 国际货币基金协定International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织European Economic and Monetary Union 欧洲经济与货币同盟European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金Bank for International Settlements, BIS 国际结算银行Af

14、rican Development Bank, AFDB 非洲开发银行Export-Import Bank of Washington 美国进出口银行National city Bank of New York 花旗银行American Oriental Banking Corporation 美丰银行American Express Co. Inc. 美国万国宝通银行The Chase Bank 大通银行Inter-American Development Bank, IDB 泛美开发银行European Investment Bank, EIB 欧洲投资银行Midland Bank Ltd

15、. 米兰银行United Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行Dresden Bank A.G. 德累斯敦银行Bank of Tokyo Ltd. 东京银行Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation 香港汇丰银行International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融公司La Communaute Financieve African 非洲金融共同体Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC 联合国经济及社会理事会United Nations Development Program, NUDP

16、联合国开发计划署 United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO 粮食与农业组织, 粮农组织Economic Commission for Europe, ECE 欧洲经济委员会Eco

17、nomic Commission for Latin America, ECLA 拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, ECAFE 亚洲及远东经济委员会Economic Commission for Western Asia, ECWA 西亚经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa, ECA 非洲经济委员会New York Stock Exchange, NYSE 纽约证券交易所London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exch

18、ange 波罗的海商业和航运交易所常见错译实例在一些由中文翻译的英语样本、合同、广告和其他文件材料中常见一些翻译错误,现仅举几个出现频率较高的例子,试作分析,谨供读者朋友参考。 1.由港澳国际投资公司投资的海口电站工程因其建设速度和质量得到高度评价。 原译文:The Haikou Power Station Project invested by the Hong Kong-Macau International Investment Co, Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality. 注:投资某项工程应为

19、invest in a project,在被动语态中不能漏去前置词in。应译为:The Haikou Power Station Project invested in(在某些情况下可用financed or funded) by the Hong Kong-Macau International Investment Co., Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality. 2.上海SFECO拥有5个控股子公司。 原译文:Shanghai SFECO Group has 5 share-holding com

20、panies. 注:share-holding company指控制或持有某公司股权的股东公司。上述译文意思是5个公司持有Shanghai SFECO Group的股份,换句话说,这5个公司是“老子”公司,因此显然不符合中文原意。 应译为:Shanghai SFECO Group is a holding company of 5 subsidiary companies. 或Shanghai SFECO Group holds shares of 5 subsidiary companies. 3.中国民生银行有限公司 原译文:China Minsheng Banking Corporati

21、on, Ltd. 注:corporation本身即为有限公司,相当于limited company,英译中无需再加“Ltd”。应译为:China Minsheng Banking Corporation 4.项目中标之后,我们将立即开始前期准备工作。 原译文:After the bid is awarded, we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation. 注:项目中标应为accept a bid or award the contract。显然上述译文把两种表达法相混淆了。应译为:After the bid is accep

22、ted (or the contract is awarded), we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation. 5.欢迎您参观我们交易会 原译文:Welcome you to visit our fair! 注:译文中welcome是动词,因此此句是祈使句形式,省略的主语为第二人称你(你们),而不是中文所含的我(我们)之意。应译为:We welcome you to visit our trade fair! 更简洁而地道的译法是:Welcome to our trade fair! 6.我公司出口工业产品、化工产品、医药

23、等。 原译文:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines and etc. 注:etc.等于and so on或and others,已含有and的成分,上述译文无需加上and一词。应译为:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines, etc. 7.我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。 原译文:We hereby entrust your company to be our business agent in Mauriti

24、us. 注:entrust一词在作委托解时用法为entrust somebody with something or entrust something to somebody。应译为:We hereby appoint your company to be our business agent in Mauritius. 8.本合同签订之后,签约双方中任何一方不得将合同内容泄露给第三方。 原译文:Any of the two parties can not divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conc

25、lusion of the contract. 注:双方中任何一方为either of the two parties,三方(或三方以上)中任何一方才用any of the parties,因本句为否定句。应译为:Neither of the two parties can divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract. 9.在双方签约之后,各方将严格遵守本协议。 原译文:After this agreement is signed by the two pa

26、rties, all parties shall strictly abide by it. 注:与上一条相类似,在协议当事方为三方(或三方以上)时,各方为all parties,而当事方为两方时应用both parties。应译为:After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it.中英文联系业务信函联系业务信函We are particularly interested in your products, and would like to have more

27、detailed information on all of your commodities. 本公司对贵方的产品特感兴趣,盼能从贵方获得更多的商品详细资料。 We have extensive sales network for this line of goods, and shall always be ready to cooperate with you in marketing of your products in our market.我方对此产品有广大的销售网,本公司随时准备与贵方合作,以拓展贵方产品在我国的市场。We have excellent connections

28、in the trade and are fully experienced with the import business for this type of product.在贸易方面,我们有良好的关系,对此类产品进口业务更具有丰富的经验。We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese silk goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years business experience.我公司是中国丝绸产品大出口商之一,具有五十年商贸经验,享誉中外。As to o

29、ur credit and financial standing, we can refer you to the Bank of China and the Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou.至于我们的信用和财务状况,请向中国银行和广州商会了解。Our reference is the Bank of China.我们的证明人是中国银行。We are in the market for chemicals.我们要购买化工产品。We are in the market for Chinese leather shoes and should be obliged

30、 if you would send us your best quotation.我方拟购中国皮鞋,请报最优惠价格为感。The export of textiles is our line of business (or: our business scope).出口纺织品是我们的经营范围。to establish (or: enter into)business relations with sb.与某人建立贸易关系on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods在平等互利、互通有无的基础上We ho

31、pe to trade with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们希望在平等、互利的基础上和你方进行贸易。to fall within the scope of our business activities属于我们的经营范围We deal exclusively in light industrial products.我们专营轻工业产品。We come to know the name and address of your firm through .承蒙。告知贵公司的名称和地址。The articles we require should be durable and the colors should be bright and attractive. 本公司要求的货物务必经久耐用,色彩鲜明,

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