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2、每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADifferent countries have different tipping customs. When you travel, you need to know how to tip in the country that youre in; otherwise youll leave servers angry everywhere you go.Here are just a few guidelines to tipping around the world.BrazilThere will always be a stand

3、ard 10% service charge added to your bill, and you wont necessarily have to tip. If you do feel like being generous, an extra 5-10% will really make your server very happy. Just remember to do this as skillfully as possibleBrazilians dont make a big show of this.DubaiIn Dubai its a rule for restaura

4、nts to charge 10% tip on all restaurant and bar bills. You can add a couple of dirhams(迪拉姆,货币单位)to this if you feel like it. Waiters are not paid very much in Dubai, so it is always very appreciated.GermanyGerman bars and restaurants will include the tip as part of what you owe, but thats not all yo

5、u have to pay. It is a custom to round the bill up after that, usually to the euro. This can be anywhere from 5-10%. When its time to settle up, you wont get a bill: your waiter tells you the total and then you tell them how much you want to pay, including your “tip”, and hand over the money.Czech R

6、epublicWhile locals in the Czech Republic dont leave tips, that doesnt mean youre off the hook.Foreign tourists are definitely expected to leave some kind of tip for serviceas long as youre in a high tourist traffic area, like Prague for instance. The standard tip is 10%.IndiaIf you like the service

7、, go ahead and tip your server 5-10%. You have to adjust that amount though, based on how big the meal youre eating is. If the bill is for a small meal, and totals less than 300 rupees, tip the full 10%. If the bill is higher, tip towards the 5%.1. In which country do customers have to tip at least

8、10% for the service?A. Dubai B. IndiaC. Germany D. Czech Republic2. Which country has different tip cultures between citizens and foreigners?A. Dubai B. GermanyC. India D. Czech Republic3. If your bill is 2000 rupees in India, it is proper for you to tip_ rupees.A. 10 B. 80C. 120 D. 200【答案】1. A 2. D

9、 3. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,作者介绍了巴西、迪拜、德国、捷克和印度的餐饮小费文化。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据文中Dubai(迪拜)部分的介绍“In Dubai its a rule for restaurants to charge 10% tip on all restaurant and bar bills. You can add a couple of dirhams to this if you feel like it.”可知在迪拜,餐馆都会直接基于账单收取10%的小费,这已经成为一项规则,在此基础上可以自愿多给。另结合全文,其他国家都没有这种强制性的规矩,故选A。

10、【2题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段第一、二句“While locals in the Czech Republic dont leave tips, that doesnt mean youre off the hook. Foreign tourists are definitely expected to leave some kind of tip for service”可知捷克共和国的公民不给小费,但是外国人一定要给小费,在这个国家对于公民和外国游客的小费文化是不同的,故选D。【3题详解】推理判断题。结合最后一段的总体介绍,一顿饭是否为“大餐”决定了小费比例,并根据“If the b

11、ill is for a small meal, and totals less than 300 rupees, tip the full 10%. If the bill is higher, tip towards the 5%.”推知如果消费账单超过300卢布,小费从10%逐步下降,最低至 5%,2000卢布的账单小费应该小于10%(200卢布)大于5%(100卢布),只有C项的120落在这个区间范围内,故选C。【点睛】完成阅读理解中的“细节理解”题型,应注意对干扰项的辄别和排除,例如本篇中的第1小题,如果没有仔细阅读文本,可能会因A项Dubai(迪拜)和D项Czech Republi

12、c(捷克)的对应段落中都含有“强制性小费标准为10%”的表述而错选,但仔细阅读文章后发现,locals in the Czech Republic dont leave tips(捷克当地人是无须给小费的),强制性的小费只对游客有效,它和迪拜全体给小费的情况很不同,因而要及时排除干扰项D。BMy nephew came for a visit one hot, July weekend. I persuaded him to stay inside by joining him in a Nintendo game. After being mercilessly defeated by a

13、more experienced player, I suggested that we relax for a while. He slipped out of the room and I caught a few moments of peace and quiet.“Look, Alice,” he said enthusiastically as he ran over to the chair where I was recovering. “I found a kite. Could we go outside and fly it?”Glancing out of a near

14、by window, I noticed there was not a breeze (微风). “Im sorry, Tripper,” I said, sad to see his disappointed eyes, but thankful for the short period of rest from more activities. “The wind is not blowing today. The kite wont fly.”The determined 10-year-old replied. “I think its windy enough. I can get

15、 it to fly,” he answered, as he hurried out through the back door. I peeked through the curtains to watch determination in action. Up and down the yard he ran, pulling the kite attached to a small length of string. The plastic kite, proudly displaying a picture of Batman, remained about shoulder lev

16、el.He ran back and forth, as hard as his ten-year-old legs would carry him, looking back hopefully at the kite trailing behind. After about ten minutes of unsuccessful determination, he came back in.I asked, “How did it go?” “Fine,” he said, “I got it to fly some.” As he walked past me to return the kite to the closet shelf, I heard him say under his breath, “I gu

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