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1、吉林工程技术师范学院普通话培训测试站吉林工程技术师范学院普通话培训测试站Putonghua Training and Testing Station of Jilin TeachersInstitute of Engineering and Technology吉林工程技术师范学院普通话培训测试站简介Introduction to Putonghua Training and Testing Station of Jilin TeachersInstitute of Engineering and Technology 20XX年8月,在学校语言文字工作委员会的支持下,经吉林省语言文字工作委员

2、会办公室的批准,成立了吉林省普通话培训测试中心吉林工程技术师范学院测试站,陈少志教授任站长。该站是吉林省教育厅、吉林省语言文字工作委员会、吉林省普通话培训测试中心领导下的高等学校普通话水平培训测试的实施机构。In August, 2001, under the support of the school language working committee, after approval of Jilin province language working committee office, the Jilin province Putonghua Training and Testing C

3、enter Jilin TeachersInstitute of Engineering and Technology Testing Station was established and Professor Chen Shaozhi is director of the station. This station is the implementing organization for Putonghua training and testing in higher schools led by Jilin Province Education Bureau, Jilin Province

4、 Language Working Committee, and Jilin Province Putonghua Training and Testing Center. 该站在普通话水平培训测试方面具有高质量的培训体系、严谨的测试流程、以注重语言应用性的培训为特色,深受广大测试对象的认同。20XX年,吉林工程技术师范学院被评为“国家语言文字工作先进集体”。 This station has high quality training system and strict testing flow in the aspect of Putonghua training and testing.

5、 The feature of the station is emphasis on training the application of language. In 2007, Jilin TeachersInstitute of Engineering and Technology was appraised as “advanced group in the national language work”.该站主要承担本校及省内部分高校师生普通话水平培训和测试。截至20XX年9月,已培训测试17062人,其中一级甲等5人,一级乙等5816人,二级甲等7781人,二级乙等3460人。Thi

6、s station mainly undertakes the training and testing of teachers and students in this institute and some higher schools in Jilin province. Until September 2008, it has trained and tested 17,062 persons, among which 5 persons are graded as first level A grade, 5,816 persons first level B grade, 7,781

7、 persons second level A grade, 3,460 persons second level B grade. 普通话水平培训测试站教学队伍Teaching staff of Putonghua Training and Testing Station普通话水平培训测试站现有18位教师,其中教授3人,副教授1人,讲师7人,助教7人;有12人获得硕士学位;国家级普通话水平测试员3人,省级普通话水平测试员6人;有2名教师先后赴法国进行语言文化交流,有多名教师有对外汉语教学经验。陈少志教授被评为“全国优秀测试工作者”,省级精品课“大学语文”课程负责人。20XX年陈少志教授被学校

8、授予“教学名师”称号,所带领“大学语文”教学团队被评为“学校优秀教学团队”。测试站教师培训的学生参加国家级和省级语言文字大赛均获得了优异成绩,并荣获“省级语言文字大赛优秀指导教师”的称号,3位教师荣获“骨干教师”和“师德标兵”称号。Putonghua Training and Testing Station currently has 18 teachers, among them there are 3 professors, 1 associate professor, 7 lecturers, and 7 teaching assistants; 12 persons obtain ma

9、sters degree; 3 persons are state-level Putonghua testers, and 6 persons are provincial level Putonghua testers; 2 teachers have been to France to carry on language and cultural exchange successively, and most of them have experience in teaching.Professor Chen Shaozhi is awarded the national excelle

10、nt testing worker,and the person in charge of University Language course which is the provincial fine lesson,and is awarded the institute teaching famous teacher title in 2008, the University Language teaching team is evaluated the institute outstanding teaching team in 2008.Teachers who are in test

11、ing station train the students to take part in national and provincial levels language contest, all the students achieved outstanding results. Teachers were named the title of outstanding instructors. Two of them were awarded school backbone teachers and morality pacesetters.1.刘琦,教授,学校副校长,研究方向:中国古代文

12、学,普通话水平培训测试1. Liu Qi, professor, vice president of the school, research direction: Chinese ancient literature, Putonghua training and testing.2.陈少志,教授,国家级普通话水平测试员,20XX年,被评为全国优秀测试工作者,研究方向:中国古代文学,普通话水平培训测试2. Chen Shaozhi, professor, state-level Putonghua tester, was appraised as national outstanding t

13、ester in 2005, research direction: Chinese ancient literature, Putonghua training and testing.3.闫秀文,教授,省级普通话水平测试员,研究方向:写作,普通话水平培训测试3.Yan Xiuwen, professor, provincial level Putonghua tester, research direction: writing, Putonghua training and testing.4.于巍,副教授,硕士,国家级普通话水平测试员,研究方向:中国现当代文学,普通话水平培训测试4.Y

14、u Wei, associate professor, master, state-level Putonghua tester, research direction: Chinese contemporary literature, Putonghua training and testing.5.孙颖瑞,讲师,在读硕士,国家级普通话水平测试员,研究方向:中国古代文学,普通话水平培训测试5. Sun Yingrui, lecturer, master in reading, state-level Putonghua tester, research direction: Chinese

15、ancient literature, Putonghua training and testing.3. 测试站教师合影1. Teachers of the testing station carry on language and cultural exchange in France with local residents2. Teachers of the testing station obtain language and cultural exchange certificate in France. 3. Group photo of the teachers of the

16、testing station.普通话水平培训测试项目特点Characteristics of Putonghua training and testing items1.培训性质:短期培训(1 - 6 月)1. Training nature: short-term training (1 - 6 months)2.培训教材: 2.Training materials:普通话水平测试实施纲要,商务印书馆“Implementation Program of Putonghua Testing”, Commercial Press普通话水平测试大纲,吉林人民出版社“General Outline

17、 of Putonghua Testing Program”, Jilin Peoples Press普通话水平测试训练教程,吉林大学出版社“Putonghua Testing and Training Course”, Jilin University Press3.培训模式:小班互动式授课,汉语教学3. Training pattern: small grade interactive lecture, taught in Chinese 全日制本科生4.培训指导:国家级普通话水平资深专家指导、国家级普通话水平测试员培训。4. Training instruction: instructe

18、d by state-level senior Putonghua experts, trained by state-level Putonghua testers.到普通话培训测试站办理考试注册手续5.培训成果:经过培训测试,学生可以获得普通话水平等级证书,该证书由吉林省普通话培训测试中心审核,国家语委认定,全国范围内有效。5. Training achievement: After the training and testing, the students can obtain Putonghua grade certificate. The certificate is examin

19、ed and verified by Jilin Province Putonghua Training and Testing Center, recognized by the national language committee, and is effective in the whole country.培训流程填写登记表报名Training flow办理注册手续普通话测试前培训(讲课、答疑、模拟测试)领取准考证报名 Signing up填写登记表 Filling in Registration Form办理注册手续 Go through the certified procedur

20、e普通话测试前培训 Training of Putonghua before testing讲课、答疑、模拟测试 Lecturing, answering questions, and simulation test领取准考证 Receiving admission card for entrance测试流程Testing flow进入考区进入候测室进入测试室进入备测室领等级证等待复审进入考区 Entering testing area进入候测室 Entering waiting room进入备测室 Entering preparation room进入测试室 Entering testing

21、 room等待复审 Waiting for re-examination领等级证 Receiving grade certificate 测试流程说明Explanation of testing flow1. 进入考区1. Entering testing area应试者凭准考证按时进入考区。The examinees should enter the testing area on time with the admission card for entrance.2.候测室 Waiting room应试人等候考试。The examinees wait for testing. 3.备测室

22、Preparation room阅读试卷,准备考试。Read the examination paper, prepare for testing.4. 测试室Testing room应试人接受普通话水平测试。 Examinees receive Putonghua testing.5.等待复审 Waiting for re-examination应试人的成绩通过上级主管部门的批准方可生效。The testing result of examinees can only go into effect after passing the approval of higher level depa

23、rtment in charge. 6. 领等级证Receiving grade certificate 领取普通话水平测试等级证书。Receiving “Putonghua Testing Grade Certificate”.七、启动国家普通话水平智能测试系统VII. Starting national intelligent Putonghua testing system20XX年5月,我校普通话水平培训测试站正式启用了国家普通话水平智能测试系统。In May 2008, the Training and Testing Station of our school formally s

24、tarted national intelligent Putonghua testing system普通话水平智能测试系统,具有自动化测试、简单易操作、管理方便、灵活实用等特点,在很大程度上提高了测试效率,能更有效地为应试者服务,同时也使普通话水平测试工作更加公平、公正、科学。The intelligent Putonghua testing system has such characteristics as automated testing, easy to operate, convenient for management, flexible and practical and

25、so on, which to a great extent improve testing efficiency, and this can serve the examinees for efficiently. At the same time, it also makes Putonghua testing work be more fairer, more just and more scientific. 普通话水平测试的类型题普通话水平测试的类型题Types of questions in Putonghua testing我校测试站是吉林省两家“国家普通话水平智能测试实验基地”

26、之一。20XX年7月,国家语委的专家专程到我校进行调研和座谈,对我校搭建的国家普通话水平智能测试网络平台十分称许。The testing station in our school is one of the two “national intelligent Putonghua testing experimental base” in Jilin Province. In July, 2008, experts from the national language committee specially arrived at our school to make the on invest

27、igation, study and discussion, and they spoke highly of the national intelligent Putonghua testing network platform built by our school. 普通话水平培训测试知识问答Knowledge related to Putonghua training and testing 1.什么是普通话水平测试?答:普通话水平测试是应试人运用普通话所达到的标准程度的检测和评定,是应试人的汉语标准语测试。应试人在运用普通话口语进行表达过程中所表现的语音、词汇、语法规范程度,是评定其

28、所达到的水平等级的重要依据。普通话水平测试一律采用口试方式进行。1. What is Putonghua testing?Answer: The Putonghua testing is the testing and evaluating of the standard degree that examinees can achieve in using Putonghua, and it is the testing of the standard Chinese. It is the important basis for evaluating the grade that examin

29、ees can achieve that the pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammatical standard degree of examinees use Putonghua to express. Putonghua testing is carried on in oral form. 2.普通话测试的内容是什么?分为四个部分:一是读100个单音节字词;二是读50个双音节词语;三是朗读规定范围内的一篇短文;四是用给定的话题说3分钟的话;所有测试内容都从指定教材中随机抽取。2. What is the content of Putonghua t

30、esting? It can be divided into four parts: firstly, read 100 monosyllable characters and words; secondly, read 50 disyllabic phrases; thirdly, read aloud a short article within the prescribed range; fourthly, speak for 3 minutes based on the given topic; all test contents are randomly selected from

31、the assigned teaching materials.3.普通话水平培训的内容有哪些?我站在每次普通话测试之前都举办一次培训,培训的内容分为四个模块:一是普通话水平测试大纲培训,通过培训使考生掌握“普测”的基本要求和基本内容;二是“学习普通话难点分析”,这方面的培训可以使考生了解自己学习普通话的难点,掌握克服发音错误的方法,更快的提高普通话水平;三是“朗读、说话指导”,指导考生根据普通话测试评分标准,正确朗读和说话;四是模拟测试。3. What are the contents in Putonghua training?Before each Putonghua testing,

32、there is one training, and the training contents can be divided into four modules: firstly,the training of “General Outline of Putonghua Testing”, and through training let the examinee grasp the basic requirements and basic contents of “the general testing”; secondly, “analysis on difficult point in leaning Putonghua”, and by training in this aspect can make the examinees understand the difficult points in th

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