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1、小学英语第一册第十七课第二课时教学设计一年级英语教案模板小学英语第一册第十七课第二课时教学设计_一年级英语教案_模板 课型:新授课课题:Lesson Seventeen教学目标认知目标1、掌握Lesson 17 Part(II)单词和句型,能依照课文句型用所学的单词和句型在模拟情景中进行对话。2、掌握句型:Whos she及其回答Shes/ Hes和一般疑问句Is she ?及其回答,并能在实际中运用。3、能用“The girl with a ”并在实际中运用。思想情感目标继续激发学生学习英语的兴趣,树立正确的学习目的,养成良好的学习习惯以及培养和提高学生与他人交往的能力。智力发展目标培养学生

2、拼读单词的能力,扮演角色进行情景会话的能力,与他人交往的能力和参与活动的能力。教学重点 Whos she?(Whos he)句型及其回答。Is she ?(Is he ?)及其回答。三 教学难点。Is she ?(Is he ?)肯定回答:Yes, she is (he is )否定回答:No, she isnt (he isnt)四、教学媒体录音带 录音机 课文插图 单词卡 句型卡 电脑 电脑软件五、教学过程1Warming Up 课前准备“Sing a Song”Look at the boy on the bike.Who is he ? Who is he?Hes my good fr

3、iend. He is Mike.He s Joans brother. ( 唱2次)2步骤:上课前,老师组织带领全班边唱边做动作。歌曲是改编自“London Bridge Falling Down”目标:复习上一节课学习过的Lesson 17的(I)的内容。作用:让学放松神经,调节好情绪,同时又可回忆上一节课学过的知识。2板书,讲目标步骤:a宣布课题b板书课题c宣讲目标(这节课我们继续学习Lesson 17的II部份,掌握四价目四会单词和Whos she ? Is she?句型及其答语)目标 :让学生有一个学习新知识的概念。3复习Lesson Seventeen (I)A Act Outa表

4、演(I)原文(课文插图)b按照(I)让学生自己编对话目标:让学生回忆上一节课所学的知识,教师可以在发展性练习中检查学生的掌握程度。作用:巩固旧知识B Game (电脑)荧屏上有五幅伟人图像:毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、刘少奇、邓小平。引导学生用“Whos he? Hes .句型来问答。目标:再现上一节课的重点,让学生反复运用朗朗上口。作用:重点句型的巩固,为下面新知识Whos she ?Shes 句型做准备。4呈现新课A 课文(II)的整体呈现(电脑呈现2次)A:Whos that girl? ( 2个男孩手指远2个女孩)B:Which girl?A: The girl with a bag. (女

5、孩手中书包闪动)B:Thats Rose (手拿书包的女孩闪动)A:Is she your sister? (一男孩手指另一男孩)B:No, she isnt my sister . Shes my cousin.目标:让学生尽量理解文章内容作用:以“听”为先。使学生对内容有一个大概的理解。(教师提问)Question Q Answer AQ: Whats that? (指住书包)A:Its a bag.Q: Thats Rose .Yes or No?A: Yes , thats Rose.目标:检查学生对课文的理解B:分步呈现(电脑呈现,共分成三部份)a: Whos that girl?

6、(Section 1)Which girl?(板书 句子)Whos that girl?Which girl?(板书 单词:girl )b: The girl with a bag .(Section 2)Thats Rose .(板书)四会单词 with 拿着 具有 (板书)(解释意思并带实单词和句子)c:Is she your sister ? (Section 3)No, she isnt my sister . Shes my cousin (板书)四会单词:sister i cousin (解释意思并带读单词及句子。)目标: 分步呈现课文,让学生进一步理解课文,掌握四会单词, 不作扩

7、展性的操练。 只要求学生熟悉课文。作用: 在第一步“听”后,让学生容易上口。c 整体呈现课文目标: 让学生对课文按整分整的步骤了解课文。作用: 保证学生对课文的整体概念,强调课文的完整性。巩固操练 A: Read after the tape (the pupils open the books)齐读一次。以组为单位,分角色朗读。Pair work 同桌对练,背 ()。 表演 (检查)目标:这个环节以“读”为主,基本完成学生对课文的掌握工作。作用:熟读课文,为后部分的发展性练习做好准备。B: 小结四会单词: girl, with, sister, cousin句型: The girl with

8、 a bag.句型对比 Whos that girl? (电脑呈现)Whos she? ShesWhos he? HesIs she ? Yes, she is. (No, she isnt.)Is he ? Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.)目标:总结L17 (II) 所学的知识。7 巩固操练A (练习卷)填写 所缺的单词。A:Whats that ?B: Which ?A: The girl a bag.B: Thats Rose.A: your ?B: No, she isnt my . Shes my .目标:加强学生对新单词的拼写,加深对课文的熟悉程度。作用:学生可

9、在填写空缺中,把新知识转化成“写”的形式。完成“听,说, 读, 写“四个步骤。B 表演 (II)。 巩固发展A: Game (电脑)荧屏上有学生的照片, 每一幅开始时有的模糊不清,有的有花点遮住,有的只出现脸盘的一部份。引导学生用 Whos she? ShesWhos he? HesIs she your classmate? (sister, brother, friend, monitor)Is he your classmate? (sister, brother, friend, monitor)Yes, she is . (No, she isnt.)Yes, he is . (No

10、, he isnt.)目标:操练本课重点句型。作用:用生动有趣的电脑游戏来操练学生,使他们能够熟练地运用本课地重难点句型。B: 发展性对话练习 (录像)2个女孩分别拿着toy pig and toy rabbit 走来。(要求学生编对话。)A: Whos the girl?B; Which girl?A: The girl with a toy rabbit.B: Thats A: Is she your ?B; Yes,(No,)she is .(isnt.)2个男孩,一个站在箱子上,另一个扶住他。A:Whos that boy? B: Which boy?A: The boy on the

11、 box.B: Thats A: Is he your ?B: Yes,(No,) he is .(isnt.)目标:让学生把课本的知识转化为自己的知识在实际情景中运用。作用:培养学生在实际情景中运用新知识的能力。Homework A 抄写L17的新单词。B 抄写L17的课文。C 背诵(II)。 六 课文版书girl A: Whos that girl?with B: Which girl?sister A: The girl with a bag.cousin B; That抯 Rose.A: Is she your sister?B: No, She isn抰 my sister. She

12、抯 my. Cousin.七 课文流程图开始歌曲 教学目标 表演课文 表演对话 电脑 游戏电脑 呈现课文 电脑 提问 电脑 分步呈现课文录音机 跟读课文朗读 同桌练习 背诵小结归纳课文填空电脑 游戏 录像 编对话结束教学目标:学习加法句型;做看图说话(Look and say)13.重难点英语中加法的表达7+4读作seven and four加法句型的问答:How much is seven and four?Its eleven.How much (1)多少钱(两种意义)(2) (总和)多少教学过程:Oral English余虹在商店买铅笔盒:A: Good afternoon. Can I

13、 help you ?B: Yes, I want a pencil-box.A: This one is very nice.B: How much?A: Ten yuan.B: Too dear, Im afraid.A: What about this one.Its only five yuan.B: Ok, Ill buy it.复习数词 elevenfifty学习加法句型:老师右手中拿2只铅笔,左手中拿3只铅笔,说two and three,让学生复述并说中文意思。然后老师说出问句:How much is two and three?然后让学生答: (二加三是多少?)Its fiv

14、e. (是五。)Look and say: 1)拔算盘,练加法How much is seven and four? Its eleveneleven nine twenty.twelve seven nineteen.thirteen five eighteen.fourteen three seventeenfifteen one sixteen.twenty twenty fortytwenty thirty fifty2)在玩具店里Look!How much is that monkey?Thirty or fifty?Thirty yuan.3)在街道拐弯处David: How mu

15、ch is an ice-cream, Granny?Saleswoman: One yuan.How many do you want?David: Two, please.以上三组对话边听录音边填空白,然后找学生说出中文,最后师生之间,学生之间对话,表演。通过以上练习巩固能学问物价和做加法题的两种句型,强化了句型的交际功能。区分句型How much is it? (问物价)How much is seven and four? (问加法的总和)How many (ice-creams) do you want?(问多少物品或多少人)Homework造工组物价及问答的句子,两人一组对话。下节

16、抄写,请带抄写本。 Teaching plan of “My family”教学目标(Teaching targets):1(知识目标)The target of knowledge:(1) Words: father(dad)/mother(mom)/grandmother(grandma)/grandfather(grandpa)(2)Learn these sentences: This is my _.2.(能力目标)The target of skills: Can introduce the family.3(情感目标)The target of emotion:Love fami

17、ly, love the family members.教学重点(Main points).:The new words and sentences.教学难点(Difficult point).:The pronunciation of the new words, talking about the family.教具准备(Teaching aids).:word cards, family photos, a family tree, a pair of glasses,教学过程:(Teaching procedures):1 GreetingsT: Good morning, boys

18、and girls!S: Good morning, Miss Zhang!T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you.T:Sit down ,please.2 Warm-up :(1)song: HelloT:Do you want to sing a song?(2)Ask and answer:T: Hello ,how are you?/Whats your name?/Where are you from?Who is your friend?Can you introduce your friend to me?S:This is my friend-.(3

19、) Introduce some sporters.Show some photos of sporters.T: You can introduce your friends , can you introduce them?S: This is Deng Yaping./Liu Xiang/Yao Ming/Guo Jinjin.Show the picture of Xiao wanzi.T:Can you introduce her?S: This is Xiao wanzi.3PresentationCAI呈现Listen :Hello, Im Xiao wanzi. This is

20、 my family. We are playing a game.T:Oh, where are they?Lets seek, OK?运用Flash 课件,点击物体,T:Guess, who is in it?S:Father(dad)/mother(mom)/grandmother(grandma)/grandfather(grandpa)Read the words then ask the students to put them on the family tree.T: Now please look at my mouth and get the cards.4 Drill(1

21、)Show a photoT: Who is she?S: This is Miss Zhang.T: Right.We have seen Xiaowanzis family , do you want to see my family?Show a family photo.T: This is my family.This is me , this is my father, this is my mother.Do you bring your family photo today? Show us , please.Ask the students to introduce thei

22、r family.(2)group workintroduce your family to your classmates.5ConsolidationT: You will have a family. Lets make family , OK?Lets actT: Now Miss Zhang have a family , you have a family , and we also have a family , I love you and you love me,understand?6 Songshow some family photos and listen the s

23、ong “I love my family”Class is over 空中课堂中小学英语教学记录表主讲教师郝 萍学校东城区和平里一小教学对象小学二年级学生播出时间6月27日素材来源书名、音像资料名出版社北京21世纪教材 英语第二册 第六单元北京出版社迪士尼神奇英语学苑出版社洪恩GoGo英语北京市青少年音像出版社讲课提纲 UNIT SIX APARTMENT一、教学目标:1、能听说、认读居室内某些房间的英文名称,以及部分陈设。2、会用“There is ”,“There are”句型对房间内的物品及其摆设进行简单描述。3、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:“Can I use your?”及其答语。二

24、、教学重点:主题:Apartment词汇:room,sitting room,bedroom,bathroom,kitchen,TV,VCD,sofa,phone,clock,bed,table,fridge句型:“There is.”,“There are.”,“Can I use your ?三、教学过程:一)导入:由魔术师导入课文。(观看动画片)二)学习过程:1、Learn the new words and sentences:(学习单词和句型)1)Learn the new words:sitting room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen2)Learn t

25、he new words of the sitting room:TV, computer, phone, clock, DVD, sofa3)Learn the new words of the bedroom:bed,room, tidy a. Answer the question:Whats in the bedroom?(介绍卧室里有什么。)There is a bed in the bedroom. There are two pictures on the wall. b. Watch the cartoons.4)Learn the new words of the kitch

26、en: fridge, table 5)Learn the new sentences:Can I use your? Sure./OK.6)欣赏家居图。2、Present the text. 1).Listen to the text. 2)Listen and repeat.(文字认读)L21 Kate: This is the sitting room and thats my bedroom. Come to my room.David: There is a bookcase in your room.Amy: There are some flowers on your desk.

27、David&Amy:Your room is nice and tidy.L22 David: Can I use your bathroom, please?Kate: Sure. Its over there.Amy: Can I use your phone? I want to call my mom.Kate: Yes. Its on the table.L23 Kate: Do you want some juice, Amy?Amy: Yes, please.Kate: Lets go to the kitchen. We have a new fridge.3、Practice.4、Homework.1)Listen and say. (听第六单元录音并跟读。)2)Lets write. (抄写P43、P45、P47页单词。)3)有活动手册的同学完成第六单元作业。区教研员审定 基教研中心审定

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