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1、最新中考英语词汇词形专题练习最新中考英语词汇词形专题练习( 1 ) 重要,重要的 1. Anybody can see the _ of good health. 2. It is _ to see that the brakes on your bicycle work properly. 3. More _, the teacher should make the total meaning of the dialogue clear to the students before having them repeat it. ( 2 ) 发明,创造 1. Necessity is the

2、mother of _. 2. He _ a story to explain why he was late. 3. It was absolutely new method _ by himself.( 3 ) 兴趣,使发生兴趣,有趣的,引起兴趣的 1. Geology _ him. 2. Hes a most _ man. 3. He did not seem at all _ in the subject. 4. I will be most _ to hear your personal views on the station there. 5. Local colour adde

3、d _ to the novel.( 4) 长,长的,长度 1. What is the _ of the movie? 2. How _ is the speech?( 5 ) 迟,晚;后来,最近,最新 1. I was _ getting up this morning. 2. Tom came to school _ and missed the first lesson. 3. Nine months _, they were divorced. 4. They have equipped the office with the _ business machines. 5. What

4、 have you been doing _.( 6 ) 生命,生活,谋生;活的,活着的;生动的,活泼的 1. Eat to _, but do not _ to eat. 2. Because of all the arguments the meeting was a _ one. 3. Language is a _ and continually changing thing. 4. He earns his _ by growing rice. 5. Many people lost their _ in the accident.( 7 ) 爱,喜爱;可爱,好看,美好 1. How

5、 _ your roses are looking. 2. It was a _ garden, with soft green grass. 3. Though his income was small, he _ to buy books.答案:( 1 ) 1. importance 2. important 3. importantly( 2 ) 1. invention 2. invented 3. invented( 3 ) 1. interests 2. interesting 3. interested 4. interested 5. interest( 4 ) 1. leng

6、th 2. long ( 5 ) 1. late 2. late 3. later 4. latest 5. lately( 6 ) 1. live, live 2. lively 3. living 4. living 5. lives( 7 ) 1. lovely 2. lovely 3. love 词汇词形联系复习二( 1 ) 令人高兴的,高兴的,愉快,使人高兴 1. As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with _. 2. The evening passed very _. 3. Its a _ to work with you. 4.

7、 Im very _ to meet you. 5. I hope you will have a _ holiday. 6. It is hard to _ all. 7. The flowers in the park were _. 8. We are very _ with our new house.( 2 ) 实践,实际,练习,实用的,实际的 1. _ makes perfect. 2. Knowledge without _ makes but half an artist. 3. He is _ the piano now. 4. They are _ singing the

8、new song. 5. The paper seems to me of no _ importance( 3 ) 真的,真正,确实,现实 1. This story is not _, it is only imaginary. 2. We _ must be off. 3. This is not imagination, but _ . 4. It is _ very good of you to do this for me.( 4 ) 可能,或许,可能性 1. They didnt see any _ of improvement. 2. _ well meet again soo

9、n. 3. Ill help you if _. 4. When are you going to see him? As soon as _.答案; ( 1) 1. pleasure 2. pleasantly 3. pleasure 4. pleased 5. pleasant 6. please 7. pleasing 8. pleased(2 ) 1. Practice 2. practice 3. practising 4.practising 5. practical ( 3 ) 1. real 2. really 3. reality 4. really ( 4) 1. poss

10、ibility 2. Possibly 3. possible 4. possible考纲词汇词形联系复习三 ( 1 ) 新近的,近来的,近来 1. Our parents _ celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. 2. The growth of industry has been rapid in _ years.( 2 ) 理由,原因,有道理的,合情合理的 1. He had the wish to act quickly and _ in an emergency. 2. Your proposal sounds _, but wel

11、l have to talk about it further. 3. A _ person is one who will listen to advice. 4. He refused to give any _ for his action. 5. That is no _ why you should leave.( 3 ) 革命,革命的,革命者 1. The invention of the motor car has brought about a _ in transport. 2. He had himself taken part in the _ movement ther

12、e in 1831. 3. His methods are quite _. 4. The _ are attacking the palace.( 4 ) 俄罗斯,俄国,俄国的,俄语,俄国人,俄语的, 俄国人的 1. Is _ grammar easy to learn? 2. The _ love dancing. 3. Do you know _? 4. _ music is well-known. 5. _ lies on the north of China.( 5 ) 难过,悲哀,悲伤 1. We were full of _. 2. He looked at her _.3. W

13、hy is he looking so _? 4. Mary was _ because she lost her money.( 6 ) 安全,平安 1. They crossed the river _. 2. The streets arent _ at night. 3. The train is a _ means of transportation. 4. He was anxious about the _ of the children.( 7 ) 令人满意,使满足,满足 1. The story had a _ ending. 2. That answer wont _ her. 3. Are you _ now? 4. Do you find much _ in doing that sort of work?( 8 ) 科学,科学的,科学家 1. He hasnt much knowledge of _. 2. There is a need for more _ teac

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