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剑桥版三年级英语上册Unit5 教案.docx

1、剑桥版三年级英语上册Unit5 教案Unit 5 Happy birthday 教案工欲善其事,必先利其器。论语卫灵公翰皓学校 陈阵语单元教学内容:Join in Book 1 Unit 5 Happy birthday!单元教学目标:I、知识目标1、The pupils learn to use and write:Whens your birthday, (Rose)? In (June). Happy birthday!(Ann)s birthday is in (May).2、The pupils learn to understand and say:I live in Today

2、is (Pit)s birthday.Stamp your feet, turn around, clap your hands and snap your fingers.Hip, hip, hooray!What a lovely cake!Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birthday cards.Warning! No water!Quick, lets run into the house.II、能力目标1、The pupils learn to say the birthday ch

3、ant and sing the birthday song.2、The pupils learn to circle and copy the names of the months.3、The pupils learn to ask each other when their birthdays are and make a chart based on a class survey .4、The pupils learn to write sentences about when ones own and other childrens birthdays are.5、The pupil

4、s learn to discern cause-effect connectionsin a picture and recognize patterns(questions and statements).6、The pupils learn to read and listen to a story.III、文化渗透1、The pupils learn to find out from reading about how a child from Hastings celebrates her birthday.2、The pupils learn to compre the diffe

5、rences of birthday celebration between Britain and China.IV、情感目标1、The pupils learn to enjoy English by saying the chant and singing the song.2、The pupils can be active and friendly n all kinds of birthday activities.3、The pupils learn tocommunicate and corporate while studying.单元教学重、难点:Sentences: Ha

6、ppy birthday!Whens your birthday, (Rose)? In (June). Happy birthay!(Ann) birthday is in (May).单元教具准备:Toby头饰,月历牌,卡纸,生日蛋糕模型,单词、句子卡片单元课时安排:五课时第一课时教学目标:I、知识目标The pupils learn to understand and say:Happy birthday!When is Tobys birthday?Please emember: Its in (December).II、能力目标The pupils learn to say the

7、birthday chant.III、情感目标The pupils learn to enjoy English by saying the chant.教具准备:Toby头饰,月历牌,生日蛋糕模型,单词、句子卡片课时安排:1课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1、展示Toby头饰:Today is Tobys birthday.播放歌曲Happy birthday帮助学生理解。2、引出课题:Unit 5 Happy birthday!Step 2 Presentation1、出示月历牌,示范圈出自己生日所在的月份:My birthday is in 2、提问:When is your

8、birthday? 鼓励学生上台圈出自己的生日,学习相应的月份词。3、出示月份词卡片,一一带读。4、老师读单词学生找到相应的单词卡片:e.g. Go to the “January”.5、有节奏地拍手读:January, February, January, February, March; April, May, April, May, June; 6、让学生听The birthday chant两遍。7、学说:When is Tobys birthday? Please remember: Its in December.Step 3 Consolidation1、听录音学说Chant2、

9、看课文分组说chant3、连一连 母亲节 教师节 国庆节 元旦圣诞节 愚人节 September December May January April October4、“猜一猜”:教师出示人名卡片(反面写上生日月份)提问“When is s birthday?”学生猜“In January,?”Step 4 Sum up1、看卡片抢读月份单词。2、齐说chantStep 5 Homework1、听录音读chant两遍。2、抄写12个月份词各4遍。第二课时教学目标:I、知识目标1、The pupils learn to use and write:January, February, Marc

10、h, April, May, June, July, August,September,October,November,December2、The pupils learn to understand and say: Stamp your feet and clap your hands, snap your fingers, turn around. Hip, hip, hooray.II、能力目标1、The pupils learn to sing the birthday song.2、The pupils learn to circle and write the names of

11、 months.III、情感目标The pupils learn to enjoy English by singing the song.教学重、难点:Words:January, February, March, April, May, June, July,August, September, October, November, December教具准备:单词、句子卡片课时安排:1课时教学过程:Step 1 Revision1、齐说chant2、拼读月份词。3、学生展示生日卡,练习“Happy birthday to you”。Step 2 Presentation1、听歌曲,教师示范

12、动作。2、教师边说边做动作:Stamp your feet.学生模仿。3、同样方法教其他的动作。4、教师说指令学生做动作。5、游戏“Toby says”:老师直接说指令学生则不动,老师在指令前加“Toby says”学生才做相应的动作。6、再听歌曲两遍。7、学唱歌曲。Step 3 Sum up齐唱歌曲。Step 4 Homework1、听录音唱歌曲两遍。2、默写月份词。3、收集你所喜欢的名人的生日。第三课时教学目标:I、知识目标1、The pupils learn to use and write:January, February, March, April, May, June, July

13、, August, September, October, November, December(Fred)s birthday is in .2、The pupils learn to understand and say: When is your birthday?II、能力目标1、The pupils learn to ask each other when their birthdays are and make a chart based on a class survey .2、The pupils learn to write sentences about when ones

14、 own and other childrens birthdays are.III、情感目标1、The pupils can be active and friendly in all kinds of birthday activities.2、The pupils learn to communicate and corporate while studying.教学重、难点:1、Words:January, February, March, April, May, June, July,August, September, October, November, December2、A

15、sentence: (Ann)s birthday is in (May).教具准备:单词、句子卡片课时安排:1课时教学过程:Step 1 Revision1、听指令做动作:Stamp your feet, clap your hands, snap your fingers, turn around2、齐唱歌曲。Step 2 Presentation1、出示句子“When is your birthday?”学生认读两遍。2、教师指名提问:“When is your birthday? In ”3、同桌互相问答: “When is your birthday? In ”4、以组为单位,连锁问

16、答: a1:When is your birthday? a2: In June. a2:When is your birthday? a3:In July. 5、自由采访同学的生日,填在书上的表格中。Step 3 Consolidation1、根据所填生日介绍:(Ann)s birthday is in (May).2、在书上写句子:(Ann)s birthday is in (May).3、介绍收集的名人的生日: e.g. Leifengs birthday is in March.4、拼读单词birthdayStep 4 Homework抄写并背记句子“When is your birt

17、hday?”。第四课时教学目标:I、知识目标1、The pupils learn to use and write:Happy birthday!2、The pupils learn to understand and say:Today is (Pit)s birthday.What a lovely cake!Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birthday cards.Warning! No water! Quick, lets run into the house.II、能力目标The p

18、upils learn to read and listen to a story.III、情感目标1、The pupils can enjoy English from the story.2、The pupils learn to communicate and corporate while acting the story.教学重、难点:1、Sentences: Today is (Pit)s birthday.What a lovely cake!Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birt

19、hday cards.Warning! No water! Quick, lets run into the house.2、The pupils learn to act the story.教具准备:生日蛋糕模型,单词、句子卡片课时安排1课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1、展示日历介绍:Today is Pits birthday2、齐唱歌曲。Step 2 Presentation1、边出示蛋糕模型边说:“Look, a birthday cake, what a lovely cake!”2、学生学说:“What a lovely cake!”3、教师出示警示语 Warning

20、: No water.帮助学生理解其意。4、听故事录音两遍。5、看图片听故事,理解故事大意。6、学说:Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birthday cards.Warning! No water! Quick, lets run into the house.Step 3 Consolidation1、“双簧”表演:每次两名同学上台不用发出声音,根据录音内容表演。2、分组自由表演故事,允许改编故事。3、分组上台表演,评出“最佳表演奖”和“最佳合作奖”。Step 4 Sum up1、再听故事。2

21、、边听录音边想象表演故事。Step 5 Homework1、听故事录音。2、把故事表演给家人看。第五课时教学目标:I、知识目标The pupils learn to revise the unit.II、能力目标The pupils learn to celebrate a friends birthday .III、情感目标1、The pupils can be active and friendly in all kinds of birthday activities.2、The pupils learn to communicate and corporate while studyi

22、ng.教学重、难点:1、Words: present, box2、A sentence: Heres a present for you.Open the box, please.教具准备:单词、句子卡片, 生日卡片,蛋糕卡片,礼物卡片课时安排:1课时教学过程:Step 1 Revision1、教师提问:“When is your birthday?” 指名回答。2、请本月过生日的同学上台,全班齐唱歌曲Happy birthday。3、Bingo游戏:学生将任意九个月份词写在33的方格中,老师任意说三个词,如果它们正好在一条直线上,则说“Bingo”。Step 2 Presentation1、

23、出示礼物图片,教读present.2、听录音了解课文大意。3、学说:Heres a present for you.Open the box, please. 4、同桌自由练习送礼物: Happy birthday! Heres a present for you. Thank you. What is it? Open the box, please. Oh, what a lovely !Step 3 A birthday party1、请寿星上台,齐唱生日歌。2、学生上台送生日礼物:Happy birthday. Heres a present for you.Step 4 Consol

24、idation1、读卡片上的单词:card,present,cake,party2、每张卡片后面都有要求,学生分组选择卡片,并按要求去做: card-迅速写出句子“Happy birthday!”。 present-运用“When is your birthday?”现场调查两名同学的生日。 cake-表演故事“a birthday cake for Pit”。 party背诵“the birthday chant”。Step 5 Homework听录音复习整个单元【素材积累】岳飞应募参军,因战功累累不断升职,宋高宗亲手写了“精忠岳飞”四个字,制成旗后赐给他。又召他到寝阁,对他说:“中兴的大事,全部委托给你了。”金人攻打拱州、亳州,刘锜向朝廷告急,宋高宗命令岳飞火速增援,并摘赐给岳飞的亲笔信中说:“设施之事,一以委卿,朕不遥度。”岳飞于是调兵遣将,分路出战,自己率领轻装骑兵驻扎摘郾城, 兵锋锐气十足。 但是,后来高宗和秦桧决定与金议和,向金称臣纳贡。旧摘岳飞积极准备渡过黄河收复失地的时候,高宗和秦桧却连发12道金字牌班师诏,命令岳飞退兵。后岳飞被以“莫须有”的罪名毒死于临安风波亭,时年仅39岁。

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