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1、最新15篇文章包含英语四级所有词汇A Question of RightsUnfortunately , a crime was about to be committed but at that moment Lesley was unaware of the impending(即将发生的,迫近的) event , which would affect her life so drastically(极端地,彻底地) for the next years .For the moment at least, her holiday at the cottage had been ideal.

2、 She had spent many idle hours relaxing on the deck , reading ,eating a sandwich when she was hungry and in the evening watching the sky turn from brilliant orange to peach and finally to pale purple , eventually the light becoming dim . It was about this time that the mist would begin to rise from

3、the cool water hiding in the dense forest that hugged(环绕,拥抱) the shoreline(海岸线). Late evening dew(露水) glistened(闪耀,反光) on every bush and soon the loons (潜鸟) call would resound (回响) across the water . She decided to take on last dip in the lake. As the cool night air touched her arms. She gave a litt

4、le shiver and decided it was time to move inside.This was to be her last evening alone as Jeff, her former mate, would be returning Zac to her early in the morning. As the case in many marriages these days, problems had arisen between Lesley and Jeff, but they did not extend to Zac. He was a good ki

5、d, just entering kindergarten. The couple had come to a mutual agreement , as dictated by the legal custody(监管,保管) agreement .It stated that each parent would share Zacs care every second weekend and this had been her weekend to be alone.一项权力问题一项犯罪就要得逞了。而不幸的是,就在那时,莱斯利对即将发生的事毫无察觉。这件事将彻底改变她此后两年的生活。至少在


7、协议,协议规定双亲每两个周末轮换照顾孩子,这是她独处的周末。 Jeff was an architect, with a high-profile reputation, who worked in downtown Toronto, a partner in a private corporation which mostly did consultant work for the university. Lesleys company had been hired to advertise the new science complex in order to raise corporat

8、e money for the proposed building. She liked her work and she harbored a secret ambition to manage her division of the company some day.After a whirlwind courtship and a fairytale wedding the couple had settled down to an urban lifestyle. However, after three years and one child the dreamlike marria

9、ge came smashing down. One disadvantage of being young and ambitious was that both of them needed to devote untold hours to their busy schedules. As a result of these late hours, Lesley became suspicious of Jeffs after hours activities. She accused him of making her part of a love triangle. The whol

10、e miserable scene was to set the proceedings for an ugly divorce in motion.Daydreaming about those earlier days would not help tonight. So with a shrug of her shoulders she tackled the advertising assignment she needed to complete. Tomorrow would be a busy day with Zac arriving home. 杰夫是个建筑师,名声很大,在多


12、,她耸了耸肩,着手处理她必须完成的广告业务。明天扎克到家后将会非常忙碌。 The next day, as the morning wore on, Lesley became more and more agitated(烦躁), and her mood became apprehensive(忧虑的,不安的), when Jeff did not appear. When noon hour arrived and he still had not appeared, she started making some phone calls. None of their mutual fr

13、iends had either seen or talked with Jeff that day. Until today, Jeff had always been very punctual about returning the boy at the appointed time. Lesley felt a knot forming in her stomach as a crazy thought persisted at the back of her mind. She was absolutely sure something was wrong.Jeff sat with

14、 his head bowed. He was undecided what to do. The domestic arrangement with his former wife was proving to be awkward. He was frustrated at being able to see his son only on weekends and felt he was always making concessions to accommodate(适应,迁就) Lesleys work schedule. Every meeting was turning into

15、 a competition for the boys affection. His one desire was to take Zac away for good. The enormous decision to undertake this plan appeared to be presenting itself. Today he would depart for a conference in California. This appeared to be a marvelous opportunity to take the boy and leave the country

16、for good. He bet that he could pack sufficient baggage into his vehicle and then disappears across the border, gaining entry the U.S.A. He gave little thought to whatsoever of the fact this act could lead to his conviction if he was tracked down by the cops.Meanwhile, for Lesley the nightmare continued to unfold(展现,显露) as the reality of the situation deepened. After 48 hours, the spokesman for the district police department as

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