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1、全网版joinin小学5年级下知识点汇总JOIN IN英语五年级期下册 课本知识点Start unit Join in again1、Wordsevery one每个人touch触摸fun乐趣enjoy享受的乐趣head头n ear接近shake hands握手alphabet字母2、Sentences1.Touch your nose and shake your head.2.Welcome back now. 欢迎回来。触摸你的鼻子,摇摇你的头。3.Lear ning can be lots of fun. 学习充满乐趣。4.Enjoy your time in class again.

2、 很高兴再次回至U课堂。5. Sing and dance and rock with me. 跟我来唱跳摇滚吧。6. Shake hands with your part ner.和你的同伴摇摇手。7. Turn around. 转圈。8. Da nee with me. 跟我跳舞。ask问before在以前call通话get收到,接到ill病pai nt颜料programme节目somethi ng某物,某事website网站work运转wrong有问题的across穿过;横过like喜欢read读collect收集Unit 1 A phone call1、Words2、 Phrases

3、have to 不得不do shopp ing 购物over there 在那边,在那儿phone call 电话watch TV programmes 看电视节目visit websites 访问网站 make pho ne calls 打电话 take photos 拍照3、 Sentencesliste n to music 听音乐 mobile phone 移动电话phone box 电话亭write emails 写邮件play games 玩游戏 see films 看电影get messages 收信息 send messages 发邮件1,Wait a mome nt. 稍等。

4、2.1 ve got a new CD-ROM.我有一张新的光盘。3.Can you come to my place? 你们可以来我家吗?4.I have to ask my Mum first. 我不得不问问我的妈妈。5.There s one over there.那边有一个。6.Pho ne your mum and your gran dma. 给你的奶奶和妈妈打电话。7.Hello, is that Mike? 您好,你是迈克吗?8.Yes, this is Mike speak in g. 是的,我是迈克。9.It your granny. 我是你的奶奶。10.I have to

5、 do my homework. 我不得不做我的作业。11.See you tomorrow. 明天见12.See you this evening. 今晚见。13.My computer does n t wo我的电脑不能运转了。14.Mobile phones are very popular across the world. 移动电话在全世界很流行。1 5. You can use a mobile phone to write emails, listen to music, watch TV programmes and play games. You can use it to

6、visit your favourite websites and even do shoppi ng. 你可以用它写邮件,听音乐,看电视和玩游戏。你可以用它来访问你最喜欢的网站甚至购物。16.What ca n you do with a mobile pho ne? 用电话你可以做什么?17.I ca n send and get messages. 我可以发送和接受信息。18.Can you visit websites? 你能访问网站吗?19.Of course I can, but I don t visit website当然我i可以, 但是我不经常上网。20.My cousin

7、Yanmei works hard at English. 我的表妹严梅在 英语方面很努力。21.She likes English very much. 她非常喜欢 英语。22.She collects many English storybooks. 她收集许多 英语故事书。23.She ofte n reads her storybooks. 她经常读故事书。4、Stroy1.The red pai nt, please. 请给我红色的颜料。2.One week before Easter. 复活节的前一周3.O ne day before Easter. 复活节的前一天4.What c

8、an I do? 我可以做什么?5.Can you help me? 你可以帮助我吗?6.Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以。7.Where are the eggs? 彩蛋在哪里?8.Here they are. 它们在这儿。9.How ma ny eggs can you find? 你能找到多少彩蛋?Un it 2 Life in the Arctic1、 WordsArctic北极的early早期的earth地球fishi ng钓鱼gra ndma奶奶gran dpa爷爷hare野兔hill小山ice冰lake湖North Pole北极polar bear北极熊pull立s

9、now雪South Pole南极shopp ing mall购物中心will将要seal海豹6.There are no shopp ing malls, no playgro und and there 这儿没有S购物 中V.心,没有操场也没有电视。7.Can we go fishi ng aga in tomorrow? 明天我们可以再来钓鱼吗?8.This is great fun! 太有趣了!9.Can I come again next year? 明年我能再来吗?10.Do you kn ow what s on his TV?知道在他的电视上有什么?11.I ll show yo

10、u my TV.我将要展示给你我的电视。12.Wasn t it boring? 难道不无聊吗?5、Grammar1.There be 句型及否定用法There is + 单数 There isnt a=There is noThere are + 复数There arent any=There are no no =not a( 单数)/not any( 复数或不可数 )2.will 禾口 begoing to 的用法 will+动词原形 (将来时间则较远一些,而非最近期间的事)He will write a book one goi ng to + 动词原形 (近期眼下,即将

11、要发生的事)He is going to write a letter this evening.3.have got has got( 单数第三人称 )haven - hasn t ( 表否定Un it 3 Televisio n1、Words2.He / She likes .He / She doesn 他/她喜欢 他/她不喜欢 (电视节目3.Cartoons are interesting. 动画片是有趣的.4.I always watch 我总是看 He / She always watches /她总是看他 (电视节目5.What do you watch? 你看什么节目?6.Wh

12、en do the programmes begi n? 节目什么时候开始?7.The begin at / .在(复候开始)8.The begins at / .在单候开始)2、 Phrases3、Sentences9.Tha nk you.谢谢你10.That s a O不客气11.Excuse me, where s the train station打 扰了。请问火车站在哪里? 12. Go straightahead. 直走13.Tha nk you. 谢谢14.That s O不客气格林先生住在车站旁边布莱克先生住在格林先生对面 (注意:人名前不加s side of the布朗e先

13、生和布莱克先生住在同一条1 5. Mr Gree n lives n ext to the bus stop.16.Mr Black lives opposite Mr Gree n. the,地点前加 the )17.Mr Brow n lives on Mr Black街道上。Un it 5 School life1、Wordsbeach 沙滩 weather 天气cloudy 多云的 windy 多风的sunny 晴朗的raining 下雨 fine 好的seal海豹 mask 面具tourist 游客flippers 鸭脚板,脚蹼 snorkelling 徒手潜水jet-ski 喷气式

14、滑艇 close 接近的 blood 血hurt 受伤rock 岩石boat 小船take 带走baby 幼兽 call打电话 city 城市island 岛屿 most 大多数 pass by 经过rain 下雨sand 沙子,沙滩 sun 太阳too 太2、 Phrasesfly a kite 放风筝ride horses 骑马liste n to music 听音乐 collect shells 捡贝壳fishi ng 钓鱼3、SentencesI.What is she/he doi ng?2.She is ridi ng a horse.3.He is collecti ng she

15、 footballswimthe sea踢足球 在海里游泳ride a jet-ski 骑喷气 式滑艇她/他正在干什么? 她正在骑马。他正在捡贝壳。4.What are they doing?5 .They are swimmi ng他们正在干什么?in the sea.他们正在海里游泳。6.What s the weather like? / Hows the weO气怎么样? 7.It sfine/sunny/cloudy. 很好/晴朗的/多云的。4、ConversationsP: Hi, Nancy. This is Peter. 嗨, N : Oh, Peter. Wh

16、ere are you now?P:N :P:On Hainan Isla nd with my cous in.和我的堂弟在海南岛。吗?In China? Super! What It s sunny. Hows the weather like there?在中国?那里天气怎么样啊?s the weatherLo ndon? Is it cold? 晴朗的,伦敦的天气呢?冷N : Oh yes, very cold! ItP: It s warm here. Wes wi ndy是dy.很冷,今天刮风了。ll go to the beach tomorrow.这儿很暖和,我们明天将去沙滩上

17、。N : Great. Have a good time!太棒了,玩的开心哦。P: Thank you. Bye. 谢谢你,再见。5、TextHi, I m Mary. I live on an isla nd in Can ada. There are lots of beautiful starfish on thebeach. You cannot swim there very often. Most of the time, the water is too cold.好,我是 Mary,我住在加拿大的一个岛屿上。 经常游泳,大多数时候,这里非常的冷。Hi, my name is Q

18、ionghua. I live in Sanya. It这里有许多的海星在沙滩上。 在这里你不能s a beautiful city on Hainan Isla nd inChi na. There are always many tourists on the beach. You can swim here most of the year.你好,我的名字叫琼花,我住在三亚,这是一个非常漂亮的城市在中国海南岛。 总是有许多的游客在沙滩上。大多数时间在这里都可以游泳。6、Stroy1 . Let s go snorkelling. 让我们一起潜水。2.I ll get my mask an

19、d flippers. 我将拿上面具和脚蹼。3.Let s swim/get closer.让我们游的更接近一些。4.What s thatn the water? 水里那是什么?这里她正在干什么? She is ridi ng a jet-ski. 她5.1thi nk it s b我认为那是血。6.Look, the seal is over there on therock. I thi nk it 看海豹在那边的岩石上。我认为它受伤了。7.There is a seal on the rock over there. 有一只海豹在那边的岩石上。8.Get into the boat.

20、We ll go and get it.9.He knows a lot about seals. 他对海豹了解很多。10.Where can we take it? 我们把它带到哪里啊?11.I ll take it with me.我将会把它带走哦。7、Grammar现在进行时:(be + doing) What is she doing? 正在骑喷气式滑艇。Un it 6 Adve ntures1、Wordsthe dark 黑暗 the cold 寒冷 hot food 辣的食物 horror filmsdesert 沙漠 the mountain 大山2、 Phraseslook f

21、or 寻找 well done3、 Sentences1.1 m afraid of./I2.I m not afraid of the dark.3.I m not afraid of spiders.the jungle 丛林 hero 英雄 做得好hands up 举手m not afraid of. .(./我不害怕.)我害怕我不害怕黑。我不害怕蜘蛛。4.And I nmt afraid of horror films. 我不害怕恐怖电影。5.But there s one thi ng I m占但是有一个事情我害怕:6.Tomato soup for lunch. 午餐的西红柿汤。4

22、、 Action storyPut on your boots and your cowboy hat. 穿上你的靴子,带上你的牛仔帽。 Get on yourhorse.骑上你的马。7Go for a ride. 兜风。You re tired.你感到累了。Stop your horse. 停下你的马。Get off.下马。Sit dow n on the ground. 坐在地上。Ouch!哎呀!You ve sat on a cactus. 你坐到了仙人掌上。5、 StroyWhere are you goin g? 你要去哪儿?I m looking for bank robbers.

23、 我正在寻找银行抢劫犯。Can I sing a last song? 我能唱最后一首歌吗?Let s make some pan cakes 我们一起来做些煎饼吧。Can I help you with the pan cakes? 我能帮你做煎饼吗?Well done. You re a hero. 干得好,你是一个英雄。Here are a hun dred dollars. 这里是一百美元。Stop crying 别哭了。6、Grammar1. 一般过去时:表示过去的动作或状态。 was: is和am的过去式。 were: are 的过去式。Ten years ago Bill was

24、 bo rn to a farmerHe was short and thin at your age.He was ofte n ill. 他过去总是生病。He was afraid of dogs. 他过去很怕狗。He was afraid of getti ng into the water. 他过去很害怕下水。His pare nts were always worryi ng about him. 他的父母总是彳艮担心他。very tall and stro ng. Bill 现在又高又壮。He is good at swimmi ng. 他很擅长游泳。And he isn t afraid of swimming in the sea. 他不害怕在海里游泳。He is a good swimmer in Australia. 他是澳大利亚的一个出色的游泳者。are proud of him! 他的父母为他感到自豪。2. 一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作。结构:be going to +do/will +do Iswim.我将要去游泳 8s family.出I生在一个农民家庭。他那时又矮又瘦。ll catch tl我将要抓住他们。Now Bill isHis pare ntsm going to

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