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高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future单元综合技能测试 外研版必修42019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1He is the person who is concerned_this accident.Awith BofCin Dfor答案:Cbe concerned in sth.意为“和某事有牵连;与某事有关系”。题意:他是和这起事故有关的人。2By the Jane gets home, her a

2、unt_for London to attend a meeting.Awill leave BleavesCwill have left Dleft答案:Cby the time引起状语从句,从句为一般现在时表将来意义,则主句的谓语动词应发生在将来并用完成时。题意:当简到家时,她姑姑就将已经动身去伦敦参加一个会议了。3Have you read this book?Yes. But that one is_worth reading. I suggest you read it if you have time.Abest BwellCbetter Dmore答案:C这是be well wo

3、rth doing结构,且that book与this book进行对比,应用比较级。题意:“你看过这本书吗?”“是的,但那本更值得一看,我建议你有时间看一下”。4pared to_in the office, Kate found it more exciting to work as a teacher.Awork Bhaving workedCworking Dbe working答案:Cpared to中的to为介词,故应使用doing作宾语。题意:相比在办公室工作,凯特发现当一个老师更令人兴奋。5According to the rules of the factory, you m

4、ustnt ask for leave_you have a doctors note.Aunless Bon condition thatCthough Duntil答案:A本题选择的连词应由句子的意思决定。题意:按照厂里的规定,除非有医生的证明,否则不能请假。6How did you_the movie last night?Oh, both interesting and instructive.Afind BconsiderCthink Dregard答案:A根据答语可知问句应是:“你认为昨天晚上的电影如何?”How do you find/like sth.?“你认为如何?”可表达此

5、意。7The nurse treated the naughty boy very kindly, but her patience_at last.Agave out Bused upCgot away Dset off答案:Agive out“用光;耗尽”符合题意。use up也表达“用完;耗尽”;但它是及物动词短语,应用被动结构C、D项无此意。8My money_. I must go to the bank and draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.Ahas run out Bis running outChas b

6、een run out Din being run out答案:B此题考查时态。据后文可知钱还没有用完,故用进行时态表示将来,“钱就要用光了”。A项表示“已经用光”;C、D项用于被动是错误的。9There are lots of places of interest_in our city.Arequires repairingBneeds to be repairedCrequiring repairingDneeding being repaired答案:C“某物需要修理”可写作:(sth.)need/require repairing/to be repaired,不可写作(sth.)n

7、eeds/requires being repaired,排除D项。空缺处在句中作后置定语,应用分词形式,故选C项。10He moved away from his parents and missed them_enjoy the exciting life in New York.Amuch so as to Bvery much toCtoo much to Denough to答案“太而不能”。题意:“他离开了父母亲,太想念他们而无法享受纽约那令人兴奋的生活。”11_, we must do the work with a good plan.ATo start wit

8、h BTo startCStarting DStarting with答案:Ato start with(first)“首先;第一”,用作状语。12It was in the village_he once lived_he got his junior education.Athat; where Bwhich; whereCwhere; that Dwhere; which答案:C这是一个复杂的复合句,It was.that是强调句结构,where引导定语从句,修饰village。题意:他是在曾经住过的村子里接受的中学教育。13I wouldnt think it_to ask him t

9、o_the clubhell only refuse.Aworthwhile; joinBworthwhile; join inCworthy; joinDworthy; join in答案:Ajoin表示“加入组织或团体并成为其中一员”,join in表示“跟某人一起干某事”,因此可排除B、D;而worthwhile用于it is worthwhile doing/to do sth.结构,worthy结构为be worthy to do sth.或be worthy of doing sth.题意:我认为让他加入俱乐部不值得他只会拒绝。14We still remember the_spe

10、ech he gave us and that we were greatly_.Ainspired; inspiredBinspiring; inspiringCinspiring; inspiredDinspired; inspiring答案:Cinspiring“(事物)令人欢欣鼓舞的”;inspired“(人)受到鼓舞的”。题意:我们仍然记得他向我们发表的鼓舞人心的演说,我们被深深地鼓舞了。15What does PO. _?Postal Order, I guess.Acall for Bwait forCprepare for Dstand for答案:Dcall for“需要”;

11、wait for“等候”;prepare for“为.作准备”,stand for“代表”。题意:“P.O.代表什么?”“(代表)汇票,我猜。”.完形填空(每题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。Many times my friend June would say, “If I ever get_16_, Im moving into a bigger apartment and getting a pletely new_17_.” I would listen and think, “dream on, my fr

12、iend.” But to everyones_18_, a few years ago June did e into a huge inheritance.June is a great believer in making_19_, so I wasnt surprised to find her writing down all the ways she would_20_her new wealth. After hearing these changes for some time, I said to her, “It isnt necessary to spend all yo

13、ur_21_at once.”“I know, I know,”she answered with a little of_22_.A few days later, June called. “Ive decided_23_I want to use my inheritance,”she said. “Can you_24_? I want to see what you think.”This wasnt something I25looked forward to, but we had been26for a long time. So I would go and keep my2

14、7shut, no matter how the list read.As we sat drinking coffee, June spread a sheet of28on the table. There was only one word:CHARITIES.She said, “It was a little hard to29on the charities. But since Ive always wanted to help children, Im giving to those that I feel will carry out my30.”I 31, “But wha

15、t about that big apartment you always hoped to have?”“It doesnt seem as32anymore,” she answered with a smile.Then June33her hand, and I could see a few words written at the very bottom of the page. Pointing with my34, I asked, “Whats this?”“Oh!”she said, blushing a bright pink. “Just something for m

16、e.”Leaning forward to read the small print, I burst into peals of35. June had written:And one new wardrobe.16A.wise BfatCrich Dhealthy答案:C结合下文可知作者的朋友期望着有一天变得富有。17A.table BwardrobeCbookshelf Dchair答案:B从文章的最后一句话可知应选B。18A.sorrow BdisappointmentCsurprise Ddelight答案:C结合上下文,朋友突然继承了一笔遗产而变得富有,所以人们感到惊讶。19A.p

17、romises BpreparationsCplans Dlists答案:D下文出现了list。20A.hand out Bgive awayCdeal with Dbring in答案:C表示作者的朋友喜欢列单子来考虑怎样花这笔钱。21A.goods BinheritanceCpossession Dmoney答案:B上文第一段已提到此信息。 BprideCanger Dexcitement答案:C当作者建议她该怎样使用钱的时候,她朋友有点生气。23A.if BwhetherCwhen Dhow答案:D表示作者的朋友在考虑如何花钱。24A.turn over Bget over

18、Ctake over De over答案:D朋友邀请她过去,看看她有什么想法。25A.especially BreallyCexactly Dsurely答案:B作者不愿意做这种事情。26A.classmates BcolleaguesCfriends Dneighbors答案:C从上下文知道我和她是朋友。27A.fall BopenCwide Dmouth答案:D作者想自己去了也要一言不发,闭着嘴。28A.cloth BpaperCglass Dwood答案:B下文出现B。29A.act BdecideCinsist Drely答案:B做出把钱花在慈善事业上的这一决定并不容易。30A.tes

19、ts BexperimentsCtasks Dwishes答案:D表示朋友想实现她帮助孩子们的愿望。31A.whispered BwonderedCstopped Dinterrupted答案:D作者本来想不发表看法,但是当看到朋友想把钱花到慈善事业上,帮助孩子们时,她脱口而出问她的大房子怎么办。32A.interesting BnecessaryCimportant Dfortable答案:C作者的朋友认为它已经不重要了。33A.washed BmovedCheld Dwaved答案:B指朋友无意中把手挪开。34A.knife BpenCfinger Dchopstick答案:C用手指着那里

20、问。35A.anger BtearsCsong Dlaughter答案:D看到朋友写的东西后,作者大笑起来。因为她的朋友想给自己买一个新的“wardrobe”。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat es into your mind when you think about robots? Do you imagine armies of evil metal monsters planning to take over the world? Or perhaps of mechanical men who hav

21、e been created as guards or soliders by a mad genius? Or maybe you think of manlike robots who act, think, and look like human beings. In fact robots like these have more to do with science fiction films than with real life. In the real world robots are machines that do jobs which otherwise have to

22、be done by people. Robots either operate by themselves or under the control of persons.In a car factory, for example, robot machinery can put together and paint car bodies. On the sea red remote controlled(遥控)underwater machines with mechanical arms can perform taks too difficult for divers. Robot s

23、pacecraft can explore the solar system and send back information about planets and stars.Many robots have puter brains. Some robots are fitted with cameras, sensors, and microphones which enable them to see, to feel, and to hear. And some robots can even produce electronic speech.All this does not m

24、ean that a robot can think and behave like a human being. Present day robots have to be programmed with a good deal of information before they can carry out even simple tasks.36Robots in real life_.Acan behave like human beingsBhave the ability to control the worldCcan think by themselvesDcan help u

25、s with a lot of work答案:D37According to this article, which of the following is not true about robots in the real world?ASome robots are as creative as artists.BSome robots can help manufacture cars.CSome robots can see and hear.DSome robots can explore outer space.答案:AB,D在文章第二段均有所指,C在第三段中也已提及,A由最后一段

26、可知其说法是错的。38Robots can perform many tasks for man because_.Athey have intelligenceBthey are supplied with puter programsCthey can imitate human beingsDthey have the ability to learn new things答案:B由文章最后一段知B正确。39The robots in science fiction films and those in real life differ mainly in_.Amentality Bap

27、pearanceCmaterial Dsize答案:A科幻影片中的机器人是有独立的意识的,而现实中的机器人是执行人的命令的机器。BMichael,a normal American, stays at home on workdays. He plugs into his personal puter terminal in ordr to connect with the office. After work he puts on his headphones, wathces a puter. On many days, Michael doesnt talk to any other h

28、uman beings, and he doesnt see any people expect the ones on television. Michael_is_imaginary,_but_his_life_style_is_very_possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off form municating with our fellow human beings.The world of business is one area in which technology is sepa

29、rating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access(通路)to a large central puter, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people theyre dealing with. Also, the way employees are paid will change. Workers salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts(帐户), making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal b

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