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1、冀教版八上Unit3全单元教案Unit 3 Families Celebrate TogetherI. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标 Skill GoalsTalk about differences between Chinese festivals and western festivalsTalk about shopping and sizeLearn to make and write birthday cardsRead some materials about Thanksgiving and Mid-autumn FestivalLanguage Foc

2、us功能句式Talking about shopping and sizeWhat can I do for you? May / Can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? I would like / want to buy / Im looking for Would he like ?What size is ? What color / size / kind do you want?Try on please.Does it fit? What about the color? Do you like the style?

3、 / The style is in fashion.It fits me well today.Do you have any other sizes?This is too small.He is the same size as Greetings on special daysHappy birthday! / Thanksgiving Day! / National Day! / Mid-Autumn Day!Have fun on your birthday.Best wishes to you on your birthday.Expressing thanks Many tha

4、nks for词汇1.四会词汇moon, celebrate, grandmother, grandfather, grandpa, grandma, wonder, huge, delicious, pie, dinner, present, clothing, excited, blow, size, as, try, fit, another, bright, mean, grandparent, kitchen, box, tape, address, post, mail, cap 2. 认读词汇moon cake, national, celebration, Thanksgivi

5、ng, Canadian, turkey, dessert, anyway, kind, style, feast, hug, wait, cardboard, fashion 3. 词组Mid-autumn Festival, Thank you for, National Day, in early / late November, be away from, blow out, the same size as, try on, get together, give a big hug, Thanksgiving, dinner, send to , on the top of , po

6、st office, All ready! The style is in fashion, fit well, turn off 4. 重点词汇celebrate, grandmother, grandfather, hug, delicious, present, size, try, fit, grandparents, post重点句子1.These shoes fit me well. Ill take them.2.I have tried on the coat, but its too small.3.I wonder who he was. Nobody knew him.4

7、.Yesterday was my birthday. I blew out the candles.5.He feels lonely, because he was away from his family.语法Possessive Case (名词所有格)II. Teaching material analyzing and rearranging 教材分析与教材重组1.教材分析本单元以Families Celebrate Together为主题, 重点介绍了加拿大和中国秋季的节日,如感恩节和中秋节。通过故事以及课堂项目,复习表示家庭成员的词汇,学习节日祝贺的表达。本单元的教学目标在于让

8、学生对比中西方节日的同时,学会谈论节日, 了解中加文化异同。 Lesson 17 I Love Autumn通过学习两篇e-mails来认识两个国家秋季不同的节日: 中国的中秋节和国庆节、加拿大的感恩节, 学会如何谈论节日. 并通过阅读材料了解感恩节的由来。 Lesson 18 Get Ready for Turkey! 介绍了感恩节如何准备。通过本课课堂项目的活动,学习巩固家庭成员的词汇,以及人们盼望家庭团聚的美好愿望。通过阅读Reader上的Thanksgiving traditions学习西方国家过感恩节的一些传统。 Lesson 19 Get a Present for Li Ming

9、! 通过Jenny, Brian去商店给李明买生日礼物,可以学习购物用语以及人们在买衣服时谈论服装大小、款式和颜色等常用表达法。 Lesson 20 Celebrate! 本课是一首歌曲,通过唱歌,可以使学生们学到在不同的节日,不同国家的人有不同的庆祝方式。通过阅读练习中Thanksgiving Day in America学生们可以学习美国人如何庆祝感恩节。 Lesson 21Happy Thanksgiving! 本课介绍在感恩节这一天,全家共享欢聚之乐的美好时光。表达了人们渴望家庭团圆美好愿望。 在此基础上让学生掌握如何在家庭聚会上表达自己的问候和祝福. 学习Reader上的Brians

10、 Family我们也可以了解到Brian这个大家庭的一些情况。 Lesson 22 Presents from Canada! 本课以对话形式,表现了三个外国孩子为李明准备寄生日礼品的活动。通过学习课文可以使孩子们掌握谈论如何填写贺卡以及邮寄礼品。 Lesson 23 Li Mings Happy Birthday本课是以一封感谢信的形式,回顾了李明过生日的情景。通过对本课的学习、讨论,学会写感谢信。再通过阅读Reader上的Sam Got Blow-up Chair!可以对中西方孩子过生日的情况进行对比。 Lesson 24 Unit Review本课为复习课,帮助学生从词汇、语法等方面对本

11、单元的重点进行全面的复习及运用。短文On Birthdays介绍了人们过生日的一些传统。是一篇帮助学生模仿写作的好材料。2.教材重组 Lesson 17 介绍中西方秋天的节日,与练习中Thanksgiving Day结合在一起上,帮助学生更好地了解感恩节。 Lesson18和Reader上的Thanksgiving Traditions and Brians Family两篇阅读整合为一节课,帮助学生进一步认识感恩节,体会西方国家庆祝感恩节时家庭团聚的传统。 Lesson 20 和Lesson 21以及阅读材料Thanksgiving Day in America结合在一起学习一些庆祝方式,

12、感受西方感恩节家庭团聚的气氛。同时对中西方秋天的节日进一步对比,可以更好地了解中西方文化差异。 Lesson 19和Lesson22和Reader里的Danny buys a Present两课与一篇阅读整合在一起,展现李明过生日前,朋友为他买礼物和邮寄礼物的情景。 Lesson 23和Reader里的Sam Got a Blow-up Chair!整合在一起学习,可以比较中西方过生日的异同。 Lesson 24和Reader里的Birthday Cake Recipes整合为一节课, 以练习的形式对本单元的词汇、语法及口语表达进行了复习和总结,归纳重点、难点。III. Class types

13、 and periods课时分配1st Period Lesson 17 & Reader: Thanksgiving Day2ndPeriod Lesson 18 & Reader: Thanksgiving Traditions & Reader: Brians Family.3rd Period Lesson 20 & Lesson 21& Reader: Thanksgiving Day in America4th Period Lesson 19 & Reader: Danny Buys a Present5th Period Lesson 226th Period Lesson 2

14、3 & Reader: Sam Got a Blow-up Chair!7th Period Lesson 24 & Reader: Birthday Cake RecipesIV Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案 Period 1 Lesson 17 I Love Autumn Target Language目标语言a.四会词汇:moon, celebrate, grandmother, grandfather, wonderb.认读词汇及短语:Mid-autumn Festival, moon cake, national, National Day

15、, celebration, Thanksgiving, Canadian, Thank you for, in early / late NovemberAbility goals 能力目标Enable the students to learn about the festivals in autumn in China and Canada.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students to learn about the festivals in autumn in China and other countries.Teaching impo

16、rtant points教学重点Enable the students to talk about festivals in China and other countries. Teaching difficult points教学难点Help the students to get the idea of the two different cultures.Teaching method教学方法Reading, discussing, listening and pair workTeaching aids教具准备The multimedia computerTeaching proce

17、dures & ways教学过程和方法Step I Lead inLead the students to talk about festivals in autumn in China.T: How is it going, everyone? S: Fine!T: Good. Whats the weather like today?S1: Its cool.T: Yes. What season is it?Ss: Its autumn.T: Good. Do you like autumn? Why do you like it?Ss: Yes, I like it very much

18、, because Mid-Autumn Festival is in autumn.S2: So is National Day. We can stay at home and have some delicious food.S3: And we seven days off. Thats great!S4: We can meet our grandfathers and grandmothers on Mid-Autumn Festival.T: Well done!Step II Reading (I)Ask the students to read the two e-mails

19、 and answer the questions given, and learn to talk about festivals. DiscussingFirst get the students to talk about the first questions in THINK ABOUT IT.T: You are excited when we talk about Mid-autumn Festival. Do you know any other festivals? Lets look at the question:Show the following questions

20、to the students. What Chinese festivals are in autumn? Do you know of any autumn festivals in other countries?Allow students to discuss the first question in group. And then ask them to show their answers. If they cannot give the answers completely, just give them some clues, either date or way of c

21、elebrating.T: Whod like to have a try?S: The National Day / Mid-autumn Festival / Teachers Day / Qixi (seventh evening of the seventh month of the lunar calendar when the Herb-boy(牛郎) and Weaving-girl(织女) are supposed to meet) / Ghosts Festival (15th day of the 7th lunar month/Double Ninth Festival

22、(9the day of the 9th lunar month).S: Thanksgiving.S: Halloween is an ancient festival, it takes place on 31st October, this is the evening before the Christian feast of All Hallows or All Saints Day.T: Beautiful! And then get the students to learn the two e-mails and help them learn how to talk abou

23、t festivals.ListeningGet students to listen to the two e-mails and know some basic information.T: Li Ming and Jenny talk about the festivals in their own country in e-mails. Next, listen to the first e-mail and think over: 1. Why does Li Ming like autumn best?2. How old will Li Ming be?Answer: His b

24、irthday is in autumn.Li Ming will be thirteen years old.Ask the students to listen to the second e-mail with the question:1.Why does Jenny like autumn best?2.Where is Jenny going for her Thanksgiving?Answer: They have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving,She is going to her grandmother and grandfat

25、hers house.Reading Ask the students to go through the two e-mails and find out the festivals in autumn. T: Now read the two e-mails as quickly as you can and see what festivals you know from them.After discussion they may find out Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and Thanksgiving.Ask the students

26、to read the two e-mails again and discuss in pairs the following questions on the PowerPoint1.What is the festival in autumn in China?2.How long is the holiday for Li Mings parents?3.Is there anything interesting for Li Ming? What is it?4.What do they do during the Mid-Autumn Festival?5.Do Canadian

27、Thanksgiving and American Thanksgiving come at the same time?6.How do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving?7.When is Thanksgiving in America?8.Can you say something about Chang e?Sample answers:1.Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are in autumn in China.2.They wont go to work for a week.3.Yes, it is.

28、Li Mings birthday is in autumn.4.They buy moon cakes, watch the full moon and look for Chang e. They also go to Li Mings grandmother and grandfathers to celebrate the festivals.5.No. Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. In the U.S., they celebrate Thanksgiving in late November. 6.They have a f

29、amily get together.7.Its in late November. 8.Chang e is a fairy in traditional Chinese fairy tales.After finishing the above exercises, ask the students to read the e-mails again and help them to find out how to talk about festivals.T: Wonderful! You know the text so well. And now, lets talk about s

30、ome basic ways to talk about festival. First, we should knowS: What it is.T: And then?S: When and where it is celebrated, what special and interesting things are on that day. T: Great! Anything else?S: How it comes from.T: Beautiful!After that, explain some language points to the students. Details r

31、efer to Teaching Resources(教学资源库).Language points: a.Thank you early / late Novemberc.grandmother and grandfathers d.have fun on Step III Reading (II)Ask the students to read “Thanksgiving Day” in Reader and do some exercises. After that, check the answers together.Step IV Homework1.Do the exercises in the activity book.2.Try to find more information about Mid-Autumn Festival and Thanksgiving Day. Period 2 Lesson 18 Get Ready for Turkey! Target language目标语言a.四会词汇及短语:huge, delicious, pie, dinner, be away from b.认读词汇及短语:turkey, dessertAbility goals 能力目标

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