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1、采矿英语翻译汉译英部分: 3.4矿山开发网络设计3.4 Mine Development Network Design露天和地下采矿作业模型之间的主要区别之一是现实建模相关费用的复杂性。这是一个在矿井下更加重要的问题。了解可行的筹措和优化,然后在这样的空间下,其成本函数是一个高度复合体的问题。这种方法和基本数学细节进一步的调查也出现在了巴西等,2001年,2002年,2004年,2005年。 One of the principal differences between the modelling of open pit and underground mining operations i

2、s the complexity of realistically modeling the costs associated with access to the ore. This is a much more significant problem in an underground mine. Understanding the space of feasible solu-tions and then optimising a cost function over such a space is a highly com-plex problem. The first serious

3、 analytic solution method is found in the work of Brazil et al. (2000). Further investigations of this approach and details of the underlying mathematics have also appeared in Brazil et al. 200l, 2002,2004, 2005.要使解决这个问题变得易于处理的关键是要树立网络优化的榜样问题,然后在合适的发展度量空间的三维空间下实施网络理论。该网络可以被视为根据矿井的坐标被嵌入在欧氏三维空间的网络。以这层

4、模型给定的点和面绘制对应的网络节点,以被固定在网络中的嵌入对应的斜道中心线代表。最后,其中3个或更多的坡道遇到的施泰纳点作为网络可变节点。 The key to finding a tractable solution technique for this problem has been to model it as a network optimisation problem, and then develop a theory of three-dimensional Steiner networks in a suitable metric space. The mine is rep

5、resented using a weighted network model. The network can be treated as being embedded in Euclidean 3-space, and coordinated according to the coordinates of the mine. ln this model, the given draw points and surface portal correspond to fixed nodes of the network known as terminals.The ramps in the m

6、ine are represented by links in the network whose embeddings correspond to the centre lines of the ramps. Finally, the junc-tions at which three or more ramps meet are represented by variable nodes in the network, known as Steiner points.这个网络模型的主要假设是,所有绘制在采场点的位置已经给出,为每个点提供借鉴吨位。以每个网络的工作费用作为蓝本,建筑和运输成本

7、的组合。这个成本变量组件可以被假定为成比例的欧几里德的长度。但是,这个比例,将使不同的每一个环节,取决于矿石吨位对应地区的一部分。 The main assumptions in this network model are that the locations of all draw points at the stopes are given, together with the expected tonnage for each given draw point. The surface portal is also assumed to be fixed (or at least st

8、rongly constrained in its location). The cost of each link in the net-work is modelled as a combination of construction and haulage costs. The variable component of this cost can be assumed to be proportional to the Euclidean length of the link. This proportion, however, will be different for each l

9、ink, depending on the tonnage of ore to be hauled along the cor-responding part of the mine.主要的限制条件是,坡道组件中有一个最大允许斜坡。这里的坡度是一个绝对的梯度测量(即是在对高度变化的水平位移变化率绝对值)。地下开采问题,根据采矿设备的规格一般的范围为l/9 到l/7。矿山设备(定义一个最小转弯圈)和避障也很重要,但往往被视为第二制约因素,特别是在大规模的矿山设计中。节能在3.5节讲得更详细。对于优化的问题,现在可以表述如下: The principal constraint is that ra

10、mp components are constrained to a maximum allowable slope. This slope is measured as an absolute gradient in (i.e. in is the absolute value of the ratio of change in horizontal displacement over change in height). ln underground mining problems in is generally in the range l/9 to l/7 depending on m

11、ining equipment specifications. Other constraints such as navigability of the drives by mine equipment (defining a minimum turning circle) and obstacle avoidance (to prevent sterilisation of the ore, for example), are also important but can often be treated as second-dary constraints, particularly i

12、n large-scale designs. The navigability con-straint is discussed in more detail in Section 3.5. The optimisation problem can now be formulated as follows:1.给定:一个点集欧氏3 n维空间,以及梯度约束 m0。2.查找:互联网络T欧氏3嵌入式空间,使得(a)内置的链接是分段光滑的曲线在每个微点,其绝对梯度米最多,(b)总建筑加上运输成本最小化l. GIVEN: A set of points N in Euclidean 3-space, a

13、nd a gradient bound m 0.2. FIND: A network T interconnecting N embedded in Euclidean 3- space,such that (a) The embedded links are piecewise smooth curves whose absolute gradient at each differentiable point is at most m, (b) The total construction plus haulage costs are minimized这实际上是一个著名的网络问题施泰纳的变

14、化,建设成本最低的网络互联组给定的一个度量空间的点(黄禹锡等人的研究问题,1992)。这里的控制变量是:拓扑结构(即基本图结构)的网络;变量节点的位置,对应于矿井的路口;以及在欧几里得3的每一个链接嵌入空间。 This is effectively a variation of the well-known Steiner network problem-the problem of constructing a minimum cost network interconnecting a given set of points in a metric space (Hwang et al.;

15、 1992). The control variables here are: the topology (i.e. underlying graph structure) of the network; the locations of the variable nodes (Steiner points); corresponding to the junctions in the mine; and the embedding of each of the links in Euclidean 3-space. 一种优化解决这些问题的关键是找到好的近似算法,来了解和利用其精确解的几何性质

16、。在这方面的初步工作已经出现在巴西等(1998年)和巴西等(2001年)。找到好的解决办法的过程,也是协助证明在一定条件下凸性性质的存在,固定拓扑(巴西等,2002年,2005年)。 A key to finding good approximation algorithms for solving such an optimisation problem is to appreciate and exploit the geometric properties of its exact solutions. Initial work in this direction has appeare

17、d in Brazil et al. (1998) and Brazil et al. (2001). The process of finding good solutions is also assisted by the existence of convexity properties; under certain conditions,for a fixed topology (Brazil et al.; 2002; 2005).节选自地下采矿的优化Excerpt from:OPTIMISATION IN UNDERGROUND MINING英译汉部分:4.3.5 Rotation

18、al Shear Failure 旋转剪切破坏Background and Assumptions 背景和假设 Rotational shear failure is the most common type of failure in soil slopes. It is thereforenatural that many of the methods currently being applied to high rock slopes originally weredeveloped within the field of soil mechanics. Basically the s

19、ame assumptions apply here as forlimit equilibrium analysis of plane shear failure, but since the mathematical treatment of theproblem differs it is worthwhile to describe this in more detail. 自然而然的,许多现在正使用中的处理岩石高边坡问题的方法是从土力学领域发展而来的。旋转剪切破坏是露天矿最常见的边坡破坏形式。目前土力学领域内开发适用于岩质高边坡原本的方法很多,因此,基本上相同的假设适用于此平面剪切破

20、坏的极限平衡分析,但由于处理问题的数学方法不同,就值得详细描述了。An analysis of slope stability for possible rotational shear failure requires that a failure surface is assumed. Circular slip surfaces are often employed since they are mathematicallyconvenient and show some agreement with commonly observed slope failures, at least

21、in soil.Once this assumption is made, the equations of equilibrium are postulated for the rigid blockbounded by the slope face and the failure surface. From the conditions of static equilibrium,the collapse load or the factor of safety can be determined. One also needs to assume a yieldcriterion, or

22、 failure criterion, for the material in the slope. Normally, failure is assumed tooccur when the shear stress on the failure surface exceeds the shear strength of the material.Next, the sliding block is divided into a number of slices (in most cases vertical), as shown inFigure 4.2. This is necessar

23、y since the problem is statically indeterminate. Furthermore, themobilized shear strength varies along the failure surface and to be able to calculate the normalstress and the resulting shear stress along the failure surface it is convenient to use the method of slices. There are also simplified met

24、hods in which the slope does not have to be divided into slices, but in general, these yield very conservative safety factors (Nash 1987). 可能会出现旋转剪切破坏的边坡需要进行稳定性分析,边坡表面的变形破坏,使用数学方法分析很方便,显示一些共同的斜坡失效形式,这个假设在土壤性的边坡是适用的,假设斜坡面和破坏面为刚性块体平衡方程。从静力平衡的条件下,倒塌时的负载或安全的因素才能确定。人们还需要在斜坡的材料假定产量标准或破坏的标准。通常情况下,发生破坏的表面上的

25、剪应力超过材料的剪切强度。下一步,把滑动块划分一定的数量(在大多数情况下垂直),如图4.2。是非常必要的,因为这个问题是超静定问题。此外,大多数情况下抗剪强度变化沿破裂面,可以计算出正常的沿破裂面的压力和由此产生的剪切应力,使用这种切片法非常方便。也有简化的方法,其中坡度没有被划分成片,但在一般情况下,安全的因素是很高的(纳什1987)。Two-Dimensional MethodsOnly a two-dimensional section of the slope is considered in this approach. Consequently,release surfaces m

26、ust be present to allow failure to occur. For the two-dimensional sectionshown in Figure 4.2, the forces acting on each slice are (1) the shear- and normal forces on the failure surface, (2) the normal- and shear forces acting at the boundaries of each slice (these are often referred to as interslic

27、e forces), (3) the weight of the slice, and (4) the external loads acting at the top of each slice. Even when assuming that the weight of the material, theexternal loads, and the groundwater pressure along the failure surface all are known, theproblem is statically indeterminate. Consequently, if th

28、e problem is to be solved using only theequilibrium equations, a number of additional assumptions must be made. The assumptionsusually employed are (Nash, 1987):二维方法这种方法把斜坡看成一个二维平面。因此,表面释放存在时,允许破坏发生。对于二维平面如图4.2所示,(1)每个切片剪切破坏面的力量和正常的力量,(2)正常和剪切力作用在每个切片,(3)片的重量,和(4)外部载荷片的顶部。即使当假设材料的重量,所有已知的外部负载,并沿破裂面的

29、地下水压力,问题是超静定。因此,要解决这个问题只使用平衡方程是不够的,还需要一些额外的假设。这些假设通常采用安全因素(纳什,1987年):Assumptions about the distribution of normal stress along the slip surface.A large number of methods for analyzing rotational shear using the above approach have been developed, see e.g., Bishop (1955), Morgenstern and Price (1965)

30、, Spencer (1967), Bell(1968), Janbu (1973) and Sarma (1973, 1979). These methods differ in how well theconditions of equilibrium are satisfied and how the interslice forces are included in thesolution. They can be divided into simple, complex and rigorous methods. For simplemethods, the effects of i

31、nterslice forces are neglected, whereas in complex methods, theinterslice forces are included in the formulation. Methods where all conditions of staticequilibrium are satisfied are named rigorous methods (Johansson and Axelsson, 1991). Thevarious slice methods also differ with respect to the failur

32、e surface shape which can beanalyzed. For many of the methods, only a failure surface in the form of a circular arc isallowed. There are, however, an increasing number of methods where the failure surfacecould be non-circular or even partly composed of straight lines (e.g., sliding along an existingdiscontinuity combined with rotational shear).假设沿滑面的压力分布正常。一个已经开发了的露天矿已经大量采用上述方法来分析旋转剪切,例如,比绍普(1955),摩根斯坦和普瑞斯(1965),斯宾塞(1967年),贝尔(1968年),杰布(1973)和萨尔马(1973年,1979年)都曾使用过。这些不同的方法,在如何做好平衡的条件,如何满足剪切力的要求都包含在解决方案之内。他们可分为简单,复杂和更为严格的方法。对于简单的方法,剪切力常常被忽视。而在

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