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1、最新外贸英语函电例句相当实用的外贸英语函电例句第一章 句型1信息来源: 我们从处得知 通过.我们了解到1、We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line.我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。2、We owe your name and address from the Journal of Commerce.我们从商业日报得知贵公司的名称和地址。3、Having had /obtained the name and address o

2、f your company from ABC trading Company ,we know that you deal in textiles.通过ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你方经营纺织品。句型2 写信目的:建立业务关系1、We are writing you and hope to enter into business relations with you.我们写信给你方希望建立业务关系。2、 We are writing you and willing to open up business relations with you.我们写信与你联系,以期

3、与贵公司建立业务关系。3、We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you .我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。句型3自我介绍(公司经营范围等)1、We are an importer/exporter handling toys for many years. Our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable price.我们作为玩具进口商/出

4、口商已有多年。我们的产品质量好,价格合理,在世界上享有极高的声誉。2、We are writing to introduce ourselves as large dealers in foodstuffs with good connections in the country.现函告:我公司为食品大经销商,在国内拥有大批客户。3、We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as exporters dealing exclusively in garments.我们利用此机会介绍,我公司为专门经营服装的出口商。句型4 要求寄送有关资料1、

5、Please send us your catalogues and quotations.请给我们寄你公司的商品目录和价目单。2、We shall appreciate your catalogues and quotations.如能寄你公司的商品目录和价目单当十分感谢。3、Well be pleased to have your catalogues and quotations.我们将非常乐意收到你公司的商品目录和价目单。第二章句型1:对某产品感兴趣(1)我们对各式男式衬衫感兴趣。We take an interest in various kinds of Mens shirts。(

6、2)我们对节能灯感兴趣。We are interested in the Electronic Energy Saving Lamps。(3)我们对你公司的纺织品感兴趣。Your textiles are of interest to us。句型2 要求寄送有关资料(1)请给我们及你公司的样品。We shall be glad be glad if you will send us your samples.We shall appreciate it if you will send us your samples and brochure.It will be appreciated if

7、 you could send us your latest catalogues and samples.句型3 要求报价(1)请报你公司童车的CIF纽约最低价。We shall appreciate if you could make us the best offer for your Childrens Bicycles on CIF New York basis.(2)如能报印花细布的CIF纽约价当十分感谢。We will be pleased if you could quote us a price for Printed Shirting on the basis of CIF

8、 New York .(3)请报我方500吨核桃最低价。Please make us your lowest quotation for 500 tons of Walnuts.句型4 其他要求1、请注意,如你方价格具有竞争性,我们将大量订购。We have to point out that we intend to place a large order with you if the price is competitive.2、我们拟提请你方注意,如你方价格合理,我们将大量订购。We have to draw your pattention to the point that we w

9、ill place substantial orders if your price is acceptable.3、如你方价格可行,相信我们能达成大笔交易。If your prices are in line , we trust important business can be concluded.第三章有关实盘的例句 1.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 19th Oct. 兹报实盘,以你方10月19日复到为有效。2.This offer is subject to reply by 5 p.m

10、. our time,Wednesday,3rd, Oct.兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。3.We offer you subject to the reply here by 10 a.m., Tuesday our time.兹报实盘,以我方时间星期二上午10时以前复到为准。4.We offer you firm subject to your reply here within one week from today.兹报实盘,以自本日起一周之内你方复到为准。5.This offer is/ remains/ is kept/is held valid/fi

11、rm/open/good for 5 days.此报盘有效期为五天。有关虚盘的例句 1.This offer is subject to goods being unsold.此报盘以货未售出为准。2.This offer is subject to market fluctuations.此报盘以市场波动为准。3.This offer is subject to change without notice.此报盘如有变化不另行通知。4.This offer is subject to our final confirmation.此报盘以我方最后确认为有效。5.This offer is s

12、ubject to sample approval.此报盘以样品认可为有效。6.This offer is subject to shipping space available. 此报盘以有无舱位为有准。句型1:感谢对方的来函(1)5月2日函悉,按你方要求,我们作如下发盘,以我方最后确认为主。Weve received your letter of May 2, and as requested, we are offering you the following subjects to our final confirmation.(2)感谢你方5月10号来函寻购500吨花生。We tha

13、nk you for your enquiry of May 10 for 500 tons of Groundnuts.(3)为复你方500吨核桃的询盘,我们特向你方发盘如下:In reply to your enquiry for Walnuts, we offer you 500 tons of Walnuts as follows:句型2 报价(报盘)(1)我们向你方报50吨冻鱼,每吨500美元CIF欧洲主要港口。We offer you 5 tons Frozen Fish at USD 500 per ton CIF EMP.(2)我们现向你方报500打男式衬衫,每打80美元,CI

14、FC5 旧金山,5月装运。We are making you an offer for 500 dozen Mens Shirt at USD 80 percent CIFC5 San Francisco for shipment in May. (3)我们现向你方报500辆好孩子牌自行车,每辆35美元CIF纽约,7月装运,此报盘以你方5月5日前复到为有效。We offer , subject to your reply reaching here on or before May 5th , 500 Good Baby Brand Bicycles at USD 35 percent CIF

15、 NewYork for shipment in July.句型3 支付条款(1)付款方式以不可撤销即期信用证支付,并以我方为受益人。Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight to be opened in our favor.(2)我们要求以不可撤销信用证凭即期汇票支付,在装运前30天开出。We require payment by irrvocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment .(3)我们支付方式是保

16、兑的,不可撤销即期信用证,凭全套装运单据支付。Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents.句型4 装运1、这笔订货在5月装运。Shipment is to be made / effected in/ during May.2、我们将在收到你方信用证后30天内装运,但具体的时间要在收到你方的正式订单后再定。We will deliver the goods within 30 days

17、 after/upon receipt of your L/C but specific time is to be fixed upon receipt of your official order.3、货物将在收到你方相关的信用证后3个月内装运。The goods will be shipped within 3 months upon receipt of your relative L/C.句型5:发盘有效期1、本盘有效期为3天。This offer is valid for 3 days.2、本发盘以我方最后确认为准。The offer is subject to our final

18、 confirmation .3、本发盘以你方5月23日前复到为有效。The offer is subject to the reply reaching here before of May 23.第八章办理保险 (arranging Insurance)句型:to insure W.P.A / F.P.A 投保水渍险 / 平安险注:W.P.A=With Particular Average,F.P.A=Free from Particular Average例请在你处投保平安险。 Please insure F.P.A at your end. 例按CIF价出售的货物,我们一般投保水渍险。

19、 We generally insure W.P.A .on C.I.F. sales / for goods sold on CIF basis. 句型2:to insure (cover)against 投保险(别)例请将货物投保战争险。 Please cover the goods against War Risk. 例我们已将货物投保平安险和一切险。We have insured the goods F.P.A and against all Risks.(注:在表示的“投保险”时,在险别前要加against,但是在W.PA和F.P.A前不加against.)句型3:to arrang

20、e(effect, cover, take out)insurance on sth投保例由于我方是按CIF价订货的,应由你方投保。As our order was placed on a CIF basis, the insurance is to be arranged by you. 例我们愿代你方投保。 We will effect insurance on your behalf. 例你方是否已代我们对此货物投保? Have you taken out insurance for us on these goods? 句型4:to cover (insure) sb. on sth.

21、 为投保例:请为我们投保下列货物。 Please insure us on the following goods. 句型5:to insure for 按金额投保例我们将按发票金额110投保此货物。 We shall insure the goods for 110% of the invoice value. 例我们希望你方按发票金额加10投保。We wish you to insure the goods for the invoice value plus 10%. We have insured the shipment for USD 27, 000.句型6:to insure w

22、ith向投保例我们一般对按CIF价出售的货物向中国人民保险公司投保。 We usually insure with the Peoples Insurance Company of China for the goods sold on CIF basis. 例由卖方按发票金额110向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。Insurance is to be _ by the sellers _ All Risks _ 110% of the invoice value _ the Peoples Insurance Company of China.赔偿(Compensation)句型:to file

23、 / lodge a claim with/ against 句型2: to compensate (sb.) for 例货物如发生损坏,可向贵地的保险代理提出索赔,他们将赔偿你方遭受的损失。If any damage to the goods occurs / arises / results, a claim may be filed with the insurance agent at your end, who will undertake to compensate you for the loss sustained. 例保险公司将按照投保险别赔偿损失。The insurance

24、 company will compensate you for the losses according to the coverage arranged. 句型3:to submit an insurance claim to 提出保险索赔例保险索赔应在货物到达目的港30天内提交保险公司或其代理商。An insurance claim should be submitted to the insurance company or its agents within 30 days after the arrival of the consignment at the port of des

25、tination.例如果货物发生损坏,你方可凭检验报告与你处保险代理联系并提出保险索赔。Should any damage be incurred you may approach the insurance agents at your end and submit an insurance claim supported by a survey report. 第九章 1装船要求(Shipping Instructions)句型1:to be ready for shipment 备妥待运例:我们高兴地通知你方所订购的货物已备妥待运,请告知包装及装运之要求。We are glad to i

26、nform you that the goods you ordered are ready for shipment. Please let us have your instructions for packing and shipment. 句型2:to ship goods by S.S(M.V) 由轮装运货物例:请尽力用“和平”号轮装运我方货物,该轮预订于5月8日抵汉堡。请函复确认货物将按时备妥。 Please try your utmost to ship our goods by S.S.“Peace” which is due to arrive at Hamburg on 8

27、 May, and confirm by return that the goods will be ready in time.句型3:to book shipping space 订舱位例由于采用FOB价购货,你方应在利物浦港将货物装在我方所指定的船上。一旦订舱后,我方将告知装运货物的船名。 As the purchase is made under FOB terms, you should ship the goods from Liverpool on a steamer to be designated by us. As soon as shipping space is boo

28、ked , we shall advise you of the name of the ship on which the goods are to be sent.例请预订所需的舱位以保证及时装运所订购的货物。 Please book the necessary shipping space in advance to ensure timely dispatch of the goods ordered. 句型4:within the stipulated time 在规定的时间内例:由于我客户急需此货物,请按规定的时间发运。 As our users are in urgent nee

29、d of the consignment, please get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time. 句型5:to effect shipment装运例第756号合同项下浴巾货物将由“女神”轮装运,该轮定于6月20日启航,请办理保险 The shipment of bath towels under Contract No. 756 will be effected by M.V. “Goddess”, which is scheduled to leave here on 20 June. Please arrange insur

30、ance for this cargo.例3/4月份装船。 Shipment is to be effected (made) during March/April. 句型6:to advance shipment 提前装运例意外的情况迫使我们寻求你方配合,请将第730号售货确认书下货物的装运期由8/9月份提前到7月。 Something unexpected compels us to seek your cooperation by advancing shipment of the goods under S/C No.730 from Aug/Sep. to July. 例按规定应于1

31、0月装运,但是如蒙你方设法提前于9月交货以使我方赶上旺季,则不胜感激。It is stipulated that shipment is to be made in October, However, we shall appreciate it if you will manage to advance the shipment to September to enable us to catch the busy season.例由于3月5日前,此地无直达船驶往你方港口,歉难按要求提前装运,请谅。Since there is no direct steamer sailing from here to your port prior to March 5th we are extremely sorry for our inability to advance the shipment as requested. 句型7:to postpone shipment 延迟装运例由于市场呆滞,请将我方所订购货物延迟到3月发货。As the market is sluggish, please

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