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1、八年级英语上册期末测试试题初二英语期末测试 第一卷 (选择题 共80分 )一. 听力测试 (共20 分)(一) 听句子,选择该句的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(共5分)( )1 A .Thank you B . Its very expensive C .Its nice ( )2 . A . Yes , it does . B .Yes , I think so . C . Yes , Id love to ( )3 .A . How wonderful ! B .Thats all right C .That sounds fine .( )4 .A .He is 45 B .He is a

2、 worker .C .He is very tall ( )5 .A .Never mind B .It doesnt matter . C .Youre welcome .(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,选择能回答所给问题的正确答案。(共5分)( ) 6.How was Marys school trip ? A . Difficult B. Interesting C.Boring( ) 7 .When was Bill Gates born ? A .In 1953 B .In 1965 C . In 1955 ( ) 8 .What are they going to do ?

3、 A . Make an apple smoothie B .Eat an apple C .Buy an apple smoothie .( ) 9. How is Jim going to do that ? A .Take science lessons B.Take acting lessons C .Take computer science lessons ( ) 10 .Whose watch is more expensive ? A .Toms B .Marys C .Toms fathers (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,选择能回答所给问题的正确答案。(共5分)(

4、)11 How was Emilys school day ? A .Terrible B .Not too bad C .Fun ( ) 12 .What did she make at school ? A .Paper planes B .Paper elephant C .Paper bikes . ( ) 13. What did she use to make them ? A . Paper B .Paper and knives C .Knives ( ) 14 .What did she do after school ? A .She made dinner B .She

5、rode her bike C .She played with her best friend at home ( ) 15 .Where did the talk take place ? A .At a school B . At a park C .At home (四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,选择正确答案。(共5分) ( ) 16 .Who played tennis with the speaker last Saturday morning ? A .Her mother B .Her father C .Her classmate ( )17 .What was the

6、 weather like last Saturday afternoon ? A .Hot B .Cool C . Windy ( )18 .When did the speaker go back home last Saturday afternoon ? A .At 2:00 pm B .At 3:00 pm C .At 4:00 pm ( ) 19 .Where did the speaker go last Saturday afternoon ? A .To the park B . To the beach C .To the school ( ) 20. How does t

7、he speaker feel about her last weekend ? A .Tired B .Bored C . Pleased 二单项选择(共20分)( ) 21 .It usually _ me 15 minutes to walk from my home to our school . A .spends B .costs C .takes D .pays .( ) 22 .The weather in China is different from _ in New Zealand . A .this B .that C .those D .these ( ) 23 ._

8、 Lets go and play games . _ Sorry , I have _ work to do . A .much too B .too much C . too many D .many too ( ) 24 .She was born _ the morning of December fifth . A .in B .at C .on D . to ( ) 25 .Mary has long hair ,but my hair is _ than _ . A .shorter ,hers B .longer, her C .longer ,hers D .shorter

9、,her ( ) 26 .Tom h as few friends , because he is very _ . A .funny B .serious C .outgoing D .smart ( )27 .The songs of S.H.E sound _. Their CDs sell _ . A .well ,well B .good ,well C . well , good D . good , good ( ) 28. She often forgets _ her English book . A .bring B .brought C .bringing D .to b

10、ring ( )29 .The math problem is too difficult ._ students can work it out . A . Little B .Few C . A few D .A little ( ) 30.There _ two English parties tomorrow . A .is going to be B .is going to have C .are going to be D .are going to have ( )31 ._ Would you like some _ ? _ Im not thirsty .Thank you

11、 . A . sandwiches B .orange C .bread D . bananas ( )32 .I have nothing _ for him today . A . say B . said . C .to say D . to said( )33 ._ Could I open the window ? _ _ . A .Yes , Id love to . B .No , you shouldnt C . Sure D . I have no idea .( )34 .How _ your trip to London last vacation ? A .is B .

12、was C .were D .are ( )35 .Of all the shops along the Mall Street , the one in the middle is _ . A .cheap B . cheaper C . cheapest D . the cheapest .( )36 ._ Tony ,who broke the cup ? _ Maybe Peter _ , but Im not sure . A .do B .does C . did D . broke ( )37. Shanghai is _ than any _ city in China . A

13、 .larger ; other B .larger ; 不填 C . largest ; 不填 D .largest ; other( )38 ._ yogurt and _ apples do you need if you want some apple salad ? A .How many ; how many B .How much ; how many C .How many ;how much D .How much ; how much ( )39. _ How often do you go to the concert ? _ _ . I dont like music

14、at all . A .Always B .Often C .Never D .Once a month ( ) 40 .I _ my aunt in Australia this winter vacation .I want to have an exciting vacation . A . visit B .am going to visit C .visited D .was visiting 三 完形填空(共10分) My hobby is playing chess - one of the greatest games in the world .My mom taught m

15、e 1 to play when I was seven years old . She 2 me every time for the first year .But then ,on my 3 birthday, I won for the first time .Now I am always the winner between us . It takes about a day to learn the rules . 4 if you want to be good ,you have to practice for years .You dont need much to pla

16、y chess - just a chess set and someone to play with .Chess sets 5 be very cheap ,or quite expensive .Some people collect chess sets as a hobby ,but I 6 to play . There is a chess club in our school .We meet every week to play with each other .I am the best 7 in the club ,and the captain of the schoo

17、l chess team .This year we 8 the all England schools championship(冠军 ) . I had to go up on stage ( 台子 ) .in front of the whole school to collect the prize . Im saving up my money to buy a chess 9 .Its very good for practice .That way Ill 10 have someone to play with ,and Im sure Ill make more progre

18、ss .( ) 41. A .what B .why C .how D .where ( ) 42 . A .hit B .lost C . beat D .fought ( ) 43 . A .seventh B . eighth C .ninth D .tenth ( ) 44 . A .And B .So C . Yet D .But ( ) 45 .A can B .must C .should D .will ( ) 46 .A want B .wish C .prefer D .choose ( ) 47. A .player B .fan C .leader D .learner

19、 ( ) 48 .A .received B .won C .lost D .owned ( ) 49. A .computer B .book C .dictionary D .game ( ) 50 . A .sometimes B .sometime C .always D.seldom(很少)四阅读理解 (共30分) A American people like to say “Thank you ”when others help them or say something kind to them .People of many countries do so ,too. It i

20、s a very good habit . You should say “Thank you ”when someone passes you the salt(盐)on the table ,when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door for you ,when someone says you have done your work well or you have bought a nice thing or your city is very beautiful . “Thank you ”is used not only bet

21、ween friends ,but also between parents and children ,brothers and sisters . “Excuse me ”is another short sentence they use .When you hear someone say so behind you , you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you .Its not polite to break others when they are talking .If you want

22、to speak to one of them ,say “Excuse me ”first ,and then begin talking .You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others . Lets learn to say“Thank you ” and“Excuse me ”.( ) 51. You should say “Thank you ” when _ . A . you say something kind to others . B .you help others

23、 . C .someone helps others . D .you need others to help you .( ) 52 .From the passage we know “Thank you ”is _ . A .widely used in the world . B .used more often than“Excuse me ” C . used only by Americans . D .used only between friends .( ) 53. You should say “Excuse me ”if you want to _ . A . coug

24、h B . make some noise C . go first D .all of the above ( )54 .When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way ,you should say “_ ” A .Thank you B .Thats very kind of you C .Excuse me D .Im sorry .( )55 .This passage mainly tells us the way _ . A .to be happy B .to be polite C .to help others D

25、 .to learn from Americans . B We each have a memory. Thats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do the again and again. Many of the great men o

26、f the world have got surprising memories.A good memory is a great help in learning languages. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can lea

27、rn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.But your memory will become better and better when you do

28、 more and more exercises.( ) 56 .Some people can easily learn many things by heart because _ .A. they always sleep well B. they often eat good footC. they read a lot of books D. they have very good memories( ) 57. Everybody learns his mother language _ .A. at the age of six B. when he is a small chi

29、ldC. after he goes to school D. when he can read and write( ) 58. Before a child can speak, he must _ . A. read and write B. make sentencesC. hear and remember the sounds D. think hard( ) 59. In school the pupils cant learn a foreign language easily because _ .A. they have no good memories B. they h

30、ave no good teachersC. they dont like it D. they are busy with other subjects( ) 60. Your memory will become better and better _ .A. if you have a lot of good food B. if you do more and more exercisesC. if you do morning exercises every day D. if you get up early C An English traveler spent a few we

31、eks in Sweden( 瑞典 ) .When he was about to return home he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket back to England .Thinking the matter over, he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a two-day voyage .So he bought a ticket with that little money he had and went on board . He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell ,and when dinner time came, he

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