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北师大版五年级小学英语《I like Bobby》教学设计.docx

1、北师大版五年级小学英语I like Bobby教学设计【学科】英语【课例名称】I like Bobby.【课型】阅读课【年级】北师大版五年级小学英语【教材版本】北师大版【学生分析】参与本次课程的是实验小学五年(一)班的孩子。平时学校注重孩子英语学习习惯的培养,所以本堂课中大部分孩子的英语基础比较扎实。但是一部分基础比较薄弱的孩子,我有目的的安排他们在各个小组中参与活动,以保证英语课堂过程的能力均衡。在不影响孩子学习信心的前提下,让孩子在活跃的小组团队中互帮互助,从而达到共同学习,共同进步的目的。【内容分析】本节课是描述Ann和Ken去森林中拜访朋友Bobby时所发生的故事。在教学内容中包括重要

2、句型:“Do you know?Do you like?”和一些新的词汇。但是“Do you like?”是学生四年级已经学过的句型,孩子们都比较熟悉,这就为本节课重要句型的引入和操练奠定了良好的基础。“Im not wearing my glasses.”是本节课的教学难点,在教学设计中我准备用真实情景呈现和不断操练的方式,让孩子能充分感知和熟悉这个难点。为保证孩子能在真实的情境中表演故事,我设计了逼真的森林场景,希望能让孩子能在小组协作表演中,感受英语课堂给他们带来的乐趣,体验英语的自由表达给他们的成就感。在确保孩子熟悉故事情节的基础上,我要求孩子能在原有的故事情节上和教学内容上能设计出自


4、的情感,帮助他们建立学习的自信心和成就感。尊重孩子的个别差异,在以学生为主体的教育思想下,在教学过程的评价激励机制中,要以培养孩子自主学习能力和激励学习兴趣为主要教学目标而开展教学活动。【课时安排】1课时(40 minutes)【教学设计】I. Teaching Material: I like BobbyAnn: Look! Theres Bobby. I like him. Do you like him?Ken:Yes, I like him a lot.Ann and Ken:Good morning, Bobby.(Bobby is waering his glasses.)Bobb

5、y:Who are you?Ann and Ken:Were Ann and Ken.Bobby:I cant see you. Im not wearing my glasses.(Bobby is wearing his glasses.)Bobby:I can see you now.Bobby:Here come my friends. Do you know them?Ann:No. Oh! They are so cute.Ken:Do you like rabbits, Ann?Ann:Yes. I like them a lot.Fox:I like them, too.Bob

6、by: But I dont like you.Rabbits:Thank you, Bobby.Ken:Great, Bobby.Ann:You are a good friend.II. Teaching Aims:1、Teaching knowledges:1) Make sure students can understand the story clearly and act it actively.2) Make sure students can use the important sentences “Do you know/like?” correctly in the re

7、al situation.2、Teaching abilities:Enable the students to make some dialogues when they meet some new people or things that they like or dislike.3、Teaching Emotions:1) Raise the students interest to learn English and encourage them to speak and act English actively.2) Encourage the students to have g

8、ood cooperation with one another or partners.III. Teaching Contents:1)Important Sentences: Do you know him/her? Yes , I do./No , I dont. Do you like him/her? Yes,I like him/her a lot./No,I dont.2)Important Vocabularies: wear、glasses、cute、know、come、a lotIV. Teaching key points and difficulities:1) Ma

9、ke sure students can how to use the right sentences “Do you know/like?” as usual. 2) Make students can act out the story expertly.3) Make students understand how to express “wearing glasses” correctly.V. Teaching Preparations:CAI、some cartoon headwears、a CD-ROM, some animals cards, a toy tree , some

10、 sentences scrollsVI. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Warm-up1)Free talkT:Hello . Boys and girls .Ss:Hello, teacher.T: Im Shally. I like singing and dancing.Do you like singing?Do you like dancing?Ss:Yes, I do.2) Sing the song and dance:“The more we get together”.【设计意图】:课前的我有目地安排了“Do you like?”的句型和孩子进行自

11、由对话,这样既复习了旧知识,又轻松渗透本节课的主要句型“Do you know/like?”。在英文歌曲热身阶段,我有意识地安排了“The more we get together”这首歌曲,不仅活跃课堂气氛,缓解紧张情绪,同时又在轻松的气氛中展示了这节课关于朋友和森林的主题,为即将引出在森林中朋友的见面的情境起到了顺畅的铺垫作用,创设了真实的英语情景,为故事发生的氛围起到很好的营照作用。Step 2. Presentation 1) Show the forest with CAI and lead students to forest surroundings with the collo

12、cations in the classroom.T:Do you want to be the King of the forest?Ss:Yes, I do.T:Now lets play the King Games.Divide studentd into five groups.Let them represent diffirent animals.They are “tiger group,lion group, wolf group,bear group ,leopard group”.【设计意图】:本课故事发生的场景在森林,所以在知识呈现部分,我巧妙地设计了一个真实的森林情境

13、,用多媒体辅助课件和一棵逼真的森林树木来烘托故事发生的背景,把孩子们慢慢地引入到了由我精心打造的森林童话世界。同时通过小组竞赛的方式把孩子们分成若干“动物之家”,并鼓励孩子们通过自己和小组合作的努力来成为森林之王,这样不但为森林情景的深化起到“画龙点睛”的作用,而且既为本单元的新知识-动物词汇的学习起到了很好的铺垫作用,从而激发孩子们对森林各种动物的了解,也开始慢慢调动了学生的学习积极性和求知欲。2) Use the fox behind the tree to lead the important sentences.T: Oh,my God. Whos that? Come out, pl

14、ease.Fox:Ha ha ha! Im a fox. Do you know me?Ss:Yes, I do.T:Do you know him?Ss:Yes, I do.Fox:I dont know you, but I know them.(Point to the rabbits next to the fox)Rabbits:Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, rabbits.T:Do you know her?(Hug a rabbit)Ss:Yes, I do.T: Do you like her?Ss:Yes ,I

15、do.T:Yes, I like her a lot.She is so cute. Glue the sentences “Do you know him/her? Yes , I do./No , I dont.”and “Do you like him/her? Yes,I like him/her a lot./No,I dont.” on the blackboard and get students to read them out.【设计意图】:一只狡猾的狐狸和可爱的小兔子的出现,深深吸引了孩子们的眼球,我有意识的根据本节课的教学内容引出了故事中的两个主角,动物朋友的降临不仅能大

16、大激发孩子对本节课知识的探索的欲望,而且也悄悄地对为故事的重点句型的出现埋下了坚实的伏笔,让孩子对句型有了深刻的感知。3) Play the train games.Ask students to ask and answer each other in their groups by using these sentences.T:Now let us play a train game. You can ask and answer questions one by one by using these sentences.T: Do you know him?(Point to a bo

17、y?)S1:Yes, I do.T: Do you like him?S1: Yes, I like him a lot.S1 to S2: Do you know her/him?/ Do you like her/him?.【设计意图】:在孩子对重点句型有了深刻认识之后,我刻意安排了这次“开火车游戏”的小组活动,让孩子通过灵活的小组操练,不仅能够保证每个孩子得到充分口语练习的机会,而且通过小组操练开始逐步培养小组的默契程度,让孩子既能完全掌握句型的使用,又能引导孩子的小组活动中能互帮互助的活跃氛围中,开始喜欢和认识身边的朋友,培养团体协作的精神。4) To lead the phrases

18、 “wear glasses”, ask a boy who is wearing the glasses to stand up and lend the teacher his glasses.T: Whos he?Do you know him? Do you like him?(Point to the boy)Ss: Yes, I do.T: I like him a lot.He is so cute.Oh, he is wearing glasses. Lend me your glasses, please.Then teacher wears the glasses and

19、say: Im wearing the glasses. What about you?Glue the phrases “wear glasses” on the blackboard and encourage students to describe whether they are wearing the glasses or not.S1: Im wearing the glasses.S2: Im not wearing the glasses.After that show the picture that Bobby is wearing his glasses on the

20、blackboard and get students to describe it.Ss: Bobby is wearing his glasses.T: Do you like Bobby?Ss: Yes, I do.Glue the title “I like Bobby.” on the blackboard.【设计意图】:“wear glasses”是本节课的新词汇,也是本节课的教学难点。为了能帮助孩子能更直接感知英语知识,我巧妙地利用班级几个孩子戴眼镜的特征,通过英语交谈的方式,向一个可爱的孩子要求借他的眼镜,然后让每个孩子充分操练和感受 “Im wearing the glass

21、es.”和Im not wearing the glasses.”的意义。最后我通过一张憨态可掬的戴眼镜的Bobby的图片,不仅将故事中的主人公生动活泼的形象展示在孩子面前,而且让孩子们慢慢喜欢上了这只可爱的小熊,从而自然地引出本节课的标题I like Bobby .Step 3. Listen and Answer1) Before listening the tape, get students to prepare the two questions “1. Who are in the story? 2. Does the fox eat the rabbits?”.T:Before

22、listening the tape, listen to my two questions then answer them.2) Play the CAI.Get Ss to watch the cartoon carefully, then ask them to answer the two questions.【设计意图】:兴趣是学习的最大动力,所以在让孩子进行听力活动之前,我根据故事的内容精心设计了两个听力活动前的问题,让孩子们能带着对故事的好奇感,带着学习的兴趣去完成听力活动。色彩丰富,形象生动的多媒体动画,将故事活泼的展现在孩子们的面前,让孩子能从之前活动中的无意注意转化为有意

23、注意,不仅符合了孩子们这个时期的年龄特点,而且有效地提高了课堂的学习效率。Step 4. Listen , Read and Answer1) Ask Ss to read the story by themselves in a minute and underline the words or sentences that they dont understand. At this time the teacher can help to solve the problems they dont understand.T: Now read the story by yourselves

24、and underline some knowledge you dont understand.2) Then get Ss to fill in the rogatory table in the envelope on their desk.T: After reading the story, please answer the five questions in the envelope.QuestionsYesNoDoes Ken like Bobby ?Does Bobby like the fox ?Does Bobby know Ann and Ken ?Does Bobby

25、 know the rabbits ?Does Ann know the rabbits ?3) Finish the table and check the answers.【设计意图】:在阅读环节的设计中,我十分注重孩子们自主学习能力的培养。通过课文速读,让孩子们迅速发现自己的语言困难,理解故事的大意,从而有目的性的进行孩子的个性化辅导,这是不仅会有我的个别指导,而且小组团结协作的作用也开始发挥功效,能让小组同伴之间互相帮助,相互配合。在保证孩子能理解故事情节的基础上,在任务型教学思想的指导下,我给每个孩子提供了一张精心设计的问题表格。让孩子在基本熟悉内容的基础上,更进一步理解故事发生的人

26、物、背景和情节。问题表中的五个问题有巧妙地为本单元中的另一个重要句型“Does he like?”的引出起到了抛砖引玉的作用。Step 5. Read, Practise and Act1) Play the CAI. Get Ss to watch it and read the story after it. Make sure Ss can read the story correctly. T: Let us watch the cartoon and read the story after it.2) Ask Ss to read the story by themselves.

27、Give them enough time to practice the story and understand the story polt ulteriorly.3) Encourage Ss to practice to act out the story in their groups by using the headwears in the other envelope. Then the teacher can give them a hand to solve some problems and encourage them to act out the story dar

28、ingly.4) Act the story. Encourage some groups to show their productions.【设计意图】:为保证孩子的英语口语能够得到充分操练,我不仅安排了常规性的“After reading”的环节,培养模仿标准语音的习惯,还安排了阅读课中必不可少的朗读训练,让孩子把故事深深地记忆到脑海里。在保证孩子能充分理解故事情节和熟练朗读的基础上,我结合孩子的年龄和性格的特点,提前准备了故事中几个主人公的头饰,通过身体语言等方式让孩子们带着浓厚的兴趣去演绎森林中的这个有趣的故事。把机械性的语言操练变成饶有趣味的英语表演课,不但满足了孩子们爱玩、爱表现

29、的欲望,得到了足够的口语操练,而且小组活动也进一步增强了孩子们之间的团队意识,让小组中的每个孩子都有话可说,有剧可演,符合英语课堂教学的全面性原则。Step 6. ConsolidationT: Look at the blackboard. Today we have learned some impartant knowledge on the blackboard. Can you read them?1) Let Ss recall the knowledge on the blackboard and get them read them.2) Encourage Ss to act

30、 out a new story or a chant to the best of their abilities in the group.3) Act out the new story or the chant and show Ss productions.【设计意图】:在语言操练足够和完全熟知故事的前提下,我在发展提高阶段设计上,安排了拓展性的语言活动。让孩子根据小组同学自己的爱好、特长等特点,在更开放的思维模式下,根据或模仿所学过的内容自由编写自己喜欢的新故事或歌谣,使孩子在团队合作中体验英语课堂的乐趣,让他们能在自由的英语情景中使用学过的英语知识,通过大量的语言输出,强化学生的

31、语言表达和运用能力,以真正实现新课标中所提到的让孩子学到语言知识后“能做什么”的目的。Step 7. HomeworkT: Today we have known many friends. Do you like the new friends? Do you want to act the story to your father or your mother?Encourage Ss to act the story which happened in the forest to their families.【设计意图】:英语只在学校中使用是远远不够的。家长是孩子接触时间最长的人群,根

32、据孩子爱表现的天性,我有目的的安排孩子在课后展示自己的英语才能给自己的家长。鼓励是最好的老师。如果能得到老师和家长的表扬和赏识,那么就可以最大程度发挥孩子的学习积极性和主动性,这对小学阶段的英语学习是很重要的。同时也只有让孩子多开口说出英语,这样才能让他们慢慢体会到英语语言的美,从而感受到在英语学习过程中给他们带来的愉悦感和成就感。Blackboard design: I like Bobby Do you know him/her? wear glasses Yes , I do./No , I dont. Do you like him/her? Yes,I like him/her a lot.No,I do

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