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1、悬挑平台安全通道防护方案排风机安装的悬挑平台和安全通道防护方案Suspended Platform for Exhaust Fan Installation and Safety Passage PlanCatalog第一章悬挑施工平台搭设方案Chapter 1Suspended Construction Platform Setup plan第一节工程概况3Section 1General Profile3第二节平台构造(构造要求及各项数据)4Section 2Structure (with requirement and supporting data)4第三节平台数据说明7Section

2、 3Platform Data and Remark7第四节悬挑式平台安装、使用、转移安全防护措施7Section 4Precaution for the Platform Installation, Use, Transfer7第五节平台的检查与验收10Section 5Platform Check and Acceptance10第六节拆除及使用规定要求11Section 6Demolition and Use Guidance11第二章悬挑平台上脚手架搭设方案Chapter 2Suspended Platform Scaffolding Building Plan第一节做法12Secti

3、on 1Procedure12第二节脚手架在平台的安装做法14Section 2Building scaffolding on the Platform14第三章安全通道防护方案Chapter 3Safety Passage Protection Plan第一节平面安装位置16Section 1Plan Installation Location16第二节材料要求16Section 2Material Requirements16第三节悬挑式脚手架搭设流程及要求18Section 3Suspended Scaffolding Setup Procedure and Requirement18第

4、四节拆除方案21Section 4Removal Plan21第一章 悬挑施工平台搭设方案Chapter 1: Suspended Construction Platform Setup plan第一节 工程概况Section 1: General Profile本工程位于武汉市新华路396号,民生银行大厦5F-6F美国驻武汉总领事馆项目,本方案将原有部分玻璃幕墙进行拆除,搭设施工平台,用于装运设备;拆除玻璃:3轴交M轴-N轴及3轴-4轴交N轴、2F-6F:14轴-15轴交N轴,约为100;搭设施工平台位置和拆除玻璃的位置在六楼14轴到16轴,详见附图一、二:The project is lo

5、cated at 5F-6F Minsheng Bank Building, No. 396 Xinhua road, Wuhan. United States Consulate General in Wuhan project. This plan will be dismantling the glass curtain wall, building the construction platform for moving equipments; Dismantling glass panels: 3 Axis M Axis -N Shaft and 3 Axis -4 Axis N S

6、haft, 2F-6F : 14 Axis -15 Axis N Shaft, approximately 100; Location of setting construction platform and glass demolition is on the sixth floor of the glass Axis 14 to the 16 Shaft, see attached drawing I and II:平台的布置 Platform layout根据本工程特点以及立面的情况和周边环境决定布置受料平台,以便将无法用施工电梯运输的大件材料、照明用具等设备等由汽车先吊运至受料平台上,

7、再转运至使用或安装地点。根据本工程施工进度的要求及现场实际情况编制本方案。We build this platform according to the characteristics of the project as well as the surrounding environments in order to lift the bulk of construction materials, such as lighting, appliances and other equipments from automobiles to the unloading platform, then

8、transfer to installation location. This plan is made in line with construction schedule, project requirements and field situation. 民生银行大厦整体立面照片Mingsheng Bank Building Photo六层此四边形位置玻璃拆除8块,竖向位置为从地面起到梁底第一、二排,作为室外施工平台设施安装位。 On the 6th Floor, remove 8 pieces of glass at the quadrilateral place on the dra

9、wing above. Vertical position from the ground up to the first to second row, as the platform installation location.第二节 平台构造(构造要求及各项数据)Section 2 Structure (Structural requirements and supporting data)1. 荷载参数1. Load Data脚手板类别:冲压钢脚手板,脚手板自重标准值(kN/m2):0.30;Scaffold Board type: Stamped steel scaffold, sca

10、ffold dead weight standard values (kN/m2):0.30;栏杆、挡杆类别:栏杆冲压钢Rail types:Stamped steel railings栏杆、挡板脚手板自重标准值(kN/m2):0.11Railing, scaffold dead load standard value(kN/m2):0.11施工人员等活荷载(kN/m2):1.00Operators and other live load(kN/m2):1.00最大堆放材料荷载Maximum stacking material load(kN):25.002.悬挑参数2.Cantilever

11、data 内侧钢绳与墙的距离(m):1.00The distance between the inside wire rope and the wall (m):1.00外侧钢绳与内侧钢绳之间的距离(m):1.00The distance between the inside wire rope and outside wire rope (m):1.00上部拉绳点与墙支点的距离(m):5.00The distance between the upper pulling point and the fulcrum of the wall (m):5.00钢丝绳安全系数K:10.00Wire r

12、ope safety coefficient K:10.00计算条件: 铰支Calculation condition: hinged预埋件的直径(mm):16.00diameter of the embed(mm):16.003.水平支撑梁3. Horizontal supporting beam 主梁槽钢型号:14a号槽钢槽口水平;Model of the main beam channel steel: 14a # channel steel notch level次梁槽钢型号:10号槽钢槽口水平;Model of the secondary beam channel steel: 10

13、# channel steel notch level次梁槽钢距:0.50Distance of secondary beam channel steel (m):0.50最近次梁与墙的最大允许距离(m):0.20Maximum allowable distance between the nearest secondary beam and the wall:0.204. 卸料平台参数4. Unloading Platform Data水平钢梁(主梁)的悬挑长度:3.00Cantilevered Length of the horizontal steel beam (the main be

14、am)(m):3.00水平钢梁(主梁)的锚固长度:1.00Anchorage length of the horizontal steel beam (main beam):1.00;计算宽度(m):0.50Calculation width:0.505.平台做法图Platform 脚手架和立柱拉接详细图纸附件Scaffolding and column pull drawing detailed drawings平台做法图1 Plan 1 平台钢丝索做法图2 Plan-platform wire rope 2 节点做法图3详细图纸附件1第三节 平台数据说明Section 3: Platfor

15、m data and remark平台宽3m,长2.5m,锚入建筑物2m,悬挑建筑物外3m,实际承载面积为3m x2.5 m=7.5 ,单元板块均为面板形式。 Platform width 3m, length 2.5m, anchor into the building 2m, cantilevered outside the building 3m, the actual carrying area of 3m x2.5 m=7.5, the unit plates are in the form of panels.第四节、悬挑式平台安装、使用、转移安全防护措施Section 4: Ca

16、ntilevered Platform Installation, Use, Transfer Security Measures1、 平台在安装及转移时(平台的框架在首层空地组装制作完成)利用总包的塔吊进行吊装,工人在施工前要进行安全教育,技术交底,严格 按照规程施工,在吊装平台正下方区域拉设警戒线,在警戒线内禁止人员出入,安排专职安全员巡查。1. The platform is installed and transferred by the tower crane (the frame of the unloading platform is preformed in the first

17、 floor). The workers are required to carry out safety education before the construction. The technical handover shall be carried out in strict accordance with the regulations. Right beneath the platform we will set up a cordon to prohibit access and have security inspectors.2、 在平台安装完成后,上报质检员对平台进行验收,

18、在平台使用过程中严禁超载、超宽违规作业,每天对平台进行检查,在检查 中发现安全隐患及时整改。2. After the completion of the installation of the platform, the quality inspection staff will check the platform for acceptance. In the use of the unloading platform, over-wide illegal operations and overloading are strictly prohibited. The platform wil

19、l be checked on a daily basis. Finding any security risk, we will promptly rectify it.3、 钢丝绳直径应根据计算确定,绳卡数量、间距按照规范设置。3. Wire rope diameter should be determined according to the calculation, the number of rope card, spacing in accordance with the standards.A wire rope4、 平台两侧面设置固定的防护栏杆,其立杆与主挑梁焊接固定,外侧设置

20、内开门式活动防护门4. On the both sides of the platform, the fixed protective railings are set, the pole is fixed and welded with the main beam. We will also set a protective door on the outer side.5、防护栏杆内侧应采用木板封闭,并挂设限载标志牌。限载标志牌内容:标明吨位和卸料数量,严禁超载或长期堆放材料;堆放材料高度不得超过平台护栏高度;工人限数4人,严禁将平台作为休息平台。5. The area within th

21、e protective railing shall be enclosed with wooden plates with a sign indicating tonnage and the quantity of load, long-term stacking and overload are strictly prohibited; stacking material height shall not exceed the height of the platform fence; workers limit of 4 people. Using the platform as a r

22、est place is strictly prohibited. 木板的铺设 wooden board layout6、该层所要安装的单元板块等材料吊装完毕后,应将平台转移到上层结构,继续使用。若发现平台上有破损等其他隐患,应立即向上级主管部门报告,带隐患排除后方可继续使用。6. After lifting all unit plates and material on the current floor, the platform should be transferred to the upper structure, continue to use. If anyone finds o

23、ther damage on the platform and other risks, should immediately report to the higher authorities, with hidden exclusion before they can continue to use.7、根部斜支撑的施工7. Inclined Substrate on the bottom支撑斜杆是平台的关键点。受钢丝绳斜拉影响,支撑斜杆受力是钢丝绳的一半,如焊接不牢固会把整个平台往内移动,导致安全隐患。The inclined brace rod is the key point of u

24、nloading platform. Influenced by the wire rope pulling, the force of the inclined brace rod is half of the wire rope. If the welding is not firm, it will move the whole platform inside, causing the safety hazard.8、施工安装流程 8. Installation Procedures平台制作组装Preformation and Assembly of the Platform安装检查In

25、spection平台吊装Hoistering验收AcceptanceA) 平台制作组装:工人在平台制作过程中,严格按照技术交底和操作规程进行作业,工字钢材质为Q235B,焊缝的长度、高度和强度必须满足三级焊缝标准且符合JGJ80-91规范要求。制作完毕后,必须由项目部技术、质量、安全等部门相关人员进行验收合格后方可投入使用。A) Preformation and Assembly: In the platform production process, workers should be in strict accordance with the technical and operating

26、 procedures. The I-beams quality is Q235B. The length, height and strength of the weld must meet Level-3 welding standards and meet the JGJ80-91 specification requirements. The completed product must be inspected and accepted by technician, quality control and safety staff prior to the use.B)安装检查:平台

27、在吊装搭设前,应对操作人员身体、安装用机械设备等进行检查。应确定搭设位置已清理。B)Installation Inspection:Prior to the hoistering, the operator should inspect the platform and mechanics, confirming that the setup location has been clearedC)平台吊装:平台吊装时,项目部技术、质量、安全等部门相关人员必须到场,对吊装进行监控。信号员、吊车司机和安装工人紧密配合,严格按照操作规程作业。C)Platform Hoistering:During

28、the hoistering, technical, quality control and safety staff must be present and witness the hoistering. Signal officer, driver and workers must coordinate with each other following operating guidanceD) 验收:在吊装就位、钢丝绳拉紧后,要对平台和各种相关防护进行验收。 D) Acceptance:Need to inspect the protective measures after hoist

29、ering is set up and wire rope is tightened.第五节、平台的检查与验收Section 5: Inspection and Acceptance1、 平台应严格按照施工方案进行安装,钢丝绳应提供合格证;钢丝绳卡具的位置数量型号等均应符合设计要求,必须使用花篮螺栓对钢丝绳进行紧固;焊接位置必须满焊,焊缝均匀密实;工钢规格应符合设计要求。1. The installation of the platform should be strictly in accordance with the construction program. We should pro

30、vide a certificate; wire rope fixture number of models and other models should meet the design requirements, must use the basket bolts on the wire rope fastening; welding position must be full welding, weld uniform Dense steel specifications should meet the design requirements.2、 由安全员组织对平台进行100%检查验收

31、,验收合格后方可使用。2. The safety guard needs to check the platform completely; It can only be used if it is qualified.3、 平台使用过程中由专人负责定期保养和随时进行检查,发现问题及时向上级主管人员汇报。3. Regular inspection and maintenance is necessary during the use period; report to supervisors promptly if finding any problem4、任何人、任何部门不得对平台擅自进行改动、变更,若因实际问题必须进行变更时必须通过本方案审批部门的同意方可进行。4. No person or any departme

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