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1、雅思真题同义词二真题佐证最牛逼的同义总结杨洋得义雅思真题同义词库Unit 2给与、提供give gvgive back 归还 give thanks 献上感恩offer foffer quotation 报价 offer loans 发放贷款render rendrender sb a service提供服务provision prv()n供给食物及必需品impart mptimpart knowledge to pupils给学生传授知识 provide prvadprovide feedback提供反馈 provide shelter 提供栖身之地supply splain short s

2、upply供应不足 supply vaccines (剑八考点)afford f:dmusic affords her pleasure音乐给她快乐 afford relief 给予安慰C4 T3 P1 Q6 图表题【题目】Provision of 6. 提供自行车 【原文】Participants in this enterprise were supplied with bicycles 参与者提供自行车 【答案】bicycles C4 T4 P3 Q35 配对题【题目】An acceptance of the role of the state in guaranteeing the p

3、rovision of the health-care 接受国家在提供医疗保障中角色【原文】by the end of 1970s.The state has no obligation to provide a health-care system itself,but to ensure that such a system is provided. 政府本身没有义务去建设卫生健康体系,但是有义务去保证这样一个体系的存在【答案】B between 1950 and 1980考点再现C3 T1 P3 Q27 / C4 T1 P1 Q12 优势、优点advantage dv:ntdregion

4、al advantage 区位优势 home advantage主场优势benefit benftbenefit from 受益于 employee benefit员工福利strength strTake into account your own strengths and weaknesses.考虑一下你自己的长处和弱点。merit mertThey have been persuaded of the merits of peace.他们已经被说服,认识到了和平的好处C6 T4 P1 Q4 list of headings【题目】Paragraph D 【原文】A tremendous

5、advantage in getting the attention of busy doctors in need of quick information. 巨大的优势就是获取了那些工作忙碌并需要快速了解信息的医生的关注【答案】ix The positive side of drugs promotion 药品推销的积极方面缺陷、缺点disadvantage dsdv:ntdeducational disadvantage 教育劣势 disadvantage pregnancy 不良妊娠drawback drbkdrawback analyze 弊端分析 main drawback 主要缺

6、陷weakness wi:knsYou should know your weakness. 你应清楚自己的弱点。defect dfktartificial defect 人工缺陷 zero defect零缺陷flaw fla flaw in a diamond钻石的瑕疵 surface flaw表面缺陷deficiency df()nsmental deficiency 智力缺陷 deficiency disease 营养缺乏病shortcoming :tkmmarket shortcoming 市场缺陷demerit di:mertC1 T1 P2 Q24 单选题【题目】Why does

7、the writer refer to Robin Hill Adventure Park? 作者谈论罗宾希尔冒险公园的原因?【答案】C to illustrate a weakness in the WZCS document 解释说明WZCS文件的一个缺点【原文】These include Robin Hill Adventure Park,the second flaw in the reasoning of the WZCS document is the naive faith it places in its 1,000 core zoos. 这包括罗宾希尔冒险公园,WZCS文件中

8、推理的第二个瑕疵在于它对1000个核心动 物园幼稚的信任C1 T4 P1 Q14 段落信息匹配题【题目】The drawbacks of current company restructuring patterns. 当前公司重建模式的缺点【原文】In Europe a recent feature of corporate life in the recession has been the delayering of management structures.Sears said that this has halted progress for women. 在欧洲,经济萧条中的公司生

9、活的近期特点是减少管理结构的层次。赛尔斯说,这 阻止了女性的进步【答案】E段机经真题Francis Ronalds and telegraph 段落信息匹配题【题目】There existed a drawback of Ronaldss telegram Ronalds的电报存在缺点【原文】The only defect in his invention was the comparative slowness. 电报发明唯一的缺点是相对较慢【答案】D段考点再现C2 T4 P3 Q37 重要的、关键的important mp:tntkey ki:crucial kru:lvital vat(

10、)lindispensable ndspensb()lparamount prmantsubstantial sbstn()lessential sen()lC2 T2 P3 Q30 list of headings【题目】Paragraph E 【原文】Most of any citys population is engaged in providing goods and services for the city itself.Trade outside the city is its basic function. 任何城市的大部分人口都从事为本城市提供商品和服务的工作,与城市之外地

11、区的 贸易是城市的基本功能 【答案】vi Relative significance of trade and service industry 贸易和服务的重要性C4 T4 P1 Q10 填空题【题目】Yessis claims that the key to setting new records is better 10. Yessis宣称创立新纪录的关键在于更好的训练【原文】Focused training will also play a role in enabling records to be broken. 在打破记录方面,集中训练也起了作用【答案】trainingC6 T2

12、 P3 Q27 配对题【题目】A developed system of numbering 一套发达的数字系统【答案】B was necessary when people began farming 当人们开始耕种时是必须的【原文】As they began to settle,grow plants and herd animals,the need for a sophisticated number system became paramount. 随着他们开始安定生活、种植作物和放牧牲畜,需要一套复杂数字系统的要求变得 极为重要C6 T3 P2 Q26 配对题【题目】clerica

13、l workers 行政工作人员【原文】The clerical workers considered factors such as quality of work performed and job knowledge near the top of their list. 行政工作人员将工作表现质量和业务知识等因素排在名单前列【答案】C They think that the quality of their work is important. 他们认为工作的质量是重要的C6 T4 P3 Q35 填空题 【题目】The most important step is for the sc

14、hool authorities to produce a 35.which makes the schools attitude towards bullying quite clear. 最重要的步骤是学校产生一种政策,使得学校对欺凌现象的态度很明确.【原文】Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on bullying.saying clearly what is meant by bullying. 证据表明,控制欺凌行为最核心的步骤是制定针对欺凌行为的政策,明确欺凌行为 意味着什么【答案】policy 考点再现

15、C3 T1 P1 Q5 / C3 T3 P2 Q17 / C8 T4 P1 Q5 认为、确信deem di:mreckon rek()nthink kbelieve bli:vC8 T3 P1 Q12 判断题 【题目】Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on Tests in real storms. 获得改善激光武器所需的资金依赖于在真正的暴风雨中进行的试验【原文】He reckons that the forthcoming field Tests will be the turning point-and he is hop

16、ing for good news.Bernstein predictsan avalanche of interest and support if all goes well. 他认为,即将进行的实地测试会成为一个转折点,而且他也在期待着好消息。 Bernstein预言,如果一切顺利,这将吸引“排山倒海般的兴趣和支持”【答案】YES保护、保存protect prtektprotect wear 防护服 protect mode 保护模式conserve kns:vconserve natural habitats保护自然栖息地 conserve soil and water保护水土pres

17、erve przvWax polish preserves wood and leather.上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。secure skjrMicrosoftaccessdoesverylittletosecuredata.微软access对于保护数据做的很少C2 T1 P1 Q10/11 填空题 【题目】The island will be partially protected from storms by 10. and also by 11. 该岛通过大屿山和海防工事免受暴风雪【原文】The brunt of a typhoon will be deflected by the ne

18、ighbouring island of Lantau ;the sea walls should guard against the rest. 台风的冲击会被附近的大屿山岛减轻一些;海防工事会抗击其他的冲击【答案】Lantau Island、sea wallsC7 T3 P3 Q35 配对题【题目】Resolution 2 决议2 【答案】A All kinds of species of trees should be preserved. 所有种类的树木都必须被保存【原文】The second resolution concentrates on the need to preserv

19、e the genetic diversity of European forests. 第二项决议的重点是保持欧洲森林基因多样性的需求C8 T3 P3 Q40 判断题 【题目】Conserving energy may help to extend a humans life. 节约能量有助于延年益寿【原文】It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 从上面的讨论可以看出,节约使用我们的能量储备应该可以延长寿命【答案】YES考点再现C1 T1 P1 Q1 /

20、 C4 T2 P1 Q12 确保、确信assure (r)I assure you Ill be there. 我向你保证我一定到那儿去。ensure n(r)ensure funding for priority areas确保优先地区的贷款guarantee rnti:unity is the guarantee of victory团结是胜利的保证convince knvnsIts hopeless trying to convince her.想说服她简直是徒劳。C4 T2 P1 Q11 判断题 【题目】A large number of native speakers fails t

21、o guarantee the survival of a language. 使用者的数量也未必确保一门语言的幸存【原文】Navajo is considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers.What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers,but how old they are. 尽管仍有15万人使用纳瓦霍语,但这种语言还是濒危。使一种语言濒危 标准不单是其使用者人数,而是使用者年龄【答案】YES考点再现C4 T4 P3 Q35 / C6 T1

22、P1 Q19 边界frontier frnt; frntfrontier technology 前沿科技 frontier education 边疆教育 boundary band()rboundary blend边界混合 boundary layer边界层border b:d(r)border dispute边境争端 border the Mediterranean与地中海接壤C7 T3 P3 Q32 判断题 【题目】Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries. 森林政策应该被国家界限限制【原文】This means that

23、 a forest policy is vital,that it must transcend national frontiers. 森林政策至关重要,它必须超越国家的界限【答案】FALSEC9 T4 P4 Q39 判断题 【题目】The boundaries of Leyden have changed little since the seventeenth century. 自17世纪以来,莱顿城的面积几乎没有改变【原文】In a town like Leyden in Holland,which in the seventeenth century was occupied by

24、approximately the same number of inhabitants as today,people lived within the walled town,an area more than five times smaller than modern Leyden. 像荷兰的莱顿这样的小镇,17世纪的居民数量和现在大致相同。人们居住在城墙 内,该区域的面积比现在的莱顿小5倍【答案】FALSE消极的、有害的harmful h:mflharmful radiation有害辐射 harmful chemicals有害化学品detrimental detrmentldetri

25、mental corrosion 有害的腐蚀 detrimental mutation 有害突变negative negtv negative effect负面影响 negative factor消极因素bad bdbad debt坏账 bad apple坏蛋 C3 T1 P2 Q22 配对题【题目】Passive smoking 被动吸烟【答案】E is more harmful to non-smokers than to smokers. 对非吸烟者伤害比吸烟者更大【原文】The effects of passive smoking are far greater on non-smok

26、ers than on smokers. 被动吸烟对烟民产生的影响远远大于对烟民的影响机经真题magnetic therapy 配对题【题目】According to the WHO,under the physicians instruction,a small amount of magnetic energy 根据WHO,在医生指导下,少量的磁疗【答案】A has no negative side effect 没有消极影响【原文】The World Health Organization says low level of magnetic energy is not harmful.

27、 世界卫生组织说低水平的磁疗没有害处消除eliminate lmneteliminate illiteracy扫除文盲 eliminate political opponent清除政治对手eradicate rdketeradicate crimes消除犯罪 eradicate corruption消除腐败stripped strptstrip of 剥夺 stripped security 剥离证券 smooth away smu: wei smooth away difficulty排除困难 smooth away these folds消除这些折痕clear kl clear up 清理

28、 clearthe tunnel清扫隧道get rid ofGet rid of the distractions around you. 除去周围分散你注意力的事物。C1 T1 P3 Q37 配对题【题目】Buildings become simple and functional 建筑变得简单和功能性【答案】F All decoration is removed 所有装饰被移除【原文】These were stripped of unnecessary decoration that would detract from their primary purposeto be used or

29、 lived in. 这减少了不必要的装饰,而装饰会影响它们原来的用途使用或是居住C3 T2 P3 Q35 判断题 【题目】Job descriptions eliminate role ambiguity for managers. 职务说明对经理来说消除了角色的模糊性【原文】The virtue of job description is that they lessen this role ambiguity.Unfortunately,job description are seldom complete role definitions,except at the lower end of the scale. 职务说明的好处是可以减少角色模糊性,可惜的是,职务说明极少能成为完整的角 色定义,除了最低级别的以外【答案】NO移除、抽除remove rmu:vremove parameters移除参数 removewrongperception 消除错误概念extract ekstrktextract a tooth拔牙 extract from 从提取C1 T2 P2 Q18 图表题【题目】Centrifugal force extracts the honey from the 18. 离心力从蜂巢中抽取蜂蜜【原文】centrifugal force th

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