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最新PEP版六年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元检测卷4份.docx

1、最新PEP版六年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元检测卷4份Unit 3 达标检测卷时间: 40分钟满分: 100分听力(30分)笔试(70分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十得分第一部分听力(30分)一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)() 1. A. fall B. feel C. fell() 2. A. can B. could C. couldnt() 3. A. bus B. basket C. beach() 4. A. play B. part C. lamp() 5. A. licked B. laughed C. slept二 听录音,根据所听内容给下列图片排序。(5分)三 听

2、录音,选答语。(10分)() 1. A. Yes, Im OK now. B. It was great. C. It was fine. () 2. A. Im going to the hospital. B. Thanks. C. I hurt my leg. () 3. A. No, Im not. B. No, I dont. C. No, I didnt. () 4. A. I bought gifts. B. I went to London. C. I went there at eight oclock. () 5. A. I went there by ship. B. I

3、 went camping. C. I went there with my father. 四 听录音,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)() 1. Today is Childrens Day. () 2. Amy went to the farm by car. () 3. Amy rode a bike and ate delicious food on the farm. () 4. Amy went home at five oclock in the afternoon. () 5. Amy saw an interesting film yesterday evening.

4、第二部分笔试 (70分)五 根据图片提示写单词或词组,将句子补充完整。(10分)1. Sam cut apples and _ his finger yesterday. 2. Last weekend, my friends and I _ _ in the countryside. 3. John _ _ of the beautiful birds yesterday morning. 4. I _ _for my friends last Sunday. 5. Susan _ _ _ in the forest park last weekend. 六 单项选择。(10分)() 1.

5、What happened?Tony fell_the bike and hurt his foot. A. of B. to C. off() 2. Sam_ with friends on the grass last night. A. went fishing B. went camping C. went swimming() 3. That animal_a mule!No, its a horse. A. looks at B. looks like C. looks for() 4. Did Judy_ a horse last weekend?No, she didnt. A

6、. ride B. rides C. rode() 5. _did you go yesterday morning?I went to the bookstore. A. What B. Where C. How七 按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1. Sarah bought some postcards in the science museum yesterday. (对画线部分提问)_2. My uncle went to Canada by plane last year. (对画线部分提问)_3. I rode a bike in the nature park last Sund

7、ay. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_4. wasyoursummerhowholiday(?)(连词成句)_5. What did you do last night?(根据实际情况回答问题)_八 补全对话。(有两项是多余的)(10分)A. What did you do there?B. How did you go there?C. Im OK now. D. Sounds great!E. Where did you go?F. What happened?G. Did you go there with your family?Sarah: John, look at my pho

8、tos from the National Day. John: How beautiful! Look! You rode a horse. 1. _Sarah: I went to Xinjiang. John: Wow! Its a wonderful place. 2. _Sarah: I went there by plane. John: 3. _ Sarah: No. I went there with my uncle. John: 4. _Sarah: I rode a horse, ate sweet grapes and went camping. John: 5. _

9、I think you had a happy holiday. Sarah: Yes. I enjoyed this trip very much. 九 阅读理解。(20分)(一)阅读短文,选择正确答案。There are many traditional(传统的) festivals in China. I like National Day best, because I can have a sevenday holiday. Last National Day I went to Chongqing with my parents. Chongqing is a mountain c

10、ity. The people there are friendly and hardworking. I went to Chongqing by plane. The weather was warm and sunny. In Chongqing we visited many famous(著名的) scenic spots(景点) and took lots of beautiful pictures. I climbed mountains and ate delicious food. My parents liked hot pot(火锅), but I didnt like.

11、 Its too hot! I also bought gifts for my friends. It was a wonderful trip. () 1. When did he go to Chongqing?A. Last Labour Day. B. Last National Day. C. Last summer holiday. () 2. How did he go to Chongqing?A. By train. B. By car. C. By plane. () 3. What did he do in Chongqing?A. He went swimming.

12、B. He took pictures. C. He rode a horse. () 4. Who did he buy gifts for?A. His family. B. His teachers. C. His friends. () 5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. He went to Chongqing with friends. B. The weather in Chongqing was hot and sunny over the holiday. C. He didnt like hot pot, because its too

13、 hot. (二)阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。My name is Tony. One day, I was walking in the school. A big Australian student came to me and said, “Give me five. ” He said it many times. I was very afraid at that time. I thought he was a robber(强盗). I told him I didnt have five yuan and I couldnt give him five yuan. H

14、e looked at me and became very angry. I ran away quickly. In the evening, I told it to Mr White. He is the head teacher of the school. I wanted him to do something with that boy. But Mr White had a good laugh at it. He told me, “The student wins the basketball game. ” The boy was very happy and he w

15、anted to tell other people about it. “Give me five. ” really means “Clap hands with me. ”() 1. When Tony was walking in the school, an Australian student came to him. () 2. When Tony heard “Give me five yuan. ” many times, he was very angry. () 3. Finally, Tony gave the Australian student five yuan.

16、 () 4. After listening to Tonys words, Mr White phoned the policeman. () 5. The Australian student wanted Tony to clap hands with him because he won the basketball game. 十 书面表达。(10分)根据提示,以“A wonderful trip”为题目,写一篇短文介绍你的旅行历程。要求: 短文应包括下面的全部信息内容(可适当发挥),条理清楚,行文连贯,不少于50词。Where/When did you go?How did you

17、 go there?What did you do?How was your holiday?_ 参考答案第一卷听力部分听力材料: 一、1.I fell off my bike and hurt my leg.2. We saw lots of strawberries on the farm, but we couldnt eat them.3. The little cat sat in the basket of the bicycle.4. Amy dressed up and made a funny play.5. The dog jumped on him and licked

18、him.二、1.Tony rode a bike to school this morning.2. Sam rode a horse on the farm last weekend.3. Yesterday was hot. I went swimming in the gym.4. I went fishing yesterday morning.5. Jack ate fresh food in Hainan over the summer holiday.三、1.Are you all right?2. What happened?3. Did you go to Turpan?4.

19、 Where did you go over the winter holiday?5. How did you go there?四、Yesterday was Childrens Day. Amys parents took her to the farm. The farm was big and beautiful. They went there by car. On the farm, they rode horses and went fishing. They ate fresh vegetables and delicious fish for lunch. After lu

20、nch they picked apples. Then they went home at four oclock. In the evening, Amy went to the cinema to see a film with her parents. It was very interesting, Amy was happy.答案: 一、1.C2.C3.B4.A5.A二、54132三、1.A2.C3.C4.B5.A四、1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T五、1.hurt2.went camping3.took pictures4. bought gifts5.rode a horse六、

21、1.C2. B点拨: 根据句意“萨姆昨晚和朋友在草地上”,A项为“钓鱼”,C项为“游泳”,只有B项“野营”符合题意,故选B。3. B4.A5.B七、1.Where did Sarah buy some postcards yesterday?2. How did your uncle go to Canada last year?3. Did you ride a bike in the nature park last Sunday?Yes, I did.4. How was your summer holiday?5. I watched TV and did my homework.(答

22、案不唯一)八、1.E2.B3.G4.A5.D九、(一)1.B2.C3.B4.C5.C(二)1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T十、范文: A wonderful tripLast summer holiday I went to a farm with my parents. We went there by car. The farm was small but beautiful. There were many fruits, vegetables and animals there. On the farm, I rode a horse and picked strawberries. I

23、 also ate fresh vegetables and took lots of pictures. It was a wonderful trip and I had a good time.基础达标测一、根据图片及首字母提示写出单词,补全句子。(18分) 1 2 3 41. Tom r_ a bike to school yesterday.2. John and his friends w_ c_ last weekend.3. He w_ f_ with his daughter last Friday afternoon. 4. My father fixed the chai

24、r and h_ his finger.二、单项选择。(20分)()1.Thats _ bad.A. too B. two C. to()2.These are some photos _ my summer holiday.A. to B. with C. from()3.They went _ yesterday.A. fish B. fishing C. fished()4.He _ do his homework. He hurt his hands. A. could B. can C. couldnt()5.She didnt go to bed _10: 00. A. till

25、B. on C. in三、为下列问句选择正确的答语。(12分)()1.What happened?A. We went there by bike. B. I fell off the horse.()2.Where did you go?A. I went to Guangzhou. B. We saw lots of fruit there.()3.What did you do last Sunday?A. I rode a bike. B. I go to a zoo.()4.Did you go hiking with your friend ?A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I did.()5.Are you all right?A. Yes, Im OK. B. I fell off my bike. ()6.Could I eat the apples on that tree ?A. Yes, you cant. B. Sorry, you cant.四、仿照例子写句子。(30分)例:a forest parkWhere did you go? I went to a forest park. go swimmingWhat did you do? I went swimming. 1. the nature park_

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