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1、上海学生英文报暑假版参考答案上海学生英文报2017暑假版参考答案初 中 进 阶 版友情提示:请在完成习题后,再来查看答案。 P1-6 校园采风P1 Teachers raps make math memorableI. 1. memorable 2. multiplication 3. musical4. Unluckily 5. creation 6. improvementII. 1-4 CDCDIII. 略P2 Boy makes hundreds of Teddy Bears for sick kids I. 1-4 ABBAII. 1-4 CBCBIII. 1. Dont encou

2、rage bad habits in a child. 2. So far the work has been easy, but things may change. 3. The rain didnt make much difference to the game. P3 This boy can cook! I. 1-3 ABAII. 1-4 DCCCIII. 1. Children need toys of their own. 2. Mothers garden is full of flowers in summer.3. His wish to visit China has

3、at last come true. P4 Every Kid Deserves a Bike!I. 1-6 cbefadII. 1. Last September.2. More than $82,000.3. One hundred big-wheel tricycles and training bikes (for the pre-school students).4. Affordabike.5. A $10,000 donation.6. I think she is a warm-hearted person. (Any reasonable answers are OK.)II

4、I. 1. 但是她不想只帮助一个孩子她着眼于全校的孩子们。2. 拥有自己的自行车不仅给了孩子们一样属于他们自己的东西,还给了他们一个留下(美好童年)回忆的机会。3. 除了孩子们反应和家长们领取自行车时献上的拥抱,凯蒂说她还非常享受这种由全国各地向活动捐款的陌生人创造出来的社群感。P5 The girl with eight Ivy League college offersI. 1-3 AACII. 1-4 CCDCIII. 1. The painting caught my attention.2. Jack is the second son born to Susan and Paul.

5、3. All his hard work paid off in the end.P6 Teenage math prodigy becomes UCLA professor I. 1. advanced 2. Although 3. Completion4. obtain 5. definite 6. implyII. 1-4 CCDBIII. 1. I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 2. Finally he managed to get into contact with them.3. Sometimes thin

6、gs dont turn out the way we think theyre going to. P7-12 环球趣闻P7 Injured snail saved by vetI. 1-4 ABAAII. 1-3 AABIII. 1. Lucy was determined to become a doctor and her hard work paid off.2. Jenny took an instant liking to her new home.3. In spite of their quarrel, they remained the best of friends. P

7、8 Making art out of shower hairI. 1-6 ABBABAII. 1. Alabama, U.S.A.2. Three years ago./In 2014.3. It was a squirrel.4. No, she didnt.5. At least once a week.6. All of her works are done freehand./She just takes the mass of wet hair on her bathroom wall and handles them with her fingers to create all

8、these wonderful hair drawings.III. 1. I think its very unkind of you tomake upstories about him.2. Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one? 3. He was turned down by his school choir at the age of 14 and became a footballer instead.P9 Carmelo the dog friarI. 1-6 beafdcII. 1-4 CCABIII. 1

9、. If you dont know what you want, you mightend upgetting something you dont want.2. He is regarded as the best tennis player in the world now.3. He not only donated a lot of money, but also paid a few visits to the orphanage.P10 Worlds most expensive mountain airI. 1-3 ABAII. 1-4 CCACIII. 1. They wa

10、lked because they couldnt afford (to take) a taxi. 2. Even thoughhe was getting angry, his voice remained calm.3. Theres no question that he is the best cook in town.P11 Inside the “worlds first” five-star cat hotelI. 1. luxurious 2. offerings 3. promised4. separate 5. priced 6. treatedII. 1-4 DCBCI

11、II. 1. There are up to 500 hundred people who have signed up for the competition.2. You can either write or phone to tell me your reply. 3. My boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone. P12 An amazing language learnerI. 1. exceptional 2. fascination 3. eventually 4. disappointment 5. extensive 6. as

12、hamed II. 1-4 ACCAIII. 1. She dedicated her life to helping the poor. 2. Im so tired that I cant focus on anything today. 3. They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather. P13-18热点话题P13 King of Glory causes concernsI. 1. days 2. historic 3. lonely4. poem 5. murdered 6. criticismII. 1-4 CBCBI

13、II. 1. Like her sister, she is very helpful.2. You look tired. You should go to bed.3. She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality.P14 Shared bikes are not for allI. 1. widen 2. ridden 3. warning4. dead 5. discussion 6. developingII. 1-4 DDBCIII. 1. Many changes took place b

14、etween the two world wars.2. It could take some time for the wound to heal.3. When I was of your age, I entered the war.P15 Running men deliver your mealsI. 1. delivery 2. crowd 3. arriving4. cultural 5. tired 6. challengingII. 1-4 BCCCIII. 1. We waited an hour for our lunch to arrive.2. Youve made

15、as many mistakes as I have.3. It took me an hour to write the letter.P16 Jay Chou makes an apologyI. 1-6 BAABCBII. 1. Because a security guard took an LED sign from a fans hand and threw it to the ground.2. He told him to return the sign to the fan and leave.3. They thought his behavior was improper

16、 and criticized him./They thought he handled the situation in the wrong way.4. Immediately after the concert.5. All the security guards who helped keep order at his concert in Xian.6. Because he realized his mistake and corrected it.III. 1. We can learn some lessons from this accident.2. I would hav

17、e bought two pens if I had known you wanted one too.3. I have a picture of my grandmother smiling down at me when I was very small.P17 Swim, or “sink”I. 1. advise 2. swimmers 3. graduation / graduating4. survives 5. fit 6. writtenII. 1-4 CDADIII. 1. He did his best to help me.2. It is the first time

18、 that he has performed on such a big stage.3. Its no longer fashionable to wear long hair now.P18 Its not free any longerI. 1. increase 2. paying 3. musician4. knowledgeable 5. invitation 6. discussionsII. 1. It showed that many Chinese Internet users today were willing to pay for high-quality conte

19、nt online.2. Tencent does.3. It is a question-and-answer app developed by G.4. They can ask questions and pay to hear the answers.5. They can pay to hear their favorite experts discuss many different subjects.6. Because they dont want to spend lots of time finding high-quality content online.III. 1.

20、 The little town is famous for its churches.2. The neighbors are always willing to help.3. He collects many different kinds of books, from novels to fairy tales. P19-24 文化艺术P19 Dick Brunathe father of MiffyI. 1. imagine 2. discoveries 3. publishes4. impression 5. explanationII. 1. He was the creator

21、 of Miffy.2. No, he didnt.3. Henri Matisses.4. A white rabbit that he came across in the garden when he was telling his son bedtime stories.5. Because they thought there was very little text in the books and that the drawings were too simple.6. Any possible answers are OK. III. 1. This is the house

22、whose door is painted red.2. She doesnt play as well as her elder sister.3. He came home early in order to see his kids before they went to bed.P20 Portraits of CourageI. 1-5 BCABAII. 1-4 BCADIII. 1. We havent seen Emma since she went to work in New York a year ago.2. Although hes nearly 80, hes sti

23、ll very active.3. They deserve praise for all their hard work.P21 At this museum, failures are welcomeI. 1-5 dcbeaII. 1-6 FFTFTTIII. 1. Judging by appearances can be misleading. 2. Theres likely to be a large audience in the theater.3. It was very difficult to find our way because of the heavy fog.P

24、22 Inemurithe Japanese art of napI. 1-5 CBCACII. 1-4 CBDAIII. 1. We had to fire him for dishonesty.2. The camera is so expensive that I cant afford it. 3. Ive known her at least as long as you have.P23 Goose Creek TowerI. 1-4 BCAAII. 1-4 BDBAIII. 1. How do you plan to spend your holiday? 2. Promise

25、me that you wont tell him.3. His family suffered all kinds of hardships during the war.P24 The animal soldiers of World War II. 1-5 CABCBII. 1. He was a dog./He was a dog soldier during World War I.2. In 1918.3. He could deliver messages, sniff out buried mines and find wounded soldiers on the battl

26、efield.4. Horses and pigeons.5. Their lofts.6. Their transportation capabilities.III. 1. Rags与在第一次世界大战中并肩作战的美国士兵一样勇敢和努力。2. 像狗一样,鸽子也因其飞行速度和高空飞行的能力被用作战时信差。3. 事实上,马匹及其运输能力在战场上非常重要,它们被认为是拯救士兵生命的关键。 P25-30 科技新知P25 The Web is blueI. 1. interest 2. colorful 3. connection4. invitations 5. excited 6. relies

27、/ reliedII. 1-4 BCDCIII. 1. I had no idea the beach was so close.2. Our children attend the same school.3. No matter when you come, youre welcome.P26 The Queens festive repeatsI. 1. failure 2. writers 3. frequent4. discovered 5. shone 6. deliveryII. 1-4 BACCIII. 1. People used to believe Earth was f

28、lat.2. Shawn needs to focus more on his career.3. I could have passed the exam easily, but I made too many stupid mistakes.P27 The “greatest” bee everI. 1. exist 2. invented 3. science4. fortune 5. successfully 6. natureII. 1-4 CBDBIII. 1. Dont worry about the exam. Just do your best.2. He managed t

29、o repair the car by himself.3. Parents play an important role in preparing their child for school.P28 Yellow cabs for safer ridesI. 1. injury 2. drove 3. locate4. concluded 5. painting(s) 6. decidedII. 1-4 DDADIII. 1. You should avoid using the wrong tense.2. She prefers to act rather than direct. /

30、 She prefers to be an actress rather than a director.3. The doctor suggests (that) he (should) do more exercise.P29 The cost of dressing nicelyI. 1. fashion 2. Scientists 3. bought4. growth 5. Sweden 6. solveII. 1-4 DDCCIII. 1. This line is four times as long as that one.2. He is responsible for hir

31、ing and firing staff.3. My shoes are small in comparison with my younger sisters.P30 Sorry, theres no quick fixI. 1. taught 2. understanding 3. directed4. Russian 5. luck 6. readII. 1. It first appeared in 1959.2. She could read 27,000 words in ten minutes.3. They have been studying how we read for decades.4. When we read at a high speed, we cant understand and remember much of what we read.5. It depends on our ability to put words

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