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1、九年级英语Unit9同步单元检测卷人教版附答案2017年九年级英语Unit9同步单元检测卷(人教版附答案) 第九单元检测卷时间:120分钟满分:10分班级:_姓名:_得分:_第一部分听力(共2小节,满分30分)第一节听力选择(共1小题,每小题1分,共计22分)A图片理解请听句子,从A、B、中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片。(听两遍)( )1A B ( )2A B ( )3A B ( )4A B ( )A B B小对话理解请听小对话及问题,从A、B、中选择正确的答案。(听两遍)( )6APp usi Blassial usi untr usi( )7AThe singer h ls reall l

2、BThe singer h rites his n sngsThe singer h danes hile singing( )8ASpideran BHarr Ptter Titani( )9AA ed BA duentar A thriller( )10ABeause green is her favrite lrBBeause its different fr the thersBeause its a birthda present fr her ther长对话理解请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(听三遍)( )11hen ill the librar

3、 pen t the publi?An tber 13th Bn tber 23th n tber 30th( )12here is the ne librar?AIts near the Sun useuBIts far fr the Sun useuIts next t the Sun useu( )13hat ind f bs des Paul lie?AAbut siene BAbut histr Abut puter( )14h ill g t the librar ith Ea and Paul?AEas brther BEas sister Pauls brther( )1H a

4、re the ging there?AB bie BB bus B ar第二节听力填空(共小题,每小题1分,计7分)D短理解请听短,根据其内容填写表格。(听三遍)Se Infratin abut zart16_lfgang Aadeus zarthen and here he as brn17In _ in Austriab A pser and 18_Experiene His father started t give hi 19_ lessns hen he as furAt six,he ent n his first usi tur t 20_At eight,he rte his

5、first real snghen he diedAt the age f 3 ears ld第二部分语言知识运用(共3小节,满分40分)第一节单项选择(共1小题,每小题1分,共计1分)从A、B、中选出最佳答案。( )21an ld en prefer _ in a peaeful untrsideAt live Bt living live( )22st students lie the teahers _ understand the ellAhih Bh that( )23hse at is this?It _ be hnsIts _ sall fr hiAant;uh t Bant;t

6、 uh ustnt;t uh( )24He _ fr ten earsAhas been arried Bgt arried has arried( )2e have tried t _,but she alas ls unhappAlaugh at her Bheer her up ae fun f her( )26She reeived a letter alng _ a fler fr her friendAt Bfr ith( )27That an _ gave us a tal esterda is r BrnAh Bhih h( )28D u en the sng heart il

7、l g n?N,I prefer sngs _ ludAthat is Bhih is that are( )29D u n Lin Shuha?esHe is ne f _ basetball plaers in the NBAAppular Bre ppular the st ppular( )30The sa that the ill tr their best _ their dreasAahieve Bahieving t ahieve( )31eff is _ re intelligent than his sisterHe an alas e up ith se nderful

8、ideasAt Bver uh( )32Please pst this letter fr e,as I _ bus _ g utAs;that Bt;t suh;that( )33Nt nl the students but als the teaher _ t the useu tdaAg Bges ging( )34u shuld drin _ ht ater if u have a feverAplent f Ban a lt( )3As she is ften bus ith her rShe nl has dinner ith her fail _Aall the tie Bne

9、in a hile anther tie第二节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共计1分)阅读短,根据其内容,从A、B、中选出最佳答案。usi is sething that everbd liesEverbd an _36_ sunds in a a b singing r plaing a usial instruentan inds f usi _37_ develped as peple have fund ut h t sing in different asThere are _38_ an inds f usi t hear that u are sure t find se u

10、si that ill greatl _39_ uusi has eaning fr everneIt is _40_ b the ld and the ung,en and enIt an ae peple happ _41_ sadIn ur dern _42_,radis and televisins prvide us ith lts f usi,giving us enent_43_ in a usi lessn r at a nert usi eans different _44_ t different pepleusi _4_ t the hle rld( )36Aae Bd

11、hear( )37Ais Bhad have( )38Asuh Ba lt s( )39Ainterest Bprefer invent( )40Aept Bened dislied( )41Aand Bbut r( )42Arld Bn star( )43AEither BNeither Ever( )44Asething Bthings anthing( )4Ataes Bbelngs plans第三节口语交际(共小题,每小题2分,共计10分)情景七选五请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。And:end,there are five vies n t

12、dahih vie shall e ath?end:46_And:ell,I havent athed itIs it a Hlld vie?end:esShall e ath it?And:47_ I a afraid it is hard fr e t understand the dialgsend:48_ There are hinese subtitles(字幕)And:But the vie is abut apes,right?49_end:ell,ure rngApes in the vie have huan thughtsAnd:0_end:ell,u have t ath

13、 the vie t find ut hat ill happenAIt sunds lie a gd vieBhat abut Dan f the Planet f the Apes (猩球黎明2)?I have athed Dan f the Planet f the Apes De n,u an!EDes the vie have a happ ending?FI dislie a vie that is full f apesGIt is an riginal(原版的) English vie,isnt it?第三部分词汇与阅读(共3小节,满分分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分

14、,共计40分)请阅读材料A、B、,根据其内容选择填空;请阅读材料D,回答问题及翻译画线部分的句子。Ae n usi is ver iprtant in ur dail lifeD u ntie usi plaing at an f thse plaes hen u g sehere?Tda st stres,statins,restaurants and ther plaes pla usiu ight even hear usi in an ffie r n a farSientists believe that usi influenes the a peple behaveThe thi

15、n that the sund f estern lassial(古典的) usi aes peple feel riherhen a restaurant plas lassial usi,peple spend re ne n fd and drinshen the restaurant plas dern usi,peple spend less neithut usi,peple spend even lessSientists als believe that lud,fast usi aes peple eat fasterSe restaurants pla fast usi d

16、uring their bus hursThis aes peple eat faster and leave quilRestaurants an ae re ne in this aSe sientists thin that usi aes u thin and learn betterThe sa that usi helps students t be re ativeIt is true that peple learn better hen the are relaxedAnd listening t usi an help u relaxThe next tie u hear

17、usi sehere,be arefulIt ight influene the a u d things( )1Arding t the text,sientists believe that usi an _Ainfluene the a peple behaveBhelp us t develp gd habitsdevelp ur interest in ne( )2estern lassial usi is ften nsidered t be _Aa sign f being slerBsething abut annersa sign f being riher( )3hih t

18、pe f usi bel an ae peple r faster?ALight usi BR usi Seet usi( )4The habit f listening t usi an ae a student _Arr abut studies Bare abut annersre ative( )hih f the flling an be the best title fr the passage?Ausi and Behavir BGd and Bad usiTpes f usiBAre u tired after studing hard?Aerian untr usi ill

19、tae u aa fr a hileThe guitars and sngs ill tae u t untains and fields thereuntr usi tals abut everda life and feelingsIts the spirit f Aeria,eas t understand,sl and basiuntr usi develped in the Suthern United StatesIt as the fl usi f the Aerian untrsidean f the sngs tell abut the lives f farersThe t

20、al abut lve,rps(庄稼) r deathRural life an be hard,s the rds are ften sadAt first,peple plaed the usi nl at fail partiesBut it beae re ppularIn the 1920s,peple plaed untr sngs n the radi,and the ade the int rerdshen peple ved t tns and ities t l fr r,the t their usi ith theuntr usi ntinued t hange and

21、 beae ppular arss Aeriahn Denver as ne f Aerias st faus untr singers in the 1970sHis sng Tae e He,untr Rads is ell&sh;nn and peple still pla it tda( )6hih f the flling is NT true abut untr usi?AIts eas t understandBIts usuall abut everda lifeIt started in the suth f the US( )7The underlined rd “rura

22、l” prbabl eans “_”A城市的 B校园的 乡村的( )8Peple ften pla untr usi ith _Athe guitar Bthe pian the vilin( )9hen ere untr sngs ade int rerds?AIn the 1920s BIn the 1930s In the 190s( )60hen peple ved t tns and ities,the _Afrgt their usi Bt their usi ith thelearned ther inds f usiD u have the experiene f taing

23、usi lessns against ur ishes?Perhaps u have plained abut it beause u thught it t u uh platieBut n ud better than ur parents fr their tie and ne spent n ur usial trainingA reent stud suggests that usi lessns an ae hildren have better eries than their peers(同龄人)The anadian stud shed that after ne ear f

24、 usial training,hildren did better n a er test than thse h didnt tae usi lessnsThe researhers ade the hildren aged beteen 4 and 6 int t grupsne grup f hildren t usi lessns utside shl,and the ther didnt tae an usial trainingIn ne ear,the t fur tests in different tiesThe results shed brain develpent h

25、anges at least ever fur nthsThe hildren taing usi lessns nt nl did better in usial listening but als ade faster prgress in ther as,suh as reading,riting,ath and IQPeple sa usi is the gd ediine fr a bren heartN it sees usi an als help us t iprve ur eriese are sure t find re and re in the nderful rld

26、f usi( )61ud better than ur parents fr their tie and ne spent n ur usial training beause _Au get ell after u tae usi lessnsBu ill ae faster prgress in studusi an help u t iprve ur eries( )62The researhers ade ne grup f the hildren aged beteen 4 and 6 tae usi lessns fr _Asix nths Ba ear t ears( )63Th

27、e anadian stud shed that brain develpent hanges _Aat least ever fur nths Btie half a earfur ties a ear( )64Arding t the last paragraph,st peple thin usi an ae us _Ahapp Brried nfident( )6hat des the passage ainl tell us?AH t bee levererBusi des us uh gdhat t find in the nderful rld f usiDThere is al

28、as sething that e an never frgetAnd it an reall hange ur lifeTie is iprtant fr usIt rganizes ur everda entsHever,befre I reeived a ath fr father,时间在我的生活中从不重要。It hanged life and ade e re respnsibleI reeived this gift n a SundaI had t g t the airprt at 9:00 a t pi up Unle i and tae hi t fathers huseHe

29、ver,I as late beause I hung ut ith friendsLater n that da,arund 11:00 a,I reebered unle and ent t the airprt t eet hi,but I as t lateHe had left the airprt and taen a taxi t fathers huseI gt t fathers huse at 2:00 p that daLing at fathers fae,I felt ashaed(羞愧的) at that ent father ased e t g next t h

30、i and he handed e this athThen he said,“Bb,did u have fun ith ur friends tda?”“es,dad,and I srr abut nt piing up Unle i”I repliedHe then said,“hat u did as nt ver nie and u shuld be srr fr ur atinsI thin u shuld learn sething fr it,and this ath ill be a reinder fr u in ur future life”The_ath_is_ver_iprtant_t_e,nt_beause_f_its_prie,but_beause_f_t

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