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1、完整版上海牛津版英语九年级下册Unit5教案九下 Unit 5单词1. 公告 n2.护照3.太平洋4.加拿大 n adj5.与。相对,在。 。对面6.手套7.温柔的,平缓的8.坦诚的,坦率的9.绳索 n10.迅速的,快速的11.令人惋惜的事12. 决赛13.精神压力,紧张Important words and phrases短语1.渴望 (做某事 ); 极想 ( 做某事 )2.登记 ; 报到3.说实在的4.被 绊倒5.保持平衡6.建立7.持续8.与不同9.古时候10.不允许做某事11.远离12.乘地铁知识点:1.Opposite 1)我家在学校对面 , 因此我每天走路去上学。2)我们坐在桌子的

2、两端。We sat at ends of the table.【总结】 opposite 用作介词 , 意为 “与相对 ; 在对面 ”, 如例 1; 用作形容词 , 意为 “另一边的 ; 相反的 ; 对面的 ”, 如例 2。【运用】请写出下列句子中 opposite 的词性。1). Jackson sat opposite me at breakfast.词性 : 2). We live on opposite sides of this city.词性 : 2.announcement n v 1.下个月将有一个通告发布。 will be made next month.2.J 杰克声称他已

3、戒烟。 Jack he had given up smoking.【总结】 announcement 用作名词 , 意为 “公告 ; 通告 ”, 常用搭配为 make an announcement,意为 发表公告”,如例1; announee为其动词形式,意为 声称;宣布”, 【运用】根据汉语意思 , 完成句子 , 每空一词。1)我们公司将会在本周五发布新产品的公告。Our eompany is going to about our new produet this Friday.2)珍妮宣布她将于下个月结婚。Jenny she will get married next month.3.s

4、hame n v 【展示】1.It _s that you ean t go eamping witthiussweekend.这周末你不能跟我们一起去野营真是遗憾。2.他所做的事使他的母亲 蒙羞。What he his mother.【总结】 shame 用作名词 , 意为 “令人惋惜的事 ; 让人遗憾的事 ”, 如例 1; 用作动词 , 意为 “使羞愧 ; 使丢脸 ”【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子 , 每空一词 , 缩写算一词。1)真遗憾你不能来参加歌唱比赛。 you ean t take part in the singing eompetition.2)他的行为已使整个学校蒙受耻辱。Hi

5、s behavior the whole sehool.4.honest adj 反义词 老实说 1) 她是一个勤劳正直的女人 2)他是个奸商 trader 商人3)说实话,我不太喜欢这种事物 4)坦白地说,他的话真不值得相信 5.eouple n a eouple of 1) 隔壁的那对夫妇很友好 2) 有两个女孩在等你 3)过两天你就会好的 6.instruetor n 指导员,教练 v n 1) 大卫是一位滑雪教练 2) 有植树指南吗? 3)Make sure you carry out the director s 4)The school gives in First Aid7. F

6、inal n 进入决赛 final 最终的 adj1)同学们正在准备期末考试 2) After several delays we took off at six o clock3)他第一次打进了男子网球决赛 He the mens tennis for the fisttime重点 句型1.take sb to a holiday 去年, 我父母带我度过了一个特殊的假期 dying to do sth 我很想看看这究竟是什么 我很想喝杯茶 3.can t wait to do sth -我迫不及待告诉大卫这个好消息 -假期就要到来了,同学们都迫不及待想去旅游4.Keep on do

7、ing 你可得继续努力 为了达到目标, 大家都不断地加班完成任务 课堂练习I. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。1. Our office is o a kindergarten, so we often see many lovely children there.2. It is a s to leave the theatre now because the film is so funny.3.Put on your coat, scarf, g and boots. It s really cold outside.4.The c have no children, so

8、 they decide to adopt ( 领养 ) a daughter.5.As a beginner, you d better ch_o_o_s_e_a_gslope to skate.6.She walked at a r pace along the street so that she could arrive at the office early.7.It was all o whe n I arrived at the spot.8.Hold fast to the r and I will pull you up.II.同义替换。( )9. Please behone

9、st to me. I want to know the truth.A. frien dly and humorous B. ope n and direct C. kind and outgo ing( )10. The trip to Europe was an un forgettable experie nee for me.A. a memorable B. an in teresti ng C. a comfortable( )11. When I arrived at the stati on, the train had already left.A. Came B. Tou

10、ched C. reached( )12. I was pleased with myself because I got good grades after hard work.A. was sorry for B. was happy with C. was afraid of( )13. Although she was ill, she kept on worki ng.A. Though B. Since C. While( )14. Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?A. at the end of B. in

11、 the middle of C. on the other side of( )15. What a shame! You missed such a won derful film.A. pity B. surprise C. joy( )16. When we arrived, it was already midni ght and the party was over.A. started B. en ded C. con ti nued( )17. Our city is develop ing at a rapldspeed.A. fast B. slow C. real( )1

12、8. I m afraid I can t afford theemedicalA. gift B. product C. bill( )19. To be honest, I d rather stay at home than gout with him.A. To be serious B. To be fair C. To tell the truth( )20. I am dying to meet my old friend because we h aven t seen each other for three years.A. can t wait to B. don twa

13、nt to C. agree to ( )21. Mr Smith is going to build up a new bus in ess n ext mon th.III.词汇释义。( ) 1. If you an organization or a school, you start to work there or become a member of it.A. enter B. leave C. apply( ) 2. are pieces of clothing that you wear on your hands to keep them warm.A. Scarves B

14、. Gloves C. Boots( ) 3. A is two people who are married and live together.A. couple B. family C. husband( ) 4. A is an official document that allows a person to enter or leave a country.A. Postcard B. Passport C. ticket( ) 5. A is a popular place where a lot of people spend their holidays.A. Hospita

15、l B. Mountain C. resort( ) 6. A(n) is a short piece of writing that tells people about something.A. Announcement B. Diary C. Lecture( ) 7. My brother has been under a lot of since he went to high school.A. attack B. control C. stress( ) 8. When you learn to ride a bike, you have to learn to first.A.

16、 keep your balance B. keep your promise C. keep calm( ) 9. I need to apply for a because I will go to Canada next month.A. ticket B. job C. passport( ) 10. I a stone in a dark street and hurt my knees.A. fell over B. fell off C. fell awayIV.根据所给的汉语内容 , 用英语完成下列句子 , 每空一词 , 缩写算一词。10. 我极想回家 , 因为我很久没有见父母

17、了。I home because I haven t seen my pfaorreantlsong time.11. 旅客必须在飞机起飞前一个小时到机场办理登机手续。Passengers must the airport an hour before the plane leaves.12.他迫不及待地想知道那个好消息。He the good n ews.13.说实在的,这是我读过的最糟糕的小说之一。 , it is one of the worst novels I ve ever read.14.学滑雪的时候我摔倒了好几次。I several times whe n lear ning

18、to skate.15.我发现滑冰时要保持平衡对我来说很难。I found it difficult for me to whe n skati ng.16.露西比以前更加努力地学习 ,终于通过了考试。Lucy worked harder tha n before, and she passed the exam .17.第一次穿西装让我觉得不舒服。Weari ng suits made me feel un comfortable.18.起床后他发现自己不能动了。He found himself move after gett ing up.19.去年我把大部分时间都花在旅游上了。I mos

19、t of my time last year.V.根据句意,从方框中选出正确的短语并用其适当形式完成句子。fly over, get out, play with, jump out of, put on, hold on to, man age to20.He always cheats when playing cards, so we don him.21.You should formal clothes whe n havi ng an in terview.22.Did you hear about the pilot who the pla ne at twenty thousa

20、 nd feet?23.Because of fear, the little girl cried and her father s hand tightly.24.He finish his work on time, so his boss was satisfied with him.25.You should and meet new people in stead of stay ing at home all the time.26.The pla ne was able to the en dless pla ins without difficulty.语法填空。,在空格处填

21、入一个适当的词阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather was not very fine, the students were allvery (1) (excite). This time, I was even more excited because I went in for the sportsmeeti ng and my item was the high jump. I only wan ted to enjoy the g

22、ame (2) I knew I wasnot good (3) sports. When I got to the field with my frien d, I was both excited and n ervous.When I saw the first (4) (high), my heart could hardly beat. It was higher (5) ourdesks. This was too high for me (6) (jump) over. Not long after, the game bega n. The firstpers on was g

23、reat. He jumped over (7) (easy). The sec ond was good, too. It was my turn. Ihad a deep (8) (breathe) and the n ran forward. However, my right foot hit the pole. 9) I ( (fail), I thought. And then, another (10) (lucky) thing happened. I hurt my backbadly. At that mome nt I felt my back was broke n.

24、It was too pain ful.语法运用 Grammar in use1.时态的复习时态例句现在时一般现在时I / You / We / They drink milk every morning.He / She / It drinks milk every morning.现在进行时I am liste ning to music now.You / We / They are liste ning to music now.He / She / It is liste ning to music now.现在完成时I / You / We / They have fini she

25、d my / your / our / their homework.He / She has fini shed his / her homework.将来时一般将来时I / You / We / They / He / She / It will get here at 7 o clock.I am going on a pic nic tomorrow.You / We / They are going on a pic nic tomorrow.He / She is going on a pic nic tomorrow.过去时一般过去时I / You / We / They / H

26、e / She went to Italy last mon th and stayed there for a week.过去进行时I / He / She was watching TV at this time yesterday.You / We / They were watching TV at this time yesterday.2.被动语态的复习时态主动语态被动语态一般现在时They pla nt a tree.A tree is pla nted by them.现在完成时I have read this book.This book has bee n read by

27、me.一般过去时The policema n saved a little girl.A little girl was saved by the policema n.一般将来时I will buy the T-shirt tomorrow.The T-shirt will be bought by me tomorrow.He is going to write a new book.A new book is going to be written by him.语法笔记:不及物动词没有被动语态,例如:happen, sleep, die和run。1.用所给动词的正确时态填空 ,完成句子

28、或对话。1.1 (go) to park to do exercise every morning.2.My sister Lily (play) computer games now.3.Mr Gree n (be) in this country for five years.4.I (be) late for class because I got up late this morning.5.We (travel) to the mountain to have a pic nic this weeke nd.6.We (have) dinner whe n they came yes

29、terday.7.When I was a little girl, I ofte n (play) in the garde n.8.You d better write down the address befcyeu (forget) it.9.- Let s go shopping.-So rry, I m busy right now. I (look for) a new apartment.10.There (be) a concert in the hall tomorrow evening.11.I was tired after the hard trip, so I (g

30、o) to bed directly whe n I got home.12.- I visited you last ni ght, but you were not at home.-I m sorry._I (wait) for a friend at the station.13.Great cha nges (take place) in my city in the past few years.14.- Do you want to see the film Frozen?-I (see) it already. It wondefHy15.My mother (cook) while my father was read ing n ewspapers.16.The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west.单项选择。( ) 1. On Monday mornings it usually me an hour to drive to work.A.takes B. tookC. is taking D. taken( ) 2. We football this afternoon. Would you like to join us?A.are playing B. were playingC. have pl

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