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五年级英语上册知识讲义Review 2 Part B人教新起点版.docx

1、五年级英语上册知识讲义Review 2 Part B人教新起点版年级五年级学科英语版本人教版新起点课程标题上册Review 2 Part B教学目标:一、学习目标1. 能够在57单元话题相关的情境中,熟练运用所学词汇、交际英语与他人进行交流。2. 能够就烹饪的话题和朋友进行讨论。二、重点、难点1. 食物及烹饪类单词2. 烹饪时常用句型3. 可数名词及不可数名词的区分4. 表示做事步骤的副词的用法知识梳理:一、重点单词回顾:1. n. 辣椒(粉);胡椒(粉)2. n. 黄瓜3. n. 糖4. n. 酱;调味品5. n. 酱油6. n. 醋7. n. 意大利面8. n. 盘子9. n. 碗 10.

2、 v. 服务,将(饭菜)摆在桌上11. v. 切,割,剪12. n. 锅 13. n. 油14. v. 放,摆 15. v. 洗16. v. 用旺火炒 n. 炒菜17. v. 敲碎18. v. 加 19. n. 盐20. v. 混合答案:1. pepper 2. cucumber 3. sugar 4. sauce 5. soy sauce 6. vinegar 7. spaghetti 8. plate 9. bowl 10. serve 11. cut 12. wok 13. oil 14. put 15. wash 16. stir-fry 17. crack 18. add 19. s

3、alt 20. mix 二、词性辨析可数名词与不可数名词的区别:可数名词是指能以数目计算,可以分成个体的人或物,如小猫,苹果,椅子等;因此它有复数形式;不可数名词指能以数目计算,但不能分成个体的物质,如米,面,肉类,不可数名词只有原形形式,且其前不能用不定冠词a/an。【考题链接】1. 将下列单词分类notebook pencil case running shoes backpack oil wok salt cucumber rice plate bowl soy sauce vinegar spaghetti bread hamburger cake juice可数名词: 不可数名词:

4、答案:可数名词:notebook pencil case running shoes backpack wok cucumber plate bowl hamburger 不可数名词:oil salt soy sauce vinegar spaghetti rice juice bread cake2. 选择填空1)There (is/are)some bread on the table. 2)How (much/many)water (is/are)there in the glass? 3)The cucumbers (is/are)in the refrigerator . 4)I w

5、ant two plates of (beefs/beef ). 5)How many (boxs/boxes)do you need? 6)Here (is/are)some cards for you. 答案:1)is 2)much, is 3)are 4)beef 5)boxes 6)are三、介词辨析 了解并区分in, to, for, with 等介词的含义。【考题链接】 1. 选择正确的介词填空:1)He doesnt know the answer the first question.2)Do you eat spaghetti a spoon?3)Can you say th

6、ree words English?4)Hooray Bill! He got the answer.5)You look pretty red.6)Write me soon.7)Would you like to go me? Yes, lets go!8)Im ready leaving.答案:1)to 2)with 3)in 4)for 5)in 6)to 7)with 8)for2. 翻译句子1)给咖啡加点糖。 2)杯子里有多少水?3) 你能用剪刀来干什么? 4)你愿意和我一起唱首歌吗? 5)我给你买了一份礼物。 答案:1)Add some sugar to the coffee.2

7、)How much water is there in the bottle?3)What can you do with (a pair of) scissors?4)Would you like to sing a song with me?5)I bought a present/ gift for you.joyful moment英语笑话:Always Thirsty I had an operation, said a man to his friend, and the doctor left a sponge in me. Thats terrible! said the fr

8、iend. Got any pain? No, but I am always thirsty!四、重点句型复习1. How do you make ? 怎么做?First, Second, 首先, 第二步,【用法】 当我们询问别人做美味佳肴的方法时可以用到这个句子,How do you make ?当我们向别人介绍做事情的步骤时,通常会说,first(首先),second(第二步),next(接下来),then(然后),at last(最后)。【考题链接】1. 选择正确的疑问词填空why which what where who whose how 1) is the boy playing

9、 soccer with?2) one do you like, the red one or the green one?3) are you so happy?4) eraser is this? Its Jims.5) is your favorite fruit?6) is my new stapler? Its on the book over there.7) is the weather? Its cloudy. 答案:Who, Which, Why, Whose, What, Where, How2. 给句子标号,组成正确的炒菜顺序( )Add the salt, soy sa

10、uce and sugar to the chicken and mix them.( )First, wash the chicken and cut them.( )Stir-fry for 5 more minutes.( )Then, put the chicken in a bowl.( )Put some oil in the wok. Heat the oil and add the chicken. 答案:3 1 5 2 42. What do you need to make ? 做需要什么?I need 我需要【用法】当我们询问别人做美味佳肴所需的食材和调味料时,便可以用此

11、句型:What do you need to make ? 当我们向别人介绍做某类食物所需原料,或者表达自己的需求时可以用句型I need 【考题链接】1. 根据问句,选择答句: 1)What do you need to make a cake? A. I need meat, tomatoes and vinegar. B. I need eggs, milk and flour. 2)What do you need to make stir-fried meat and beans? A. We need meat, carrots and oil. B. We need meat,

12、beans and oil. 3)How do you make a boiled egg? A. Put the egg in the pot, add water, then boil the water for 5 minutes. B. I need flour, eggs, salt and soy sauce. 答案:B B A2. 翻译句子: 1)你做蛋糕需要什么? 2)首先,敲碎鸡蛋,并将其和面粉混合在一起。 3)快炒五分钟。 4)给客人端上饭菜。 5)洗西红柿并切碎它们。 6)在里面加入酱油和盐。 7)我需要休息一下。 8)你需要什么? 答案:1. What do you n

13、eed to make a cake?2. First, crack the eggs and mix them with flour.3. Stir-fry for 5 minutes.4. Serve the guests. 5. Wash the tomatoes and cut them.6. Add soy sauce and salt to it.7. I need to have a rest.8. What do you need?口语交际【交际语】【适用情景】come on 通常表示“加油”的意思。但是在情景交际中它的意思繁多。例如:“Come on, its getting

14、 dark. 快点,天要黑了。”用来催促别人做某事。“Come on, dont sit there and dreaming.得了,别在那做梦了。”它还可以表示不耐烦,和交际语中的意思相同。“Come on, Im not afraid of you.”来吧,我不会怕你的。come on在此用来挑战或激怒对方。同学们要学会灵活使用come on哦!同步练习:(答题时间:40分钟)*一、翻译短语:1. 敲碎鸡蛋 2. 剥鸡蛋壳 3. 切黄瓜 4. 加入油 5. 一个大盘子 6. 洗西红柿 7. 快炒 8. 黄瓜沙拉 *二、选出不同类的单词 1. ( ) A. cake B. pepper C.

15、 sauce 2. ( ) A. vinegar B. soy sauce C. egg 3. ( ) A. oil B. sandwich C. bread 4. ( ) A. rice B. plate C. bowl 5. ( ) A. salt B. sugar C. orange*三、根据首字母及汉语提示将单词补充完整 First, w (洗)the chicken and vegetables, c (切)them and put them in a bowl. Then, c (敲碎)an egg, a (加)the egg, salt, soy sauce and sugar

16、to the chicken and m (混合)them. Next, p (放)the vegetables on the chicken and stir-fry for 3 more minutes.*四、翻译句子1. 做西红柿炒鸡蛋你需要什么? 2. 它尝起来太甜了。 3. 我需要土豆,肉和面粉。 4. 首先,洗西红柿和青椒。 5. 在锅中加入油。 6. 敲碎鸡蛋并搅匀。 7. 你需要多少胡椒粉? 8. 在汤里加些盐。 答案:一、1. crack the egg 2. peel the egg3. cut the cucumbers 4. add oil5. a big plate

17、6. wash the tomato7. stir-fry 8. cucumber salad二、A C A A C三、wash, cut, crack, add, mix, put四、1. What do you need to make egg and tomato stir-fry?2. It tastes too sweet.3. I need potatoes, meat and flour.4. First, wash the tomatoes and green peppers. 5. Add oil in the wok.6. Crack the eggs and mix them.7. How much pepper do you need?8. Add some salt to the soup.

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