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1、新视野视听说教程第二册quiz2新视野视听说教程第二册quiz2 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s) (每小题:1 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s). 1. After two months of the _ language courses, he could write down the teachers lecture in English. (Suggeste

2、d first letter(s): inte ) 2. The comic skill with which he _ it again and again, is surely the secrets of Chaplins great comedy. (Suggested first letter(s): ex ) 3. I liked to ski very much when I was a child and became a _ amateur skier, but by no means the top skier in the country. (Suggested firs

3、t letter(s): pro ) 4. I wont describe the wonderful meat dishes that we had in France, because it might _ the vegetarians among us. (Suggested first letter(s): of ) 5. The experts _ that the markets in this area for these cell phones will expand by 200 percent in the next three years. (Suggested fir

4、st letter(s): cal ) 6. In public opinion, hard as the road for these students after school will be, their _ are bright since they are all well-rounded. (Suggested first letter(s): pro ) 7. In spite of his repeated failure, the Olympic hero must have determination, power, and passion to make sacrific

5、es for the sake of glory to _ . (Suggested first letter(s): per ) 8. As I can remember very little about the rest of the day, I presume that I must have been _ most of the time. (Suggested first letter(s): un ) 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz 9. Youngsters, who lack moral sense and sense of responsibility to their

6、society, are likely to become _ forces of resistance if our education fails to serve its purpose. (Suggested first letter(s): des ) 10. Albert Einstein seemed not _ in his sweaters and trousers that were too big, and the fact that he refused to wear tie and socks never concealed his genius. (Suggest

7、ed first letter(s): ele ) Part 2 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs (每小题:1 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1. Students have many more chances to get jobs, and more people of dif

8、ferent ages are beginning to learn_online courses which allow them to study at home. 3. It is the childs first taste of living away from home, in the place where he must stand on his own two feet, and where he must stand_himself. 4. The victim described her attacker_a well-built man in his 30s thoug

9、h he pretended to be an old man that night. 5. The Chinese People Congress has voted in favor_the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, the biggest hydroelectric project in the world. 6. With recent progress in technology, computer-aided language learning (CALL) is now a good alternative_the usual

10、ways of practicing listening and speaking. 7. He doesnt want to follow his fathers footstep to study to become a doctor. He chooses to major_physics to be a scientist. 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz 8. Yet, this good life doesnt seem to make them any happier_anyone else, and many of them ended up with divorce. 9.

11、The time required to study can be fixed according to the students actual needs, and they can participate_distance learning from almost any place in the world. 10. According to the report, the children of smokers are more_twice as likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as are children of

12、nonsmokers. Part 3 Cloze (with choices provided) (每小题:1 分) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four words or expressions given. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage. When my pare

13、nts came to the university for my graduation, they were very proud of themselves and of me. (1) In brief In fact In time In case , they hadnt known much about college when they had first sent me off to this (2) funding searching upstanding outstanding liberal arts school. Sending me to college meant

14、 something special to them because it represented a big (3) break through break away break out break off for the future economic betterment and the chance to join an education- (4) appealed adapted oriented appointed society. To me, this was the school where I would be (5) counted in invested in inv

15、ested with established with great insight. I bet we all achieved more than we had expected (6) like thereby because since I am now the president of the university. My parents were part of a wave of Americans after World War II (7) which whose who that belief and support in education greatly promoted

16、 the (8) establishment commitment assignment engagement of the greatest universities in the world. Students began to have the chance to acquire a well-rounded education, (9) for which among which on which in which Americans created todays culture and economy, plus a political system that (10) acknow

17、ledges accepts receives admits equality. College education (11) affords guides furnishes provides students with more tools to solve problems, broader horizons to (12) cultivate evaluate stimulate moderate whats going on in this world, and stronger ability to build a (13) developing caring promising

18、assuring society. University leaders in Asia, the Mideast and even Europe are now seeking to (14) improve advance progress raise curriculums more like those of our liberal arts schools. (15) Eventually Therefore Thereby Likewise , they want to know how we can combine academic learning with the devel

19、opment of critical thinking and creativity, the main (16) leader pillar monument beam of the best American colleges. 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz However, on the contrary, in our own land now we are (17) escaping emerging defecting shrinking from the liberal education. When the job market continues its long slid

20、e in (18) succession success sequence chain , college education is more and more seen as a means of economic betterment rather (19) before for then than a means of human betterment. Many think that by narrowing our focus to just science and engineering, we will presumably become more (20) distinctiv

21、e competitive objective sensitive in the market driven world. This is definitely a serious mistake. case/in time/in fact/in brief 2.outstanding/founding/upstanding 3.break through/break away/break out/break off 4.appealed/adapted/oriented/appointed 5.counted in/invested in/invested with/establi

22、shed with 8.establishment/commitment/assignment/engagement 9.for which/in which/on which10.acknowledges/accepts/receives/admits 12.cultivate/evaluate/stimulate/moderatewhich/among 11.affords/guides/furnishes/provides 13.developing/caring/promising/a

23、ssuring 14.improve/advance/progress/raise 15.eventually/therefore/thereby/likewise 16.leader/pillar/monument/beam Part 4 Vocabulary and Structure (每小题:1 分) Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 1. _

24、, Malcolm X would not have been able to join the world community of thoughts and actions. A. If he didnt study English very hard through self-learning B. Were he to study English very hard through self-learning C. Had he didnt study English very hard through self-learning D. Hadnt he studied English

25、 very hard through self-learning 17.escaping/emerging/defecting/shrinking 18.succession/success/sequence/chain19.before/for/then/than 20.distinctive/competitive/objective 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz 2. A pen is to a writer _ a gun is to a fighter. A. as B. what C. that D. like 3. Malcolm X would rather be fully

26、 occupied with copying a dictionary and reading aloud _ the time away in prison. A. more than to idle B. than idle C. rather than to idle D. more than idling 4. The science of computer, _ rapid progress has been made in recent years, is the most important in all the science. A. to which B. in which

27、C. off which D. from which 5. Michael Phelps, _ the feet are bigger than others, won eight gold medals at the National games. A. whose B. whom C. of who D. of whom 6. Many Americans live on credit cards, and their quality of life _, not how much they can earn. A. is measured by how much can they loa

28、n B. is measured by how much they can loan C. is measured by how they can loan D. is measured by how can they loan 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz 7. We have been told that under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A. may we use B. we may use C. we could use D. did we use 8. _, Malc

29、olm X managed to achieve English language proficiency through self- learning while in prison. A. Unbelievable as it was B. Unbelievable if it was C. As Unbelievable it was D. If it was Unbelievable 9. _ it was on the side of a mountain, the small village was very quiet and the view was superb. A. Lo

30、nely and isolated as B. Alone and isolated if C. Having lonely and isolated as D. Having been alone and isolated if 10. Professor Chen complained that he had been unable to _ any Ph.D. students for more than five years and it seemed that no one wanted a doctorate in humanities. A. regulate B. recrui

31、t C. reject D. release Part 5 Reading comprehension (每小题:2 分) Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. What is the value of the humanities? Why should we study the humanities given the current 新视野视听说教程第二册quiz economic recession? In this new era of continuous unemployment slides an

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