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1、英语特殊句式英语特殊句式1. 强调;It be连接词that/who其它1. 去掉句型词后,仍完整。2. 可以强调,主语,宾语,状语。3. 强调状语时,常含有介词,连接词用that.4. 强调部分含有定语从句。5. 与not until时间状语综合,not和until在强调句中紧挨着。6. 强调句的特殊疑问形式为;疑问词。be. it.that. ,语序问题考查7. 强调句的特殊疑问形式,若在宾语从句中呢,疑问词。it.bethat8. 强调结构的省略形式,即被强调部分后的省略。DO(does, did,)用在动词原形前; 务必,确实。 They couldnt say _it was _tr

2、oubled them. A.what; that B.what, what C. that what D.what whoIt is not who is right but what is right_is of importance. A.which C.that D .this.It was in China _Tom first met Mr.Lin. A.that B. How C. which D.where.It was _back home after the experiment .A. not until midnight did he go B.until m

3、idnight that he didnt go C.not until midnight that he went D.until midnight when he didnt go Where did you get to know her ? It was on the farm _we worked . A. that B.There C. which D .where 2.倒装1.它相反的一面,则是陈述;若使用倒装,在句子中会出现某些迹象2.种类:完全倒装,(谓语提前);部分倒装(助词提前)。3. 完全倒装:表示地点的介词短语在句首时;(谓语为Vi sit ,live , stand

4、 , come , run ).副词in , out, up, down, away, off 在句首时,(若主语是人称代词时,不倒装)。 There be句型,要完全倒装。(Be动词可换为live , stand, lie, seem, happen, come, Appear, remain )4.部分倒装否定词在句首时。(后面部分不能再出现否定词) 常见否定词如下: Never , seldom, little, hardly, scarcely, barely, by no means, under no circumstance.以only +副词(介词短语, 从句:正常语序。)在句

5、首时;so/such.that句型中,若so/such提到句首时,该部分倒装;(但that部分不倒装)。.虚拟条件句中,省略if,提前were ,had,, / neither, / nor +倒装语序,(表示“也适应”).as/though引导的状语从句,要倒装。.not only.but also 前倒后不倒; not until部分不倒装,后面的部分倒装。(1).So absorbed_ in her work that she didnt realize I was behind her.A. did she B. was she C. she did D. she

6、 was(2)No sooner_ begun to speak_ I sensed that something was wrong.A. he has; when B. he had; than C. had he; than D. did he; when(3)Only when _ possible to settle the problem.A. does the chief editor come will it be B. the chief editor comes will it beC. does the chief editor come it will be D. th

7、e chief editor comes it will be. (4)._from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.A. Jumped down the murderer B. Down jumped the murdererC. Down the murderer jumped D. Down did the murderer jump(5)._, he does get angry with her sometimes.A. As he likes her much B. He likes her muc

8、hC. Though much he likes her D. Much as he likes her(6).In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go,_.A. our holiday will be better B. the better our holiday will be C. our holiday will be the better D. the better will our holiday be(7).Hardly_ when

9、the bus suddenly pulled away.A. they had got to the bus stop B. they got to the bus stopC. did they get to the bus stop D. had they got to the bus stop省略限制性定语从句中,引导词作宾语,可省略。.when, while, as, if, unless, although, though, until, once, whether等连接状语从句中,常省略跟主句相同主语和be动词。They just carried out the order as

10、 told.两个(以上的)不定式不定时并列,后面的to省略。.不定式作感官动词,使役动词的宾补时省略to.I saw him enter the classroom yesterday.介词but的前面有do时,后面的不定式省略to.即前有do,后无to. (1)._, I would have phoned you.A. If I knew it B. Had I known it C. If I know it D. Did I know(2).-What do you suppose made her look so unhappy? -_ her wallet.A. Lose B. L

11、ost C. Losing D. Because of losing(3). When_ into the machine, the water soon changed into ice.A. taken B. taking C. to be taken D. to take(4).-I got tired of the village life here. -Why_ for a few weeks?A. dont come to my home C. not coming to my homeC. do you come to my home D. not come to my home

12、(5).-You performed so well. Are you an actor? -No, Im not. But I_.A. used B. used to C. used to be D. was used to(6). How is it that you are late for class again? -_.A. By bus and then on foot B. Because I missed the busC. Yes, its quite wrong D. Its far from school祈使句以动词原形开头,省略了主语you,其否定在它前面加Dont.

13、反意疑问句一般为will you ?但是Lets.开头要用shall we ? .句型:祈使句+连词+陈述句 ;与分词作状语的区别,在于有没有连词and /or .名词短语可以代替祈使句部分。.该句型连词前不能是非谓语那三种形式,也不能是If条件句。.有时侯祈使句与连词间可能有插入语,完全可以去掉它。(1)._and I will get the work finished.A.Have one more hour C. Given one more hour B.One more hour D. If I have one more hour解析 :据and为连词,其前后须为句子或与句子相当

14、的部分,可排除后两项,好像A项正确,但是祈使句省略了主语You ,前后不和逻辑故答案为B. (2).You can go to the party with us if you _A.want to B. Want to do C . want it D. want to go (3).What makes you so worried ? _A.Because of my weight B .Ive put on some weight C .That Im putting on weight D.Because I ve put on weight (4). What are you bu

15、sy with ?The conference _in our city next week , as you know.A.will be held B.held C. be holding be held答案:1-5A C A C D; 1-7BCBBD,BD 1-6BCADBB1-4. BACD- 小学二(2)班班规一、 安全方面1、 每天课间不能追逐打闹。2、 中午和下午放学要结伴回家。3、公路上走路要沿右边走,过马路要注意交通安全。4、不能在上学路上玩耍、逗留。二、学习方面1、每天到校后,不允许在走廊玩耍打闹,要进教室读书。2、每节课铃声一响,要快速坐好,安静地等老师来上课

16、。3、课堂上不做小动作,不与同桌说悄悄话, 认真思考,积极回答问题。4、养成学前预习、学后复习的好习惯。每天按时完成作业,保证字迹工整,卷面整洁。5、考试时做到认真审题,不交头接耳,不抄袭,独立完成答卷。三、升旗排队和两操方面1、升旗时,要快速出教室排好队,做到快、静、齐,安静整齐地排队走出课室门,班长负责监督。2、上午第二节后,快速坐好,按要求做好眼保健操。3、下午预备铃声一响,在座位上做眼保健操。四、卫生方面1、每组值日生早晨7:35到校做值日。2、要求各负其责,打扫要迅速彻底,打扫完毕劳动工具要摆放整齐。3、卫生监督员(剑锋,锶妍,炜薪)要按时到岗,除负责自己的值日工作外,还要做好记录。

17、五、 一日常规1、每天学生到齐后,班长要检查红领巾。2、劳动委员组织检查卫生。3、 每天负责领读的学生要督促学生学习。4、 上课前需唱一首歌,由文娱委员负责。5、做好两操。6、放学后,先做作业,然后帮助家长至少做一件家务事。7、如果有人违反班规,要到老师处说明原因。班训:坐如钟 站如松 快如风 静无声班规:课堂听讲坐如钟,精神集中认真听;排队升旗站如松,做操到位展雄风;做事迅速快如风,样样事情记得清;自习课上静无声,踏实学习不放松;个人努力进步快,团结向上集体荣;我为领巾添光彩,标兵集体记我功。加分标准序号考核项目加分值备注1单元考试满分+22单元考试85分以上+13课堂小测满分+14期中、期


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