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1、小升初英语语法习题总小升初英语语法习题总名词练习2、小升初英语语法习题总1、orange_2、box_3、woman_4、tomato_5、bus_7、boy_8、baby _9、watch_10、photo_11、class_12、foot_13、house_14、pen_15、car_16、horse_17、radio_ 18、dish_19、child_2、将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式1、doctors_2、cities_3、pianos_4、ears_5、churches_6、leaves_7、teeth_8、zoos_9、brushes _10、wives_11、men _12、

2、pears _ 3、请从括号里选出正确的答案1、 Please give me (two /two cups of )coffee、2、 There are a lot of (sheep /sheeps ) on the farm、3、 Id like some (bread / breads ) and (potato /potatoes)、4、 Look! There is a (mouse /mice) in the corner、5、 He bought (a piece of /a piece ) paper、6、 “Where is (Womans / Womens) Room?

3、” asked Susan、7、 (The girls/The girls )hobby is drawing、8、 Aunt Lucy sent (a childs /a childrens ) book to me、冠词练习1、在空格内填上a或an1、_ear2、_actor3、_hen4、_toy5、_university6、_elephant7、_hat 8、_umbrella 9、_rabbit10、_idea11、_hour12_ honest boy 13、_interesting book 14、_easy question15、_orange dress 17_X-ray m

4、achine 18、_ice cream2、选择填空1、Mom tells her little daughter old story every night、 A、 a B、 / C、 an D、 thens、 A、 A B、 An C、 The D、 /3、There is map of the world on wall、 map is mine、A、 a, a, A B、 a, the, The C、 the, the, The D、 the, the, A6、I bought shoes yesterday、 shoes are very beautiful、A、 a, The B、

5、 a pair of, The C、 the, The D、 a pair, The pair7、He was soldier in the Second World War、 A、 a B、 an C、 the D、 /8、She can play and 、A、 the tennis, the guitar B、 tennis, guitar C、 the tennis, guitar D、 tennis, the guitar9、I can see moon and clouds in the sky、 A、 the, a B、 a, a C、 the, / D、 the, the11、

6、 Tiananmen Square is in Beijing、 A、 /, / B、 A, / C、 The, / D、 /, the12、Can you tell me nearest bookshop? Go straight and turn right at_third crossing, and you will see it、A、 the, a B、 the, the C、 a, the D、 the, /5、根据中文,写出下列固定搭配的英文。1、拉小提琴_ 2、总而言之_ 3、看一看_4、在早上_ 5、顺便说一下_ 6、在左边_7、吃晚餐_ 8、下棋_9、在家_ 10、开始时_

7、数词练习1、写出与下列词相应地数序数词或基数词。1、 one 2、 two 3、 three 4、 nine 5、 twelve 6、 twenty 7、 eighty-eight 8、 sixty-two 9、 fifty-four 10、 four hundred 11、 sixth 12、 thirteenth 13、 eleventh 15、 ninety-sixth 2、选择填空1、_ of the visitors are foreigners、 A、 Three five B、 Three-fifth C、 Three-fifths D、 third five2、 There a

8、re _ people on the square、 A、 hundreds B、 hundred of C、 hundreds of D、 five hundreds3、 The teacher asked us to write aA、 three-hundred-words B、 three hundreds of words C、 three-hundreds-words D、 three-hundred-word4、 -What _is Charlie in?-He is in _A、 row, row Four B、 row, Row Four C、 rows, four row

9、D、 rows, rows Four5、 -How much is five _six? -Eleven、 A、 plus B、 minus C、 times D、 divided代词练习1、根据括号中的要求给出下列代词的适当形式。1、it_(形容词性物主代词) 2、my_(名词性物主代词 )3、herself_(复数形式) 4、we_(宾格形式)5、you_(形容词性物主代词) 6、her_(名词性物主代词)8、you_(宾格形式)9、he_(宾格形式) 10、their_(形容词性物主代词)5、选择填空1、Are they _raincoats or _?A、 their, ours B、

10、 their, our C、 theirs, ous D、 their, us2、Help _ to some chicken 、children、A、 themself B、 them C、 yourself D、 yourselves3、_ of my parents can take care of my little sister , so I will stay at home to take care of her、 A、 All B、 Both C、 None D、 Neither4、_do you like best, football、, volleyball or base

11、ball?A、 Who B、 Which C、 What D、 Why6、-What time is _? -_s eight oclock am、A、 this, This B、 that, This C、 it, It D、 it, This7、-May I have some socks、 please? -Can I give you _ socks on the shelf?-No、 thank you、 IA、 that, this B、 this, that C、 those, these D、 these, those8、-Three bottles of water 、two

12、 cakes and a knife、 please、-Is _all? A、 it B、 this C、 that D、 these9、-Would you like _wine? -No、 thanks、A、 some B、 any C、 no D、 the10、Hello、_is Susan speaking 、Can I speak to Andy、 please?-Hold on, please、 A、 she B、 this C、 that D、 it11、There are _eggs in the bottle、 I have to buy _、A、 no, little B、

13、 a little, little C、 few, some D、 a few, few形容词练习1、写出下列形容词的比较级1、nice_2、hot_3、tall_4、long_6、strang_6、samall_7、heavy 8、thin 9、young 10、funny 12、old_ _short_3、根据括号中的形容词、用asas或than写出表示比较的句子。1、 I weigh 48 kilograms(公斤)and my brother weighs 52 kilograms、(heavy)_2、 My ring costs 100 yuan and your ring cost

14、s 2000 yuan、(expensive) _3、 This pool is 20 meters long and that pool is 30 meters long、(long) _4、 There are twenty-one boys and sixteen girls in our class、(large) _副词练习3、根据中文意思、连词成句、注意副词的位置和顺序1、莉莉每天七点起床。(at、 every day、 Lily、 gets up、 seven oclock) _2、刚才他飞快地跑上楼去了。(he、 ran、 just now、 fast、 upstairs)

15、_3、我妹妹每天早上都会在花园里愉快的唱歌。(sings、 in the garden、 my sister、 every morning、 happily)_4、这个女孩来自美国华盛顿。(l)_5、他们星期天在公园玩的很开心。(on Sunday、 played、 they、 in the park、 happily)_介词练习1、请从括号里选择恰当的介词填空。1、 When did you arrive _(at /on) the railway station?2、 The first astronaut (宇航员)landed on the moon_(in /on )1968、3、

16、My uncle is going to Paris _(on /by )air、4、 Lets talk _(with /in )Chinese、2、选择填空1,nt be late again、 A、 at B、 in C、 on D、 by2、 He goes skating _winter and goes swimming _summer、 A、 at、 at B、 in、 in C、 on、 on D、 from、 to3、 We have classes _8 am_3 pm every day、 A、 from、 to B、 at、 at C、 until、 to D、 at、

17、 to4、 Its raining outside 、Take an umbrella _ you、 A、 for B、 on C、 in D、 with5、 Seven is the number _six and eight、 A、 in B、 between C、 among D、 at连词练习2、选择填空1,We made a pizza this morning、 _we didnt eat it、 A、 and B、 so C、 but D、 or2、 I was tired very much、 _ I went to bed early last night、A、 becaus

18、e B、 so C、 but D、 or3、 Does Rose go to school by bike _by bus?A、 and B、 or C、 but D、 nor4、 He will go to Pairs ,_his aunt lives there、A、 and B、 so C、 but D、 because5、Ill call you _I arrive at the airport、 A、 and B、 but C、 as soon as D、 if6、_Jerry _I are interested in the movie 、could you give me one

19、 more ticket?A、 Both、 and B、 Either、 or C、 Neither、 nor D、 /、 or7、_its raining 、the match continues、 A、 For B、 When C、 Although D、 Because8、Turn off the lights _ you go out、A、 if B、 though C、 after D、 before动词练习2、在表格中分别添入下列动词胡过去式、过去分词和现在分词三种形式。动词原形过去式过去分词现在分词playstudybuyflyeatgotrystopam, isareseeru

20、ntakehaveswimdo3、请从括号里选择正确的动词形式填空。1、He (am/ is /are)from America、 He and I (am/is /are) friends、4、We (dont / doesnt/didnt) have classes every Friday afternoon、5、 There (be/is/are )a new bookstore nearby、6、It (get/gets/got)hotter and hotter、7、The soup (smell/smells)delicious、8、(Look/Looking)! A pigeo

21、n (am/is/are)flying、9、They are (siting/sitting) in the room and Andy is (runing/running) outside、10、 The big house (have/has)six windows、动词时态练习1、选择填空1、Listen!Your dog _in the yard、 A、 barks B、 bark C、 barking D、 is barking2、What _your father do last night? A、 do B、 does C、 did D、 is3、 Joan sometimes

22、 _swimming on weekends、 A、 is B 、was C、 go D、 goes4、-Where _Teacher Zhang ?-I dont know、 But I _her just now、 A、 is, saw B、 was, saw C、 is, see D、 was, see5、Hurry up! Everyone _you、waits for B、 wait for C、 are waiting for D、 is waiting for陈述句练习1、将下列陈述句改成肯定句或否定句。1、 This is my bicycle、 2、 Im good at English、 4、 Tom doesnt go to school

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