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1、译林版八年级上册Unit1Unit2复习班课导学案含答案译林版八年级上册Unit1Unit2复习班课导学案(下)互动探索处理上次课课后巩固作业及预习思考内容。1、上次课后巩固作业复习;2、Can you describe the difference between them in every group? 批注:通过直观的比较,让学生回忆形容词比较级和最高级的用法。精讲提升8A unit1-2词汇复习【知识梳理1】重点词组1.撒谎 _ _2.我最好的朋友之一 _ _ _ _ _3.很有幽默感 _ _ _ _ _ _4.感到无聊_ _ 5.走过我们的书桌 _ _ _ _ 6.保守秘密_ _ _

2、 / _ _7.在将来 _ _ _8.交朋友 _ _ 9.认真听人们说 _ _ _ _ 10.使人们开心 _ _ _11.环游世界_ _ _ _ 12.某一天 _ _ 13.左边的男孩_ _ _ _ _ 14. 看电影 _ _ _15.一所男女混合学校 _ _ _ 16. 一周两次 _ _ _ 17. 在星期五下午 _ _ _18. 其他什么 _ _19. 在比赛中得了第一/第二/第三 _ _ / _ / _ _ _ _20. 穿制服 _ _21. 做早操 _ _ _22. 至多 _ _23. 快速浏览问题 _ _ _ _ _24. 在午饭时间 _ _25. 一个小时的作业 _ _ _ _ 2

3、6. 进行一次学校旅行 _ _ _ _ _答案:1.tell of my best friends 3. have a good sense of humour4. feel bored 5.walk past our desks 6. keep a secret / keep secrets7. in the future 8.makes friends 9. listen to people carefully 10. make people happy around the world 12.some day 13.the boy on the l

4、eft 14. see a film 15. a mixed school 16. twice a week 17. on Friday afternoon 18. what else 19. come first/second/third in the race 20. wear uniforms 21. do morning exercises 22. at most 23. look through the questions quickly24. at lunchtime 25. an hour of homework 26. go on a school trip 【知识梳理2】重点

5、句型1.我能要一些喝的东西吗?Can I have_ _ _? (6)2.一些牛奶怎么样?_ _ _ milk? (6)3.我能再吃一些食物吗?Can I have _ _ food? (6)4.什么使得你的朋友如此与众不同?What_ your friend so_? (7)5.当你伤心的时候他/她关心你吗?Does he/she _ _ you when you are sad? (7)6.当你有问题的时候他/她愿意相助吗?_ he/she _ _ _when you _ _? (7)7.你相信他/她说的话吗?Do you believe _ _ _? (7)8.什么能成为好友,Amy?

6、What_ good friends, Amy? (7)9.他们也能给你讲有趣的笑话。They can_ _ _ _ _. (7)10.她乐意和她的朋友们分享东西。She _ _ _ _ _ _ her friends. (8)11.她帮助我完成作业并且她总是在公交车上给有需要的人让座。She helps me_ my homework and she always _ _ _ on the bus to_ _ _. (8)12.当她长大的时候她想要成为一名歌手。She wants_ _a singer when she_ _. (8)13.它们使他看起来很神气。They _ _ _ _. (

7、8)14.她总是微笑而且从来不说任何人的坏话。She _ often and never_ _ _ _ _ _. (8)15. Max戴着他的小而圆的眼睛看起来很聪明。Max looks smart _ _ _ _ _ . (9)16.我的书比他的有趣。My book is_ _ _ _. (11)17.Peter 是这六个学生当中最重的。Peter is _ _ _the six students. (12)18.在这六个学生当中,米莉是最慢的。_ the six students, Millie is _ _ swimmer. (12)19.当我长大我想成为一名社会工作者。I would

8、like_ _ _ _ _ when I _ _. (13)20.我总是对人友善。 I am always_ _ people. (13)21.她是一个扎着马尾辫的小女孩。Shes a small girl _ _ _. (14) 22.-她性格如何? -她很害羞也很安静。-_ she_? -Shes_ and _. (14)23.Kate 既是我的邻居又是我的好友。Kate is_ my_ _ my best friend. (17)24.她总是面带微笑并且看起来很开心。She always _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _. (17)25.我认为她将成为一名优秀的学生。I think

9、 she will_ _ _ teacher. (17)25.为什么狗狗们不上学?Why _ dogs _ to school? (18)27.-学校是什么样子的? -它就像看电视,但是有更少的广告。-_ school_? -Its_ _ TV, but there are _ _. (18)28.-我们一起去好吗? -我很愿意,但是本周六校足球队要训练。-_ _ _ together? -Id love to, but the school football team will_this Saturday. (19)29.学习外语很有趣。_ _ _ is fun.(20)30.当我们在读有趣

10、的书本时,时间似乎过得更快。Time _ _ _ _when we are reading interesting books. (20)31.他经常认真倾听我的问题并且给我提供帮助。He often_ _ _ my problems and _ me help. (20)32.在周五下午,我们学校比往常放学早。_ Friday afternoon, our school _ _ than _. (20)33.我读了一篇一个美国男孩写的文章。I read an _ _ a boy _ the USA. (22)34.他的学校生活是什么样子的? _ his school life _ ? (22

11、)35.她比她班上的其他学生写得快。She _ _ _ than _ _ _in her class. (24)36.米莉在我们所有人当中写得最快。Millie _ _ _ _of us all. (24)37.学生每天在作业上花多长时间? _ _ _ do students _ _ homework every day? (25)38.中国学生比英国学生暑假有更多的星期休息。Chinese students_ _ _ _ for the summer holiday than British students. (25)39.半个小时玩电脑游戏,另外半个小时下象棋。Half an hour_

12、 _computer games and _ half an hour_ _ chess. (26)40.对我来说,学习外语真的很有趣。_ _, _ _ _ is really fun. (27)41.我们不需要早起,并且我们有很多时间用来参加课外活动。We _ _ _ _ _ up early, and we have lots of time for_ _. (29)Keys:1.Can I have something to drink? (6)2.What about some milk? (6)3.Can I have some more food? (6)4. What makes

13、 your friend so special? (7)5.Does he/she care about you when you are sad? (7)6. Is he/she ready to help when you have problems? (7)7. Do you believe what he/she says? (7)8. What makes good friends, Amy? (7)9. They can also tell you funny jokes. (7)10. She is willing to share things with her friends

14、. (8)11.She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need. (8)12.She wants to be a singer when she grows up. (8)13.They make him look smart. (8)14.She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone. (8)15.Max looks smart in his small round glasses. (9)16.

15、My book is more interesting than his. (11)17.Peter is the heaviest of the six students. (12)18.Among the six students, Millie is the slowest swimmer. (12)19.I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. (13)20.I am always kind to people. (13)21.Shes a small girl with a ponytail. (14) 22.-Whats

16、she like? -Shes shy and quiet. (14)23.Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend. (17)24.She always has a smile on her face and looks happy. (17)25.I think she will make an excellent teacher. (17)25.Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie? (18)27.-Whats school like? -Its like watching TV, but there are

17、fewer advertisements. (18)28.-Shall we go together? -Id love to, but the school football team will practise this Saturday. (19)29.Learning foreign languages is fun.(20)30.Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. (20)31.He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me hel

18、p. (20)32.On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. (20)33.I read an article by a boy from the USA. (22)34.Whats his school life like? (22)35.She writes more quickly than the other students in her class. (24)36.Millie writes the most quickly of us all. (24)37.How much time do students

19、 spend on homework every day? (25)38.Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students. (25)39.Half an hour for playing computer games and another half an hour for playing chess. (26)40.To me, learning foreign languages is really fun. (27)41.We do not need to get up e

20、arly, and we have lots of time for after-school activities. (29)【巩固练习】1. This is _ interesting work. We really enjoy it. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Did Lisa tell you _ in the letter? A. funny anything B. anything funny C. funny something D. something funny3. The London Olympics makes people all over t

21、he world _ there very much. A. want to go B. to fly C. fly D. to want to go4. It will be _ if you buy a return ticket on the train when you travel in England.A. much cheap B. more cheaply C. much cheaper D. more cheap5. Tom, you must do the homework _ . Dont copy your sisters. A. yourselves B. yours

22、elf C. himself D. themselves6. There is a big cake. _ share it. A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we7. Millie wants to _ you _ her new school. A. tell; about B. talk; about C. tell; on D. talk; on8. My dad makes me _ the piano for three hours every day. A. playing B. to play

23、 C. play D. plays9. Lucy didnt make any mistakes in the maths exam. She is _ than any other student. A. much careful B. more careful C. more careless D. the most careful10. What makes you _ today than yesterday? A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiest11.Do you know your classmate Jim very _? A. w

24、ell B. good C. fine D. nice12. Listening is as _ as speaking in language learning. A. important B. more important C. most important D. the most important13. I didnt know which T-shirt was _, so I took them both. A. nicer B. well C. best D. good14. Whats your best friend like? _ A. Hes fine, thank you B. He likes watching TV C. Hes a teacher D. Hes helpful and generous15. I spent half an hour _ my homework.A. finish doing B. to finish doing C. finish to do D. finishing doing16. Afte

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