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1、高考英语重点词汇分类记忆co+辅音开头词汇Co+辅音:共同1. collarkl(r) n. 【拆记】col-:共同,lar音似拉,他们共同拉我的collar打我。2.colleaguekli n. 【拆记】col-:共同,league:联盟,比如LOL=League of Legends,在一个联盟工作的人彼此就是colleague。【例】He was fired from his job after hitting a colleague. 3.collectklekt vt. 【拆记】col-:共同,lect:选择,把邮票选择后放在一起就是collect。【变】collectionkle

2、k()n n. 【例】One of Tonys hobbies was collecting rare birds.Roberts collection of drawings and paintings has been bought over the years. 3. collegekld n.【拆记】col-:共同,leg:法律 + e:词尾,一个依法建立的联合体就是college。【例】Now our mountain village has its own college students. 4. collisionkl()n n. 【拆记】col-:共同,lis:同lid(碰撞)

3、,-ion:名词后缀,共同碰撞还是collision。【变】collide klad v.【例】There was a three-car collision on the driveway. 5. combinekmban vt. 【拆记】com-:共同,bine, 二,词源同two, 你需要共同把这两个技能combine结合起来,才有大的威力。【例】If he can combine his ability with hard work, he should be very successful.6. comedykmd n. 【音记】来了个(come)导演(dy)是拍喜剧的,叫做周星驰。

4、【例】Zhou is a comedy director.7. comfortable a. kmftb()l 【拆记】com-:共同,for音似“抚”,able-:形容词后缀,大家共同来抚摸你,你肯定感到特别的comfortable。【变】comfortn.&v.kmft 【例】A home should be comfortable and friendly. This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.He began to comfort me as I was upset.8. co

5、mmandkmnd n. & v. 【拆记】com-:共同,mand:命令,共同命令就是command。【变】commander n.【例】He didnt just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.9. commentkment n. & v.【拆记】com-:共同,ment同mind,表思考,神智,共同把自己对一个电影的思考表达出来就是comment。【例】So far, Mr Cook has not commented on these reports.10. commitkmt v.【拆记】com:共同,m

6、it:送,放出,共同派送就是commit,把一个小姐姐commit给你之后,你拍胸口commit,但是第二天就commit。【变】commitment kmtmntn.【例】I have never committed any crime.You dont have to commit to anything over the phone.I will commit myself to my career.We made a commitment to keep working together. 11. commonkmn a. 【拆记】com:共同,common本身就是共同的意思。【例】H

7、e had very little in common with his sister.12. communicatekmjunket v. 【拆记】com:共同,uni-:联合,c连字符,ate-:动词后缀。【变】communicationkmjunke()n n. 【例】He was good at communicating with the players.13. companionkmpnn n. 【拆记】com:共同,pan:盘子,-ion:名词后缀,和你共用一个盘子的是你关系很好的companion。【例】He is a wonderful companion and we ca

8、n talk for hours.14. companykmpn n. 【拆记】com:共同,pan:盘子,-y:名词后缀,和你共用一个盘子的还是你关系很好的company,很多company创业开了一个company。【例】The company has increased the price of its cars. 单词释义:1.collarkl(r) n.衣领2.colleaguekli n. 同事3.collectklekt vt. 收集【变】collectionklek()n n.收集,收藏4.collegekld n.大学5.collisionkl()n n. 碰撞【变】coll

9、ide klad v. 碰撞binekmban vt. 结合,融合edykmd n. 喜剧fortable a. kmftb()l 舒服的【变】comfortkmft n. 舒服,舒适 v. 安慰mandkmnd n. & v. 命令【变】commander n. 命令mentkment n. & v.评论mitkmt v. 犯(罪或错等);承诺,保证;投入,奉献【变】commitment kmtmntn.承诺,保证;投入,奉献monkmn a. 共同的;普便的municatekmjunket v. 交流;沟通【变】communicationkmjunke()n n. 交流;沟通panionk

10、mpnn n. 同伴panykmpn n. 公司15. comparekmpe(r) vt. 【拆记】com:共同,pare看成pair,买了一双鞋假冒耐克后,需要仔细compare下,看看是否一样。【例】The flowers here do not compare with those at home. 16. compasskmps n. 【拆记】com:共同,pass:走,通过,共同通过一个迷雾森林,需要用到compass。【例】Without a compass, it is easy to lose the direction in the woods.17. compensate

11、kmpenset v. 【拆记】com:共同,pens:花费,ate:动词后缀,你们全家人得共同花钱去compensate你撞的人。【变】compensation kmpensenn.【例】You must compensate me for this loss.18. competekmpit vi. 【拆记】com:共同,pet:当单词表示宠物,当词根表示寻找,大家共同寻找一个波斯猫,彼此在compete,谁先找到就是谁的。【变】competitionkmpt()n n. competencekmptns petitorkmpett(r) n.【例】Kangaroos compete wi

12、th sheep for limited food and water. I doubt his competence as a doctor. The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor.19. completekmplit a. &v.【拆记】com:共同,pl:fl=full,满的,ete:同ate,动词后缀,共同使所有事都满了,就是complete它们了,然后人生就complete。【例】He has completed his first novel.Is this a complete story?20. compl

13、ex kmpleksa. / n. 【拆记】com 加强,plex 重叠,折叠,把一些概念全部重叠起来,真的很complex。【变】complexity n.【例】Tom was a very complex man but Jack was the opposite, a simple farmer. 21. composekmpz v.【拆记】com:共同, pos:放,放置 + e,把很多东西放到一起就会compose新的东西,【变】compositionkmpznn. component kmpnnt n.&adj.【例】They agreed to form a group comp

14、osed of adults and children.Why didnt you select a better topic for your composition?The management plan has four main components. 【注】pon=pos,都表示放。22. comprehend kmprhend n. 【拆记】com:共同,prehend: 抓, 把一篇文章的东西共同抓住就是comprehend了这篇阅读理解。【变】comprehension kmprhenn n.【例】I just cannot comprehend your attitude.T

15、his was entirely beyond her comprehension.【注】pre:在.之前,hend同hand,在手前面就是抓住。23. compromisekmprmaz v.&n. 【拆记】com:共同,promise:承诺,共同承诺就是一种compromise。【例】It seems as if a compromise agreement has been reached. 24. compulsorykmplsr a. 【拆记】com:共同,puls:推,ory:adj后缀, 大家共同推你走,你不得不走,因为这是compulsory。【例】English, Maths

16、, Chinese and science are compulsory subjects.25. concentrateknsntret v. 【拆记】com:共同, centr:同center,中心,- ate:动词后缀,大家共同以你为中心,就是把目光concentrate到你身上了。【变】concentration n. knsntren 【例】They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and speaking. I knew that concentration was very important

17、 for learning. 26. conceptknsept n. 【拆记】com:共同,cept:拿,大家牢牢拿在心里的是共同都接受的concept。【例】New Concept English27. concernknsn v. / n. 【拆记】com:共同,cern:同cord,表示心,你家人共同以你为心肝,都很concern你。【例】His concern was that people would know that he was responsible.28. concludeknklud v. 【拆记】com:共同,clud:同close,关闭,文章该收官了,就会得出con

18、clusion。【变】conclusion knklu()n n.【例】So what can we conclude from this text? Over the years Ive come to the conclusion that shes a very great musician. 29. conditionknd()n n. 【音记】音似“抗敌省”,抗敌省的condition通常比较差。【例】Their equipment was in poor condition.单词释义:parekmpe(r) vt. 比较passkmps n. 罗盘pensatekmpenset v

19、. 补偿,赔偿【变】compensation kmpensenn. 补偿,赔偿petekmpit vi. 竞争【变】competitionkmpt()n n. 竞争 competencekmptns n. 能力;胜任competitorkmpett(r) n. 竞争者pletekmplit a. &v. 完成plex kmpleksa. / n. 复杂的【变】complexity n. 复杂性posekmpz v. 组成【变】compositionkmpznn. 作文;作曲component kmpnnt n. 组成部分prehend kmprhend n. 理解【变】comprehensio

20、n kmprhenn n. 理解promisekmprmaz v.&n. 妥协pulsorykmplsr a. 强制的26.concentrateknsntret v. 集中(注意力)【变】concentration n. knsntren 专心;专注27.conceptknsept n. 概念28.concernknsn v. / n. 担心;关心29.concludeknklud v. 推断;得出结论【变】conclusion knklu()n n. 结论;推论30.conditionknd()n n. 状况30. conduct kndkt vt. 【拆记】com:共同,duct:引,大

21、家共同引,conduct我走出人生的低谷。【变】conductorkndkt(r) n. 【例】What we have learned will gradually conduct us become better. 31. confidentknfdnt a. 【拆记】com:共同,fid谐音“飞的”,共同带你们飞的更高,对自己的技术特别confident,信任的人才能知道的信息是confidential。【变】confidentialknfden()l a. 【例】Marina was a confident, happy child.She accused them of leakin

22、g confidential information about her personal life.32. conferenceknfrns n. 【拆记】con:共同,fer:拿,ence:名词后缀,大家共同拿着矿泉水去开conference。【例】The conference will be over soon.33. confirmknfm v. 【拆记】con:共同,firm:坚定, 大家共同对你坚定,confirm你是个品德优良的人。【例】X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones.34. conflictknflk

23、t n. &v.【拆记】con:共同,fli看成fly,一堆飞机共同起飞会产生conflict。【例】The conflict between the two countries finally caused a war.35. confuseknfjuz v. 【拆记】con:共同,fuse:融合,一些东西共同融合在一起,会分不清楚,confuse我们。【例】I cant see how anyone could confuse you with another!36. congratulationsknrtjle()nz n. 【例记】Congratulations,you passed

24、the driving test. 38.connectknekt v. 【拆记】con:共同,nect似net,网,一张网把我们connect了起来。【变】connectionknek()n n. 【例】His house connected with a small building in the garden.37. conscienceknns n. 【拆记】con:共同,sci: 知道, ence:名词后缀,大家都知道,conscience。【例】Where is your conscience?38. consequenceknskwns n. 【拆记】第一天晚上看康熙(con-s

25、e)来了,看太晚,第二天会困死(quen-ce),这是个必然的consequence。【变】consequently knskwntli adv.【例】If climate changes go on, we will suffer the consequences.39. conservationknsve()n n. 【拆记】con:共同,serv:服务,- ation:名词后缀,博物馆的工作人员共同服务文物,就是conserve文物。【变】conservative knsvtv a. 【例】My fathers life work was devoted to the conservat

26、ion of the Great Wall.The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.【注】conserve是conservation的动词。40. considerknsd(r) vt. 【拆记】con:共同,sid:坐,er:反复动作,爸爸妈妈坐在一起consider女儿的终身大事。【变】considerateknsdrt a. considerationknsdre()n n. 【例】You do have to consider the feelings of those aroun

27、d you.I think hes the most handsome, most considerate man Ive ever known. Ill let you have an answer after careful consideration. 41. consistknsst v. 【拆记】con: 共同, sist:站立, 一支军队就是consist士兵。共同站在一起的士兵往往有consistent想法和目的。【变】consistentknsst()nt a. 【例】Her team consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall.

28、 Every girl expects to be treated by her boyfriend in a consistent manner.42. constantknstnt a. 【拆记】con:共同,stant:同stand,站立,一直站在这儿等你,对你的爱是constant。【例】The world is constantly changing,and no one can make sure that he will love his lover forever.43. constructknstrkt v.【拆记】con:共同,struct: 建造,共同建造就还是construct。【变】constructionknstrk()n n.【例】It is much easier to destroy than to construct. 44. consultknslt v. 【拆记】con:共同,sult似salt(盐),大家都在寻找盐,要consult下如何找到它。【变】consultantknsltnt n. 【例】You had better consult your

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