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1、新视野大学英语第三版读写第二册unit2教学案授课题目: CollegeThe Ladder to Success授课时间:第_周 第_周授课类型:理论课授课时数:4教学目的:After finishing this unit, students will be able to:1. To talk about the significance of humanities;2. Get deeper insights into the text;3. Make creative use of words, phrases and sentence patterns;4. To master t

2、he essay writing skill: focus on an advantagedisadvantage;5. To read with the skill “reading for major details”.教学重点和难点:1. To further understand the text;2. To apply the words, phrases and sentence patterns;3. To read with the skill “reading for major details”;4. To write an essay with the skill “fo

3、cus on an advantagedisadvantage”.教学方法和手段:Various kinds of teaching methods are used:1. Teaching in class. Explain the profound theoretical knowledge in class;2. Case study. Provide case study during teaching, and make the students to discuss about the case;3. Bilingual and full English teaching;4. A

4、pplying modern multimedia teaching technologies; 5. Taking advantage of abundant network teaching resources. 教学内容和过程:Section A The humanities: Out of dateStep One Warming-up Activities 30 minutesI. Lead-in:Discuss the following questions:1.How do you think of your current major If you were given a s

5、econd chance to choose your major, what would you select and why If I were given a second chance to choose my major, I would choose / I think being a is accounting, computer science, psychology, civil engineering, philosophy, medical technology popular, interesting, enjoyable, promising, practical,

6、meaningful, beneficial, well-paid 2. What liberal arts / humanities courses do you learn in college Do you think they are necessary for your education I learn Chinese, English, philosophy, psychology, history in college. I think they are an essential part of the college education and benefit me a lo

7、t. gain more insight in life and society better understand and predict human behavior realize different interpretations of life and history understand the past which has created the present be aware of cultural and religious differencesII. Cultural background1. What are the humanities The humanities

8、 are a group of academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. Therefore, they are distinguished from the approaches of natural sciences. The humanities, called social sciences, include history, anthropology, communication

9、studies, cultural studies, law, linguistics, etc. 2. Why are the humanities importantThrough exploration of the humanities, students learn how to think creatively and critically, to reason, and to ask questions. Because these skills allow students to gain new insights into everything from poetry and

10、 paintings to business models and politics, humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education. Today, humanistic knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for exploring and understanding the human experience.Step Two Text Study 80 minutesI. Interactive reading of the t

11、ext1. Reading comprehension1) Why do many students calculate they cant major in English or history2) Why does the author say that a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment3) How do you understand “These days, labs are more v

12、ivid and compelling than libraries” (Para. 3)4) Why does the author say that the inner aspect of our being has captured our imagination from the very beginning5) According to the author, what are the advantages of studying the humanities6) What are “well-rounded human beings” (Para. 10) according to

13、 the author2. Structure of the textPart 1 (Para, 1-5) IntroductionTo improve their future chances of finding a job, college students are now moving away from the humanities and taking accounting or some “hard-skill” courses. The humanities will continue to be in bad shape due to the economic downtur

14、n. Nevertheless, the humanities can bring true value to peoples lives, and the basis of study of the humanities is formed by the inner power that has driven human beings to either greatness or destruction.Part 2 (Para. 6-9) Body: Why the humanitiesThis part presents the authors argument to stand up

15、for the true value that the humanities bring to peoples lives.Part 3 (Para 10) Concluding partThe humanities help to create human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity. The humanities will never be out of date. They are as useful and relevant

16、in our modern age as they have always been.3. Summary of the TextRetell the text according to the following tips.1)(Part I) When the job market worsens, many students calculate . Probably, the humanities will continue . Once , the humanities now 2)(Part II) Here, please allow me to that the humaniti

17、es add to peoples lives. Studying the humanities improves Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with , thereby Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is In fact, increasingly is seen as the ideal in3)(Part III) In summary, the humanities help to create , teach us to and

18、It makes sense to , our outstanding and remarkable II. Language FocusWords and expressions1. when the going gets tough: when the situation becomes difficult When the going gets tough, women can get as tough as men.当形势变得严峻时,女人可以变得跟男人一样坚强。2. calculate: vt.1)make a judgment about what is likely to happ

19、en using the available information 估计,预测,推测It is difficult to calculate the long-term effects of these changes in the law.这些法律上的变化带来的长期影响是难以预测的。2)find out how much sth. will cost, how long sth. Will take计算,核算Let me calculate the cost of the journey. 让我计算一下旅途的用费。3. boost:increase or improve sth. to m

20、ake it more successful 促进,推动,使兴旺These changes will help to boost share prices.这些变化将有助于提高股票价格。4. prospect:n. sth. that is possible or likely to happen in the future, or the possibility itself 可能的事情,前景The prospect for East Asias economic development is promising.东亚经济发展的前景是光明的。5. persist1)continue to e

21、xist 继续存在,持续If the bad weather persists, the farmers will suffer great losses this year. 如果恶劣天气持续,农民今年将遭遇巨大的损失。2)continue to do sth., although this is difficult, or other people oppose it 坚持,执意Students must persist in their efforts if they wish to do well. 学生如果想取得好成绩就必须坚持努力。persist, insist1 persist可

22、用于表示“继续存在;持续”,尤其用于不好的事情,而insist没有此意。Contact your doctor if the cough persists.如果咳嗽持续,请联系您的医生。2 persist和 insist容易混淆主要是当两者均表示“坚持”时。persist用于表示“坚持” 时,表示“坚持反复做同一件事”,后接介词 in,多用于褒义,指“坚持继续做某事”,有时用于贬义,指“不听劝告;顽固坚持”。Her mother tried to persuade her to go to bed early, but she persisted in working until thesma

23、ll hours.她的母亲劝她早点睡,但她仍坚持工作到凌晨。insist用于表示“坚持”时,表示“坚持做某件事(尤指麻烦或令人讨厌的事)”,后接介词 on。She insisted on washing her hair just when I wanted to have a bath.当我想泡个澡时,她还在那洗头。3 insist还可用于表示“对意见、主张等的坚持”。insist用于此意时,后可接介词on,也可以接 that引导的从句(是否用虚拟语气,视情况而定,即看从句内容是否为事实),而persist无此意。The doctor insisted that she (should) t

24、ake the medicine, but she insisted that she was notill.医生坚持让她服此药,但她坚持自己没病。6. succession: 一连串,一系列After graduation, he took a succession of low-paid jobs.In succession: 持续发生地,接连发生地She is an accomplished athlete and won the championship four times in succession.7. liberal: a.1) arts 文科The liberal arts

25、are college or university subjects such as history, languages and literature but not sciences. 文科是学院或大学的如历史、语言和文学之类的学习科目,而不是理科学科。2)心胸开朗的,开明的She is known to have liberal views on divorce. 人们知道她对离婚持有开明的观点。8. compel: vt. force sb. To do sth,As a school boy, he was compelled to wear shorts even in winte

26、r.当他还是一个在校的小男孩时,即使在冬天他也被迫穿短裤。compelling:interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely 有吸引力的Steven Jobs life makes a compelling story.9. speculate: v. consider or discuss why sth. has happened 思索,推测Archeologists speculate that people first reached the islands over 1,000 years ago.考

27、古学家们推测人类第一次到达这些岛屿是在一千多年前。speculate about/on: 猜测,推测It is too early to speculate about the relationship between Mary and George.现在推测玛丽和乔治的关系,还为时过早。10. fertile:a.1) able to produce good ideas or results 富有成果的,富有想象力的A poet must have a fertile imagination. 诗人必须有丰富的想象力。2)able to produce good crops or plan

28、ts 肥沃的,富饶的Fertile soil helps Canada rank among the worlds leading wheat producers.肥沃的土壤帮助加拿大跻身世界主要小麦生产国。11. elegant:a.1) very intelligent yet simple 巧妙的,简洁的the document impressed me with its elegant simplicity. 该文件给我留下了精辟简明的深刻印象。2)beautiful, attractive and graceful 优美的,高雅的Patricia looked beautiful a

29、nd elegant as always. 帕特里夏看上去总是那么美丽优雅。12. undertake: vt. (undertook, undertaken) agree to be responsible for a job or project and do it承担,着手做Dr. Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.约翰逊博士着手写一本详尽的英语词典。13. liable:(be to do sth.) likely to do sth. in a particular way

30、 because of a fault or tendency 可能(易于)做某事Many parts of the country are liable to suffer from flooding. 该国的许多地方易遭水灾。14. reservoir:n.C1) a large quantity of sth. that can be used 积蓄;储备Colleges are a reservoir of talents for companies. 大学是企业的人才库。2)an artificial or natural lake where water is stored so

31、that it can be supplied to the houses in an area (人造的)水库;(天然)蓄水湖If it rains heavily, the reservoir will overflow. 如果下大雨,水库里的水就会溢出来。15. in the company of: in sbs company; with sb. 和某人在一起She caught sight of her grandson, in the company of three other boys of similar age, going into the narrow alley wh

32、ich led to the railway.她看见她的孙子与其他三个年龄相仿的男孩一起,进入了那条通向铁路的狭窄小巷。16. outstanding:a. extremely good or impressive 杰出的;出众的;显著的His performance in charitable activities was outstanding. 在公益活动方面,他的表现非常出色。Difficult sentences:1. The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defec

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