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中考英语 语法专题突破 专题一 名词 人教新目标版.docx

1、中考英语 语法专题突破 专题一 名词 人教新目标版2019-2020年中考英语 语法专题突破 专题一 名词 人教新目标版编者按:系统分析河北近5年试题,重点是单项选择、完形填空、词语运用题,逐命题点统计考查频次,表格直观呈现,并在各命题后批注考情,便于快速把握重点,逐一攻克。考纲要求1.可数名词及其单复数2.不可数名词3.专有名词4.名词所有格考查点年份题号选项设置分值名词词义辨析xx29printer/radio player/camera1分43glass/weight/water/height1分44minute/night/day/week1分45mother/teacher/doct

2、or/friend1分xx30ice/soup/salt/sugar1分46boys/girls/men/women1分50town/market/garden/school1分55pay/time/advice/love1分xx29color/size/smell/shape1分49fear/trouble/surprise/danger1分50titles/orders/stories/questions 1分51discussion/practice/meeting/review1分xx30potato/banana/candy/pie1分53results/films/prizes/d


4、辨析,句子设置的语境贴近学生生活实际。对名词单复数的考查会和词义辨析结合,注重对语境的考查。对名词所有格的考查也会和单复数结合,侧重于不规则变化的名词复数。设题形式均为简单句,以两个单句为主,一个句子提供语境,另一个句子设题,词数在912个。另外,完形填空和词语运用中也会涉及对名词的考查,完形填空侧重考查名词的词义辨析,而词语运用则侧重对名词单复数的所有格的考查。预计xx年河北中考的单项选择仍会考查名词词义辨析题,且与语境紧密结合。完形填空也会涉及23道名词词义辨析题,且与上下文语境相结合。词语运用中考查名词变复数的可能性较大。河北中考重难点突破名词名词辨析【考点抢测】()1.If Peter

5、 es to us by any chance,please ask him to leave a _AletterBsentenceCmessage Dnotice()2.(xx石家庄42中模拟)If you go to visit London,dont forget to bring your _. Because it rains a lot.Apassport BmoneyCmap Dumbrella()3.(xx石家庄28中模拟)Its your _ as a teacher to protect your students.Aduty BhobbyChabit Dmanner()

6、4.Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of _Aknowledge BenergyCchange Dcourage()5.Its a good _ to have breakfast every morning.Ahabit BjobCmenu Dskill()6.I want to write for international _ to bee a writer.Achairs BputersCdoors Dmagazines()7.The Internet is very useful. W

7、e can get a lot of _ from it.Athings BtroublesCquestions Dinformation()8.Lin Shuhao is one of the best basketball _ in NBA.Aactors BplayersCwaiters Dwriters()9.Please pick me up at the _. My plane arrives at 8:00 am.Ahotel BairportCmuseum Dtheatre()10.(xx保定17中模拟)I will stay at _ when the summer holi

8、day e.Ahouse BhomeCfamily Dflat()11.Its kind of you to offer your _ to the old in the bus.Aseat BspaceCplace Droom()12.(xx张家口9中模拟)Now there are more and more new drivers,but they havent got a correct _ of direction.Aidea BfeelingCexperience Dsense【满分点拨】分析河北中考近几年单选和完形对名词辨析的考查,主要以语境辨析和近义词辨析为主。1语境辨析分析河


10、ide7clothes,cloth与clothing8photo,picture与drawing9population与people10road,street,path与way11exercise,exercises与practice12class与lesson13country,nation,state与land14police与policeman15trip,journey,travel与tour名词的数【考点抢测】一、词语运用1The students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many _ there.2All the _ teache

11、rs in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.3Im going to the supermarket to buy some milk and _ this afternoon.4Is that pair of _ a little cheaper?5These shoes are too big for my _二、 单项选择()6.(xx唐山友谊中学模拟)Hurry up,we just get a few _ to prepare for the presentatio

12、n.AminuteBminutesCchance Dchances()7.I gave a bunch(束) of _ to my mom on Mothers Day.Aflowers BflowerCflour Dflours()8.(xx保定13中模拟)Mom,Ive heard that we cant eat _ these days. Is it true?Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat.Achicken BchickensCa chicken Dthe chicken()9.Are there any _ in your s

13、chool?Yes,there are.AGermen BGermansCGerman DGermany()10.Do you have any _?Yes,I like chess and drama best.Ajobs BjobChobby Dhobbies【满分点拨】1名词的分类类别意义例词专有名词表示人、地方、事物、机构、组织等名称的词Alice,Canada,the Great Wall普通名词可数名词个体名词表示个体的人或事物的词book,desk,table,bike,plane集体名词表示一群人或一些事物的词family,class,police,team,group不可数名


15、ories以f或fe结尾一般变f,fe为v,再加esleafleaves;lifelives;halfhalves;knifeknives以o结尾o前为辅音音素时加es,o前为元音音素时加stomatotomatoes;heroheroes;potatopotatoes;radioradios;zoozoos;例外,photophotos;pianopianos复合名词将后一个词变为复数toothbrushtoothbrushes;filmgoerfilmgoers两部分都变复数man doctormen doctors;woman teacherwomen teachers特殊名词改变内部元

16、音字母footfeet;toothteeth;manmen;mousemice词尾加renchildchildren单复数同形ChineseChinese;sheepsheep;deerdeer注意:(1)由man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是把man改成men。但German不是合成词,故其复数形式为直接加s。(2)man和woman作定语时,其本身的单复数形式与被修饰词的单复数一致。如:a man teachermen teachers(男老师)a woman cookwomen cooks(女厨师)3常见不可数名词归纳及用法(1)常见的不可数名词物质名词食物bread面包mea

17、t肉cheese奶酪液体milk牛奶water水wine酒oil油自然物体soil土壤sand沙子wood木头抽象名词情感joy高兴friendship友情peace和平学科math数学geography地理physics物理chemistry化学概念population人口knowledge知识(2)不可数名词量化的表示不可数名词的多少可用以下词组来表示:a block of一块a bottle of一瓶a group of一群 a pair of一组,一双,一对a piece of一片(张,块) a pile of一堆短语a pair(piece)of复数名词作主语时,中心词是pair(p

18、iece)(pieces),故谓语动词用单数;若短语是two pairs(pieces)of复数名词作主语,则中心词是two pairs(pieces),谓语动词用复数。(3)可数与不可数易混归纳exercise(锻炼)some exercises(练习,训练)work(工作)works(著作)glass(玻璃)a glass(玻璃杯)paper(纸)a paper(报纸,证件,试卷)wood(木头,木材)a wood(小树林)room(空间)a room(房间)life(生活)seven lives(七条生命)名词所有格【考点抢测】1One of my _ homework wasnt ha

19、nded in today.(classmate)2When is _ Day?Its on June 1st,Dave.(child)()3.How far is your home from school?Its about two _ walk.Ahours Bhours Chours Dhour()4.(xx石家庄41中模拟)On the weekend,_ is so crowded that I can not find my friend.Athe center of the cityBcitys centerCcitys and centersDcitiess center()

20、5.(xx石家庄28中模拟)Mary is _,so please treat her as yours.Aa friend of me Ba friend of mineCa friend of you Da friend of yours【满分点拨】含有and的所有格用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示两人共同拥有某物,这时只在最后一个名词后加s,用A and Bs表示。如:Mrs. King is Lucy and Lilys mother.金女士是露西和莉莉的母亲。用and连接两个并列名词,表示分别拥有各自的物品时,两个名词都在词尾加s,用As and Bs表示。如:There are

21、Toms and Marys bags.这些是汤姆和玛丽的包。双重所有格两种形式:of名词所有格。如:He is a friend of my brothers.他是我哥哥的一个朋友。of名词性物主代词。如:Is she a daughter of yours?她是你的一个女儿吗?河北中考考点精练()1.(xx德州中考)The New York Times is a popular daily _.AdictionaryBmagazineCnewspaper Dguidebook()2.(xx广安中考)How many _ can you see in the picture?Two.Adog

22、 BchildCsheeps Dsheep()3.(xx凉山中考)_fathers didnt e to the meeting.Why?Because they have gone to Beijing.AJeffs and Amys BJeff and AmyCJeffs and Amy DJeff and Amys()4.(xx温州中考)Annie has a _,and she is going to see her dentist today.Acold BfeverCcough Dtoothache()5.(xx重庆中考A卷)Dave really likes driving.I

23、think being a _ is just right for him.Adoctor BteacherCfarmer Ddriver()6.(xx临沂中考)I live near the station.Its only about five _ walk.Aminutes BminuteCminutes Dminutes()7.(xx天津中考)In xx,Liu Xiangs _ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping.Aability BtradeCelectricity Dmemory()8.(xx承德2中模拟)Are all the stud

24、ents from _in your class?No,there are only 3 _in our class.The others are from other countries.AGermany;GermenBGermany;GermansCGerman;GermansDGerman;Germany()9.(xx武威中考)He has a collection of _He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters.Astamps BnovelsCinstruments Dmagazines()10.(xx兰

25、州中考)You paid ¥10 for _this morning.A4 bottle milksB4 bottles of milkC4 bottles of milksD4 milk()11.(xx邯郸25中模拟)None of them talked.They finished their meal in _Asilence BorderCplace Dpublic()12.(xx保定8中模拟)Whats your favorite,Jim?My favorite is _.I often listen to it on MP3.Asports BdanceCscience Dmusi

26、c()13.(xx河南中考)Is this photo taken in Tibet?Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountain in the _ of the photo.Aform BbackgroundCshape Dinstruction()14.(xx邢台金华中学模拟)Nowadays schools should care for the full _ of a students talents.Asatisfaction BdevelopmentCmunication Dpreparation()15.(xx济南中考)Im a little h

27、ungry now.I only drank some _ before I came to school.Abread BmilkCbanana Dnoodle()16.(xx宁夏中考)Listen! Who is singing?Its Betty.She has a sweet _.Asound BvoiceCnoise Dspeech()17.(xx石家庄40中模拟)There are fifty _ in our school.They are all friendly to us.Awoman teachers Bwomen teacherCwoman teacher Dwomen teachers()18.(xx张家口9中模拟)You look so young! How old are you?Aha! Its a_.Asuggestion BreasonCsecret Dproblem()19.(xx保定17中模拟)The customers are

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