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1、浙江工商大学英语讨论话题和翻译句子定稿大学英语(四) 1-7单元讨论话题13个 Unit 1 Talk about the power of humor and share the humorous story or typical joke with your classmates. What is your favorite film and why do you like it so much? Unit 2 Is Letter Writing Better than Calling? It is said that writing is better than calling. Im

2、afraid that I cant agree to it. With the rapid development of modern technology,cell phones have extremely been more and prevalent and crucial in our lives,and they bring us lots of convenience and entertainment. Sometimes there is an emergency, calling is the best choice. If you choose writing ,you

3、r friend will received your letter a few weeks later. It is very slow for us. If you have a lot to say,writing will spend your too much time. So you can say it once for all by calling. And you can hear your friends voice and feel the person who is talking with you is real. I think some people like t

4、o writing is unblamable. Each person has his own hobbies. But calling is very convenient for me. The world has already entered the age o f information and high technology . Calling is good for most people. Does criticism do more harm than good to people? Why? Unit 3 What are the characteristics of t

5、he ideal wife and the ideal husband? Who are teachers pets, boys or girls? How to avoid ge nder bias in classroom? U nit 4 Which should be emphasized in education, knowledge or creativity? What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a childs creativity? U nit5 What is your favorite sport?

6、How do you benefit from it? Should athletes be role models? Unit6 Why would people like to take risks? What are the links between health risks and environmental pollution? Unit 7 Talk about the similarities and differences between your expectations of college life and the reality. 大学英语(四)汉译英句子 Unit

7、1 1. 还在小时候,布利茨恩(Blizten)就会戏弄祖母,把她的拖鞋挪走。 Even when young, Blizten would tease Grandma by carrying her slippers away. 2.这个笑话的幽默之处在于第二位男士说他的妻子不是一位贵妇。 The humor lies in the fact that the second man is saying that his wife is not a lady. 3.一个真正有幽默感的人在任何聚会上常常是注意力的焦点。 The truly humorous individual is often

8、 the focus of attention in any gathering. 4.双关语与其他幽默形式相比需要更细微、更巧妙的语言技巧。 Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than other humor forms. 5.读者的乐趣就在于追随故事里隐含的线索。 The fun for the reader is in following the clues hidden in the story. 6.大多数侦探小说使读者感到不安,而不是慰藉。 Instead of being comforting,

9、most detective novels unsettle their readers. 7.在一场谋杀案打乱了人们的生活之前,这是一个安定、可预测的世界。 This is a world which is safe and predictable until a murder shatters peo ples lives. 8. 毫无疑问,音乐会继续发挥它的诱惑力。 There seems no doubt that music will continue to exert its attraction. Unit 2 The Power of W ords 1.因为那时我是个十几岁的小

10、伙子,所以他的话最鼓舞人心了。 Because I was a teenager then, his words couldnt have been more inspiring. 2.每当我怀疑自己不是当作家的料时,便会重温他的便笺。 Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread his note. 3.毫不奇怪,他的朋友圈子就像附近的伊利(Erie)湖那么大。 Not surprisingly, he has a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Eri

11、e. 4.我得知汤姆养成了一个给各行各业的人写快捷的便笺的习惯。 I learned that Tom made a habit of writing a quick note to people in all walks of life. 5.在一个惯于冷漠、无动于衷的世界上,这种便笺带来了温暖和安慰。 In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such notes bring warmth and reassurance. 6.他的便条不仅写给同事,还写给萍水相逢的和完全陌生的人。 His notes go not only to associ

12、ates, but to casual acquaintances and total strangers. 7.清新和热情会长久地回荡在读者的心灵中。 The freshness and enthusiasm will linger in the readers mind long afterward. 8.给我留下了深刻的印象的,是他每次真诚的反应。 What impressed me so much was his sincere response every time. Unit 3 Gender Difference 1.各种不同类型的行为和情感,既是由遗传也是由文化定型的。 V a

13、rious types of behavior and emotions are patterned by both heredity and culture. 2.在教育中存在一种偏爱男孩胜于女孩的文化偏见。 There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls. 3.那些成为积极的课堂参与者的学生会形成更积极的态度。 Those students who become active classroom participants will develop more positive attitudes. 4. 请男

14、生回答问题的次数远比女生多,这对学习过程有着巨大的影响。 Calling on males far more than on female students has a tremendous impact on the learning process. 5.有时候教师们不知不觉地阻止女孩像男孩一样积极地参与。 Sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented girls from participating as actively as boys. 6.男生作业做得马虎却受表扬,要是女生做这样的作业就得不到宽容。 Boys receive praise for

15、 sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls. 7.女孩子到九岁时数学一直比男孩子强,但此后便落后了。 Girls are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, but fall behind from then on. 8.即使男孩们占少数时,他们也得到老师们三分之二的注意力。 Boys get two-thirds of the teachers attention even when they are in a minority. Unit 4 Creativity 1.如

16、果迪克听从了他的老板,也许我们就不会有遮护胶带了。 If Dick had listened to his boss, we might not have masking tape. 2.有时犯傻是通向创造性的必要的一步。 Sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity. 3.创造性并非与生俱来,也不一定就是高智慧的特征。 Creativity is not something one is born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelli

17、gence. 4.许多教育者十分看重考试分数,往往为了正确的答案而牺牲了创造性。With strong emphasis on test scores, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers. 5.创造一个荒诞想法受到尊重和赞赏,而不是鄙视或不理会的环境是很重要的。It is important to create a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed. 6.即使是为了中美友谊,我们也并不特别感激这种干预。

18、Even for the sake of Chinese-American friendship, we were not particularly grateful for this intervention. 7.大人几乎毫不犹豫地干涉小孩成长的过程。 Adults feel little hesitation about intervening in the child-growing process. 8.在希望孩子怎样行事上,我们遇到了两种截然不同的态度。 We were dealing with totally different attitudes about the prefe

19、rred behavior for children. Unit 5 1.做个好榜样并不需要十全十美, 而且人们也不应该期盼完美。 Y ou dont have to be perfect to be a good role model, and people shouldnt expect perfection. 2.他显示出一个优秀者应具有的诸如诚实、毅力这些品格吗? Does he display the valueslike honesty and determinationthat are part of being a good person? 3.时刻处在公众的注视之下有时令人难

20、以忍受。 Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times. 4.如果孩子们心目中的英雄犯了错误,他们就不会觉得世界末日到了。 If the kids heroes should make mistakes, it wont seem like the end of the world to them. 5.要成为一名体育明星,你必须具备非凡的竞争意识。 To become a star athlete, you have to have an extremely competitive outloo

21、k. 6.他们变得很自负,表现得就像他们的运动生涯会永远辉煌下去。 They become conceited and behave as if their athletic success will last forever. 7.当他们因为享有特权便自认为可以为所欲为时,危险就随之而至。 The danger arises when they think that because they are privileged they can have anything they want. 8.人们期望运动员来充当社会的英雄是一种误导。 Its misguided for society to

22、 look to athletes for its heroes. Unit 6 1.在说不定的某个时候,我们大家都曾充当过疑病症患者的角色。 At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac. 2.然而对疾病的恐惧并非我们唯一的恐惧。同样患病的危险也并非我们唯一会 遇上的危险。 But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run. 3.现代生活中充满了各种各样的威

23、胁,诸如对我们生命的威胁,对我们未来的 威胁。 Modern life is full of all manner of threatsto our lives and our future. 4.风险几乎总是一个可能性的问题而无确定性可言。 Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty. 5.上面说的这一切,只是从另一角度说明我们所做的事没有一件是百分之百安 全的。 All of this is another way of saying that nothing we do is complete

24、ly safe. 6.但是即便你买得起,这笔额外的费用以及所带来的不便是否值得呢? But is the added cost and inconvenience worth the difference in price, even supposing you could afford it? 7.关键在于要让自己了解相应的风险,然后见机行事。 The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act accordingly. 8.风险管理需要两大要素:常识以及与我们可能要承担的风险的性质和程度相 关的信息。

25、 Risk management requires two things: common sense and information about the character and degree of the risks we may be running. Unit 7 1. 当你们没有按期交作业时,我们装作不在乎。 When your work came in beyond the deadline, we pretended not to care. 2.在过去的50年中,大学使你们丧失了得到充分培养的机会。 College has deprived you of adequate preparation for the last 50 years. 3. 在大学里,我们必须学会规划时间,学会容忍。 At college, we must learn to budget our time and to be tolerant. 4.我们与来自世界各地的人相识,开阔了我们的视野,使我们彼此加深了解。 We meet people from different parts of the world that broaden our view of the world and help us understand each other better.

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