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1、大学英语视听说教程3第二版答案doc大学英语视听说教程 3 第二版答案 【篇一:新世纪大学英语视听说教程 (第二版)第三册答案】p class=txtunit 1p2 a2e 3a 4b 5f 6d 7j 8g 9k 10i 11l 12h b andrew called to confirm the flight plans. becky stopped themail delivery. becky gave the keys to a friend and gave away the fresh foods.becky changed the voice mail message. an

2、drew paid the bills.andrew got the traveler s checks. andrew watered the plants.becky unplugged the electrical items. andrew turned off thelights. becky emptied the trash.p3 a water the plants b 2l 3p 4l 5p 6p,lp4 b mina can t remember where she put her passport. p8 optional listening1a flew four th

3、ree b. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8,optional listening2p9a 1. i haven t finished 2. i ve canceled 3. i ve picked up 4. i haven t taken 5. have you washed 6. i haven t cleaned 7. i ve watered 8. i ve given9.have you packed b.1. no, he didn t. 2. he confirmed all the flights.3. they wanted him to come in and water t

4、he plants for them.4. because the dog always looks scared.5. they want to use it again on their next vacation.optional listening3p10a 1.pre-trip planning2. tagging luggage 3. saving space 4. your carry-on bag 5. other ideas b. 1,3,6,9,bad 2,4,5,7,8,10, goodoptional listening 4 p11 a 1. theadvantages

5、 of traveling alone b.3, 4,6 c. 1. vacation college / research teamvolunteer 3. tours for: women only/ people over 60/ singleslooking forromance/finedining p13 a 1.abd 3.abcd b 2.false;her hands ,not aninterpreter 3. false;second, not first4. false; didn t have ,not had5. false; flight attendan

6、t,notpassenger 6.true p14 b cbabc p15 541 236 p16 (1) oh my gosh! (2) are you sure? (3) so strange (4) gotit (5) get traveler s checks (6)whew(7) pay the electricity andphonebills(8) change my voice mailmessage(9) i don tremember (10) howtrue(11) don t forget to unplug yourtv andelectrical stuff(12)

7、 donep17 a 2.boarding pass 3. check-in counter4.overheadcompartment 5.flight attendant6. oxygen mask 7.carry-onluggage8. baggage claim b a. when you arrive at the airport for yourflights, you go tothe check-in counter first. b. when your departing flight is announced,pick up your carry-on luggage an

8、d to thegate. c. before you get on the plane, you mustshow your boardingpass. d. when you enter the plane, you put yourluggage in theoverhead compartment. you may need to ask a flight attendantforhelp. e. before takeoff, you learn about safety.they show you how touse an oxygen mask in an emergency.

9、f. during the flight, you are served drinkson your tray table. g. after the flight is over, you go to thebaggage claim area toget your luggage. optional listening5p18 1. vacation 2. have some trouble preparing 3.totally relaxed 4. finished getting ready 5. confirm her flight 6. message thebill

10、s 8 are ready to go 9.checks to be sure 10. comes running backinunit 2p19 a dgcai jefkbhp20 1.1 2.2 3.1 4.2 5.1 6.2 7.2 8.1p21 b nice,roomy,two-bedroomoptional listening1 p24 a city zoob.1. car2.easy 3. church 4. park 5. three 6. two optional listening2p25a picture 1b.1. transportation, too muchtraf

11、fic on the streets, not enough places for safecycling and walking, dirtyparks, no nightlife2. improve transportation, build lanes forcyclists and walkers, clean the parks,build a theater optional listening3 p26 a 1. to make it safer for pedestrians to crossthe streets. 2. kids played there, and neig

12、hborsstopped there to talk. 3. to get away from the noise anddangerous traffic. 4. they put old couches, tables andplanters in the street. 5. the speaker means that streets belongto everybody in theneighborhood.they should become their “outdoor living room ”,and safe places forunit 2p19 a dgcai jefk

13、bhp20 1.1 2.2 3.1 4.2 5.1 6.2 7.2 8.1 p21 b nice,roomy,two-bedroom optional listening1 p24a city zoob.1. car2.easy 3. church 4. park 5. three 6. twooptional listening2p25a picture 1 b.1. transportation, too muchtraffic on the streets, not enoughplaces for safe cycling and walking, dirtyparks, no nig

14、htlife 2. improve transportation, build lanes forcyclists and walkers,clean the parks,build a theateroptional listening3p26a 1. to make it safer for pedestrians to crossthe streets. 2. kids played there, and neighborsstopped there to talk.3. to get away from the noise anddangerous traffic.4. they pu

15、t old couches, tables andplanters in the street.5. the speaker means that streets belongto everybody in the neighborhood.they should become their “outdoor living room ”,and safe places for5.mustn t 6, is forbidden optional stay cool 2. barbecue 3.grill 4.sprays 5. gets angry 6. pre

16、tendsto use7. try using 8 watch out 9.throws water all over 10. pretty funnyunit 3optional listening1p37a.childhood b.infant c.teenager d.grown-up e.young f.middle-agedp38 a ba b ffttftp39 take a trip,visit my cousins in england,rent a car p43a 2. war 3. 17 million b. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 optiona

17、l listening2a. 23: return and get a job30: become a father 50: retire p44b 1.onfriday at 2 p.m. 2. by taxi3. have a dinner at a restaurant4. go to the beach and swim 5.sunny and beautiful p46c tina vega: family moved to anothertown/ last year/ lonely/ smile at everyone frederick cho: lost his job/ t

18、hree weeks ago/ upset/exerciseeveryday hazel greene: death of a loved one/ five years ago/depressed/stay active andpositivep48 a 1.true 2.false; age 8, not 18 3.false;countries, not states in brazilb 2 miyuki:a 3.jennifer:d 4.martin:c p49 1no 2no 3.yes 4.yes p50 a sentences 1,3,5,6 are true.2.f

19、alse;is concerned(in sentence 2,concerned means worried or nervous.)4.false;isn t sure,not is sure7. false;plans to have some children,notdo esnt plan to 8. false;goes with the flow fits in withhis plans.(he is notwilling to give up his plans for the sake of chance)p51 (1) figure it out (2) it s not

20、 a big deal (3) plan on working my whole life(4)get out of(5)what are you planning to d o (6) i m definitely going to travel(7)what are yourplans? (8)pretty much (9) you know that for a fact?(10)you want tosucceed (11)clear-cut,well-defined goalsand aspirations. optional listening5p 531. excited 2.

21、program 3.promoted 4. transferred 5. big deal 6. quit her job7.right up to retirement 8 well-defined goals 9.keep his options open10. follows his plan unit 4p54 a 1sweat 2faint 3sneeze 4scratch 5cough 6shiver b cabdp55 a holiday cruise disease shortensholiday formany b dafbecp56 i have arash on my a

22、rm. i have a slight fever.p59 2e 3h 4g 5c 6a 7f 8bp60 optional listening1a cb. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 optional listening2 a picture bp61b. 1. drinking coffee 2. sleep at night 3. break that habit 4.wake up 5. advice6.suddenly7.get a headache 8, the amount of coffee 9. herbal tea10. in the morning11. do ex

23、ercises 12. feel tired optional listening3a 1. d 2.e 3.f 4.a 5. c6.bp62 p63optional listening4a 1. chaos 2. information fatigue syndrome 3. hurrysickness 匆忙症 4. underload syndrome 动力不足综合症 neck 电话脖 b. 2. information fatigue syndrome/ there is somuchinformation that people become paralyzed and

24、 can t think clearly/ nm 3. hurry sickness/ always rushing, get headaches a lot/takeaspirin 4. underload syndrome/ caused by havinglittle or nothing todo at the office/ nm 5. phoneneck/ pain in the neck, caused by holding the phonebetween your neck and yourear for a long time/ massage p65 a 2gian:go

25、 to the doctor3.malinda:gargle with hot waterand salt4.dave 5. kumiko:aloe vera 6.catherine:acupuncturep66 b 1.yes 2no 4. yes 5.yes 6.nop67 aabbab p68 (1)thank goodness (2) fainted (3) very tired (4)verylightheaded(5) nothing out of the ordinary (6)the worst thing is(7) how are you feeling? (8)

26、 feel dizzy(9) my stomach is killing me (10) have a fever (11)you ll feel better. (12) are you kidding? (13) what s the matter?(14) i t ake it (15) i m feeling pretty good.p69 a have a 2. man: we vebeennurse: i m sorry about that 3.nurse: the doctor will see are youfeeling

27、? ian: a sore throat 5. doctor: this it three times a day man:ok.thank you,doctor. p70【篇二:新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)】p class=txtunit 1 enjoy the colorful campus life! ii basiclistening practice 1. c)2. d)3. b)4. d)5. a) iii listening in task 1 (1) the first day (3) really good (2)

28、 changing (4) hard workers (6) explained (8) wednesday (10)education(5) went over her head (7) notes (9) participation task 2 (1) extra training (3) accounting (5) better potential (7)challenging(2) chemistry (4) many fields of study (6) business degree (8) how to learn(10) narrow-minded(9) better u

29、nderstanding task 3 1. b)2. c)3. d) 4. a) 5. d)iv speaking out model 1 (1) already i feel like i ve learned a lot (2) i already feel like i m up to my ears in homework (3) have tohit the books (4) rub off on you(5) probably, you ll have no repeat the year (6) i ll be burning the midnight oil. model

30、2(1) how i m going to stay awake (2) he could put the entire basketball team to sleep-during thechampionship game (3) she s tough (4) no pain, no gain (5) he usually fails half on the students (6) i m bored to deathmodel 3 (1) what are your primary duties as a professor (2) i do a lot ofresearch and

31、 writing (3) teaching is an important part of being a professor (4)applying for grants to fund my research (5) being a professorsounds pretty competitive (6) so you get an f in this course vlet s talk (1) quality (4) difficult (7) cut(2) young(3) 25 (6) quality (9) afford (12) blame (15) service(5) government (8) extra-cautions (11) more(10) experience (13) budget(14) puzzledvi furthering listening and speaking listening task 1(1) standardized tests(3) interest

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