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1、海南省中考英语科试题及标准答案海南省201年初中毕业生学业考试英语 科 试 题(考试时间:90分钟 满分:120分)第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分分).听句子选图画(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)看图听句子,选出与句子意思一致的图画。每个句子读一遍。 . 2. 3. . 5 情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。6. A ts¥. B Its 10:5. . ts K.7A. I doesn ater. .Ido knw. Ye,youe ih.8. A. Tothe supemarke B. For two ays. . Wit i

2、l.9. .oure ecome. B Aligt C Wl done!10.A. Thesame to yuB. Sodsgrat . , I hven.对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。11. Whihoo dos Timlebest?A. le. B. Green. Whte. 12 What ae telephone nuber? A 890452. . 890662. . 8946513. Howmany oksre there i Jacsschobag? A. w. . Tre. . Four. he

3、does mofe go to he lirary? A.O ridays. B. Satrdays. C. O Sundas.15. ht wl the weaterbe iketomorrw? A. Cld. .Wrm. Hot.短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分分)根据你所听到的短文内容,选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。6. Te oic of hina started on _13t, 201. A.June B.uly CAugus7 hagYuxis rom _. .Beijig B.aipi . Sanghi18. Zhng Yuxa s a wmn wih_.A.a big nos

4、e B. short hr C. ide outh19. r fvoriteier is _ . Den Lijun B. Hanng . Song uying0. Musi cabringZhgYa _ A. op ad happness . knowlge and hope C happiss an knowlge 第二部分 笔试(共六大题,满分00分)单项选择(共20小题,每小题分,满分20分)A) 单词辨音 找出画线部分与其他单词发音不同的选项。(分)1A.bck B. fac C. a 22 Acut B luck . fn.A. only B. city rply24.A. mt

5、B ea C. hevy25. h B. whe C. seB) 选择填空 从A、B、三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)26 Une Ligofen drink_ cup of tea at 4:0 in h aftrnoon. A.te B. Ca2Kte, cme hre ndhae lok_ ynew camer. A. lik B a . r28.Whh isthe sign f “o rghttr”? A . 2 his T-shirt oks cool on you _. A Thnk yo B Nt at all C.Youd etter ot30.e mst

6、_ me ree t improve our enionm. A plnt B. cut C. burn3. Oa th cities i aian, Sasha is _. . oung B.youner the ounet2 Now wstll _ nd the missi lan. What it! A net . cant .should3. _ oyouwah CCTV News? Amst eey day. A. Hw ong B.What ime C.o often34.Here omes e school bus. Lts_one by one. A. geto . get u

7、 C. et on35. Dlke atting n hehonor by Q? _. pfer tous Wehat(微信). A Neithr ith C. oh36. halle go otfo wk, ill?Im fradnot. t _ outsid ow A waraning B.raied .i rainn3. Dot orget_ u amen the test per .write wite dw C. writing do38. he began to cry _ sehar the bad nes. A soon as B. if C. nti3. Whos

8、 th bay in the to?It me. Te hoto _ tn yes g. .to B. was taen C astaking40 Do yu kow _? Ys. Its on your bl. A hre myditionary s wheei ydconary . henougtm ditonary.完形填空(共小题,每小题分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。ear Sly,ou you leas list to e carefuly? Iknw had fih with ormothelst igt adoure s

9、il 41 n.Thesday,yu dint o to e unil 11 pm. Aftr dog your omework, lwys 42 fora lng ime. You said t was yr way to relax. In ct, not eng 43 mdey very ired.Youen fel aep inclass. Wht wsors, you 44 e Enlis estLat night,your motrtold ou otto play coterame nd sh wantd youtoo o bed 4 . What id o? In a ery

10、46 voice, yo dheryoueredonyourwrk o te comper hen yu closed our dorand 47 totlk o hrMybe odn ralizu haeur 48 he les ouo much. Seis worried abut ot nly yr stud, butasoyour49 .Im sure she doen mnd hthr yoll a oryo not, 50 tlast you houd say smthing ike “od mning”. Along as(只要)ysaysomethin, or mowill f

11、eel bette ko you ov he, ooI hopyu wil e y again. ad41. .glad .cam C any42. A. wathed TV B. pydcomputergams. lisene music4.A. fo Bater C. leep4. A.fl B. passed .d5. A te .ear . qitly6. A. lud B. low C so. A. deidd B. geed . refused48. .hr B. him C. me49.A. mals B cmpute C. halh0. A. C. or 阅读理解(共

12、15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列三篇语言材料,根据语言材料的内容,从每小题所给的A、三个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。 Pter as fm Jaa.ncehe wnt t ndi for a st Onhe last day,etooka axito th airprt O the wa, aonda a drove pst thetax.H saw it romthwindo and shoutd excitedy, “Honda,rst! Made i Jn!” te a wie, Tooa dovps the taxi. Again, helooke ut

13、 of the windo ad oute, “Toyta, eryfas! Madei aan!”A thena Mitsubishdroepast thaxi o the hrd tie,e look out othe indoandshtd, “Mtsubshi, vrys! Made Japan!” etaxi drve was alitle a, but he sainoh Andtswt for que nber of s. Fnally, th txi m tte airor “800 rpes(卢比)!” said the drive. etr cied ot, “Wha? a

14、 a shortride. Wsmuc?” Ten the drivr soutd back,“Mete(计价器),made n I. Ver,vry fast!”51. etrwent to tharort _ A. byai B. bbs tai2. Hoda, Toyta nMitsuiirecarsaden_. Chia B. Indi C. an5. Peter thouh Japanese ca _. . looke nceB. nst . old ll54 The diver akd Peer to pay _ rupes rtheride. 600 B700 C 80

15、55 From theasage we know tedriver was _ ma A. azy B cleer .shGifgvings different frctutocuture adpersonto esn. I Cin,yuust neeivecloc to Chines pernbeusethound of the word for “coc”is simlar to the und of “death” And knife is ot ood gif. hiese ople thinkit an t a fienship Also, dot wap(包装) iftin whi

16、te,black or blue paper. or Chiepopl aru thwold, d is aluckycoor Hweve, do yu knowhatnSouth Krea, rd is a coloof dea? In German, fyou aenvitd to dinner, flowers ae usallyoo gfts take. ut co oes matte we givngflowers, epall ose. Rd rses ae usaly for love, o you shouldntgi tem to a prn youdot know very

17、 well o an give yellowrs iead, tese area symbo friedhip. Youca alsosen pink rosesto say“than yo”.Bsies, Germas dont takethirteenof anythin Bt Rssi, s to givtirt osmethig as gifts. Oe ore thingyuoud reeeris a perosrelgion(宗教). Whe you hoosea git o Muslim(回教徒的)riend,yo hud never gve them ok orwne.56.

18、A _might be a good gft fo a Chines. A. lock .flr C knife57 d isa clrf _ i South Krea . lck B. deat C friedsip58. If o want t saythanks to a emn, ou ased_oses. . red . yellow . pik9. Wch of e folowing i TRUE? A. goodt rap gifts in lue pe inChina.B. Yu must en Russns 13flowers. .A uslim fied ha wineas

19、 gft 60. Tispssage is miy aot _. . gfiig B. gift receiin C. giftsharingCDeckKyongo s a busiesmanfrom a fin coty. He ovd the USA n te early 10. ene firs rie,h stayed a ahtlin Phildlpi. H notcedthat te otelorke pua newbr(块) ofoa in his rom eery mrning, even he hd onl ud th ld baronce. Thehtl gve ach g

20、uet a nw bar of ap ee day and hrwaay th used bs. Kyongo wa urpised t earn thatmny other hotels inteUSA dd th sm thn. Hethought that iold be etter to colect he used sop and ive it topoorpope n dvelopingcountries.ach year, many children in developig countries diefrm dieas(疾病)ausd bycte.oplea easly pre

21、vtsh dises bywshng theihandswth soap. In a, 29,Kyngo set u rganizio called he Globa Sop Poject. So far,oer 6 tels a joed it hshotels clee ars of soaadse tm to thorantion.Volunteers dividehe soapintdifeent types. Thy ar arefulto put bas withh samecolr and ml ogehe.Thebars ad makethem it newones. Fina

22、ly, hrganization keshe e op to dvelong countriesand hands it out o peple wo eed it. Kaongotinks htte work of the organiation i importnt It helps o prvent dieasesand reces(减少) astfom hoel61. When Derk Kayongo firtrrved inheUSA, he fund _.A.gess usall tok sohmefrmhotelsB. wokesaoels ougtsa heselesC. hotel tere hrawyaoo soa62. errec ayogo colleted sap _ A. a one B. helppopple . eveop a hby6. Theuerlid wrd “bacteria” meas “_” in Cin

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