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1、天津外国语大学英语语言文学计算机辅助语言学习方向历年考研真题汇编目录2014年天津外国语大学801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题I. Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Directions: Translate the underlined three paragraphs in the following essay into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.母亲井陈延禄儿时记忆越来越模糊,惟村中那口老井,仍历历在目,忘却不了。老井建于何时,已无从考证。父亲说


3、见面,特别是收工以后和到傍晚的时候,担水的人特别多,吱吱扭扭的响声,扑踏扑踏的脚步声陆陆续续,井台就成为乡亲们沟通的最佳场所。打水的人们非常有秩序,壮的谦让弱的,男的谦让女的,遇上力气小的,就有力气大的过来帮忙摇轳。更多的人在等待的时候,放下肩上的挑子,一屁股儿坐在架在两只桶上的扁担上,从裤兜里掏出纸和旱烟,用手捋着,就卷好一支烟,也顺便友好地捏一撮烟叶,递给没带烟的人。于是人们一边逍遥地吞云吐雾,一边拉着家常讲着故事,开一些无伤大雅的玩笑,惬意的笑声总在井边荡漾。一切疲劳和烦恼在这里烟消云散。此时的牛羊也在黄昏的夕照里慢悠悠地回来了,畅饮着井旁木槽里清净的水,姿态安适。 II. Critic

4、al Writing (40 points) Directions: Read the following passage and write an essay on it. Reform policies issued by a few provinces and municipalities in China on the Gaokao, or the National College Entrance Exam, in 2014, tend to start with the English test, such as the lowering of the share of Engli

5、sh scores in Beijing and the deletion of the listening comprehension part from the English exam in Shandong. The phenomenon has triggered quite a debate over its impact on the teaching of English and Chinese in China, on Gaokao itself, on Chinas efforts for internationalization, on fairness and some

6、 other aspects. Participate in the debate with an essay of around 300 words with a title of your own choice, a clearly stated view point, and detailed analysis to support your view point. Section Eight:计算机辅助语言学习方向部分 (70 points) This section is set for applicants to the MA program of Computer-based L

7、anguage Learning. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. Directions: Please answer the following questions in English and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1) Suppose that you have been admitted by a graduate program of a prestigious university and you are invited to a class of first-year

8、undergraduate English majors to share with them your successful experience as an English major. What do you think are the THREE most important points you are going to highlight and why? 2) Some students are not at all happy during the four years in the English major program because they do not like

9、English and it is their parents who forced them to specialize in English after high school. As a professional teacher, how would you motivate such students? 3) One professor is popular among her English major students. When asked her attitude toward teaching methods, she said that methods are not im

10、portant compared with the teachers English proficiency and that in her teaching experience she either is not aware of what method she is using or refers to how she had been taught as a student. What is your comment on such attitude toward teaching methods? 2. Multiple Choice: (10 points) Directions:

11、 For each blank bracket in the following questions, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the letter that represents the best answer, and write the number of the question and the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. 1) _ is the physical aspect of the computer that can be seen. A.

12、 Hardware B. Software C. Operating System D. Application Program 2) _ is the brain of a computer. A. Hardware B. CPU C. Memory D. Disk 3) Why do computers use 0 and 1? A. because combinations of zeros and ones can represent any numbers and characters. B. because digital devices have two stable state

13、s and it is natural to use one state for 0 and the other for 1. C. because binary numbers are simplest. D. because binary numbers are the bases upon which all other number systems are built. 4) One byte has _ bits. A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16 5) _ is a device to connect a computer to a local area network

14、(LAN). A. Regular modem B. DSL C. Cable modem D. Network Card 6) Computer can execute the code in _. A. machine language B. assembly language C. high-level language D. none of the above 7) _ is an operating system. A. Java B. C+ C. Windows XP D. Visual Basic 8) _ is a program that runs on a computer

15、 to manage and control a computers activities. A. Operating system B. Java C. Modem D. Compiler 9) In computer language history, three stages are _ A. Machine language, Basic and C B. Binary language, Assembly and Fortran C. Machine language, Assembly and C+ D. Machine language, Assembly and High-le

16、vel language 10) In computer system, software refers to _ A. instructions executed by CPU B. programs manipulated by users C. data stored on disks D. program, data and relevant documents 3. Multiple Choices: (10 points) Directions: For each blank bracket in the following questions, there are five ch

17、oices marked A, B, C, D and E and at least two of the answers are correct. Write the number of the question and the letters to present your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. 1) The speed of the CPU is measured in _. A. megabytes B. gigabytes C. megahertz D. gigahertz 2) Which of the following are storage

18、 devices? A. floppy disk B. hard disk C. flash stick D. CD-ROM 3) _ is instructions to the computer. A. Hardware B. Software C. Programs D. Keyboards 4) _ is an object-oriented programming language. A. Java B. C+ C. Pascal D. C# E. C 5) _ is not an output device. A. Flash disk B. Keyboard C. Mouse D

19、. Printer E. Hard disk 4. Comprehension Questions. Write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 1) List the main components of the computer. (10 points) 2) Consider Narcissistic Number: Narcissistic number is a three-digit number equal to the sum of its digits raised to the 3rd power. For in

20、stance, 371 is narcissistic because 33 + 73 + 13 = 371. Write a program using C, Java or whatever programming language you are familiar with, to find all Narcissistic number. (10 points) 2013年天津外国语大学801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题科目名称:英语语言文学I. Chinese-English Summary Translation (40 points)Directions: Wr

21、ite a summary of the following essay in about 200 English words. 作为文化事件的“于丹被轰”肖鹰作为一个被媒体和市场联手打造的文化符号,“国学超女于丹”这两年来多少有些沉寂。然而,11月17日在北大百年大讲堂举办的一场昆曲商演上发生的于丹被观众轰下台一事,又将于丹推到了公众视线的焦点上。关于此事,已有现场视频流传于网络,情形是简单明白的:当昆曲节目表演结束,进入谢幕时,以10位昆曲界着名艺术家伫立作背景,主持人请于丹上台讲话,身着超短裙、黑色长丝袜和超高跟鞋的于丹在观众喝倒彩声中走上舞台。当于丹在接受台上一位老艺术家献花之后开始讲






27、这场大家荟萃的高雅艺术演出上呢?根本原因是这些年来,市场经济快速扩张,引导了流行文化的过度发展,乃至于作为流行文化符号的若干明星同时成了高雅文化的代言人,这实质上是流行文化对高雅文化的侵蚀,而高雅文化流行化,是2000年以来中国文化的普遍状态。正是在这个状态下,主办方才将“于丹”引用为这场高端昆曲专业演出的“总结性”符号。现场观众抵制流行文化的商业符号“于丹”,就是高雅文化重新对流行文化说“不”。“于丹被轰”,作为一个文化事件,是开启高雅文化自我重申的一个契机。(作者系清华大学哲学系教授,原载东方早报2012年11月20日)II. Critical Writing (40 points)Dir

28、ections: Respond to the following passage in an essay of 270 to 300 words with a title of your own choice, a clearly stated central argument, and details/examples to support the argument. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. It has been observed that Chinese teenagers physical fitness has been on

29、the decline in the past two decades. For fear of accidental emergencies, some high schools and universities in Hubei, Shanxi and Guangdong suspended or even cancelled)middle and long distance races at the school sports meet in the fall of 2012. III. This part consists of seven sections. Answer the q

30、uestions set for the program for which you are making the application. Write your answers or your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. (70 points)Section G:计算机辅助语言学习(70 points)This section is set for applicants to the MA program of Computer-based Language Learning. Write the question numbers and your an

31、swers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. Answer the following three questions in English. (30 points)1) Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a book by Amy Chua published in 2011. The complete subtitle of the book is: “This is a story about a mother, two daughters, and two dogs. This is supposed to be a story of how Chinese parents are better at raising kids than Western ones. But instead, its about a bitter clash of cultures, a fleeting taste of glory, and how I was humbled by a thirteen-year-old.”What do you think of a “tiger mother”?2) Professor Wa

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