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1、1英语试题Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. thingsD _ imp

2、ossible in the past are common today.A)to consider B)consideringC)being considered D)considered17. _A_ fails to see this .A)Whoever B)Whatever C)Anyone D)Who was not a single person _D_ thought you were right.A)which B)whose C)he D)butll lend you my computer _D_ you promise to take care of it.A)unle

3、ss B)while C)as D)if would have come sooner but I _C_ that you were waiting.A)havent known B)hadnt known C)didnt know D)have known mother told me that he _B_ read quite well at the age of five.A)would B)could C)should D)might Yellow River is _B_ river in China.A)the longest B)the second longest C)se

4、cond longer D)the second longer _C_ to see his uncle.A)he goes B)goes he C)does he go D)he does go,like all boys,_D_ cars very much.A)like B)are liking C)liking D)likes she arrived, _A_.A)direction B)place C)location D)course Section BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You sho

5、uld fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.,1937,is the historic date when Britain(join) _ the Common Market. would rather you(come)_ yesterday. employer gave his(accept)_ to the workers want t

6、o get something(read)_ during the vocation. have lived in Chongqing for several accustomed to(eat)_ hot food. though(give)_ every opportunity,they would not recommend this book for children for its(simple)_ .33.(theory)_ methods are sometimes useless outside of the laboratory. are poor children with

7、out homes,who sleep in the streets,and live in(miserably)_. is by far(active)_ member in our group.答案: come read most active Task1Direction: After reading the following passage,you will find5questions or unfinished statements, each question or statement there are4choices marked A),B),C)or D).You sho

8、uld make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Our environment is getting worse and worse with the increase of the world population,which affects the environment in two ways. Firstly,the limited energy resources will be used up

9、 much faster. Secondly,the increasing population creates more pollution,another severe problem that needs to be solved. Both problems are long-term ones because actions taken now show their results slowly over many years. They are also urgent because delays in action can lead to great suffering and

10、social problems. The question seems to be difficult to handle for most people. However,a person can be a protector of environment in everyday life if he takes actions to save the . With the development of technology,cars make transportation easier and quicker than before,but we cant ignore the disad

11、vantages brought to us by more and more cars in use. For example,we are consuming gasoline(汽油),which is a non-renewable(无法更新的)resource,and will soon be gone. Moreover,the exhausted gas from cars pollutes our air,and our health is therefore threatened by air pollution,which has a big potential effect

12、 on our daily life.So we can consider walking,taking buses,carpooling(合用汽车),instead of driving cars alone. This seems to be a very slow process that cant be so effective if its taken by a single person. But when more and more people become aware of the importance and positively take it as their pers

13、onal responsibilities. The condition of the air will be improved to a great extent. to the writer,the main problem to our environment today is _A_.A)the increase of population B)the limited energy resources C)the more serious air pollution D)the development of technology the passage,we can know that

14、 _D_.A)effective measures can be taken mainly by the government B)taking measures now can soon improve the environmentC)immediate measures can cause great suffering and social problemsD)every single persons action has some effect on environment protection authors main purpose in writing this passage

15、 is most probably to _B_.A)complain about peoples slow actions to protect the environment B)advise people to take actions to protect the environment C)show himself to be an active environment protectorD)point out the bad effects of technologies in protecting environment author believes that carpooli

16、ng C_.A)can give help to those without cars B)can save people money and timeC)can save energy resources and reduce air pollutionD)can promote friendship among drivers passage is mainly about _B_.A)energy resources saving B)environment protection C)population control D)air pollution Task2Directions:

17、This task is the same as or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.First aid(急救)is the care given to the injured or sick as soon as possible after an accident or is this immediate care and attention before the arrival of the ambulance(急救车)that sometimes means the difference between life an

18、d death,or a full or partial recovery.First aid has limitations,as not everybody is a doctor or expert,but it is a key element of the total medical system.The principle to be adopted in first aid is immediate action. By-standers(旁观者)or relatives not knowing what to do,or being too fearful to try,hav

19、e unwisely contributed to unnecessary deaths and worse injuries.It is important that any action taken by the first aid provider is started as quickly as possible. Quick action is necessary to save life and parts of the body. One who is not breathing effectively,or is bleeding(流血)heavily,requires imm

20、ediate help. If is provided,then they have a much better chance of a good recovery.But it should be remembered that any action taken is to be the most careful,and fright(恐惧)by the first aid provider and by-standers will not be good to the whole thing. Try to remain calm and think your actions throug

21、h. A calm and controlled first aider will give everyone confidence that the event is being handled efficiently and effectively. writer seems to suggest that if you dont know much about first aid,you should _B_.A)call for help from professionals B)still try to helpC)stand by and not try to help D)lea

22、rn it from a doctor to the passage,some injured or sick people died as a result of _A_.A)other peoples hesitation to offer first aid B)unprofessional first aid C)unnecessary first aidD)unwise suggestions by by-standers of the following is TRUE according to the passageCA)One should not apply first ai

23、d to the injured without knowing the case of the accident.B)It is easy to carry out first aid if one has the necessary facilities.C)First aid is an important part of the whole treatment.D)First aid may not be effective before a doctor or expert comes. most important thing in providing first aid is t

24、o _D_.A)call for an ambulance B)prevent bleeding C)know what to do D)act quickly offering first aid,the helper should _A_.A)be self-controlledB)have others to assist him C)have person D)get rid of the by-standers Task3Directions: The following is a general introduction to the preparation of Speaking

25、 Notes. After reading it,you are required to complete the outline below it( through ).You should write your answer briefly(in no more than4words)on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Before making a speech,we often need to make brief speaking notes. You can put them on cards no smaller than150 in larg

26、e and bold letters that you can see at a glance,using a series of brief headings to develop the information in sufficient detail. The amount of information you include in your notes will depend on the complexity(复杂性)of the subject,your familiarity with it,and your previous speaking experience. Here

27、are some steps for you to follow when preparing brief speaking notes.First,you should write a summary,or an outline,of the project to be reported and the results achieved. Then an introduction follows. This includes background information and purpose of the project. Next comes discussion. In this pa

28、rt,what has been done,how it has been done and the results achieved should be dealt with. At the fourth step,you have two choices: one is the conclusion if the project is completed. The other is the future plan if the project is still in progress. At last,a summary should be prepared. In this part,y

29、ou should give a brief summing-up,plus a question-and-answer period.Speaking Notes PreparationWords to be written: in _46_ lettersMeans of developing information: using a number of _47_ Steps of making speaking notes:1)work out an outline2)write _48_ 3)deal with the subject4)draw _49_ at the end of

30、the project,or make a _50_ if the 5)give a summary答案: and bold headings introduction conclusion planTask4Directions: The following is a list of facilities in a school. After reading it,you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters

31、on the Answer Sheet,numbered 51 through 55.A Networked computer stations; dial-in accessB Campus-wide area networkC Computers and a laser printer in each classroomD Private directories for all students and staffE Mail for staff and studentsF Interactive distance learning stationsG Instructional media centerH Stu

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