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1、综合教程何兆熊UnitUnit课后翻译答案Unit 11. Thanks to the modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2. That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived.3. The videotape and the story by the wo

2、men filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4. in that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5. the construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed u

3、ntil 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6. in 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a masters degree.7. It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm.8. It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, bu

4、t as a director Xie Jin did it.Unit 21. many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.2. their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife.3. for artistic inspiration, the artist live

5、d in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life.4. Im not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. Its at the mercy of the weather.5. when he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pu

6、rsued a career as a writer all his life. 6. Shes taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace to her parents.7. since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in contrast that of some developed countries has declined.8. the earthquake isolated the city from other

7、areas. Their food supplies will not hold out through the winter. Unit 31. the fans waited anxiously in the rain for two hours before the super girl finally showed up.2. they had been in love for 8 years and gone through many agonies, before they finally got married.3. I was upset by the loss of my w

8、allet, but I could only console myself-it could have been worse. What if I had lost my passport at the airport?4. given that he was young and inexperienced, his performance in his first movie was excellent.5. every time he left on business, the manager would authorize his assistant to act for him, a

9、s the business of the company couldnt wait.6. the poor old man did not have much to eat, but he kept healthy because he believed in the benefit of doing exercise.7. of all the ancient civilization, only that of China endured through the ages and is still full of vitality.8. like many other writers,

10、this young writer focuses on the eternal theme of love. What sets him apart from others is his keen observation of rural life in China.Unit 41. children may swim here provided that they are accompanied by adults,2. this American journalist made a fool of himself over his remarks about China, because

11、 hes been out of touch with whats been happening in the country in the past three decades,3. every person has the right to education, regardless of his family background, sex, and age.4. the invention of the Internet, despite the fact that it has given rise to some problems, has greatly facilitated

12、almost every aspect of our life, including education, medicine, and business.5. never overlook your travel insurance when you are planning to spend your holiday abroad; otherwise you might find yourself in great trouble if any accident should occur,6. in the movie that billionaire was faced with a d

13、ilemma-either divorce his wife, who would then carve out half of his financial empire, or murder her at the risk of being found out by the police,7. as the husband lost his job in the financial crisis, the new couple had to cut down on a lot of things-furniture, clothes, records, books, and so on.8.

14、 over 30 years ago, right after the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping told the people that the only way out laid in reform and opening up to the outside world. Unit 51. this film actor is more inclined than most people to help the handicapped because he himself suffered a stroke ten years ago.2. th

15、e old man is afflicted with rheumatism, but he still goes jogging and climbs mountains every day.3. some of the flaws in the American financial system, which had never received due attention, eventually led to disastrous consequences.4. he held on to his shares of that company when the prices were d

16、ropping sharply last year. Now he has made a fortune.5. just dismiss the idea from your mind-its crazy and not worth thinking about at all.6. we were all set to leave for the holiday in New York when the 9/11 incident shook the world.7. if you think I have a magic formula to solve the problem, you a

17、re bound to be disillusioned.8. that Japanese company succeed in penetrating the US TV market.Unit 61. our group was assigned to decorate the garden while the others were preparing the food in the kitchen.2. on the battlefield the young man was delighted to meet a long-lost brother who came out of t

18、he blue.3. who has used up the milk? There is none to put in my coffee.4. rumor has it that this painting is fake and that the original one was stolen three years ago.5. one person may not be able to change much, but working together well be able to make a great difference to our country.6. many bur

19、glaries took place because the owners failed to take the precaution of locking their doors and windows.7. the minster flew to the front to negotiate with the rioters in an effort to prevent a civil war.8. I assumed you knew each other because I saw you talking to each other at the party.Unit 71. he

20、was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with the result that he missed the final exam.2. as many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enough handouts to go round.3. no matter what a long day he may have, he makes a point of checking his e-mail inbox before going to bed.4.

21、unemployment is found in all countries in the world, but governments vary in their way to handle the problem.5. anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting.6. the football fans were very disappointed at the performance

22、 of the players of both teams.7. never take what he says at face value. Think it over yourself.8. the doctors words removed his fears about the operation. Unit 81. after months of negotiation, the two company finally came up with a solution, which was in essence our original proposal.2. the people o

23、f that African tribe worship the moon in much the same way that our ancestors worshipped the sun.3. it is still a puzzle as to how the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built over 4000 years ago. Some people speculate that they were built by supernatural beings.4. the illegal use of inferior building m

24、aterials eventually resulted in the collapse of the hotel.5. at present, many countries are taking action to mitigate the impact of the financial crisis on their economy.6. the couple finally divorced after years of incessant quarrels, which had resulted from a lack of understanding.7. the governmen

25、t of the two countries agreed to set up a military hotline to reduce the risk of war due to incorrect information.8. some Chinese students were not very successful in American universities because they failed to adapt to the environment there. Unit 91. in October, 1935, the Chinese Red Army, having

26、endured all the hardships and sacrifices, finally made their way to the north of Shanxi Province.2. in the economic crisis, the government released a statement, calling upon the people to buy local products as far as possible.3. the politicians in various countries are trying to harness nuclear ener

27、gy and restore the safe environment for the human race.4. he didnt hear the doorbell because he was rapt in his work.5. this country suffers from frequent riots because of widespread extreme poverty, as well as peoples inherent distrust of the corrupt government.6. in his lecture on the current econ

28、omic situation, the economist used a lot of figures on the PPT to underline the seriousness of the crisis.7. he answered with a smile, Not at all. I did this as much for you as for myself.8. a man is measured not by what ha says, but by what ha does for his country and people.Unit 101. he cant even

29、draw a distinction between French and Spanish, not to say speaking them.2. in a craze for cultural relics in the 1990s, old chinaware, such as those handed down from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, were much sought after by collectors.3. despite the opposition of most of his advisors, the general decid

30、ed to take his chances on the battle and suffered a total defeat in the end.4. the Chinese nation has stood up to the vicissitudes of thousands of years and is now in the process of rejuvenation.5. I wish you would confine your talk to the facts rather than spread word about the biased report in tha

31、t newspaper.6. the first thing he did after his arrival in Paris was to convert all his money into Euros.7. that Shakespearean play was tailored to the taste of the Chinese audience when it was put on the Chinese stage, so much so that it was more like a Chinese play than an English one,8. you must

32、abandon your native language for some time,if you really want to acquire a good competence in English.Unit 111. as my article was over 10,000 words, I finally had to cut out several paragraphs to satisfy the requirements of the academic journal.2. there is no running away from the facts, so we must face up to the truth and pay for our mistakes.3. that year, despite the car accident, he was promoted to the next grade after he passed all the exams required by the school.4. the intellectu

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