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1、四级笔试新题型模拟题051.What does the man advise the woman to do?A) Make a complaint. B) Change her car dealer. C) Cancel the order. D) Buy a cheap one. 正确答案为A你错选为D!解析:音频中男士建议女士跟他的经理谈一下,可见是在建议女士进行投诉,所以选A。ScriptM: During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business.W: But som

2、ehow or other they were able to hang on.2.What can we infer from the conversation?A) Many businesses went bankrupt in the depression. B) The company survived the depression. C) The Smiths was a family business. D) The Smiths was an influential local business. 正确答案为B你错选为A!解析:音频中女士提到,史密斯一家想办法坚持了下来(som

3、ehow or other they were able to hang on),可见他们熬过了经济萧条期,所以选B。Script M: You know, even with Lucies salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay all the bills. W: Its true. Things are so expensive nowadays that its very difficult to make ends meet.3.What does the woman mean?A) They should share t

4、he bills. B) They would go bankrupt. C) She earns more than Lucie and the man combined. D) Daily expenses are too much for people today. 正确答案为D你错选为B!解析:音频中女士提到,现在的东西都非常贵,要想收支平衡都很困难,make ends meet是收支平衡的意思。可以推断出,对人们来说现在的日常开支太大了,所以选D。Script W: Wow! What a great set of drums! M: Theyre great, but I cant

5、 play on them when my folks are at home. They say I drive them up a wall with all the loud banging. 4.Why couldnt the man play the drums when his family is at home?A) Because the noise annoys them. B) Because he plays badly. C) Because they are not interested in music. D) Because they want to enjoy

6、family time. 正确答案为A你错选为D!解析:音频中男士提到,他敲鼓的话他的家人会很气恼。Drive sb. up the wall 是惹恼、使生气的意思,所以选A。ScriptW: Have you seen their house lately? Its really gone to the dogs.M: Its true, but I guess withsomerepair work and some paint it could look pretty decent.5.What does the woman think of the house?A) It can be

7、 fixed up to look like new. B) It is in serious need of repair. C) The owner keeps many dogs there. D) The house is not worthy of repairing. 正确答案为B你错选为A!解析:音频中女士说他们的房子go to the dogs。这是英语中的一个习语,意思是“急剧恶化”,由此可知这所房子现在状况很差,急需维修,所以选B。Script M: I know that the children get in your hair, but you should try

8、not to let it upset you so much. W: Listen, Jim. I cant help it when the children are so noisy and messy.6.What happened to the woman?A) She had a new haircut. B) The children disliked her hair. C) She missed her children. D) Her children drove her crazy. 正确答案为D你错选为B!解析:音频中男士提到孩子们令女士很生气(get in your

9、hair),但是也不用这么心烦。女士回答当孩子们不听话时她就控制不住,可见女士快被孩子逼疯了,所以选D。Script W: Hey, Mike. I was invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Contest! M: Well, youve told me such foolish stories before.7.What does the man mean?A) He would go there too. B) He thinks she deserves it. C) The woman lies to him again

10、. D) The woman is a good story-teller. 正确答案为C你选对了!解析:音频中男士说,你之前就跟我说过这么荒谬的事儿(youve told me such foolish stories before),可见他并不相信女士所说的话,认为对方在撒谎,所以选C。Script M: Jill, I thought that John was going to help you do the dishes tonight. W: So did I. But he got a call from some of his pals to go bowling, and l

11、eft me high and dry.8.What does the woman think John should do?A) Go bowling with his friends. B) Help her with the dishes. C) Do the laundry. D) Call his friends. 正确答案为B你错选为A!解析:音频中女士说约翰接到朋友的电话叫他去打保龄球,这让自己处境很难(left me high and dry.),可见女士认为约翰应该帮她洗碗,所以选B。ScriptW: Hello, this is Jane and Id like to as

12、k a few questions about getting fit.M: Hi, Jane. This is the Gold Club for fitness building. What can I do for you?W: I have put on too much weight recently. I need to get in shape. Do you have any suggestions?M: Well, youve come to the right place. Have you been doing any exercise lately?W: Im afra

13、id not. The busy life at work keeps me running like a clock. My legs feel dull.M: OK. Well start slowly. Which type of exercise do you enjoy doing?W: I like doing exercises that may build up my body, but I hate slow running. I dont mind doing some weight-lifting, though.M: Great, that gives us plent

14、y to work with. How often can you work out?W: Twice or three times a week would be good.M: Why dont we start with an exercise class twice a week followed by a little weight-lifting?W: Sounds fine to me.M: Youll need to start slowly, and build up gradually to three or four times a week.W: Hmm, it is

15、a good idea. How do I sign up for the classes?M: Well need you to join the gym and then you can choose which class fits your schedule best.W: Great! I cant wait to get started. Thanks for your advice.M: No problem. Ill see you here in the club!9.Why does Jane make a phone call to the Gold Club?A) Be

16、cause she wants to find a job there. B) Because she has several questions about health. C) Because she wants to lose some weight. D) Because she wants to fit herself to the Club. 正确答案为C你选对了!解析:音频中女士提到,自己最近胖了很多,想要恢复体型(I have put on too much weight recently. I need to get in shape),可见是想减肥,所以选C。10.Acco

17、rding to the conversation, what kind of exercise does Jane prefer?A) Jumping. B) Weight-lifting. C) Running. D) Dancing. 正确答案为B你错选为A!解析:音频中女士提到,她不介意做一些举重练习(I dont mind doing some weight-lifting),所以选B。11.To start with, how often does Jane decide to go to the class?A) Twice a week. B) Three times a we

18、ek. C) Four times a week. D) As often as possible. 正确答案为A你错选为C!解析:音频中女士接受了男士提出的开始时一周两次的建议(Why dont we start with an exercise class twice a week),所以选A。ScriptW: Hi, Henry, its been a long time since we saw each other last time. What have you been up to? M: Hi, Alice. Its great to see you again. Ive be

19、en away on business. W: Really? Where did you go?M: Well, first I flew to New York for two meetings. After that, I flew to Atlanta, where I had to make a presentation at a company conference. W: It sounds like youve been busy.M: Yes, Ive been fully occupied. Its good to be home again. What have you

20、been doing lately? W: Oh, nothing much. Ive been working in the garden these past few days. Tom has been away for the past two weeks visiting his relatives in Chicago.M: I didnt know he has family in Chicago. W: Yes, thats right. We met at university in California. He was born in Chicago and lived t

21、here until he went to college.M: How long have you lived here in Colorado? W: Weve lived here for over 10 years. We moved here in 1998 because I got a new job. Weve lived on this street for four years and theyve been the happiest years of our lives.M: Yes, my wife Jane and I love this neighborhood e

22、ven though weve only lived here for two years.W: Really? Youre a great neighbor!M: Thank you. I have to get going. Work is waiting for me. Have a good day. W: You, too. Glad to have you back in the neighborhood!12.Which was the last city that Henry went to before coming home?A) New York. B) Atlanta.

23、 C) Chicago. D) Colorado. 正确答案为B你选对了!解析:音频中男士提到,他首先去了纽约开会,然后去了亚特兰大(first I flew to New York for two meetings. After that, I flew to Atlanta),所以选B。13.What did Tom do in the past few days?A) He worked in the garden. B) He went on business. C) He visited relatives. D) He went to California. 正确答案为C你错选为B

24、!解析:音频中女士提到,汤姆前两个星期去芝加哥探亲了(Tom has been away for the past two weeks visiting his relatives in Chicago),所以选C。14.Why did Alice move to the city where she is living now?A) Because her husband had relatives here. B) Because she found a new job here. C) Because she found a great neighbor here. D) Because

25、 she felt very happy to be here. 正确答案为B你选对了!解析:音频中女士提到,她们搬到这里是因为她在这里找到了新工作(We moved here in 1998 because I got a new job),所以选B。15.How long have Henry and Tom been neighbors?A) Two years. B) More than ten years. C) About four years. D) Three years. 正确答案为A你错选为B!解析:音频中女士说她们在这里住了四年了,男士说他和妻子住了两年,可见两家做邻居有

26、两年时间了,所以选A。Section B Understanding PassagesDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choic

27、es marked A), B), C) and D).本题得分:-/10分Script Britons are allowing their manners to slip, researchers claim. More than8 out of 10 passengers refuse to give up their seats on the bus, train or tube, a survey by health care provider Simplyhealth said. Around half of workers do not make cups of tea for

28、colleagues while 86 percentof the nation do not offer to carry bags for others, it was claimed. According to the survey of more than 1,000 adults, the main causes of people not bothering were lack of time and much stress at work. Jamie Wilson of Simplyhealth said: Committing just half an hour a mont

29、h to helping someone else can make a real difference to your life as well as theirs. As a health care provider, we encourage our staff to get active in the community supporting othersin fact we give 100 days a year to staff to spend a day help at a charity of their choice. Mental health expert Dr. C

30、hristian Jessen said: We all know that helping others is of benefit to them, but many people dont realise that getting active to help others can also improve your mental and physical well-being. Simple activities like walking the neighbors dog or helping in the garden help to lose some weight and im

31、prove general fitness, leading to a healthier, happier nation.16.Whats the main cause for modern Britons declining manners?A) Improved national well-being. B) Indifference between neighbours. C) Limited time and more stress. D) Change of the lifestyle. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:音频中提到,调查显示人们不再像以前那么有礼貌的原因是缺少时间、工作压力大(the main causes of people not bothering were lack of time and much stress at work),所以选C。17.According to the passage, how m

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