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1、大学英语考试模拟卷二9测2022年大学英语考试模拟卷二(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.I shall provide you with fully paid two-way tickets between China and Tailand()A我将向你提供中国与泰国全额往返票。B我将为你支付中国往返泰国两张票的全部费用。C我将向你提供中国飞往泰国的全额二等舱票。D我将为你支付中国飞往泰国的两张全额票。

2、2.Traffic in Beijing is quite a serious problem. The same is true of other big cities in the world.()A北京的交通问题相当严重,世界上的其他大城市也是如此。B北京的交通是一个十分严重的问题,与世界上的其他大城市相比更是如此。C北京的交通安全是一个十分严肃的问题,要向世界上其他大城市学习。D像世界上的其他大城市一样,北京的交通很有问题。3.If only she did not play the violin in the middle of the night, shed been an ide

3、al neighbour.()A如果她不在午夜时分拉小提琴,她就会是一个理想的邻居。B只有当她不在午夜时分拉小提琴时,她才是一个好邻居。C要是她不在午夜时分拉小提琴,她就算是一个完美的邻居了。D尽管她不会在晚上拉小提琴,但她曾是一个理想的好邻居。4.I greatly regret that Im unable to attend the important sales meeting next Monday.()A我很后悔我没能专注于下周一那个重要的拍卖会。B我很遗憾我不能出席下周一那个重要的拍卖会。C我很后悔我不能参加下周的那个销售会议。D很遗憾我不能出席下周一那个重要的销售会议。5.Ac

4、cording to the second paragraph, a babys first noises areAa sign that he means to tell you somethingBa reflection of his moods and feelingsCan imitation of the spoken of adultsDan early form of language6.The problem of deciding at what point a babys imitations can be considered as speech _.Ais not e

5、specially important because the change takes place graduallyBis important because words have different meanings for different peopleCis one that can never be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with ageDis one that should be completely ignored because childrens use of words in o

6、ften meaningless7.Children who start speaking late _.Amay have problems with their hearingBusually pay close attention to what they hearCoften take a long time in learning to listen properlyDprobably do not hear enough language spoken around them8.It can be inferred from the passage that when a 7-mo

7、nth baby calls his or her mother mama _.Ahe probably has known that mother should be called in this wayBhe probably does not know the sound stands for ,motherChe probably has already known the meaning of mamaDit is the first meaningful sound pronounced by him9.It is implied in the passage that _.Apa

8、rents can never hope to teach their children new soundsBchildren no longer imitate people after they being to speakCeven after they have learnt to speak children still enjoy imitatingDchildren who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly10.According to the author, three design types of pre

9、vious researches are _.Ainterrelated to one anotherBsupplementary to one anotherCto be modified considerablyDto be integrated into one design11.The major contribution of this study is to _.Adevelop a new research technique easily transferred from one area to anotherBmake a comprehensive analysis of

10、juvenile delinquencyCdemonstrate the successful application of new research techniques in a new areaDmodify creatively the previous research finding of juvenile delinquency12.The word project (Line 2, Para. 4) refers to _.Aa comprehensive study of juvenile delinquencyBa full exploration of research

11、designsCan extensive research on crimeDa further investigation into new research techniques13.The passage is mainly concerned with _.Aapplication of analogy in studying juvenile delinquencyBa research design concerning juvenile delinquencyCsignificance of juvenile delinquencyDan extensive survey of

12、researches in juvenile delinquency14.In the first paragraph, the author draws an analogy between _.Adoing research and drawing a pictureBresearch finding and pictures perspectiveCdesigning a research and making a quick drawingDa researcher and a painter15.At what time of day does the conversation pr

13、obably take place ABefore breakfast.BLate morning.CMid-afternoon.DLate evening.16.What is most likely true about the area in which this conversation is taking place AIts crowded with peopleBIts full of computersCLunch is being Served thereDOnly few people in there17.Why doesnt the man carry a camera

14、 with him AHe has a professional photographer take pictures for him.BHe doesnt think he knows.CHe doesnt have a flash attachment.DHe thinks a big camera would be too much trouble.18.What fails him AHe cant find good subjects to photograph.BHis indoor shots are too dark.CHis pictures are often blurry

15、.DHis camera is too old for good detail.19.As the conversation begins, what are the man and woman doing ALooking at some photographs.BSelling cameras.CTeaching a photography classDRepairing camera equipment.20.What are the man and woman doing ATrying to telephone someoneBAttending a concertCWaiting

16、in lineD. Canceling reservations.21.According to the woman, what is one major advantage of the camera AIt focuses automatically.BIt has a lot of specialized lenses.CIt is easy to load.DIt advances the film automatically.22.What does the woman need to do at the travel agency APurchase her plane ticke

17、t.BChange her plane ticket.CPick up a passport application form.DArrange for her accommodations in Europe.23.How long will the woman be in Europe AThree weeks.BOne month.CThree months.DOver a year.24.Why doesnt the woman want to give up her apartment entirely AShe doesnt have time to move.BShe would

18、 have difficulty finding another apartment.CShes paid her rent for the summer in advanceDShe doesnt want to paint another apartment.25.How was cola syrup made into a soft drink ABy mixing it with special oils.BBy heating it.CBy combining it with different flavors.DBy adding soda water.26.How was col

19、a originally sold AAs a soft drink.BAs a medicine.CAs flavored hard candy.DAs a cooking oil.27.Who is John Pemberton AHe sold cola to doctors.BHe was a drugstore clerk.CHe developed the cola syrup.DHe suffered from severe headaches.28.How much of the earths water can man really use AHe can use nearl

20、y 75% of it.BHe can use about 97% of it.CHe can use exactly 3% of it.DHe can use less than 3% of it.29.Which of the following is true AWater can be used only once.BUsed water can be recycled.CRecycled water is unfit for drinking.DOnly rain water is drinkable.30.How can we avoid a worldwide water sho

21、rtage in the future AWe can invent ways of increasing rainfall.BWe can develop ways of reusing water.CWe may use less water.DWe may build fewer steel plants.31.What the speaker says is the common misconception about crocodile mothers AThat they leave the water.BThat they dig a hole in the sand.CThat

22、 they open their nests.DThat they eat their babies.32.How long does the mother wait for the young to hatch AFive weeks.BTen weeks.CTwelve weeks.DFifteen weeks.33.Why does the crocodile put her babies in her mouth ATo keep them warm.BTo protect them from harm.CTo transport them to the water.DTo clean

23、 them.34.Where do the young hatch AIn a hole.BIn the water.CUnder the mothers tail.DIn the mothers mouth.35.According to Pakistan, what kind of support does it give to the rebels AFinancial.BTechnology.CWeapon.DMoral.36.Which one of the following is NOT true AIndian soldiers have ambushed and killed

24、 seven Afghan militants.BMore than 160 Afghan militants have been killed this year in the area.CPakistan-based Islamic guerrilla groups have been fighting Indian security forces in Kashmir since 1998.DThe guerrillas receive weapons training in their camp in Pakistan.37.Why do the rebels and paramili

25、taries fight each other ATo control the government.BTo control the peasants.CTo control the army.DTo control the coca fields.38.According to Colombian officials, who was responsible for the massacre AThe leftist guerrillas.BThe right-wing paramilitaries.CThe army.DThe U. S.A.39.What did the Japanese

26、 investors worry about ARussias poor business environment.BRussias tariff barriers.CRussias investment policies.DRussias economic reforms.40.When did Russian President Vladimir Putin meet with a Japanese business delegation AMonday.BWednesday.CThursday.DFriday.41.What kind of dispute strains the rel

27、ationship between Japan and Russia ADebts.BIdeology.CTerritory.DEconomic.42.Which one of the following is TRUE AThe prosecutors will continue their investigation against Kohl.BMr. Kohl paid a $ 300,000 fine Friday.CMr. Kohl denied accepting illegal campaign donation.DMr. Kohl had promised not to nam

28、e the donors.43.What caused the death of 20 Israelis a week ago ABattle between Israel and Palestine.BA suicide bombing.CA car bombing.DA plane crashing accident.44.When did Israel stop transferring customs and tax funds to the Palestinian Authority ALast week.BWednesday.CLast September.DLast Month.

29、45.The thieves _ the papers all over the room as they were searching for the money.AspreadBswelledCscatteredDdivided46.The paper _ several persons are risking their lives is an important report on missiles.Aafter whichBfor whichCwith whichDat which47.Advertising is distinguished from other forms of

30、communication _ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.Ain this wayBin thatCin whichDin order to48.Nothing but some chairs _ in the room.Ahas foundBhad foundCwere foundDwas found49.The protection device can eliminate the faults _ they cause more damage.AunlessBuntilCbeforeDalthough50.She is so clever that I feel rather at a (an) _

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