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1、新篇简明英语语言学ChapterFourSy新篇简明英语语言学-Chapter-Four-SyntaxChapter Four Syntax 句法学一、定义 1. syntax句法学:Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences. 句法学是一门研究语言的规则,这些规则控制句子的形成。(把单词凑在一起形成句子)二、知识点 4.2 Category 范畴Syntactic category 句法类型: Words can be grouped toget

2、her into a relatively small number of classes, called Syntactic category. 单词可以被组成数量相对较小的类别,称为句法类型。This classification reflects a variety of factors, (1) including the type of meaning that words express, (2) the type of affies that they take, (3) and the type of structures in which they can occur.这种分

3、类反映出各种不同的因素:(1)包括单词所表达的意义的类别,(2)它们所带词缀的类别,(3)它们所能出现的结构的类别。4.2.1 word level category词层面类型(对于句法学而言最核心的类型)1. Major lexical categories 主要词汇类型(词性):名、动、形、副词 N, V, Adj, Adv(open开放性词类 ,can add new words)P43图(在句子构成中起重要作用)1)主要词类又称开放词类,可以不断地出现新词。在英语,它们主要有四类: 名词(N): student linguistics lecture 动词(V): like red g

4、o 形容词(adj): tall lovely red 副词(adv): loudly constantly hardP134中2. Minor lexical categories 次要词汇类型(词性): 限定、程度、量词、助动、介、代、连、叹Det, Deg, Qual, Aux, Prep, Pron, Conj, Int (close封闭性词类, words are fixed不添加新词)P43图2)次要词类又称闭合词类。这些词的数量一般来说是固定不变的,也不允许有新词加入。在英语中,它们主要有六类: 限定词(Det.):the, a, this, his 助词(Aux):can, w

5、ill, do, be, have 介词(Prep):in, at, to, on 代词(Pron):he, she, us, mine 连词(Conj):and, or, but, while 叹词(lnt):oh, ah, eh P134中 To determine a words catrgory, three criteria are uaually empolyed决定一个词的类型,通常采用三个标准: meaning意义 inflection屈折变化 distribution分布4.2.2 Phrase categories anf their structures短语类型和它们的结

6、构Syntactic units that are built around a certain word category are called phrases. 围绕某一词类型构成的句法单位称为短语。Phrase categories短语类型:NP 名词短语 the pretty girl VP 动词短语 often dream AP 形容词短语 very pessimistic PP 介词短语 mainly about 词组类型:词类不同的词可以合成某一词组,在英语的句法分析中,常有四种词组类型,它们分别为: 名词词组(NP):a red brick, the beautiful lak

7、e 动词词组(VP):sing a song, write in ink 介词词组(PP):on the table, at the gate 形容词词组(AP):very clever, quite able (词组是一个句法概念。它可以由一个或一个以上的词组成。无论哪一类词组,都必须含词组名称所表示的词,及名词词组必须含一个名词,动词词组必须含一个动词,介词词组必须含一个介词,形容词词组必须含一个形容词。名词词组和动词词组属句子中最主要的词组。)无论是由一个单词还是多个单词构成,它们都由两个层面two levels构成,即:Phrase level短语层面 and word level词层

8、面 P45英图 p136中NP VP AP PP N V A PPhrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain the following elements: head, specifier and complement.由多个单词构成短语通常包括以下成分:中心语、标志语、补语(短语构成所围绕的词叫中心语,出现于中心语左边的词用作标志语,出现于中心语右边的词是补语。详情见4.4)p45笔记4.3 phrase structure rule 短语结构规则p45英 p137中4.3.1 XP rule XP规则4.3.2

9、coordinator rule并列规则Some structures are fromed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction such as and or or. Such phrases are called coordinate structures and this phenomenon is known as coordination. Coordination exhibits the following four important properties:

10、 除了上述的S H C 之外,英语还包含着其他类型的结构,例如有些结构是借助于像and 或者or这样的连词将同种类型的两个或多个成分连接起来而构成的。这样的短语被成为并列结构,这种现象被成为并列。并列有四个重要特征:1. there is no limit on the nunber of coordinated categories that can appear prior to the conjjunction.可以出现在连词前面的并列范畴在数量上没有限制。2. a category at any level (a head or an entire XP) can be coordin

11、ated.在任何层面(一个中心语或一整个XP)的范畴都可以是并列的。3. coordinated categories must be of the same type.并列范畴都必须是同一类型的。4. the category type of the coordinate phrase is identical to the category type of the elements being conjoined.并列短语的范畴类别与所连接成分的范畴类别相同。Coordination rule(并列规则的公式):p47英p140中4.4 phrase elements短语成分4.4.1 S

12、pecifiers 标志语从语义上讲,它们有助于使中心语的意义更为精确。从句法上讲,它们清楚地标志了短语边界。在英语中,标志语出现在他们各自短语的左界,依附于短语结构的顶层,位于中心语的左边。Specifiers标志语Head 中心语Examples 例子Determiner 限定词Nthe tree, this book, no waterQualifier 修饰词Valways fail, never surrender放弃, often drinkDegree word 程度词Aless interesting, quite good, very sensitivePalmost in,

13、 quite above4.4.2 Complements补语补语自身就是短语,他们为中心语的意义中所必然包含的实体与位置提供了信息。在英语中它们依附在中心语的右边。P48例子The information about a words complement is included in the head and termed subcategorization.有关词的补语的信息是包括在中心语之中的,称为次范畴化。(由于英语中某些中心词如put可以接不止一个补语,因此用补语后面的“*”来表示多个这样的成分是被允许的。)在英语中无论有多少补语,他们都只出现在中心语的右边。The XP rules

14、(revised经修订的):XP (specifier)X (complement*)XP (标志语)X ( 补语* )英语中,有时一个像句子一样的结构可以用作补语,它们都只出现在中心语的右边。eg. Miss Hebert believes that she will win.Word which introduce the sentence complement are termed complementizers (shortened as Cs)引导句子补语的词被称为补语化成分。(缩写为Cs)The sentence introduced by the complementizer i

15、s called a complement clause.由补语化成分引导的句子称为补语从句。形容词、名词和介词可以带CP补语的例子p49中p142英Items项目Head中心语Examples例子Adjectives形容词afraid, certain, awareI was afraid that nobody would believe me.Nouns名词fact, claim, beliefShe cant believe the fact that she would fail in the exam.Prepositions介词over, aboutThey argued ove

16、r whether she had come to class.4.4.3 Modifiers修饰语Modifiers: specifies optionally expressible properties of heads.详细说明了中心语的具有选择性的可表达特征。Modifiers position in English 英语中修饰语的位置:Modifier 修饰语Position 位置Examples 例子APPrecedes the head中心语前a very careful girlPPFollows the head中心语后open with careAdvPPrecedes

17、or follows the head中心语前或后read carefully; carefully read The expanded XP rule(使修饰语适合短语结构)经扩展的XP规则:XP (spec)(Mod) X (complement*) (Mod)XP (标志语)(修饰语) X (补语*) (修饰语)(修饰语既可以出现在中心语之前,也可以出现在中心语之后。在有补语的地方,出现在中心语之后的修饰语也出现在补语的右边。)4.5 Sentences (The S rule) 句子(S规则)The S rule S规则:(p50-51英图 p143-145中图)S NP VP4.6

18、Transformations转换4.6.1 Auxiliary movement 助动词移位p147中图AUX-=the movement of an auxiliary verb to the sentence initial position. 助动词移位到句首的移位助动词移位是将句子由陈述句改变成疑问句的必要条件之一, 例如: A: John will come here. B: Will John come here? 4.6.2 Do insertion DO插入4.6.3 Deep structure and surface structure深层结构和表层结构 Deep str

19、ucture (D-structure) 深层结构:Fromed by the XP rule in accordance with the heads subcategorization properties, is called deep structure(D-structure).由XP规则按照中心语的次范畴化特征而构成的,称为深层结构(或D 结构)Surface structure(S-structure)表层结构 Corresponding to the final syntactic form of the sentence which results from appropri

20、ate transfromations, called surface structure (S-structure) 与通过恰当转换而形成的句子的最终句法形式相对应的,成为表层结构(或 S结构)(所有句子都有两种基本句法结构表现形式,一种是移位还没发生的原始形态;另一种是移位后新形态。前者被称为句子的深层结构,后者为表层结构。深层结构是一种存在于说话者或听话者心脑中的抽象的句法结构,是短语规则与词项结合的产物。表层结构是一种人们可以感知到表达时所用的具体的句法结构,是句法移位规则作用于深层结构的产物。内部成分无需移位的句子,深层结构和表层结构有着相同的表现形式。内部成分需要移位的句子,深层结

21、构和表层结构有着不同的表现形式。)p55英例子,p149-150中图4.6.4 Wh Movement Wh位移p56英例子 p151-153图(略看)WH-movement=It changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative. 陈述变疑问句 WH-移位,即带WH词的成分从在句子中所处的原位移至另一位置。英语中WH词移至句首是将陈述句转变为特殊疑问句的必要条件。例如: A. He bought the book from the bookstore yesterday. a:. What did he buy from the boo

22、kstore yesterday? b. Where did he buy the book yesterday? c. When did he buy the book from the bookstore ? 以上每个疑问句的产生,都是WH词向左移出了它们的常规位置,移到句首致使句子语气发生改变。 4.6.5 Move and constraints on transformations移取和转换的制约 There is a general rule for all phrase ctructure rules the XP rule, so there is a general rule

23、 for all the movement rules Move .正如有一个适用于所有短语结构规则的一般性规则XP规则一样,也有一个适用于所有唯一规则的一般性规则移取。移取规则是指“移任何成分至任何位置”,很显然,这条规则过于强大,我们知道,任意移动句子中的成分可能造成不符合语法的错句,所以其操作必须受到限制性条件的约束,即“某些成分只能移至某些位置。” :a) Inversion can move an auxiliary from the Infl to the nearest C position.倒置可以把一个助动词从Infl移到最近的C位置,而不能以到较远的C位置。b) No el

24、ement may be removed from a coordinate structure.没有成分能从并列结构中移出。知识点:1. *Definition: syntax2. Minor and major lexical categories3. * Phrase structure rule (XP rule and X theory)4. #Specifier, head and complement5. *Deep and surface structure6. transformations考核目标:识记:Definition: syntax领会:Minor and major lexical categories; Phrase structure rule; Specifier, head and complement; transformations简单应用:Deep and surface structure

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