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牛津上海版初三英语自招拓展词汇练习题 15.docx

1、牛津上海版初三英语自招拓展词汇练习题 15Test 1I. Choices.1. The doctor urged people who smoke to _the habit.A. abandon B. acknowledge C. accustom D. achieve2. Love was totally _during his childhood, so he became very rude.A. presence B. absence C. advance D. accomplish3. There was no _standard for beauty, therefore hi

2、s explanation is reasonable.A. absolute B. accurate C. access D. additive4. He has some _notion (概念) of changing the world.A. absolute B. abstract C. attractive D. additive5. We dont want any political idea to interfere with our pure _ argument.A., abstract B. abnormal C. academic D. absorb6. I cant

3、 help you, because only high officials had _to the president.A. address B. addition C. access D. adopt7. Each application should be _by a stamped, addressed envelope.A. addressed B. added C. absorbed D. accompanied8. We delayed our departure _the bad weather.A. on account for B. on account of C. owe

4、 to D. thanks to9. Computers can calculate with lightning speed and perfect_.A. accurate B. accuracy C. accusation D. accuse10. His services to the country were never officially_.A. admitted B. acknowledge C. announce D. accomplished11. The _test of a driver is whether he remains calm in an emergenc

5、y.A. absent B. critical C. acid D. key12. The style can be _to individual taste. A. adopted B. adjusted C. avoided D. reported13. The chairman will _at the meeting.A. adapt B. adopt C. address D. report14. Before taking the photo, he _the focus of the camera carefully.A. adjusted B. adapted C. addre

6、ssed D. comforted15. Head teachers are more involved in _than in teaching.A. management B. administration C arrangement D. preparation16. The government must now take _to stop the rise of the violent crimes.A. behavior B. effects C. act D. action17. Diana _feeling hurt by what the officer had said.A

7、. admitted B. agreed C. adopted D. adored18. Television violence can encourage some _behavior in children.A. agent B. aggressive C. accessible D. annual19. In this country, children under 12 must be _by an adult in public libraries.A. accompanied B. acquired C. acclaimed D. accused20. Some creams we

8、 tested failed to give _protection against UV light.A. abstract B. accident C. acid D. adequate1-5 ABABC 6-10 CDBBA 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 DABADII. Put the following sentences into English. (要求运用主语从句的相关句型)1. 你抛弃残疾孩子太残酷了。( abandon )It is cruel that you should abandon the disabled child.2 这所大学的学术水平之高是绝对不容置

9、疑的。( academic; absolutely) That the university is of high academic level is absolutely undoubted.3 他们是否全神贯注地学习正式老师所关心的。(absorb)Whether they are absorbed in their study is what their teacher cares for.4很明显这些方便设施大多数人都是不能享受的。( access)It is obvious that the public accommodation is inaccessible to most o

10、f the people.5 他所陈述的理由不能解释事故的真正原因。(account)What he accounted for cannot explain the real cause of the accident.6 你所适应的正是我不能适应的。( adapt)What you have adapted to is what I cant.7 他拒绝承认失败是我们预料到的。( admit )That he refused to admit his failure was what we had expected.8. 为什么他的意见会被采纳还是一个谜。(adopt )Why his o

11、pinion was adopted is still a mystery.9 他们何时才能付得起把儿子送到国外学习的学费得由他们的收入来决定。(afford) When they can afford to send their son to study abroad depends on their income.10. 害怕受到惩罚是他缺席的主要原因。(absence)That he is afraid of being punished is the main reason for his absence.Test 2I. Choices.1. If you looked at the

12、 accident from another_, you would see how funny it is.A. ankle B. angel C. side D. angle2. If they offer a (n )_ decision for you to choose, when one do you prefer?A. dominate B. major C. necessary D. alternative3. He told us a tot of fumy stories which _us all. We all laughed happily.A. amused B.

13、amazed C. entertained D. interested4. I am _with the toy for being so stupid.A. annoyed B. disturbed C. angry D. bothered5. In order to tell the bees_, he painted some bees with little spots of colour.A. part . B. separately C. isolated D. apart6. The plane flew at a(n) _ of 10,000 metres.A. attitud

14、e B. altitude C. height D. amount7. The _cause of his absence was a severe fever.A. apparent B. clear C. appearance D. evidence8. The students_ is the best reward that a teacher can ever expect.A. appropriate B. appointment C. appreciation D. approach9. You must _the bird quietly, or it will fly awa

15、y.A. approach B. get close C. approve D. appoint10. He would not do anything that was not _of by his parents.A. agreed B. permitted C. allowed D. approved11. As a nurse your attitude was not_, you should have been more patient.A. appropriate B. awkward C. academic D. apparent12. They _with each othe

16、r about the best place for holidays.A. debated B. argued C. discussed D. said13. The music _intense feelings of homesickness in him.A. arose B. aroused C. rose D. raised14. She had to _her clothes after losing weight.A. alter B. attach C. assist D. exchange15. The tournament is open to _as well as p

17、rofessionals.A. athletes B. players C. amateurs D. sports16. Ancient traditions are very much _in many rural areas.A. ambitious B. advanced C. additive D. alive17. One of the many _of living in New York is that you can eat out almost any time of the day.A. awards B. associations C. advantages D. arr

18、angements18. They only purchased a few _of furniture for their new apartment.A. articles B. aspects C. avenues D. authors19. Dont eat that cake now; It will spoil your_.A. agent B. analysis C. appreciation D. appetite20. Its _from the scientific studies that the drugs have fairly nasty side effects.

19、A. annoyed B. apparent C. amusing D. artificial1-5 DDAAD 6-10 BACAD 11-15 ABB AC 16-20 DCADBII. Put the following sentences into English. (要求运用定语从句的相关句型)1他似乎在别人做实验失败的地方成功了。 (appear)It appears that he has succeeded in the place where the others failed to do the experiment.2如果你能把箱子放回到我已经打扫过的地方,我将感激不尽。

20、(appreciate) I would appreciate it very much, if you could put the case in the place where I have cleaned3我将和你做一个与你和他昨天定的一样的约定。 ( appointment)I will make the same appointment as you made with him yesterday.4. 我们已经批准了这次考试,在考试中你得从四个选项中选一个。(approve)We have approved the test, where you should choose one

21、 from the four choices given.5. 我们能否批准你的申请得由你在哪一天申请而定。 ( approve; apply )Whether we will approve your application depends on the day when you have applied for it.6. 我们祖先的智慧令人吃惊,这一点十分明显。( ancestor; amaze)The wisdom of our ancestor is amazing, which is very obvious.7. 我们别无选择只好住到他原来住过的屋子里去了。(alternativ

22、e)We have no alternative but to live in the house in which/ where he lived.8. 你总是拿这种你自己也没有把握的事来问我。(always)You are always asking me such things as you are not certain about.9. 那位指控嫌疑犯犯有抢劫罪的法官在法律研究上有很有成就。( accuse; achievement) The judge, who accused the suspect of the robbery, has made great achieveme

23、nts in the study of law.10. 他的伟大成就之一是这本关于心理学方面的书,许多心理学家对它进行了评论。( achievement; psychology; comment) One of his great achievements is his book on psychology, which many psychologists make comments on.Test 3I. Choices.1. If more people could be_, we could make our efforts to reach our goal.A. assigned

24、B. associated C. assumed D. assembled2. Which of the following sentences is not correct?A. Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?B. Supposing it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?C. If it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?D. If only it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?3. He is an expert on the

25、theory of the atom. How dare you challenge his_ !A. authority B. power C. knowledge D. learning4. He welcomed us with an _smite, which made us unhappy.A. kindly B. pleasant C. artificial D. polite5. The nurse _the doctor in operating on the patient.A. assisted B. helped C. aided D. supported6. He wa

26、s enrolled by a high school _ to a famous university.A. belonged B. attached C. associated D. connected7. The factory had imported modern equipment, so the production process became completely _ .A. automatic B. automobile C. automatically D. automation 8. All the _money has been used up, so the pat

27、ient was waiting for additional aid.A. arranged B. saved C. exportable D. available9. It was the first time in history that two Nobel Prizes had been _to the same person.A. awarded B. rewarded C .offered D. sent 10. Several _had been made on his life, yet none was successful.A. efforts B. attends C.

28、 attentions D. attempts11. On the _of expanding both import and export, this corporation places emphasis on exploring the oversea market.A. basis B. essential C. base D. basic12. The government has _ the army from using chemical weapons.A. forbidden B. disordered C. banned D. disagreed13. It is the

29、market where good _may be picked up.A. books B. prices C. bargains D. bargain14. It was difficult to _the impact of the Presidents speech.A. assess B. comment C. assemble D. assist15. He swears that he will _his fathers murder sooner or later.A. deserve B. punish C. avenge D. fight16. _, all the che

30、eses are made in the same way.A. Basically B. Historically C. Greatly D. Barely17. The fall in the number of death from heart disease is generally _to improvement in diets.A. managed B. shared C. realized D. attributed18. The December figures brought the annual _for 2001 up to 10.6 per cent.A. ingredient B. limit C. average D. base19. You will be employed to _in the development of technology.A. lean B. form C. heal D. assist20. As you are_, a fee will be charged monthly.A. awake B. awkward C. alive D. aware1-5 DDACA 6-10 BAD AD 11-15 ACCAC 16-20 ADCD

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