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1、高考英语作文高级词汇替换完整版2020高考英语作文词汇升级大全书面表达在高考英语中,担负着区分考生、选拔人才的功能。对于学优生来说,在平 时的训练中,考生应注重抓一些细节,杜绝一些瑕疵,就可以实现由“完成”到“完美” 的蜕变。熟记下面四组靓点词汇让你的句子表达更鲜更靓。第一组名词及名词短语机会1.机会;时机例句现在你们有一个好机会, 可以大大增进对彼此的了解。chanceopportunityNow you have an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of each other.选择2 * 选择的余地;可供选择的事物例句有4个基

2、本的选项,简述如下。choicealternativeThere are four basic alternati ves; they are described briefly below.课程3.课程;学校等的 全部课程例句所有学校都设有音乐和舞蹈课。coursecurriculumAll the schools have music and dancing classes as parts of the curriculum .影响4.影响例句他们称他们预期这次会议会对 国家的未来产生显著影响。effectinfluence/impactThey say they expect the

3、meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country.后果5.结果,后果例句如果气候变化继续下去, 我们将自食其果。result consequenceIf climate changes continue, we will suffer the consequences.缺点6.缺点;劣势例句这种方法的缺点之一是必须把 单词预先存储在系统中。shortcomingdrawbackOne draw back of this approach is that the words must be registered in the

4、 system beforehand.方法7.方法;途径例句我们将探索收集信息的/、同方 法。way approachWe will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.工作8.职业;专业例句在这类职业中,只有20%的岗位 是由女性担任的。jobcareer/employment/professionOnly 20 percent of jobs in the professions are held by women.老人9.老人例句家庭中的每个成员都会互相帮 助,特别是照顾好年轻人和老年人。old peopl

5、ethe old/the elderly/the aged/senior citizensMembers of a family help one another, with particular care for the very young and the elderly.青少年10.主/ 青少年例句激发这些年轻人的不是对成就 的渴望,而是对失败的担心。young peopleyoungsters/youths/adolescentsThese youngsters are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failu

6、re.第二组动词及动词短语喜欢1. 上一喜爱例句他喜欢踢足球,这是他最喜欢的 运动。对痴迷例句我对那里发生的事情都非常感 兴趣。likebe fond ofHe is fond of playing football, which is his crazy about/be enthusiastic aboutIm crazy about everything that goes on there.相信2 确信;坚信;深信例句就我而言,我坚定地认为游客的数量应得到限制,理由如下。believebe fully/firmly convincedAs for me, I

7、m firmly convinced that the number of tourists should be limited for the following reasons.知道3.意识到例句许多人开始意识到锻炼的重 要性。我深知这是一份艰难的工作。know/realizebe/become aware ofMany people are becoming aw are of the importance of exercising. I am well aw are that this is a tough job.告诉某人某事4 ,通知某人某事例句请告诉我那边的情况。tell sb

8、. sth.inform sb. of sth.Please keep me informed of what s going on there.买5.购买例句几天前我在你的店铺买了一部 手机。buy purchaseI purchased a cellphone at your store the other day.引起6.导致;造成后果例句更糟的是,暴力电子游戏可能导 致进攻性行为,这比暴力电影更宿害。导致结果例句紧张和疲劳常导致失眠。causelead toWhat s worse, violent video games can lead to aggressive behavior

9、s, which is more harmful than violent movies.result inStress and tiredness often result in sleeplessness.要求7.有礼貌地要求;请求例句所有的游客被要求不能在公园 内乱扔垃圾。ask requestAll the visitors were requested not to throw litter about in the park.说,认为8.主张;认为例句我主张我们人人都应该尽力帮 助那些需要帮助的人。指出例句许多专家指出体育锻炼直接后 助于身体健康。say, think argueI

10、 argue that every one of us (should) try our best to help those in need.point outMany experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person s physical fitness.想出9 提出;想出例句或许我们能想到这个问题的更 好的解决办法。think of/find outcome up withMaybe we can come up w ith a better solution to the problem.

11、因为某事感谢某人10 因为某事感激某人例句我真诚地感激您所做的一切。因为某事向你表达我的感激之情例句对您的好意我谨表示我的谢意。 感激(某人)做例句我非常感谢你花这么多时间 帮助我。我衷心感谢你为我和我家人所做的一切。thank sb. for .be thankful/grateful to sb. for sth.I am truly grateful to you for what you have my gratitude to you for .Id like to express my gratitude for your kindness.appreci

12、ate (one s) doing / that/sth.I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. I really appreciate what youve done for my family and me.参加活动11 , , ,参与;参加活动例句希望全班同学参加讨论。参与,热衷于例句你应当参与各种各样的活动。join in an activity participate in an activityEveryone in the class is expected to participate in the discussio

13、n.get involved in (an activity)You should get involved in various activities.参加比赛12 , 入参加比赛,竞争例句将有20名学生参加英语演讲比 赛。take part in a competitioncompete inThere will be twenty students to compete in the English speech contest.尽力做某事13.不遗余力做某事例句我们将竭尽全力以赶上发达的 工业国家。try ones best to do sth.spare no effort s to

14、 do sth.Well spare no effort to catch up with the developed industrial countries.花费时间做某事14 ,、 _ ,把时间奉献于例句他把业余时间都用在读书上。spend . in doing sth.devote .to .He devotes all his spare time to reading.试图做某事15.试图做例句我们应该做出努力来彻底解决 这个问题。try to do sth.attempt to do/make an attempt to doWe should make an attempt t

15、o thoroughly solve this problem.决定做某事16.,决定/决心做某事例句我决心要不惜一切代价来实现 自己的目标。下定决心做某事例句听了他的报告后,我想了很多, 反思了以前我所做的事情。我已经下定决心 从以下几个方圆来提高自己。错误!Im determined to achieve my goal at any cost.make up one s mind to do sth.Having heard his report, I thought a lot and reflected on what I did before. I have made up my

16、mind to improve myself in the following ways.依罪;依赖17.依罪;信赖例句他们用水只能依靠这条河。相信我会全心全意地帮助你。depend on rely on/count onThey have to rely on the river for their water.You can count on me to help you heart and soul.不知道该怎么说/做18.不知所措例句我在生人面前总是不知要说什 么。dont know what to say/do be at a loss what to say/doI am alwa

17、ys at a loss w hat to say in front of strangers.想做某事19 . 计划/打算做某事例句就我所知,他们每一个人都想成 关L名模范学生。want to do sth.intend doing/to do sth.So far as I know, every one of them intends to be a model student.第三组形容词及形容词性短语有用的1. . ,., ,有用的;有益处的例句体育运动有益于增强我们的体 质。有益的;值得做的例句众所周知,学好英语是有好处 的。helpfulbeneficial或 rewarding

18、Sports are beneficial to building our bodies.As is known to us all, learning English well is very rew arding .好的2. .,杰出的例句他是一位杰出的科学家, 对我国 做出了巨大贡献。非凡的卓越的完美的例句你的发音很完美,这令人羡慕。极好的例句“你要来么?”他激动地说:“那太好了!简直难以置信!”good outstandingextraordinary brilliant fantasticperfectHe is an outstanding scientist, who has m

19、ade a great contribution to our country.Your pronunciation is perfect, which is admirable.“You re coming ? ” he said excitedly.Thats fantastic! That s incredible !普通的3.平常的,普通的例句他是一个普通的学生,但是做了 许多好事。ordinaryaverageHe is an average student, but he did many good deeds.许多4.,一成千上万的例句每年成千上万的游客都会涌入 这个景区来欣赏这

20、里美丽的风景。many hundreds of thousands ofHundreds of thousands of tourists pour into this scenic spot to admire the amazing scenery every year.兴奋的5 极为激动的,非常兴奋的例句听到这个好消息后我非常兴奋。excitedthrilledI was thrilled when I heard the good news.美丽的6.迷人的;有魅力的例句我的同桌是一个动人的、 文雅的 女孩。beautiful/prettycharming/attractiveMy d

21、eskmate is a charming and elegant girl充足的足够的可以修饰可数、/、可数例句我的薪水不够维持一家的生活。enoughadequateMy salary is not adequate to support our family.巨大的,大量的8.相当大的;重要的例句改变这种情形需要每个人付出 很大的努力。large/great considerable/enormousChanging this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone.努力的,勤奋的9.勤奋的;刻苦的例句

22、她是一个勤奋的老师,她工作非 常勤奋。hard-workingdiligentShe is a diligent teacher and she is diligent in her work.重要的有重要意义的例句老师的鼓励对他/她的学生具有 重要思义。对至关重要,关键的例句学好英语对你未来就业至关重 要。importantof great significance/importanceEncouragement from a teacher is really of great significance / importance to his/ her critic

23、al/vital toLearning English well is critical /v ital to your future employment.有用的11 ,E ,有用的用of+名词例句这本书对你会有很大用处。useful of useThis book will be of great use to you.有价值的12 , 一 ,有价值的用of +名词例句所获得的经验对我们有很大价值。valuableof valueThe experience gained will be of great value to us.有益的,有好处的13.有益的用of+名词例句这项工程对每个人

24、都大有好处。beneficial of benefitThis project is of great benefit to everyone.有帮助的14 一 ., 一 ,有帮助的用of +名词例句你的建议对我很有帮助。helpful of helpYour suggestions are of great help to me.遥远的;远方的15.遥远的;偏远的例句他来自一个偏远的村庄。faraway distant/remoteHe is from a distant/remote village.困难的16.具有挑战性的例句这是一个要求极严的、 具有挑战性的工作。hard/diffic

25、ultchallengingIt s a demanding and challenging job.越来越多的17.日益增长的例句越来越多的人开始意识到教育 不能随着毕业而结束。许多例句许多学生反对这个主意。很多,非常多例句这个图书馆有相当多英语书。more and more a growing number of/an increasing number ofAn increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.many aMany a s

26、tudent is against the idea.a good manyThere are a good many English books in the library.许多种类的18.许多/、同种类的例句自然保护区里有许多不同种类 的珍稀动植物。范围广的,种类多的例句你有很大的选择余地。many kinds ofa wide variety of/variousThere are a w ide variety of rare animals and plants in the nature reserve.a wide range ofThere is a w ide range

27、of choices open to you.劳累的,疲惫的19 . 一.筋疲力尽的例句学习了一天,我都累坏了。筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的例句夜里没有休息好,课堂上我感到 筋疲力尽。tired exhaustedworn outI was w orn out after a day of studying.Not sleeping well, I always feel exhaustedin class.聪明的20 , , ,一,聪明的;有才智的例句她精力充沛,聪明活泼。cleverintelligentShe is energetic, intelligent and lively.第四组 副

28、词、连词及其他非常1 , 一极端地;非常例句我的手机非常有用。特别地例句约翰似乎特别喜欢她。苏珊和约翰对于获得这个奖项感到兴奋/、已。very cold/beautiful 等 extremelyMy mobile phone is extremely useful. especially/particularly1John seems to be particularly fond of her.2Susan and John were especially thrilled with this award.非常2., 一非常,不仅仅是例句如果有什么我能为你做的,我将 非常乐意帮忙。very

29、 delighted/pleased/happy 等 more than delighted/pleased/happy 等If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.有时3 偶尔,有时候例句我们偶尔去田野里散步。偶尔,有时候例句他偶尔来我们房中闲谈。sometimes occasionallyWe go for walks in the fields occasionally .once in a whileHe comes to our room for a chat every once in a w hile.明显地4 不用说例句不用说它对我们的健康是有好 处的。obviously/apparentlyit goes without saying thatIt goes w ithout saying that it will do us a lot of good.大约5.大约,近似例句面积大概启,白平方千米。about approximatelyThe area is a

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