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1、北师大模块五课文语法填空课文语法填空Unit 13 PeopleLesson 1 EQ:IQSuccess comes with a high EQMoststudentsdo an IQ testearlyin theirschool career.Even iftheynever see their results, they feel that their IQ is _determines_well they are going to do in life. When they see other students_(do)_(well)thanthem,theyusuallybeli

2、evethatthosestudents have _higher IQ and that there is nothing they can do_(change) facts.However, new researchinto EQsuggeststhatsuccess_(be) not _ (simple) the result of a high IQ.While your IQ tells you _intelligent you are, your EQ tells you_wellyouuseyour_(intelligent).ProfessorSalovey,_invente

3、dthetermEQ,_(give)the_(follow)_(describe): At work, it is IQ _gets you _(hire)but itis EQ_gets you_(promote)._(support)by hisacademicresearch,ProfessorSalovey_(suggest)thatwhen_(predict)someonesfuturesuccess,theircharacter,as_(measure) by EQ tests, might _(actual) matter _(much) thantheir IQ.Profess

4、orSalovey may be correct.For example,have you ever wondered_ some of the smartest students in your class, _you think_(deserve)good grades,sometimes end up _(fail)examsPerhapstheir_(fail)isbecause _theirlowEQ.People areoften_(mistake) in _(think) that those with high IQs always havehigh EQs _well. Th

5、is association can exist, but it is just aspossibleforsomeone with a low IQ _(have) a highEQ or someonewitha high IQ _(have) a low EQ.I tis_(general)believed_peoplewith highEQs areopen_newideas and have positiveattitudes_life.They are alsoless _(like) to _(trouble) by problems. On _other hand,there

6、is little doubt _ people with low EQs often have problems_(get)onwithotherpeopleand_(deal)with difficultsituations;thustheyhave a _(hard)time_ (survive)in life.People _(general)believe thata person s IQ _(determine)by birth. However, most social scientists agree that EQ has a lot to do_education.Som

7、e aretryingto study the _(possible)of_(improve)a person s EQ, _ (especial)interms _“peopleskills, such as_(understand) and _ (communicate).Professor Mayer, _(recognize) by many as a _(lead) expertinthestudyof changes topeople s EQs, _(recent)_(announce)the result of a study _senior high school stude

8、nts. When normalstudentswere introduced_ students _disabilities,they foundthat, afterwards, the normal students were more _(will) to helppeople_difficulties.They alsoshowed a better_(understand)ofthedisabledstudents feelings_(compare)tostudents_had not been _(involve) in the study. There was also an

9、obvious change in the disabled students attitudes. They became morepositive about life and more _(will) to try new things.The results of studies such as these show that EQs is as important,if not more important than IQ. _(get) ahead in the world and leadahappysuccessfullifemeans _(get) onwithotherpe

10、opleand_(be) able to understandand react_situationsinthebestwaypossible.This requires a highEQ-the _(high)the_(good).Andthe fact that it might be possible to raise EQs means that schools needto make sure that their students are receiving the education they really need, and know that their futures ar

11、e not _(entire)_(determine) by their IQs.Lesson 4 First impressionsThe day that I met my best friend _the first time, I was fullof _(anxious).Iwas tryingtodo some _(revise)foranimportantoralexam inthe locallibraryand peoplekept_(disturb)me. I was getting more and more _ (annoy) and of course, the mo

12、reupset I got, theless Iwas able_ (concentrate). The last straw waswhen I heard someone_(sing)behind me. The singingwas _loudthatIcould even recognizethesong! Iturnedaround and glared_theperson_was singing.Itwas a tallgirlaboutthe same age as me andshe had a big smile_her face. She was standing_a bo

13、ok_herhands near the “EnglishLiterature section.She looked_ _a literarytypeandseemed very_(interest)in_shewas reading.Iglanced_the book s cover. It was a book of Tennysons poems.The fact _she looked like a _(sense), _(friend) girldidn t matter.If anything,itmademe even _(angry).In fact,I msurprised

14、there wasn t steam _ (come) out of my ears!I picked up my books, glared_her and whispered _(angry),“Thanks_yournoise,I vebeen unabletostudy.Youresoselfish! I still hate _(think) of that moment. Let me tell you the restof the story though.Because I left the library_such a hurry, I left my most import

15、anttextbook _. It was only_I got home two hours later_Irealized I d forgotten it and there_nothing I could do_thelibrarywas closed.Iwas_upset thatI almost cried.Just then,thephone _(ring). I answered it and a gentle voice introduced thespeaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane. After _(confirm) that

16、Iwas, Jenny said that she had noticed I d left my book in the libraryand_mynamewas in it,shed asked a _(library)to get my phonenumber from theirfiles.She saidthatshe didn tlive faraway and couldbring it around for me if I needed it.I sighed with _(relieve)and agreed to meet her attheconveniencestore

17、down theroad.Iwas sograteful!Of courseyouveguessed_Jenny was. She was the girl I had shouted _for singing. WhenI recognized her in the convenience store, I was filled with shame andapologizedseveraltimes_myrude_(behave).Ifeltso_(guilt),butJenny justlaughedand told me she was gladtosee thatI d also l

18、eft my glare in the library! I couldnt help _(laugh)at this and I invited her back_my apartment for a quick cup of tea.Wegot along reallywelland ever sincethen we _(be) best friends.Were very much alike and we tell each other everything. _(be)honest,I trusthermore than anyone else.I oftenthinkhow _(

19、luck)I am. If Jenny hadntbeen a kindperson who was willing_(forgive)my shortcomings,I_(will)neverhaveexperiencedsuchtruefriendship.Unit 14 CareerLesson 3The Road to SuccessAs a child,WangJunyan never dreamed of_(become) a famous personon TV. “Ineverthought about going on TV because my family didn te

20、venhave one_ I was injuniorhigh school! she explained.NowWangJunyanis the _(present)for Universe TV s news programmes. I asked her_she had achieved success and she told me that _(be) curious,_(work) hard, and _(believe) in _was true made her thesuccess she is today.“It was my mother_taught me to be

21、curious. She had a great loveof everything in the universe and she taught me to be _(interest)inmankind and nature,everythingfrom plants_ insects, Junyan toldme. “We would look in old nests to find birds feathers and we wouldeven turnover stonesto lookatthelittle_ (create)there.Iloveddoing that, rem

22、embered Junyan. She said,“M y mother was a strongcharacter.Although there were lotsof difficulties_(overcome), shenever let her problems defeat her. She worked _(extreme) hard tosupport me through school and during my time at Fudan University inShanghai. Her attitude _ life will never stop _(influen

23、ce)my _(think) and _(act).After _(graduate) from university, Wand Junyan became a reporterfora localnewspaper. She saidshe chose to be a _(journal)becauseitis important_ peoplegrasp_isgoing on around them. Iaskedher if there was any special moment _made her realize this and shereplied_it was after s

24、he was asked to inspect an illegal business.Her report helped the people_had been affected and it also helpedthe government inspect the company and catch the _(guilt) people.“That is when I realized the_(import)of being a journalist,said Junyan.“_(write)that report wasnt easy, but I realized_peopleneeded to know and so I didnt give up,Junyan told me. This paid offbecause she won an award for the report. “I discovered then that as I am _(commit) and never give up I will be able to produce highas longquality reports. That s exactly

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