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初中英语 基本词汇语法解析 以字母c开头的单词.docx

1、初中英语 基本词汇语法解析 以字母c开头的单词以字母c开头的单词Ccabbage kbd n. C, U洋白菜,卷心菜Ihateeatingcabbage.我讨厌吃卷心菜。cake kek n. C, U糕,饼,蛋糕Yes,Iatesomecake.是的,我吃了一些蛋糕。His parents will buy him a birthday cake tomorrow. 他父母明天将给他买一个生日蛋糕。【常用搭配】 a piece of cake轻而易举的事情moon cake月饼tea cake茶点make a cake制做蛋糕bake a cake烘蛋糕cream cake奶油蛋糕cale

2、ndar klnd n. C日历,日程表You cancirclethis weekonyourcalendar.你可以在日历上把本周圈点起来。call kl v.呼喊,呼叫,称呼;拜访,访问;打电话n. C喊声,叫声;电话,通话I heard someone calling my name. 我听见有人喊我的名字。He said he would call again later. 他说他以后再来电话。Please call me a taxi. 请给我叫一辆出租车。call sb. sth.= call sth. for sb. 为某人叫喊某物His friends call him To

3、m. 他的朋友称他为汤姆。call sb. . 称呼某人【常用搭配】call for要求,需求;接某人,取某物call onsb. 访问/拜访某人call at sp. 访问某地call in召集,召来call back 回电;收回make a phone call打电话give sb. a call给某人打电话call up打电话给;使想起,提出call out出动;大声叫唤calm km adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的vt. 使平静;使镇定vi. 平静下来;镇定下来Heansweredwith acalmvoice.他以平静的声音回答。Hehas totake sedativestocal

4、mhernerves.她必须服镇静剂来使她的神经镇定。How dowecalmit down?我们怎样让他平静下来?【易错警示】calm, quiet, still与silentcalmcalm : 普通用词,既可指天气、海洋等的平静状态,又可指人的镇定沉着、不慌乱,不受外界影响和情绪支配。The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.quietquiet : 普通用词,指没有喧闹、活动或骚乱的寂静状态。Please keep quiet while I take your photograph.stillstill : 指平静而

5、又安定的状态。His health has turned all the better for him after a still。silentsilent : 普通用词,指缄默不语或无声无息。He was silent for a moment, and then began his answer.camel km()l n. C骆驼Peoplehad totravelbycameloron foot.人们不得不靠着骑骆驼或者步行去旅行。camera km()r n. C照相机,电视摄像机 Her grandmother lent her a camera for a school trip

6、 to Egypt. 她的祖母借给她一部相机,让她在学校组织的到埃及的旅行中使用。Many families have digital cameras now. 现在大多数家庭都有数码相机。digital camera 数码相机camp kmp n. C, U露营;军营;v. 露营,宿营 We camped near the beach. 我们在海滩附近宿营。They went camping in the wild. 他们在野外露营。go camping 野营度假can kn v. (表示能力)能,会;(表示可能性)可能 ;(表示许可或请求)可以 WhatcanIdoforyou? 我能帮你

7、什么忙吗?Can I stay here till five oclock? 我可以在这里待到五点吗?Wecantlivewithoutair. 没有空气我们就不能生存。It cant be our English teacher. She has gone to Beijing. 那不可能是我们的英语老师,她去北京了。Canada knd n. C加拿大Canadian knedn n. C加拿大人adj. 加拿大(人)的candle knd()l n. C蜡烛Thecandlewasblownout bythe wind. 蜡烛被风吹灭了。 candy kndn. C, U糖果OnEast

8、er Sundaymorning,childrenhunt fortheeggsandall kinds of candies. 在复活节的早上,孩子们就可以寻找彩蛋和各式各样的糖果。There are five pieces of candy on the desk. 桌子上有五块儿糖。cannibal knb()l n. C食人肉者cap kpn. C软帽,帽子The windblewmycapoff.风把我的帽子刮跑了。易错警示】cap与hatcapcap一般刚好能罩着头部,并且没有帽边,但一般会有帽舌(如一般的棒球帽)。是指男用无帽檐但常有帽舌的软帽或便帽,如解放军叔叔所戴的军帽,警察

9、叔叔所戴的警帽。hathat的形状就很多变了,可能有帽边也可能没有,但通常都比cap要大。是指有檐的帽,如我们平常所戴的用来遮太阳的帽子;或是英国绅士所戴的高顶礼帽( )capital kpt()l n. C首都,省会;大写字母Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。Please write in capitals/ in capital letters. 请用大写字母书写。captain kptn n. C领袖;队长Wemadehimcaptainofourfootball team. 我们推选他为我们足球队队长。car k n. C轿车;火车车厢

10、ThiscarismadeinChina.这辆汽车是中国制造的。Americanslike togo outbycar.美国人喜欢乘汽车外出。bycar乘汽车card kd n. C卡片,贺卡;扑克, 纸牌She sends me a card on my birthday. 她在我生日那天送了一张贺卡。 Heres my card. You may need me. 这是我的名片。你可能会需要我。When they are free,they often play cards in their room. 他们空闲时,常在房间里打扑克。play cards打扑克care ke v. 关心,注

11、意;照料,照顾:喜欢,想要U关怀,照料;谨慎,忧虑You should do your homework with more care. 你做作业应该更加小心!His son took care of him when he was ill. 当他生病时。他的儿子照顾他。take care of 照顾,照管I dont care to play computer games. 我不想打游戏。care to do sth. 想要做某事,多用于否定和疑问句中【常用搭配】take care注意,小心care about担心,关心care for关心,照顾;喜欢【知识拓展】caring adj. 体贴

12、人的,关心他人的careful kefl; -f()l adj. 仔细的,谨慎的Whateverwedo, wemust becareful. 无论我们做什么,必须要细心。You should be careful about/ of your English pronunciation. 你应该注意你的英语发音。be careful about/ of 当心,注意Be careful that you are not lare for school. 注意上学别迟到。be careful +that从句 注意Be careful not to make mistakes. 小心不要弄错。be

13、 careful to do sth. 小心做某事【知识拓展】carefully adv. 小心地carefulness n. 小心careless kels adj. 粗心的,麻木不仁Acarelessdriverisadangertothepublic. 粗心的驾驶员对于公众是一种危险。carry kr v. 携带,佩戴;提,抱,背;搬运,运送She carried her son to the car. 她抱着儿子向车走去。 把搬到Carry on with your work while Im away. 我不在时你要接着干。carry on with sth. 接着

14、做某事,继续干某事We should carry out the plan immediately. 我们应该立即把这个计划付诸行动。carry out 执行,落实carrot krt n. C胡萝卜cartoon ktun n. C动画片,卡通片Ilikethiscartoon.我喜欢这幅漫画。case kes n. 情况,实情;案件,病例Inanycase,wecouldhalvethebenefit. 在任何情况下我们都将利益均分。in any case无论如何【常用搭配】in case万一,假使in case of万一,如果发生,假设in this/ that case既然这样/那样i

15、n no case决不cat kt n. C猫,猫科动物They keep a cat in their home. 他们在家里养了一只猫。【知识拓展】rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨A cat has nine lives. 谚猫有九条命。catch kt(caught, caught) v. 捉住,接住,逮住;赶上(车),染上(病);撞见,发现 Where did you catch the fish? 你在哪儿捕到了这条鱼?Welldo our best tocatchupwiththeadvancedworldlevels. 我们将努力赶上世界先进水平。catch up

16、 with 赶上Tom caught a cold last week. 汤姆上周感冒了。catch a cold 感冒He caught hold of the rope and pulled. 他抓住绳子拉。catch hold of 握住,抓住cause kz n.原因,起因;事业,目标;v. 提出,引起;使遭受,给带来Helivesfor nothing buthiscause.他只为自己的事业生活。You have caused trouble to all of us. 你给我们大家都惹了麻烦。cause trouble to sb. 给某人造成麻烦This car has cau

17、sed me a lot of trouble. 这辆车给我带来许多麻烦。cause sb. sth. =cause sth. to/ for sb. 给某人带来某物His illness caused him to miss the game. 他因病不能参加比赛。cause sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事【易错警示】cause与reason causecause用于表示具有明显因果关系的原因。reason有时能与cause换用,但上下文必须有能够查得出的或可以解释得出的因果关系。Every effect must have an adequate cause. 每一种结果都必须

18、有充分的原因。reasonreason通常含有“理由”的意思。They are trying to find out the reason (or cause) of the terrible fire. 他们正在努力查寻那次可怕的火灾的原因。CD ,si: di: n. C激光唱片,只读光盘,存储器CD-ROM si:di:rmn. 只读光盘;存储器ceiling sil n. C天花板,顶棚celebrate selbret v. 庆祝,举行Its my birthday. Lets celebrate! 今天是我的生日,咱们庆祝一番吧!【知识拓展】celebration n. 庆祝,庆祝

19、会cent sent n. C分,一分钱【知识拓展】1 dollars=100 centscentral sentr()l adj. 中心的,中枢的;主要的,重要的centre sent(美:center)n. C中心,中央;中点,圆心They live in the centre of the city. 他们居住在市中心。in the centre of在的中心century sentr n. C百年,世纪 Wehaveenteredthe21stcentury. 我们已经进入了21世纪。certain st()n adj. 确信的,注定的,有把握的;某种,一定的 We are not c

20、ertain whether they will come on time or not. 我们不能确定他们是否能按时来到。be certain+wh-从句 肯定/确信I am certain he will come. 我确信他会来。be certain +that 从句 确信She is certain to win an Oscar. 她肯定会赢得奥斯卡金像奖的。be certain to do sth. 肯定会做某事Are you absolutely certain about/ of this? 你对这事绝对确信无疑吗?be certain about/ of sth. 对某事有把

21、握【常用搭配】make certain弄清楚for certain 毫无疑问,肯定地,有把握地certainly st()nl adv. 无疑地,肯定地;当然,好的Youcancertainlyusemydictionary. 你当然可以用我的字典了。Will you go with me now? 你现在和我一起去好吗?Certainly./ Certainly not. 当然可以。/当然不行。用于回答问题,强调肯定或否定ceremony sermn n. C典礼,仪式The openingceremonywas afine spectacle.开幕式典礼是个壮观的场面。chain ten

22、n. C, U链子,链条He wears a fat gold chain around his neck. 他脖子里戴了一条粗大的金链子。chair te n. C椅子;主席,主席职位 Putitonthischair.把它放在这把椅子上。He has been appointed to the chair of sociology. 他受命任职社会学教授。chairman temn n. 会议主席chalk tk n. C, U粉笔The teacher is writing on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 老师正在用粉笔在黑板上写字。ch

23、allenge tln(d)v. 向挑战,怀疑n. C, U挑战,考验We should challengeourmindandbody. 我们应挑战我们的思想和身体。Hestoodup tomeetthechallenge. 他站起来继续迎接挑战。meetthechallenge迎接挑战chance tns n. C碰巧,机会,可能性Givemeachance. 给我一个机会。 I met him in the street quite by chance. 我在街上很偶然地遇见了他。by chance 偶然的,意外地Nowtheyhaveachancetoproveit. 现在他们有机会证

24、明这一点。haveachanceto do sth. 有机会做某事He never misses a chance of dancing. 他从不错过跳舞的机会。Hedecided totakeachance. 他决定冒险一试。takeachance冒险change ten(d) v. 变化,转变,改变;n. U找回的零钱,找头;C变化Wecannotchangethe past.我们无法改变过去。Water can change into water steam. 水可以变成水蒸气。change into变成,把变成Here is your change. 这是给你的零钱。character

25、 krkt n. C, U人物,角色;性格,特性I amnotfamiliar withhischaracter.我不了解他的性格。Ireallylikedthescriptandthecharacter.我真的很喜欢那剧本和角色。chant tnt n. 吟诵词v. 唱The people in the church are chanting a Christmas carol. 教堂里的人们正在唱圣诞颂歌。cheap tip adj. 廉价的,小气的Thecarwentverycheap. 这车卖得非常便宜。Oh, please, Dad, just this once dont be c

26、heap. 哦,求求你,爸爸,就这一次,别小气嘛。【知识拓展】反义词:expensivecheaply adv. 便宜地,廉价地cheat titv. 欺骗,骗取Why didyoucheatin theexam? 你考试的时候为什么作弊?The salesman cheated him of all his money. 那销售员把他所有的钱都骗到了手。cheat sb. of sth. 骗某人某物He cheated her into believing him a rich man. 他骗她相信他是一个富翁。cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事check te

27、k n. C检验,核对;支票v. 核查,查明Pleasecheckoutthesenamesandnumbers. 请把这些姓名和号码检查一下。check out检查,核对Herletterenclosedacheck. 她信函内附有一张支票。You must check in an hour before the plane leaves. 你必须在飞机起飞前一个小时办理登机手续。check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记,验票cheer t n. C欢呼,愉快;v. 喝彩,为加油Ilike tocheer. 我喜欢欢呼。Letsgo tothefootballgameandcheerforou

28、rschoolteam. 咱们去看足球比赛,为我们的校队呐喊助威。cheerfor为欢呼,喝彩;给加油The crowd cheered both teams on. 观众为双方的球队欢呼加油。cheer on 为加油Cheer up! Dont be so worried. 高兴点儿!别担心。cheer up! 高兴点儿,(使)振作起来 cheese tiz n. C, U干酪,蜜饯,奶酪Switzerlandisfamous foritsmilkandcheese. 瑞士的牛奶和奶酪是非常出名的。chemistry kemstr n. U化学;吸引力;化学过程ImajorinChemist

29、ry. 我的专业是化学。【知识拓展】chemical adj. 化学的chemist n. 化学家,药剂师chess tes n. C国际象棋He was playing chess with his uncle. 他在和伯父下象棋。play chess下象棋chest test n. C大箱子;胸腔, 胸,胸部He crossed his arms over his chest. 他在胸前交叉双臂。Helpmeliftthechestup onthetable.帮我把这个箱子搭到桌子上。chick tk n. C小鸡Iwant tolearnhow toraiseachick.我想学习怎样养小鸡.chicken tkn

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