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1、新视野大学英语综合训练1答案Key Unit 1 PART 0NE:VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I1eagerness 2frusation 3communication 4instructor 5continually 6activities 7wonderful 8requirements 9commitment 10effective 11discovery 12personally 13successful 14absolutely 15unforgettable1allow for 2reflecting upon 3communicate with 4give

2、 up 5get access to 6is far from 7became aware of 8come across 9participates in 10keep up with 11now that 12remind her of 13on the part of1probable 2probably 3open 4quickly,wonderful 5quiet 6motionless 7rich 8frightened 91iving 10alive 1 1unconscious 12unconsciously1A 2C 3B 4B 5C 6A 7B 8B 9C 10C11B 1

3、2C 13B 14A 15C16B 17A 18B 19A 20C V1B改为did I realize。副词only后接when引导的时间状语从句时,主句用部分倒装 的形式。 2A改为reminds me of。remind sbof sth是固定搭配。3D改为make friends with,此为固定短语。4A改为had not seen,表示对过去事实的虚拟。5A改为After I have read。分词短语在句中没有自己的逻辑主语。6B改为from。应该用die from,强调死于外因,而die of侧重死于内因,如疾病等。7B去掉and。由without引导的介词短语表示伴随情况

4、,直接修饰前面的主动词。8B改为some。the others用于指除以外所有的人或物。9A改为which,引导非限定性定语从句。关系代词that不能引导非限定性定语从句。10D改为sending。suggest后接动名词做宾语。PART TWO:TRANSLATION I(For reference)1他渴望有机会参加各类活动。2我在哪里可以把美元兑换成英镑?3既然你已知晓她对此事的态度,你打算怎么办呢?4他不仅越说越准确,而且也说得更流利了。5我不知道他是偶然还是有意做了这件事。6学生们从英语学习中直接受益。7他们发觉房间里有股怪味。8电视节目使我对英语国家有了深入的了解。9由于我国南方发

5、生了严重的洪灾,我们应考虑到货物会延迟到达。10你为何放弃了大学学习?(For reference)1Not only does the work give me an insight into the customs there,but it also helps me make many friends2Playing tennis is good exercise as well as fun3ThereS nothing worth reading in this newspaper4Do you feed like going to the movie?5Now that the r

6、ain has stopped,you can start offout6He doesnt know whether she is in Britain or she has gone to Italy7Just as 1 was getting out of the carmy foot caught on something and I fell8It seemed that there was nothing else in the world that was worth doing9We should encourage our students instead of throwi

7、ng cold water on them10In my opinionthe struggle was far from overPART THREE:READING COMPREHENSION 11.M 2.L 3D 4I 5K 6B 7F 8O 9G 10A IIPassage 1 1D 2A 3C 4B 5A Passage 2 1B 2C III_(For reference) Passage 1 1for the purpose of learning 2.Because some teachers dont grade every assignment3minimum instr

8、uction 4During office hours5Teacherstudent relationships in the USAPassage 2 1The advantages of online courses2Attitude,skills and commitment3Four to six hours per week4more willing 5visual barriers PART FOUR:WRlTlNG IGeneral Writing(For reference) MY heart jumped when I heard the announcement that

9、the train would soon amve at thestation Like other passengers,I began tO cOllect my things and put my towel,apples and other things into my bagTo the tune of a beautiful song the train pulled intO the statiOn andstopped at a platform After I walked out of the train, I was carried forward into anunde

10、rground passage and then into a big hall As I stepped out Of the stationI saw thebright autumn skies of BeijingII.Practical Writing(For reference)1To Mrand MrsGates Many happy returns on your tenth wedding anniversary May your happiness increase with age Yours truly, Sally2Dear Janice, You make me t

11、he happiest man in the worldOur loverows stronger witheach passing year Happy ValentineS Day! With love BillUnit 2 PART 0NE:VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I1.thoroughly 2individually 3tunelessly 4patience 5.repeatedly 6usually 7disgusting 8Evaluation 91ucky10curiosity 11possibility l 2argument13guidance 1

12、4consistency 15additional1bursting into 2reach for 3get rid of,over 5get across 6Turn up 7feel like 8is concerned about 9awakened to10check in 11In any case 12in turn131ook to 14rather costly a 2How pretty a 3clear clearclearly 4prettily 5.pretty 6right 7rightly 8wide 9widely10.fairl

13、y 11fairly 12deaddeadly1B 2A 3C 4B 5A 6B 7C 8A 9A 10C11C 12B 13A 14C 15A16B 17C 18B 19A 20AV1B改为take。在“it is necessary”后面的从句应用“(should+)动词原形”。2A cant应改为can。hardly本身具有否定含义。3C and应改为but。4A改为As he is。分词的逻辑主语与主句中的主语不一致。 5A改为Everyone。anyone多用于问句或否定句。 6C改为after discussing。 7D去掉介词to。belong to是“所有权等方面的归属”;表

14、示“应被放置在某处” 时,belong常与地点副词连用。 8C改为spoken English。 9D改为except when。except是介词,不能单独引导从句。 10A改为died。 PART TWO:TRANSLATlON I(For reference) 1她依次与每位客人交谈。 2不管怎样,我会先打电话给你,然后再作最后的决定。 3她不仅白天有一份做职员的工作,晚上还做清洁工。 4在等候参加驾照考试时,约翰想出了个计划。 5如往常一样,汤米又忘记在出去玩之前把床整理好。 6该书讲述了作家的生平和作品。 7玛丽近来一直很紧张,突然大哭起来。 8在你去欧洲之前,我们想与你商量一下。

15、9农民和野营者对下雨的看法不同。 10大多数年长者不喜欢太吵的现代音乐。 II(For reference) 1While walking down the street,I noticed a police car in front of the building 2Planes can avoid each other by moving up and down as well as by changing course to left or fight 3SheS not opposed to making changes which are necessary 41 was caugh

16、t in the rain on my way homeAs a result,I had a bad cold 5He burst into a loud fit of laughter when he heard the joke 6On weekends,the supermarket is not as crowded as usual 7I always prefer starting early rather than leaving everything tO the last minute. 8They have at last awakened him to the diff

17、iculties their team faces 9It took me a month to get rid of my smoking habit10At that time I was very nervous and failed to get my message acrossPART THREE:READING COMPREHENSlON 11E 2K 3H 4C 5G 6A 7M 8D 9O 10J IIPassage 1 1C 2A 3D 4B 5B Passage 2 1A 2A llI.(For reference)Passage 11each age gives him

18、2new things 3free to do what they wish to4Children have their own pleasures and pains5He must work hardPassage 21The causes of the generation gap2At an early age3a gap4valued5skills and abilitiesPART FOUR:GENERAL WRITING(For reference) The decision to keep a pet can cause a major change in a familyS

19、 lifestyleSince petsrequi re attention,family members have to be willing to give up some of their free time tocare for themPets depend on people to keep them clean,wellfed,and healthyTherefore,families must arrange to have someone care for the animal when they go away on vacation,and,if the animal i

20、s sick,take it to the vetIf a dog is selected as a pettime has to be setaside for walking and exercising itPets are fun but helpless,and consequentlyare a bigresponsibility to the familyPractical Writing(For reference)1 May 4Dear Lucy, Its a pity that I didnt meet you when I came to see youIve somet

21、hinimDortant to tell VOUPlease call me any time between 2:00 and 7:00 tomorrowafternoon Mike2. March 5Dear Ann, I arrived here last night by planeIm staving at Room 808,Holiday InnPlease come over and have a chat JudiUnit 3 PART ONE:VOCABULARY AND STRUCTUREI1enable 21aughter 3information 4occasional

22、ly 510cation 6apparently 7knowledgeable 8interruptions 9complaints10envious l 1reluctance 12severe13aid 14elderly 15patience1adjusted to 2started out 3subject,to 4broke out 5See to it that 6came to 7called for 8turned out 9clung to10made it1from going 2into helping 3from going 4out of marrying 5into

23、 believing 6from attending 7from being 8for having 9onfor winning10into marrying 1 1for breaking 12with destroying1A 2C 3C 4A 5B 6C 7A 8A 9B 10C11B 12B 13C 14A 15A16C 17A 18C 19B 20CV1A改为had he。hardlywhen这种句型要求hardly引导的句中主语与助动词倒装。2C改为would have had,表示对过去事实的虚拟。3A改为giving。consider doing sth意为“考虑做某事”。4

24、c改为play。该定语从句的时态应该用一般现在时。5D改为to build。与从句的主语to repair为平行结构。6A改为Even if。even不是连词,不能连接两个句子。7C改为go。let sbdo sth为固定短语。8B改为have my letter typed。have sthdone意为“让他人做某事”。9C改为that。10D改为furniture and equipment,两个词都是不可数名词。PART TWO:TRANSLATION I(For reference)1如果他从事当地的政治活动,就别指望有很多时间留给家人。2他的讲话这么长,以致在座的人都开始犯困了。3他

25、们在生活上依然主要依赖父母的支持。4他醒来后能记得的只有母亲焦虑的面孔了。5你得找个医生看看你的眼睛。6他们已长时间遭受不公正的待遇。7有时,事情的结果并非我们所想的那样。8即使你不喜欢他,你仍可有礼貌一些。9他是穷,但他对自己的生活很满足。10你若多听听老师的话,会取得更大的进步。(For reference)1He is an honest man;I say it,even though I have opposed him2See to it that you are ready for the party on time3It was very clear that the matt

26、er had been paid no attention to4She urged me to accept the doctorS advice5Despite all the difficulties,we completed the task ahead or time6She could not speak,nor could she understand anything we said7When six years old,she began to take care of herself8The water supply is So often complained about

27、 that Im surprised it hasnt been improved yet9It is very hard to make it to the top in show business10Once you get to know everyone elseIm sure you11 be happy herePART THREE:READING COMPREHENSION I1I 2F 3C 4H 5D 6M 7A 8N 9E 10K 11Passage l1C 2A 3D 4B 5CPassage 21D 2C(For reference)Passage 11They are

28、 the least valued2turn it into a gift3When they need something4they listen to it respectfully5regretPassage 2IA card and a ring2she expected to receive cards from others3did what he could to make her happy4Because it was her fatherS last card5Her father and his lovePART FOUR:WRITlNGGeneral writing(F

29、or reference) MrsJohnson is an excellent housekeeper and her children follow her exampleWhenMrsJohnson goes to work,her children work very hard to clean the houseThe oldestdaughter takes all the rugs outside and shakes themThe second daughter does all the dishesShe also goes to the store to buy the weekS groceries,and the food is later put away neatlyThe youngest daughter dusts and polishes the furniture,and the only boy in the family beginscleaning the bathroomWhen the children finish their

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